The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo do
ordain as follows:
That the official grade of Ballona Avenue within said
City, between the southerly prolongation of the westerly line
of Virginia Street and a point 11.40 feet east of the center
line of the Atchison, Topeka &nd Santa Fe Railway within said
City, be and the same is hereby established upon the "center
line of improvement "hereinafter described as follows:
1. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the west line of Virginia Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade shall be 113.60 feet.
2. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the east line of Virginia Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade shall be 115.25 feet.
3. At a point 50 feet east of the east line of
Virginia Street the grade shall be 118.90 feet.
4. At a point 75 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 120.15.
5. At a point 100 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 121.10 feet.
..,� 6. At a point 125 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 121.80 feet.
76 At a point 150 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 122.25 feet.
8. At a point 175 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 122.38 feet.
9. At a p61nt 200 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 122.40 feet.
10. At a point 225 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 122.20 feet.
11. At a point 250 feet east of the east line of Vir-
ginia Street the grade shall be 121.90 feet.
12. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the west line of Concord Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade shall be 120.92 feet.
13. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the east line of Concord Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade shall be 119.84 feet.
14. At a point 141.25 feet east of the east line of
Concord Street the grade shall be 115.66 feet.
15. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the west line of Richmond Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade shall be 111.93 feet.
16. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the east line of Richmond Street intersects said "center line
of improvement" the grade &all be 111.14 feet.
17. At a point where the southerly prolongation of
the west line of Main Street intersects said "center line of
improvement" the grade shall be 89.23 feet.
180 At a point 10 feet east of the west line of Main
Street the grade shall be 88.50 feet.
190 At a point 20 feet east of the west line of fain
IStreet the grade shall be 88.00 feet.
20. At a point 11 feet east of the center line of fain
Street the grade shall be 88.00 feet.
21. At a point 15 feet east of the center line of
Main Street the grade shall be 87.83 feet.
22. At a point 154.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 76.47.feet.
23. At a point 179.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 75.01 feet.
24. At a point 204.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 73.82 feet.
25. At a point 229.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 72.86 feet.
26. At a point 254.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 72.15 feet.
27. At a point 279.82 feet east of the east line of
Main Street the grade shall be 71.68 feet.
28. At a point 5 feet east of the west line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 71.47 feet.
29. At a point 30 feet east of the west line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 71.50 feet.
30. At a point 55 feet east of the west line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 71.78 feet.
31. At a point 20 feet east of the east line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 72.31 feet.
32. At a point 45 feet east of the east line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 73.09 feet.
33. At a point 70 feet east of the east line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 74.13 feet.
34. At a point 95 feet east of the east line of
Standard Street the grade shall be 75.40 feet.
35. At a point 10.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 90.80 feet.
36. At a point 35.08 feet east of the east line of
Euoalyptue Drive the grade shall be 9249 feet.
4. r
37. At a point 60.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 93.17 feet.
38. At a point 85.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 94.04 feet.
39. At a point 110.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 9400 feet.
40. At a point 135.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 95.14 feet.
Al. At a point 160.08 feet east of the east line of
Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 95.38 feet.
42. At a point 85.02 feet east of the east line of
Arena Street the grade shall be 96.75 feet.
43. At a point 110.02 feet east of the east line of
Arena Street the grade shall be 96.76 feet.
44. At a point 135.02 feet east of the east line of
Arena Street the grade shall be 96.52 feet.
45. At a point 160.02 feet east of the east line of
Arena Street the grade shall be 96.05 feet.
46. At a point 185.02 feet east of the east line of
Arena Street the grade shall be 95.33 feet.
47. At a point 35 feet east of the west line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 90.34 feet.
48. At a point 10 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 89.63 feet.
49. At a point 35 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 89.15 feet.
50. At a point 60 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 88.91 feet.
51. At a point 85 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 88.90 feet.
52. At a point 110 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 89.14 feet.
53. At a point 135 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 89.62 feet.
54. At a point 160 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 90.33 feet.
55. At a point 185 feet east of the east line of
Sheldon Street the grade shall be 91.27 feet.
56. At a point 85.19 feet east of the east line of
Lomita Street the grade shall be 131.86 feet.
57. At a point 110.19 feet east of the east line of
Lomita Street the grade shall be 132.88 feet.
58. At a point 135.19 feet east of the east line of
Lomita Street the grade shall be 133.80 feet.
590 At a point 160.19 feet east of the east line of
Lomita Street the grade shall be 134.62 feet.
60. At a point 185.19 feet east of the east line of
Lomita Street the grade shall be 135.33 feet.
