64CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 4772 EXHIBIT E 1992 General Plan Summary of Existing Trends Buildout Land Use Category Acres Dwelling Square Footage Units Single - Family Residential 357.2 2,858 - Two- Family Residential 57.4 934 - 5 6- 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific - 5.65 - 3043 _ _ Plan Multi - Family Residential 119.7 3,389 - Neighborhood Commercial 6.6 85' 89,110 Downtown Commercial 8.8 18' 383,328 General Commercial 37.1 - 1,618,508 Corporate Office 216.6 - 12,539,209 Commercial Center 85.8 - 850,000 Smoky Hollow 94.1 268 2,019,454 Urban Mixed -Use North 232.5 - 13,166,010 Urban Mixed -Use South 70.6 - 3,997,936 124`h Street Specific Plan 3.9 1 73,530 Aviation Specific Plan 5.4 - 66,000 Downtown Specific Plan 26.3 232' 1,145,628 Corporate Campus Specific Plan 46.5 - 2,550,000 199 North Continental Boulevard - - - Specific Plan 1.75 - 70.132 Parking 11.8 - - Light Industrial 356.1 - - Heavy Industrial 1001 - 18,529.000 Public Facilities 87.9 - -` Federal Government 90.6 - - Open Space 78.3 - - Parks 50 - - Street and Railroad R.O. W 442.6 - - Totals 3;494.3 7-1 M 57,097,845 31494.25 8,089 Population Projection 17,287 1 Existing construction and recently constructed, renovated commercial centers and legal non - conforming residential uses at densities that are currently higher than allowed by the land use designations in this plan will not realistically be converted to mixed commercial /residential uses and these buildings are expected to rernain for the life of the Plan. 2 The heavy industrial shown on this plan includes the Chevron Refinery and former Southern California Edison Generation Station. These facilities have processing equipment and tanks rather than buildings and are expected to remain for the life of the Plan. Therefore, no estimated building square footage is shown. 3 This number represents the maximum number of dwelling units that can be developed in Option 1 of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan. If Option t is not built, the maximum number of units that can be developed in Option 2 of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan is 58 residential dwelling units.