36a) Findings The City Council finds that the FEIR and the record of proceedings in this matter describe a reasonable range of alternatives that could feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project. The City Council also finds that the FEIR and record of proceedings in this matter contains sufficient information about each alternative to allow for meaningful evaluation, analysis and comparison of the alternatives. 2. No Project Alternative a) No Project The No Project Alternative represents the status quo; the project site would continue to remain developed with the unoccupied Imperial Avenue Elementary School and no improvements would be constructed at the site. No significant and adverse environmental impacts would occur as a result of the No Project Alternative. b) Finding The City Council finds that the No Project Alternative would fail to meet the objectives of the proposed project as stated in FEIR Section 2.0, Project Description, would not be consistent with the site's zoning of PRD which encourages development of the site with high quality residential housing, and would not accommodate the housing needs of the City of El Segundo, as identified in the 2009 Housing Element. 3. Environmentally Superior Alternative An EIR is required to identify the environmentally superior alternative from among the reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives that are evaluated. In addition to the No Project Alternative, the EIR analyzed Alternative 1 (Senior Assisted Living Facility and Single - Family Alternative) and Alternative 2 (Senior Townhome and Single - Family Alternative). The No Project Alternative was determined to be the environmentally superior alternative as it would eliminate all significant and unavoidable environmental effects; however, CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(e)(2) requires that if the No Project/No Development Alternative is determined to be the environmentally superior alternative, an environmentally superior alternative must be identified among the other alternatives. Accordingly, the environmentally superior alternative would be Alternative 2. While both Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 would achieve all of the stated project objectives, Alternative 2 would generate the fewest number of trips compared to project Options 1 and 2 and Alternative 1. As a result, although the impact conclusions would be the same under both project Options and Alternatives, Alternative 2 would reduce GHG 26