ORDINANCE 45ORDIMUTCE i40. i« AN ORDIEANCE OF TI: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIi'ORi1IA, AL idDIITG ORDIi -._UXE EO. 12 OF SAID CITY EITTITL'ED "AiT ORDIITAiTCE 0�' Th:;. CITY OF SE-UNDO, I�ICEidS- 11i "T' AND Ri:GULA 211. G CE:.TAliT ZIrTDS OF BUSI.l , .SS TF.AITSACTED STD CAz._;IM OIT I!T SAID CITY AND i'I1I1T'G A PEITAL �'Y 'OR 7I0LiLT ION T.7uFt :OF" , PAS.`. Oi�T THE 14th DAY OF i,ZiLRCH, 1917. The Hoard of Trustees of the City= of El Segundo do ordain as follows: SECTIOIT 1. That Section 17 of Ordinance 11o. 12 of the City of El Segundo, California, entitled, "A11 01;DI11L; CE 02 THE "ITY 02' LL SE13U! DO, t.ITD REGULtLTIl, � CE: TAI!+ �iIl:DS OF 33USI= ESS TRAIISACTED ; iTD C . 0!T I� S ID CITY ii:I LD 2r,lTALTx -,'OR VIOLA - TIOi; T- �REOF ", passed on the 14th day of March, 1917, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 17. For conducting any street stand for the selling of any goods, wares or merchan- dise, other than food or food stuffs for human consumption on an7 rtio.. -f V-r- public stree.s e Cit;,, of El Segundo, ;,5.00 per month, provided that no license small be issued for any such stand until a pern:it has first been obtained from the Board of Trustees, and that the applica- tion for such permit must be accompanied by the written consent of the o-aner or occupant of the premises abutting immediately upon that portion of the street which the applicant desires to use; - 1 - and further �provided that the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to grant or re- fuse such permit under this section in its discre- ti on." SECTION 2: That Section 22 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed on said 14th da;T of liarch, 1917, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 22. For every- person, firm or cor- poration carrying on t:ie business of a packing house, packing goods other than food or food stuffs for human consumption, during the time they are in actual operation, X3.00 per quarter." SECTIOI: 3. That Section 26 of said Ordinance ITo. 12 passed as hereinabove set forth, be and the same is 'hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 26. For every ;person, firm or cor- coration conducting, managin- or carrying on any hotel or lodging house containing more than ten sleeping rooms, $1.00 per quarter." SECTION 4. That Section 28 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed as hereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 28. For ever- person, conducting or carr;yiLa on the business of peddling any kind of Goods, wares or iierchandise, other than food or food stuffs for human consumption, afoot, X5.00 per month or ;1.00 per day." SECTION 5. That Section 30 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed as hereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: M i, "Section 30. For every person, firm or cor- poration conducting or carryins on the business of peddling goods, wares or merchandise of any kind, excepting food and food stuffs for human consumption, from a wagon or vehicle, for each wagon or vehicle, 9"4.00 per quarter or '1.50 per month, provided that each of such wagons or vehicles shall be designated by a number to be car nished by the City Clerk and placed thereon in the manner above specified; provided further that a person holding a license under this Section shall not be permitted to remain in or permanently occupy any one place upon the public streets, but shall only have the right under such license to travel along the street in the usual and custom- ary manner in order to carry on such business." SCTIOIy 6. That Section 31 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed as )ereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 31. For every person, firm or cor- poration doing business as a transient merchant in said city, which shall include all merchants doing business at a fixed place of business for a period of less than thirty consecutive days, and who do not deal exclusively in food or food stuffs for human consumption, 9"2.50 per day." SECTION 7. That Section 32 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed as hereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 32. For every Berson conducting or carrying on the business of soliciting orders for - 3 - paintings, pictures, portraits, photographs or orders for advertising, or orders for the sale of any E: -id of goods, wares or merchandise except food or food stuffs for human consumption when not in conjunction with carrying on any store or fixed place of business for ^rhich a license is held here - ander, 9'5.00 per month; provided that no license shall be required for any person whose business is limited to the sale of goods, wares or merchandise at ,,holesale, or to the soliciti:al of orders for the same at wholesale." SECTIOid 8. That section LIo. 35 of said Ordi- nance iL ,. 12 passed as Liereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 35. For ever;;- person, firm or cor- poration conducting or carrying on any business of any 'Kind whatever not hereinbefore designated, or conductirn.