37impacts, air quality impacts during operation, and traffic impacts as a
result of the reduced number of vehicle trips associated with operation of
Alternative 2. None of the significant and unavoidable impacts identified
for the proposed project would be fully eliminated with development of
Alternative Z however, selection of Alternative 2 would still benefit the
ESUSD and the City. In addition to the reduction of project - related
impacts, Alternative 2 would result in the benefit of the construction of
new senior housing, helping to achieve the objective of the City to provide
this type of housing stock, although Option 1 of the proposed project
would best satisfy the Housing Element needs.
Although Alternative 2 was determined to be the environmentally superior
alternative, between project Option 1 and Option 2, Option 2 is
considered to be the superior project option because project Option 2
would generate less average daily trips (ADT) than Option 1 (428 ADT vs.
926 ADT), and would therefore result in reduced operational air quality,
GHG, and traffic impacts compared to Option 1. However, Option 2 of the
proposed project would not result in the benefit of the construction of new
senior housing and assisted living opportunities that would result from
Option 1 of the proposed project.
The City Council finds on the basis of the FEIR and the record of proceedings in this
matter that the unavoidable significant impacts of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific
Plan Project as discussed in Section II.D. above are acceptable when balanced against
the benefits of the Project. This determination is based on the following substantial
public and social factors as identified in the FEIR and the record of proceedings in the
matter. Each benefit set forth below constitutes an overriding consideration warranting
approval of the project.
The proposed project would accommodate the housing needs of the City of El
Segundo including senior and affordable housing as identified in the 2009
Housing Element.
The proposed project would provide necessary income to the ESUSD from the
unused school site.
• The proposed project would replace the vacant and deteriorating elementary
school with well- designed residential development, improving the visual quality of
the neighborhood.
The City Council finds and declares that substantial evidence for each and every finding
made herein is contained in the FEIR, which is incorporated herein by this reference,
and in the record of proceedings in the matter.
The City Council certifies that the Final Environmental Impact Report SCH
#2011071019, dated February 2012, for the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan