ORDINANCE 12I n ORDI NANCT N0. AN ORDINAi7C7 OF THE' CITY OF EL SFC-IT"7)0 LICETTSI:4G AND REG..'LATING C7RTAI_ "- KIN - -S OF BiTSIN7"S IRAN °ACT"D ANL CARRIED OTd I:; SAID CITY AND FTXI;_G A P7NALTY FOR VIOLATION THEET: DF. The Board of Trustees of the City of 71 Segundo do ordain as follows: .,ection 1. It sha 1 be unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, owner or employee, either for himself or any other -oer•con, or for any body corporate or otherwise, or as an officer of any corporation to commence to carry on within the corporate limits of the City of T'1 Segundo, anal business, trade, calling, profession or occupation, in this Ordinance specified without having first, procured a license from said City so to do, and each and every da -y or fractional part of a day that said busi- nes, , trade, calling, profession or occupation in this Ordinance specified is conducted or carried on without such license shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance; and any person who shall for himself oc for any other person or persons or for any body, corporate or otherwise, commence or carry on such business, trade, calling, profession or occupation aforesaid, without first having procured such license, shall, -,or each violation of this Ordinance be deemed guilty of a middemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than One hundred 010:.00) Dollars nor les-. than Three 0'3.00) Dollars, or imprisoned for a term not ex- ceeding fifty (50) days in the County Jail of Los County, California, or shall be punished by both such fine and imprison- ment, in the discretion of the Court, and the a<< -ount of such license shall be deemed a debt dine to said City of "1 Segundo, and such person shall be liable to an action in the name of the City of -1 Segundo in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the amount of the license of such business, t; ade, calling, profession or occupation, as he shall or they may have engaged in, with costs of suit; and in addition thereto, a penalty of Twenty -five ($25.00) Dollars must be added to the judgment as costs to be collected from the defendant or defendants. Fection 12. It stall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license under this Ordinance for every person liable to pay a license thereunder, duly signed by the President of the Board of Trustees, and the City Clerk, and attested with the City '-')eal, and to state in each license thr, amount thereof, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm or corporation for c,hom issued, the busine. -s, trade, calling, p o fescion or occupation licensed, and the location, -)r place of brrsi_iess where such business, trade, calling, profession or occupation is to be carried on, and the City Clerk shall deliver such license to the City Marshal, who is he-eby constituted the collector of the licenses provided for herein, for collection, taking his receipt for the same, and the Cit-r Clerk shall report to the Board of Trustees at its first meeting in each month, the amount of such licens% so delivered to the marshal during the previous month. In ro ;ase shall any mista6e by the city Clerk in stating the amount of a license prevent or prejudice the collection for the City of Vhat shall be actually due, with all costs, against anyone for carrying on said business without a license, or refusing to pay the license fees specified herein. Section 3. The Marshal shall proceed at once to collect such licenses and shall on or before the first Monday in each month de- liver to the City Clerk all licenses refraining unpaid for the previous month, and also a list of all pe,sons whom he believes not to be on the license list, and who should be charged with the payment of license; and he shall pay over to the City Treasurer all licenses collected by him in said month, taking the City Traasurer's receipt t- erefor in duplicate, one of which receipts he shall file with the City Clerk and said Marshal shall report the amount of licenses collected by him, together with the amount delinquent, to the Board of Trustees at its first meeting in each month. -2- It shall be the duty of the City ClP -r,k, i- mediately after the unpaid delinquent licenses have been delivered to him, to add t'r:e penalty on the same hereinafter provided for. section 4. All licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal currency of the United estates, at the office of the Marshal. A separate license mist be obtcined f r each branch esta,lishment or separate place of busine -.s in which the trade, calling, pro- fession or occupation is carried on, and each license shall authorize the party obtaininp. it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that trade, callink, grofession or occupation descril ^rte in such license, L:_nd only at the location or place of business which is indicated thereby. "ection S. The monthly license in this orriinance provided, shal_1 be due and payable to the city on the first of each month, in advance, from all persons who have for the previous month been licensed to carry on the same trade, calling, professnn or occu- pation, and from all persons