34• Transportation/Traffic
• Utilities /Service Systems
F. Significant Cumulative Impacts
Air Quality (DEIR)
a) Facts /Effects:
(1) Emissions of Criteria Pollutants (Construction). During certain
phases of construction of Option 1 and Option 2 of the proposed
project, maximum daily emissions of volatile organic compounds
(VOC) emissions would exceed SCAQMD significance thresholds,
resulting in the violation of an air quality standard. SCAQMD
significance thresholds for other criteria pollutants would not be
exceeded. Mitigation measures MM4.1 -1 to MM4.1 -16 intended to
improve air quality emissions generated by construction activities
associated with the proposed project would reduce VOC
emissions but not to levels below the SCAQMD significance
threshold. Because VOC emissions, a precursor for ozone for
which the Basin is currently in nonattainment, would exceed
SCAQMD significance thresholds during construction of Option 1
and Option 2 of the proposed project, the emissions generated by
construction of the proposed project would be cumulatively
considerable and would constitute a substantial contribution to an
existing or projected air quality violation. Therefore, a significant
and unavoidable cumulative impact would occur and no additional
feasible mitigation is available.
b) Mitigations:
Refer to mitigation measures MM4.1 -1 through MM4.1 -16
provided above.
C) Finding:
The City Council finds that the cumulative air quality impact
cannot be mitigated to a less- than - significant level and a
significant and unavoidable cumulative impact would occur, as
identified in the FEIR.
2. Operational Noise (DEIR)
a) Facts /Effects:
(1) Excessive Exterior Noise Levels. The proposed project site
and the surrounding area is located within the noise impact
boundary for LAX. Consequently future residents of the proposed
project would be exposed to existing exterior noise levels that
exceed established standards for residential uses. Additional
residential development within the noise impact boundary for LAX
may occur in the future resulting in the exposure of additional
residents to excessive exterior noise levels. No mitigation is