The Final Environmental Impact Report for the 540 Fast Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project (State
Clearinghouse #2011071019) identified mitigation measures to reduce the adverse effects of the project
in the areas of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and transportation. Additionally, the Initial
Study for the 540 Fast Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project identified mitigation measures to reduce
adverse effects of the project in the areas of: aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources, geology
and soils, and hazards and hazardous materials.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CIIQA) requires that agencies adopting environmental
impact reports ascertain that feasible mitigation measures are implemented, subsequent to project
approval. Specificallw, the lead or responsible agency must adopt a reporting or monitoring program for
mitigation measures incorporated into a project or imposed as conditions of approval. The program must
be designed to ensure compliance during applicable project timing, such as design, construction, or
operation (Public Resource Code Section 21081.6).
The ;Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (NINIRP) shall be used by the City El Segundo staff
responsible for ensuring compliance with mitigation measures associated with the 540 East Imperial
Avenue Specific flan Project. 'Monitoring shall consist of review of appropriate documentation, such as
plans or reports prepared by the party responsible for implementation, or by field observation of the
mitigation treasure during implementation.
The following table identifies the mitigation measures by environmental resource area. The table also
provides the specific mitigation monitoring requirements, including implementation documentation,
monitoring actiwir', timing and responsible monitoring party. Verification of compliance with each
measure is to be indicated be signature of the mitigation monitor, together with date of verification. "rile
Project Applicant and the applicant's contractor sliall be responsible for implementation of all mitigation
measures, unless otherwise noted ui the table.
City of EI Segundo 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project EIR MMRP