The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 31
of said City of E1 Segundo, entitled, "An Ordinance of
the City of E1 Segundo, California, regulating the con-
struction, alteration, repairing, demolishing and main-
taining of buildings and other structures within said
City, providing for the condemnation of buildings and
other structures, dangerous to property, life and limb,
and fixing and determining fire limits in and for said
City," passed and approved on the 20th day of Februmry,
19189 by the Board of Trustees be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Section 1. FIRE LIM =S. Those portions
of the City of E1 Segundo, California, included
within the limits hereinafter described shall be
known as and are hereby designated and established
to be Fire District No. 1, Fire District No. 29
and Fire District No. 39 respectively, of said
1 13 45
Fire District No, l shall consist of all that
portion of the City of E1 Segundo included within
the following boundaries:
Beginning at a point where the center line of
Pine Street intersects the center line of that
certain public alley lying and being between the
westerly line of Richmond Street and the easterly
line of Concord Street; thence southerly along the
center line of said public alley to a point where
the southerly prolongation of said center line of
said alley intersects the center lino of El Segundo
Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of
said E1 Segundo Avenue to a point where the said
center line of said El Segundo Avenue intersects
the oenter line of
the southerly prolongation of /that certain public
alley lying and being /the easterly line of Bain
Street and the westerly line of Standard Street;
thence northerly along the center line of said alley
to a point where the said center line of said alley
intersects with the center line of Pine Street;
thence westerly along said center line of Pine
Street to the point of beginning.
Fire District No. 2 shall consist of all that
portion of the City of El Segundo included within
the following boundaries :
Beginning at the northeast corner of Fire Dis-
trict No. 1 of the City of E1 Segundo as hereinabove
fixed and described; thence northerly along the
center line of the alley between Main Street and
Standard Street and parallel with said streets to the
center line of the alley between Mariposa avenue and
Palm Avenue, said last mentioned alley being
parallel with Mariposa Avenue; thence westerly
along the center line of said lest mentioned
alley and its projection to the center line of Main
Street; thence northerly along the center line
of Main Street to the center line of Palm Avenue;
thence westerly along the center line of Palm
Avenue to tIv center line of Virginia Street;
thence southerly along thi center line of Virginia
Street, a distance of 199.83 feet to the projection
of the center line of the said alley between Palm
Avenue and Mariposa Avenue; thence westerly along
the said center line of said alley and its projection
to the center line of Bonita Vista Avenue; thence
southerly along the center line of Bonita Vista
Avenue and its southerly projection to the south-
erly line of Mariposa Avenue; thence southerly
on a line, coincident with the easterly line of
Blocks 1 and 5 of Tract No. 1685, recorded in Map
Book 21 page 98 of naps, records of Los Angela s
County, California, on file in the office of the
County Recorder of said County, and the southerly
projection of seE d line to its intersection with
the city bo andary of the City of E1 Segundo at an
angle point in said city boundary between Grand
Avenue and Holly Avenue; thence southerly along
the westerly city boundary of the City of E1 Segundo
to the northerly line of E1 Segundo Avenue (formerly
Ballona Avenue); thence easterly along the northerly
line of said El Segundo Avenue to its intersection
with the westerly line of said Fire District No. 1;
thence northerly along the westerly line of said Fire
District No. 1 to the northwest corner thereof; thence
easterly along the northerly line of said Fire Dis-
• trict No. 1 to the point of beginning.
Fire District No. 3 shall consist of all that
territory within the limits of the City of El Segundo
and outside of Fire District No. 1 and Fire District
No. 2 hereinabove described. 11
Section 2. That Section 67 of said Ordinance No. 31
so passed and adopted as aforesaid be and the sane is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Section 67. Frame and wooden buildings, except
as hereinafter provided, must be supported upon found-
ations of brick or concrete, and in no case, except
as hereinafter provided, shall said foundations
have footings less than 9 inches in width, nor shall
they be less than 10 inches in height, nor exceed
4 feet in height, unless the width is increased
4 inches, and the above dimensions shall apply
to light one story buildings only with continuous
foundations* Where piers are used they shall have
footings not less than 13 inches square and shall
be 9 inches square at top and shall not be placed
farther apart than 9 feet on centers. Provided,
however, that nothing in this section contained shall
be construed as prohibiting the construction or
erection of garagee,light outbuildings or sheds upon
foundations of brick or concrete. Provided further
that for garages a 2" x 4" Redwood mud sill may be
used on brick or concrete foundation only.
