33within the Project and all subsequent purchasers-must be notified
as follows:
presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is
known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the
property may be subject to some of the annoyances or
inconveniences associated with proximity to airport
operations (e.g., noise, vibration, soot, or odors). Individual
sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to
person. The property is within the 65 db CNEL noise
contour. The property is required to achieve an interior
noise of not more than 45 db CNEL. You may wish to
consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated
with the property before you complete your purchase and
determine whether they are acceptable to you.
In addition, although not required by Civil Code §§ 1103, et
seq., each prospective tenant of leased residential property
within the Project must also be notified as described above.
C) Finding:
The City Council finds that exterior noise environmental impacts
cannot be mitigated below the threshold of significance for the
proposed project and a significant and unavoidable impact would
occur, as identified in the FEIR.
E. Insignificant Cumulative Impacts.
The City Council finds that the Initial Study, FEIR and the record of proceedings
in this matter do not identify or contain substantial evidence which identifies
significant adverse cumulative environmental effects associated with the 540
East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan Project with respect to the areas listed below:
• Aesthetics
• Agriculture /Forestry Resources
• Biological Resources
• Cultural Resources
• Geology /Soils
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions
• Hazards /Hazardous Materials
• Hydrology/Water Quality
• Land Use /Planning
• Mineral Resources
• Population /Housing
• Public Services
• Recreation