The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo do
ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. That all elections held in the City Lf
E1 &:gundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, shala
be held in accordance with the general election laws of said
State, so far as the same may be made applicable, and unless
otherwise provided by said laNe each election shall be called,
and notice of the holding thereof shall be given by resolution
of the Board of Trustees of said City duly passed, at a regular
meeting of said Board, at least 15 days before the holding of
-ueh el- action.
SFCTION 2. That such resolution shell set forth the
date upon which the election is to be held; the number and boun-
daries of the election precinct and the location of the polling
places therein; the time of opening and closing the polls; the
names of the officers of the Board of Election for each munici-
pal election; the offices if any to be filled; the propositions
if any to be submitted; that notice of the time and place of
holding such election is thereby given; and a direction that the
City Clerk cause the same to be published as herein provided.
Ileetion Boards shall consiet of such officers as may
be 1= ovided by general or special laws applicable to the election.
SECTION 3. Such resolution shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation published in the said City
of E1 Segundo, if such there be, and if there be none pub-
lished therein, then in some newspaper of general circulation
published in Los Angeles County, California; if published
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