32Segundo Municipal Code, mitigation measure MM4.3 -5 would be implemented, which requires the project applicant to submit architectural plans and a detailed acoustical analysis study (demonstrating that interior noise levels in all residential units would be 45 dBA CNEL or less) for review and approval by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department. Therefore, the proposed project would not expose new residents to interior noise levels in excess of established standards with implementation of mitigation measure MM4.3 -5. However, no mitigation is available to reduce existing exterior noise levels to a level that would be considered acceptable for residential land uses. Implementation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -6 and MM4.3 -7 would ensure that the existing aviation easement remains in place and future residents are informed of the potential annoyances associated with proximity to LAX, respectively, but does not reduce excessive exterior noise levels. Therefore, this impact would be significant and unavoidable because the proposed project would expose future residents to excessive exterior noise levels due to the project site's proximity to LAX. b) Mitigations: MM4.3 -5 Residential units must be designed and constructed to ensure that interior noise levels from exterior transportation sources — including aircraft and vehicles on adjacent roadways — cannot exceed 45 dBA CNEL. In order to ensure that all dwelling units achieve an adequate noise reduction to achieve an interior noise level of 45 dBA CNEL, the following features must be included in the building design and construction of all dwelling units: (1) upgraded dual - glazed windows, (2) mechanical ventilation /air conditioning, (3) exterior wall /roof assemblies free of cut -outs or openings, and (4) ceiling insulation in the top floor of each building to reduce aircraft noise by at least 20 dBA. Before a building permit is issued, the developer must submit architectural plans and a detailed acoustical analysis study prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant demonstrating that interior noise levels in all residential units would be 45 dBA CNEL or less to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. MM4.3 -6 The ESUSD must make as a condition of sale of the proposed project site, that the future owner express acknowledgement and confirmation of the continuing applicability of the existing aviation easement for noise, vibrations, and fumes over the proposed project site property. Notice must include the following language: "NOTICE OF AIR EASEMENTS – This property is subject to air easements that may affect your property rights. Such air easements are recorded with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office as Document No. 80- 55139." MM4.3 -7 In accordance with the Business and Professions Code and Civil Code each prospective purchaser of residential property 22