ORDINANCE 11ORDINANCE NO._1 q AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTABLISHING RULES FOR THE PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; FOR COUDUCTING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TiiEREOF; FOR COM- PELLING THE ATTENDANCE OF .iBSENT i.rMCIBERS AND FOR THE PUNISH - MENT OF 2J1Y °ERSON FOR DISORDELLY BEHAVIOR ,iT ANY I1,1EETING. The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinances may be introduced by reading their titles only which will constitute their first reading. All ordinances shall be given a second reading, which shall be in full, before their final passage. SECTION 2. The order of business before the Board shall be as follows: Roll Call Reading of Mlinutes Written Communications Oral Communications )Public Safety )Finance and Records Report of Standing Committees. .)Public Service )Public Works Report of Special Committees Unfinished Business Paying Bills New Business Adjournment The above order of business may be suspended by a majority the vote of Board for the accommodation of non - residents, who may have bus- iness before the Board, or for any other purpose. - 1 - SECTION 3. Any member of the Board or other person using profane, vulgar, loud or boisterous language at any meeting of the bard or otherwise interruoting the proceedings, who refuses to be seated or to keep quiet when ordered so to do, by the President, or President pro tem of the Board, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pun - isable by a fine of not to exceed �1�25.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail of Los Angeles County, California, for a period not ex- ceeding ten days or by both said fine and imprisonment in the discre- tion of the Court. It shall. be the duty of the City I%:arshal upon order of the presiding officer to eject any such member or person from the Board Room. SECTION 4. In case a quorum should not be present at any meeting and important business remains to be transacted or disposed of, any two members of the Board may cause written notice to be served per- sonally upon the other members, directing their immediate attendance, Thereupon the members receiving such written notice shall be required to attend immediately, except in case of sickness or death in their inlmediete -family, otherwise they shall be liable to a fine, penalty or forfeiture to the City of El Segundo in the sum of •,x25.00 recover- able by a civil action in the recorder's Court of s.aicl City. : -C-ION 5. "he proceedings of the l o rd shall be •overned by ".tobert's mules of Order" on all matters !pertaining to parliamentary Law, but no ordinance, resolution, proceeding or other action of the Board shall be invalidated or the legality thereof otherwise affected, by the failure or omission to observe or follow said rules. Qf"r, IO'_T 6. she Cit�T Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo 3erald, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated within the City of E1 Segundo which is hereby designated for that pur- pose, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall take effect and be in full force. - 2 - 0 Passed and approved this day of 1917, President of the Board of Tr stees of the City of E1 Segundo. ATTEST City Clerk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUYMO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, being ordinance No was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, signed by the President of said Board and attested by the City Clerk, all ajta regular meeting of said Board held on the day of ,L!�liin� 1917, and that the same was passed by the following vote: AYES: Trustees 1�OES: Trustees Z2- ABSENT: Trustees ( SEY:L ) - 3 - Y�� City Clerk o= the City of El �--u do