28SCAQMD significance thresholds during construction of Option 1
and Option 2 of the proposed project, the emissions generated by
construction of the proposed project would be cumulatively
considerable and would constitute a substantial contribution to an
existing or projected air quality violation. Therefore, a significant
and unavoidable project -level and cumulative impact would occur
and no additional feasible mitigation is available.
b) Mitigations:
MM4.1 -1 The developer must require by contract specifications
that all diesel - powered equipment used will be retrofitted with
after - treatment products (e.g., engine catalysts and diesel
particulate filters). The engine catalysts must achieve a minimum
reduction of 15 percent for NOX. The diesel particulate filters must
meet USEPA Tier 3 standards. Contract specifications must be
included in project construction documents, which must be
reviewed by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are
MM4.1 -2 The developer must require by contract specifications
that all heavy -duty diesel - powered equipment operating and
refueling at the project site use low -NOX diesel fuel to the extent
that it is readily available and cost effective (up to 125 percent of
the cost of California Air Resources Board diesel) in the South
Coast Air Basin (this does not apply to diesel - powered trucks
traveling to and from the project site). Contract specifications must
be included in project construction documents, which must be
reviewed by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are
MM4.1 -3 The developer must require by contract specification that
all heavy -duty diesel - powered equipment operations at the project
site utilize a phased -in emission control technology in advance of
a regulatory requirement such that 30 percent of the fleet will meet
USEPA Tier 4 engine standards for particulate matter control (or
equivalent) starting in 2013 and for the duration of the project.
MM4.1 -4 The developer must require by contract specifications
that construction equipment engines be maintained in good
condition and in proper tune per manufacturer's specification for
the duration of construction. Contract specifications must be
included in project construction documents, which must be
reviewed by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are
MM4.1 -5 The developer must require by contract specifications
that construction operations rely on the electricity infrastructure
surrounding the construction site rather than electrical generators
powered by internal combustion engines. Contract specifications
must be included in project construction documents, which must
be reviewed by the City of El Segundo before grading permits are