who have not been previously licensed for the same trade, calling, profesRlon or occupation, the license sha'_1 r)e due and payable, and must be procured by such persons before commencing to carry on such trade, calling, profession or occupation. mhe quarte -ly license i _ this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the city on the first days of January, ,.pril, July and October, and all such licenses shall expire with the last days of March, Jule, F,eptember and December of each year, but the first quarterly license issued t:. any person, ..s herein provided, shall be issued for the unexpired portion of such quarter, and a proportionate amount shall be charged for the same for such unexpired portion of such quarter. The weekly licenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the city on the Monday of each week in advance. The daily licenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the city each day in advance, _7 The annual licenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and pa-able to the city at the times specified herein, re- spectively, or when not so specified, on the first day of Janu- ary of each year. A penalty of twenty -five (25) cents shall be aided to each license which shall remain unpaid at the end of the calendar month in which such license becomes due, and upon receiving such delinquent licenses, ith such penalty added, from ti,e City Clerk, it shall thereupon be the duty of the Marshal to collect such licence& and penalty, in addition to the amount of license fixed in this Ordinance. Section 6. 7very person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this Ordinance and carrying on a business, trade, calling, pro f'ession or occupation at a particular place of business, shall keep such license posted and exhibited while in force in some conspicuous part of said place of business. every peddler of goods, wares or merchandise shall carry his license with him at all times while engaged in peddling. 'very person driving or having control of any vehicle which is required by this Ordi- nance to be licensed, shall procure from the City Clerk a ticket, or plate bearing a number, which shall at all times be attached to and carried on said vehicle, in such n-anner that said number shall be plainly visible, whetl,er said vehicle shall be in motion or not. All pe-sons, firms or corporations having a license shall produce or exhibit the same when applying for a renewal and when- ever requested to do so by the Marshal o- any police officer of said Cite. Section 7. The Marshal and all-police officers of said City, shall have and exercise the power, first, to make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance; second, to enter, free of charge, any place of business for which a license is required and provided, and to demand the exhibition of such license for the current term of any person engaged or employed in the transaction of such business; and if any pe -son shall then and -4- there fail to exhibit such license, such person shall be liable to the penalty provided in Section 1 of this Ordinance. It is hereby made the dui y of the '_'Marshal to cause complaints to be filed against all persons violating any of the provisions =:f this Ordinance. c ec tion 8. The c 3nvi c ti on and punishment of any 1) arson for transacting any business, trade, calling, profession or occupation without license shall not excuse or exempt such person from the payment of any license, due or unpaid at the time o'f such convic- tion, and nothing contained herein shall prevent a criminal prose- cution for any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 9. The rates of licenses for the businesses, trades, callings, professions and occupations hereinafter named, shall be, and the same are, hereb-- fixed and estal)lished for and within the City of 7-'1 ``egundo, according to the following schedule, and the same shall be paid by all persons, firms or corporations engaged in such businesses, trades, callings, professions or occupations within said city, as follows, towit: section 10. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting or mana,,,ing any place of amusement, roving picture show, entertainment or exhibit /ion other than a circus or tent show, k r per quarter, or ! 00_ per day, provided that whenever the receipts for any exhibition, concert, lecture or entertain - went are to be or will be appropriated to any church or school, or to any religious, benevolent or civic purpose within the City o-' -1 Segundo, there shall be no license charge to the person or persons about to conduct the same. Cection 11.' For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of advertising by posting, sticking, tacking, affixing or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, bill boards, advertising sign boards, buildings or other structures, or the business of advertising by distributing posters, dodgers, or printed advertisements of any kind, K pea per day. -5- Section 12. For every person, firm or ocorporation who sells any goods, wares or merchandise by publir- auction, oG per day. r'ection 13. ror everlr person engaged in the business of carrying on a barber shop, �SO per quarter, r Section 14. For every person en; aged in the business of a book agent, ;T �.