4 4 4
Foundations for two stcrry or two story and base-
meat buildings shall be not less than 13 inches
thick, nor less than one foot in height.
Foundations fcr three story or three story and
basement buildings shall not be less than 17 inehes
thick, nor less than two feet in height.
Foundations shall be placed level throughout,
or where the surface of the lot is uneven, shall
be stepped in sections and each section placed level."
►section 3. That Section 68 of said Ordinance No. 31
so passed and adopted as aforesaid be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Section 68. For one -story bui3dings, the walls
and piers of foundations shall be provided with wood
cap not less than two inches by five inches. The
walls may be constructed with 2x3 studding not more
than sixteen inches on centers, and the height of
the story in the clear shall not be more than nine
feet. The underpinning shall not be less than
2x4 inches and shall not be placed more than 24
inches from centers. All partitions shall be con-
structed of 2x3 studding set not more than sixteen
inches from centers. All interior :calls shall be
lathed and plastered, provided that this clause
does not prevent the use of ordinary wainscot or
paneling commonly used in dwellings, and provided
further that it shall not be necessary to lath
or plaster garages, small outbuildings, or sheds.
Buildings erected under this section shall not
exceed twenty -four feet to the highest point of
the roof. Portions of one -story buildings of a
greater height than above provided for, or such
buildings having attic rooms shall have studding for
exterior and bearing walls thereof not less than
2x4 inches and placed not more than sixteen
inches from centers, and the underpinning shall
not be less than 2x4 inches and placed not more
than sixteen inches from centers.
In two -story buildings the studding for out-
side walls and bearing partitions shall not be
less than 2x4 inches placed sixteen inches from
centers for both stories and the underpinning shall
be one inch thicker than outside studs.
In three -story buildings the studding for out-
side walls and bearing partitions shall be 3x4,
placed not more than sixteen inches from centers
for the first story and the stories above to have
studding the same size as required for two -story
buildings, and the underpinning shall be one inch
thicker than the studs of outside walls immediately
above, and the underpinning for two or three -star y
buildings shall not be placed more than sixteen
inches from centers.
In all buildings where the length of underpinning
exceeds eighteen inches there shall be solid angle
braces not less than two inches thick placed at
all corners and along wa11s at intervals of not
more than twenty -five feet.
In one -story buildings where it is permitted to
place the underpinning twenty -four inches from
centers the floor joists may be placed directly
over the underpinning,, but in all other cases the
floor joists shall be placed not more than sixteen inches
on centers. In no case shall any joist less than 2x6
inches be used, except for stair landings, platforms or
floors of small porches, with short spans.
Double partitions for sliding doors and used as bear-
ing partitions shall have studding not less than 2x3
placed not more than sixteen inches from centers. Where
not used as bearing partitions the studs may be less than
2x3, or for doors requiring pockets not more than forty -
two inches deep, the walls or pockets may be formed of
one -inch tongued and grooved secured in frame and strips
placed vertically thereon to receive lath. Between the
walls for all sliding doors and not more than twelve
inches above the top of finished door, there shall be a
continuous separating header not less than 2x3 inches
and securely spiked to both walls, and on top of this
header there shall be bridging not less than one inch
thick placed between the studding and so placed as to form
a complete closure of the space between plastering.
All openings through partitions and walls, except
openings less than 4 feet in width in one story build-
ings, shall be framed with a double header and truss
over same, or with carrying girder, and all double head-
ers or girders where required shall be securely fastened
to a full length stud and supported upon a separate stud
or cripple, securely spiked to the full length stud.
In all stories where 2" x Ott studdings are required
for outside walls and the bearing partitions are less
than 12 feet apart they may be only of 2" x 3" studding
placed not more than 16" from centers.
Section 3. That Section 99 of said Ordinance No. 31
so passed and adopted as afores,id be and the same is bereby
amended to read as follows:
Section 99. All buildings now erected, or
which may hereafter be erected, or altered, or changed
within the City of E1 Segundo, where fire is to be
used, shall have flues constructed either of brick,
stone or terra cotta, or in lieu thereof, there may
be erected a chimney known as a "Patent Chimney," for
which a United States patent has been issued, and the name
of the patentee and the date of the letters patent shall
be stamped on each chimney so as to be readily seen.