- or cari-yi ng on any business in any store or place where goods, wares or - aerchandise of any 1.ind, nat,ire or description are sold, ex- cepting, persons, firms or corporations dealing exclusively in or conducting or carrying on any business dealing exclusively in food or food pro- ducts for :-.uman consii- motion, '3.00 per quarter." T=_at it is the intention of the Board of Trus- tees of said City, during t::e present war in which the United States of Lnerica is now enraged, to exempt from the payment of any license fees under this Ordinance businesses dealinz solely and exclusively in food or food stuffs for human consumption, thereby subserving the public i:iterest and necessitZ, of said Cit;;r during - 4 - a time of war. - ,0 SECTIOid 9. That Section 11 of said Ordinance No. 12 passed as hereinabove set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 11: (a) For ever77 person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of con - tractia;, maintaining, using or leasing bill boards or sign boards, or posting, sticking, tacking­, affixing or painting bills or signs or both upon tr.e same, X10.00 per annum for eac': suc;, bill board or silzn board payable in advance, provided however, that before any bill board or sio-n board riay be erected upon any premises within t-ie City of E= Segundo, appli- cation shall be first :lade to the zoard of - castees of said city for a y ;ermit so to do, ,,rnicIa said application shall show the name and address of the applicant; a sketch of the pro - -posed bill board or sign board; a specification of r:.aterials of whicl: the same is to ce con- structed; and a descri�otion of the premises aeon ;; iiic the ease is pro ,)osed to be located. Said application shall be filed with the City Clerk pi said city, and shall be by him de- livered to the Board of -'ructees at the next re=zlar meeti.. thereof after the filing of the sane. Said 3oard of ::r,_istees, ,.ion co,,sideration of s°,i1 a-oolication, inaL eit -,er alloy or dis- allow said application as the public interest, co.:venience or safet -- of said city in the dis- - 5 - I j0 c-retion of s�,ii board, maZ- require. Upon the allowi•i of clzch appiicati.on, said Board sh;�ll direct the City Cler'Z. to issue a permit there- for, s"-owi — arson- other ratters thereon, the person, firm or corooration to --hom the same is issued, t:,e character of ti_e beard to be erected, the location upon -;:--ich the san-e is to be erected and in addition to and other natter thereon contained shall be pri._ted the yollo;rria�: e Board of Trustees reserves the right to revoke the within oerniit at any time u?on refundi. -iv to t,ie holder thereof the pro rata portion of t�.e license fee paid therefor, whenever in the discretion .-rest w.d .lece: --sit;,, or safet- of said cite- de.iand t-.-,at t--.e same be rei.loved.' ^vhic_- said right is hereby er_,ressl7- reserved to the beard of ir:tstees o said city; provided how - e ; er, teat no p.•erriit for any till board or sign board shall be issued iz.iless the ss,::e is to be ca.-structed of ,alvanized iron or steel of not less t:,an 26 au-e, t;ie bottom of s.,Ad board to st-.n'L :lot lees ti«n one foot above ti-e surface o f t'f e ~round, c..i1d ti1e whole ti_Iereof tc be substan- ti;ally built to -.rithsta-id a :;i-ad pressure of at least 40 miles an hour. t (b) For any i;erson, fir:: or cor,-- .ration co �Jucting or Carr-Ting on t:ze busi_�ess of dis- tributin-, bills, _)osters, dod -ers, cards, samples or other advertisin,3 ratter, over and in the 0 of El Segundo, t%.e license shall be per annum; _)rovided, however, that this section shall not apply to any :Merchant, real estate dealer, or other person having a remilarly established place of business in said City of l Se -undo and enaa5zed in ad- vertisin�7- his o'n: busi °less, Goods or wares; provided further, t:­iat all such advertisi,ia- matter mlist be delivered to house doors, or buildi.i�s, ar-d not scattered upon any of the streets, sidewalks, al =e- Ts, parks or other public )laces within said city; provided further, that all sam_0les co.itaining drugs or Medicines 1r.ust re delivered to some re- sponsible person at an77 house or glace of business, and not left in any yard, or on any ,core h or oublie Mace. SECTION 10. The City Clerh s =fall certify to the paseaPe of this Ordina_ice, and shall cause the same to be published once in the El Seo-undo Herald, a newspaper, printed, published and circul &Lted within the said City of El Segundo, and whic'i is T,ereby desi mated for that purpose. .gassed and , -,) ;roved this S0 da.,- of October, 1918. r^ ry U City Clerk. President of the Board of rus- tees of the Cit'-; of El Sep lndo. - 7 - igj0 STATE OF CALIr'ORIIIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS AUG=S, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUIMO. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, do hereby certify that the fore- Doing ordi:iance, being Ordinance No. 4Z was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said =-oard held on the ZOt=- day of October, 1915, and that the same was passed by the following Vote: AYES: Trustees 1 F 1---* NOES: Trustees ABSFJI T: Trustees Ci y Clerk of he „ Segundo .