31MM4.1 -15 The developer must require by contract specifications that materials that do not require painting be used during construction to the extent feasible. Contract specifications must be included in the proposed project construction documents, which must be approved by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are issued. MM4.1 -16 The developer must require by contract specifications that pre - painted construction materials be used to the extent feasible. Contract specifications must be included in the proposed project construction documents, which must be approved by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are issued. C) Finding: The City Council finds that construction - related air quality environmental impacts cannot be mitigated below the threshold of significance for the proposed project and a significant and unavoidable impact would occur, as identified in the FEIR. 2. Noise (DEIR) a) Facts /Effects: (1) Excessive Exterior Noise Levels (Operation). Option 1 and Option 2 of the proposed project would result in the construction of noise - sensitive residential uses on a site where exterior noise levels currently exceed established noise standards considered normally or conditionally acceptable for residential uses due to the project site's proximity to LAX. Mitigation measure MM4.3 -6 would ensure that the existing aviation easement granted to the City of Los Angeles as proprietor of LAX would remain in place with implementation of the proposed project and MM4.3 -7 would ensure that prospective owners and occupants of the project site were adequately informed of the potential annoyances associated with proximity to LAX. However, mitigation measures MM4.3 -6 and MM4.3 -7 would not reduce existing exterior noise levels to a level that would be considered normally acceptable for residential land uses. As such, the proposed project would expose persons to noise levels that exceed established standards. Therefore, impacts are significant and unavoidable and no additional feasible mitigation is available. (2) Airport Noise. The proposed project site is located within the noise impact boundary for LAX and exterior noise levels at the project site currently exceed noise levels considered normally or conditionally acceptable for residential uses. Because the proposed project would result in the construction of new residences on a site within the noise impact boundary, the proposed project is subject to El Segundo Municipal Code § 13 -1- 4 (Residential Noise Insulation Standards) which requires that interior noise levels do not exceed 45 dBA CNEL within new residences. To ensure that the project complies with the El 21