61. At a point 74.68 feet east of the east line of
Bungalow Drive the grade shall be 148.67 feet.
62. At a point 99.68 feet east of the east line of
Bungalow Drive the grade shall be 149.21 feet.
63. At a point 124.68 feet east of the east line of
Bungalow Drive the grade shall be 149.49 feet.
64. At a point 149.68 feet east of the east line of
Bungalow Drive the grade shall be 149.51 feet.
65. At a point 174.68 feet east of the east line of
Bungalow Drive the grade shall be 149.29 feet.
66. At a point 142.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 141.07 feet.
67. At a point 167.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 140.58 feet.
68. At a point 192.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 139.83 feet.
i .
69. At a point 217.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 138.82 feet.
70. At a point 242.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 137.53 feet.
71. At a point 267.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 136.00 feet.
72. At a point 292.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 134.19 feet.
73. At a point 892.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 87.69 feet.
74. At a point 917.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 85.89 feet.
75. At a point 942.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 84.37 feet.
76. At a point 967.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 83.14 feet.
77. ' At a point 992.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 82.19 feet.
78. At a point 1017.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 81.52 feet.
79. At a point 1042.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 81.13 feet.
80. At a point 1067.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 81.02 feet.
81. At a point 1092.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 81.18 feet.
82. At a point 1117.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 81.64 feet.
83. At a point 1142.44 feet east of the east line of
Nevada Street the grade shall be 82.38 feet.
i'L ,
84. At a point 737.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 96.38 feet.
85. At a point 712441 feet Rest of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 97.12 feet.
86. At a point 687.41 feet wart of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade *hall be 97.59 feet.
87. At a point 662.41 feet wart of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 97.78 feet.
88. At a point 637941 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 97.71 feet.
89. At a point 612.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 97.37 feet.
90. At a point 587.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 96.75 feet.
91. At a point 362.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 90.00 feet.
92. At a point 337.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.40 feet.
930 At a point 312.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.11 feet.
94. At a point 287.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.11 feet.
95. At a point 262.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.42 feet.
96. At a point 237.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 90.03 feet.
97. At a point 212.41 feet west of the east line
_ of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 90.96 feet.
j 98. At a point 187.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 92.17 feet.
99. At a point 162.41 feet west of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 93.70 feet.
100. At a point 62.41 feet west of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 100.40 feet.
1016 At a point 47.41 feet west of
the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 101.27 feet.
102• At a point 32.41 feet west of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 101.90 feet.
103. At a point 17.41 feet west of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 102.27 feet.
104. At a point 2.41 feet west of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 102.40 feet.
105. At a point 12.59 feet east of
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 1 the east line
02.54 feet.
106. At a point 27.59 feet east of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 102.98 feet.
107. At a point 42.59 feet east of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 103.70 feet.
108. At a point 57.59 feet east of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 104.71 feet.
109. At a point 312.59 feet east of
Of Arizona Drive the the east line
` grade shall be 124.37 feet.
110• At a point 337.59 feet east of
Of Arizona Drive the the east Line
grade shall be 126.16 feet.
111. At a point 362059 feet east of
Of Arizona Drive the the east line
grade shall be 127.65 feet.
112. At a point 387.59 feet east of the east line
Of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 128.87 feet.
113. At a point 412.59 feet east of the east line
Of Aritona Drive the grade shall be 129.81 feet.
114. At a point 437.59 feet east of f
Of Arizona Drive the � e east line
grade shall be 130.45 feet.
115. At a point 462.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 130.83 feet.
116. At a point 487.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 130.91 feet.
117. At a point 512.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 130.71 feet.
118. At a point 537.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 130.22 feet.
119. At a point 562.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 129.46 feet.
120. At a point 912.69 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 116.73 feet.
121. At a point 937.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 115.90 feet.
122. At a point 962.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 115.21 feet.
123. At a point 987.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.68 feet.
124. At a point 1012.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.30 feet.
125. At a point 1037.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.08 feet.
126. At a point 1062.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.00 feet.
127. At a point 1287 *59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114,00feet.
128. At a point 1312.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.09 feet.
129. At a point 1337.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.38 feet.
-9- #
130. At a point 1362.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 114.84 feet.
131. At a point 1387.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 115.50 feet.
132. At a point 1637.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 123.00 feet.
133. At a point 1662.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 123.63 feet.
134. At a point 1687.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 124.02 feet.
135. At a point 1712.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 124.17 feet.
136. At a point 1737.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 124.07 feet.
137. At a point 1762.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 123.75 feet.
138. At a point 1787.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 123.17 feet.
139. At a point 1812.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 122.35 feet.
-- 140. At a point 1837.69 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 121.29 feet.
