35G. H. available to reduce existing exterior noise levels to a level that would be considered acceptable for residential land uses. Implementation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -6 and MM4.3 -7 would ensure that the existing aviation easement remains in place and future residents are informed of the potential annoyances associated with proximity to LAX, respectively, but does not reduce excessive exterior noise levels. Accordingly, the proposed projects contribution would be considered cumulatively significant. (2) Airport Noise. The proposed project site and the surrounding area is located within the noise impact boundary for LAX and as a consequence future residents of the proposed project would be exposed to existing exterior noise levels that exceed established standards for residents. Future residential projects may also be located within noise impact boundary for LAX, exposing additional residential to noise levels that exceed the normally acceptable development standard due the proximity to the LAX. No mitigation is available to reduce existing exterior noise levels to a level that would be considered acceptable for residential land uses. Implementation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -6 and MM4.3 -7 would ensure that the existing aviation easement remains in place and future residents are informed of the potential annoyances associated with proximity to LAX, respectively, but does not reduce excessive exterior noise levels. As development of the proposed project would result in the exposure of on -site noise sensitive uses to an increase in noise levels, the contribution would be considered cumulatively significant. b) Finding: The City Council finds that the cumulative noise impacts cannot be mitigated to a less- than - significant level and a significant and unavoidable cumulative impact would occur, as identified in the FEIR. Growth Inducing Impacts The City Council finds on the basis of the Initial Study, FEIR, and the record of proceedings in this matter, that there are no growth inducing impacts. Project Alternatives Reasonable Range of Alternatives The proposed project analyzes two project options in equal detail throughout the FEIR and analyzes two potential alternative designs and one no project alternative. Thus the analysis in the FEIR fulfills CEQA Guidelines § 15126.6 which requires that the FEIR "describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives." 25