ORDINANCE 20fa , ?:0. 20 taJ? ORDIi'v LiX.E �� -�E C 111 0 EL SL'JGU_1DO _. .y ES- HE D «LII �L.u:l 0�: B:SrABLISIiG r��OIu i=I CH ALL EL:: and be in full force. Passed and approved this day of 1917. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo. .attest ; ' / /! /•. rit`r CI erk. 5 .ATE OF C,�.LIFO L;LL, ) County of Los ,.:lgeles, ) N` City of El Segundo. ) I, Victor D. 1 %:cCarthy, City Clerk or the City of El Segundo, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance, bein Ordinance 2o. c-.fO "ras passed by the Board of ��ru; tees of said la , si,;ned by the Presidelatof said Board ar.d attested by the Cite Clerk, �l7l at a regular meeting of the s.-id Board, meld on the �� day of 1917, and tT1,;t t_ le wane was passed b�, the follo�rin vote .AYES: X =TOES : =RU," TEES, ..BST, ` • n a E5 - Oity Clerk of the City of L1 Segundo.