�+ per month, or 2� per day. V `'ectior 15. For every person, firm or corporation conduct- ing, managing or carrying on a circus or a tent show or performance of anv kind under canvas where four or more people are employed, per day. fiection 16. ''or every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of dealing i or peddling medicine, or treating diseases of tF-ic human body, who calls attention to his wares or method of treatment or advertises -.he sai-Ie by the use of inusic, entertainment, speecr or otcer device, apon any public street or an -r open unencl_osed or ira ^ant lot, or parcel of land, whether the actual sale of such wares or the taking of such treatment is made upon said premises or elsewhere, the sum of .i_+SL�'_ per day. rectior_ 17. For conducti n- u y street stayed for the selling, CD of any goods, wares or merchandise on any portion of the ,)ublic �D a streets v,ithi.n the City of rl Segundo, 4 per moihth, pro- vided ;hat no license shall be issued for any such stand until a permit ha:, first been obtained from the Hoard of Trustees, and that the app'_ication for pernAt must be accompanied by the wri ten col -,sent of the owner or occupant cf the premises abutting immediatelyupon that portion of the street which the applicant de- sires to use; and further provided that the said Foard of Trustees shall have the right to grant or refuse suct= permit under this �eetion in its discretion. Sec ti on 18. For every person, firm or corporation mane ;'_ _ig or carrying on a bowling alley or box -ball alley, or a similar IM:V business, per quarter, provided that such bowling alley or box ball alley shall be kept closed from o'clock p.m. until &,'QQo' clock a.m. of the next day, and provided further that no license shall be issued under this Section until the poard of Trustees shall have first issued a permit therefor, and that the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to grant or refuse such permit und-.r this section in its discretion, and that said permit or license shall not be transferred without the consent of said Board of Trustees first obtained. Section 19. For every person engaged in carrying on the business of a ring thrower or knife throwing rack, x ball throwing exhibition, ::;� i per day. '"ection 20. For every person, firm or corporation running any cart, dray, express wagon, truck or vehicle for the delivery of freight or goods for hire, where the carrying capacity of such truck or vehicle does not exceed two tons, / � per quarter for eac:i vehicle, and where the carrying ca;)acity of such truck or vehicle exceeds two tons, the license fee shall be per 9�= � or each vehicle, provided that each such cart, dray, express wagon, trick or vehicle shall be designated by a number to be fur- nished by the r'ity Clerk, as hereinbefore provider?. Section 21. For every -person, firm or corpora{, ion conducting or carrying on a merry -go- round, shooting gallery, skating rink, or an;r similar enterprise for ftirnishin� amusement not otherwise mel tioned herein, __ /400' per month, pro- vided that none of said businesses mentioned herein shall be licensed until the Foard of Trustees shall have first issued a permit there- for, and that the said Board of "trustees shall have the right to grant or refuse such permit under this section in its discretion, Section 22. For every person, firm or corporation carrying on a packing house during the time they are in actual operation, �+ o per quarter. Section 23. For every person carrying on the business of 11MAS fumigating or spray =inar, per quarter. ,)ection 24. For every person who carries on, practices or profesFes to practice the business or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, card reading, fortune telling, cartomacy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, crystal gazing, hypnotism, mediumship, prophecy, augury, divination, magic or necromancy, an�i who dP? ~ands or receives a fee for the practice, exercise or exhibition of his art therein or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, per r day . `7ection 25. For evert* person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of a printing or publishing house, ado per quarter. Fection 26. For every person, firm or corpo atior conducting, managing or carrying on any hotel, boarding house or lodging ho•ase containin I more than ten sleeping rooms, or carrying on the business of a restaurant or lunch counter, per quarter. ection F:7. For every pe son enga�eci in or carrying on the business of selling real estate on commission, or of making loans on com ?nission, where such persoi carries on such business for him- self or as a member of or agent or solicitor for ;Anil firm, corporation, or other person engaged in such business, = per quarter. Section 28. For every person co ducting or carrying on the business of peddling any kind of goods, wares or merchandise afoot, �10 , po - , _- per day. Section 29. Por every pei,son, firm or corporation conducting a liveriT stable or garage, " ,�_- per quarter. I section 30. For everIT person conducting or carrying on the business of peddling fruit, vegetables or any kind of goods, wares or merchandise not otherwise specified herein, from a wagon or vehicle, for each wagon, '� per quarter, or .