141. At a point 2387.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 95.36 feet.
142. At a point 2412.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 94.31 feet.
143. At a point 2437.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 93.52 feet.
144. At a point 2462.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona give the grade shall be 92.98 feet.
1 145. At a point 2487.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 92.71 feet.
146. At a point 3337.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.75 feet.
147. At a point 3937.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.30 feet.
148. At a point 4287.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.66 feet.
149. At a point 4312.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.79 feet.
150. At a point 4337.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.84 feet.
151. At a point 4362.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.81 feet.
152. At a point 4387.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.67 feet.
153. At a point 4637.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 88.00 feet.
154. At a point 5087.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.28 feet.
155. At a point 5112.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.29 feet.
156. At a point 5137.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.40 feet.
157. At a point 5162.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.63 feet.
158. At a point 5187.59 feet east of the east line
J of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 87.97 Feet.
1 159. At a point 5277.59 feet east of the east line
of Arizona Drive the grade shall be 89.34 feet.
160. At a point 11.40 feet east of the center line
of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway the grade shall
be 89.61 feet.
Elevations are in feet and above the Datum Plane
of the City of B1 Segundo, and refer to points upon the
"center line of improvement" hereinafter described, as
shown upon the plans, profiles and cross - sections of
said portion of Ballona Avenue on file in the office of
the City Engineer of said City.
At all points between the said described points
the grade shall conform to a straight line between said
described points.
Said "center line of improvement" is hereby des -
oribed as follows, to -wit:
Beginning at a point in the Southerly pro-
longation of the Westerly line of Virginia
Street 27 feet South of the Northerly line
of Ballona Avenue; thence Easterly on a line
27 feet South of and parallel with the North-
erly line of Ballona Avenue to the Southerly
prolongation of the Westerly line of Main
Street; thence Southeasterly to a point in
the Southerly prolongation of the center line
of Main Street 30 feet South of the prolong-
ation of the Northerly line of Ballona Avenue;
thence Easterly on a line 30 feet South of and
parallel with the Northerly line of Ballona
Avenue to the Southerly prolongation of the
Easterly line of Center Street; thence East-
erly on a line 20 feet south of and parallel
with the Northerly line of Ballona Avenue to
a point 144.41 feet West of the Southerly pro-
longation of the Easterly line of Arizona
Drive; thence Southeasterly along the line
of a reverse curve composed of two arcs each
of 200 feet radius to a point 20 feet North
of the Southerly line of Ballona Avenue and
44.41 feet East of the Southerly prolonga-
tion of the Eastdrly line of Arizona Drive;
thence Easterly on a line 20 feet North of
and parallel with the Southerly line of Bal-
lona Avenue to the Easterly City Limits of
the City of E1 Segundo.
The northerly curb line of the portion of Ballona
Avenue between the southerly prolongation of the easterly
line of Richmond Street and the southerly prolongation of
the Westerly line of Main street is hereby fixed and es-
tablished at a distance of ten feet south of and parallel
with the north line of said portion of Ballona Avenue, as
the same now exists, and the curb grade upon said portion
of Ballona Avenue shall be, and the same is hereby estab-
lished as follows:
(1) At the intersection of the northerly line of
Ballona Avenue with the easterly line of Richmond Street
the grade shall be 111.14 feet;
(2 ) At the intersection of the northerly line of
Ballona Avenue with the westerly line of Main Street the
grade shall be 89.23 feet;
all as shown upon the plans, profiles and cross - sections
of said portion of Ballona Avenue on file in the office
of the City Engineer of said City.
Curb elevations are in feet and above the Datum Plane
of the City of E1 Segundo, and refer to the top of the curb
at the point where a line drawn from each point mentioned at
right angles to the center line of Ballona Avenue intersects
the curb.
The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this
Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one
insertion in the E1 Segundo Herald, ane"paper of general
circulation printed, published and circulated within said
City of E1 Segundo, California, which is hereby designated
for that purpose, and thereupon and thereafter it shall
take effect and be in full force.
Passed and approved this 24th day of October ,
City Clerk.
President of the Board of Tr'dstees
of the City of El Segundo
1Y {
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the fore-
going ordinance, being Ordinance No.
22 , was
passed by the Board of Trustees of said City, signed by
the President of said Board, and attested by the City
Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Board held on
the 24th day of October , 1917, and that the
same was passed by the following vote:
AYES, TRUSTEES. Coward, LIartin, Smiley, ,'yard and Rueger.
City Clerk of the City of F1 Sundo.