Provided that hotels and restaurants shall in all cases
have brick chimneys. In no case shall a stovepipe enter
the bottom of a chimney, but shall enter at one side and
into an elbow, thimble or projection of the same material
as the flue. All "Patent Chimneys" erected on the inside
of a building shall start from the floor of the story in
which used and shall be placed on an iron plate resting
on not less than eight inches of brickwork.
When such chimneys are erected on the outside of a
building they may be placed on a metal plate supported
on iron brackets, and these shall be securely fastened
to studs with bolts and nuts; there must be an opening
provided near the bottom of such chimney for the purpose
of cleaning same, fitted with a fire -proof and smoke -
proof cover. All joints in such chimneys shall be
cemented and all bands filled and made smoke and air
tight. All galvanized iron used in such chimneys shall
be No. 24 iron riveted at intervals of not more than
three inches, or may be seamed with rivet at top and bot-
tom of seams, and stall be ventilated by eight holes not
e �
less than one inch in diameter and made close to the
- top of chimney and above roof, and thare shall be
not less than one inch between the clay pipe and iron
covering, and the opening in roof or ceiling through
which same shall pass shall be closed with an iron
plate or other fireproof material, and said chimney
shall be placed so that no part will be nearer than
one and one -half inches from woodwork, and shall be
secured to framework with wrought iron bands secured
to studs.
Brick or patent flues erected without the fire
of Fire District No. 1,
limits /and when the height does not exceed twelve feet,
may be built upon a platform supported by timbers
placed vertically and extending to firm foundation
and of sufficient strength to safely support one ton.
When the height of any chimney exceeds twelve feet,
the same shall extend to the ground, or if patent
flue is used same shall extend to floor.
All chimneys shall be carried up at least four
feet above the point where the same leaves the roof,
and should said chimneys be deemed unsafe by the '
Board of Trustees, either to the building containing
same or to an adjoining building or buildings, they
shall be carried up to a point at least four feet
above the extreme height of any buildings so endanger-
No chimney shall be built in a frame building so
as to increase in size from the foundation, nor shall
they be so increased in any building unless ample
provisions are made for supporting same.
No boiler of any kind shall be placed under any
flue in any building.
1 4 i
All brick or stone chimneys shall be plastered
smooth on the inside or shall be lined with terra
cotta lining and finished in such manner as to
close all joints and crevices; and no such chimney
shall have any joist or timber resting on or enter-
ing the same further than will leave at least eight
inches between the end of such timber and the inside
of the flue.
No smoke flue shall be less than fifty square
inches in area and such flue shall not have more
than one inlet, except as hereinafter provided;
for each additional inlet the area shall be in-
creased at least 25 per cent. No "Patent 0himney"
shall have more than one inlet nor shall any patent
chimney have an inside diameter of less than six
inches. Bake ;q oven flues shall not be less
than twelve by twelve inches in the clear, and
shall be surrounded by brickwork not less than eight
inches thick. The inside four inches of all
boiler flues for boilers of more than twenty -five
horse -power shall be of fire brick, laid in fire
clay mortar, for a distance of twenty -five feet in
any direction from the source of heat, and shall
have the area and height of such flue in proportion
to the grate surface. Provided, that kitchen flues
may have two inlets, consisting of one sIx -inch and
one five -inch thimble, where it is desired to use
said five -inch thimble for heating stove."
Section 4. That a new section shall be and the same
hereby is added to said Ordinance No. 31 so passed and adopted
as aforesaid, to be numbered Section 103 *, which shall read
as follows:
"Section 103 *. Nothing in this Ordin-
ance contained shall be construed as prohibiting
the erection of frame dwelling houses or structures
within the limits of Fire District No. 3 upon con-
tinuous foundations of either brick or concrete,
provided, however, that it shall be unlawful to
hereafter construct or cause to be constructed a
ceiling made of cloth or bur -lap, or other similar
material in any building or structure within the
limits of the City of El Segundo."
Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be
published by one insertion in the El Segundo Herald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, publish-
ed and circulated within the said City and which is here-
by designated for that purpose.
This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after the final passage thereof.
Passed end approved this 21st day of
City Clerk.
President of the Board of
Trustees of the City of
E1 Segundo,
SS .
I, VICTOR D. McCAftTHY, City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the fore-
going Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 51 , was passed
by the Board of Trustees of said City, signed by the
President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk.,
all at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st
day of May , 1919, and that the same was pas-
sed by the following vote:
AYES: Trustees Smiley, Ward, Work, and Martin.
NOES: Trustees None.
ABSEE T : Trustees Bryson.
City Clark of the City of
El Segundo.