� = per month, provided that each of such wagons or vehicles snail be designated by a number, to be furnished by the City Clerk and placed thereon in the manner above specified; provided further that a per- son holding a license under this section shall not be permi tted to -B- remain in or permanently occupy any one r.lace upon the public streets, but shal3 only have the richt under such license to travel along the street in the usual and customary manner in order to carry on such business. Section 31. For every person, fix�n or corporation do- ing business as a transient merchant therein, which shal.i include all merchants doing business at a fixed place of business for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, $ per day. Section 32. For every person conducting or carrying on the business of soliciting orders for paintings, pictures, portraits, photographs or orders for advertising, or orders for the sale of any kind of goods, wares or merchandise, when not in conjunction with carrying on any store or fixed place of business for which a license is held hereunder, $_ S _� per month; provided that no license shall be required for any person whose business is limited to the sale of goods, wares or mer- e bandise at wholesale, or to the soliciting of orders for the same at wholesale. Section 33. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of jpnk dealer or the business of junk collector f of himself or any other per- con, � .� per month, or 4 / !! —o_ „ _ per day. Section 34. For every person, firm or corporation con- ducting, managing or carrying on the business of keeping or con- ducting any billiard, bagatelle or pool table, or tables, the eun 0 per table per . Provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to re- lieve the necessity for any permit required by ordinance or ]a w to conduct any such business. Section 35. For every person, firm or corporation corn ducting or carrying on any business of any kind whatever not hereinbefore designated, or conducting or carrying on any business in any store or place where goods, wares or merchandise of any -9- o� kind, nature or description are sold, 0 per quarter. Section 36. Nothing in this ordinance shall be con- strued as imposing a license tax on, or otherwise regulating or restricting foreign or interstate commerce, and any business or portion thereof which is embraced in the term "Interstate Com- merce" or in the tern; "Foreign Commerce" is not made subject to a license by this ordinance. Section 37. All licenses issued under this ordinance, or any Section thereof, are granted and accepted by all parties receiving licenses, with the express understanding that the Board of Trustees may revoke the same at any tiLae, if satisfied that any of the conditions of the license or terms of this ordi- nance have baen violated, or that the license was obtained by fraudulent representations, or that the holder of any such li- cense is an unfit person to be trusted with the privileges granted by said license; provided, however, that no license shall be revoked without first giving the holder an opportunity to ap- pear before the Board in his own behalf. On the revocation of the license, no part of the money in the hands of the City shall be returned, but such license fee shall be forfeited to the City. When a license of any person is revoked for any cause, no new or other license shall be granted to the same person, within six months from the date of such revocation. Section 38. Any person, firm or corporation taking out a license under this ordinance, and holcing any unexpired li- cense heretofore issued by the City Clerk for the same business, shall upon surrender of such former license to the City Clerk be entitled to credit on such new license issued hereunder, for the pro rata amount paid for the unexpired portion of such former license. Section 39. The City Clerk shall certify to the paseag e of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once -10- r •a• in thF '-1 e2 indo 'Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, pu',1i:;hed Ord circ,,,lated within tale said or 7'1 - egurido, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. Passed and approved this., day of i z, 17. Presider11 or t`,e Poard of Trees of the City of T1 °e -undo ATTEST: , Cite Clerk. y -ii- STAT". 0I;' CALI. FORIIIk ) C our ty of Los Ancre�es ) ss. city of rl °•egundo ) I, "Actor D. I,,'cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of 71 Segundo, do hereby certify* t.lat the foregoing ordin,, nce, bei=ng Ordinance No. vices passed by the R-oard of Trustees of the City of -1 Segundo, signed by the President of said 7= oarfl, and attested b• the City ri erk, all at a regular meetin,; of said Board held bn the d y of _ 1 17, anc. that the same Was ;gassed by the following trots AYEC, Trustees N072, Trustees ABS7TT , Trustees i -C-i t Clerk of the City of 1 S do, -11-