27one lane would remain open at all times to provide adequate
emergency access to the site and surrounding neighborhoods.
Therefore, Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed project would not
result in inadequate emergency access and impacts would be
less- than - significant with incorporation of mitigation measure MM
HAZ -4.
b) Mitigation:
MM HAZ-4 To ensure adequate access for emergency vehicles
when construction activities would result in temporary lane or
roadway closures, the project developer must consult with the City
of El Segundo Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments to
disclose temporary lane or roadway closures and alternative travel
routes. The project developer will be required to keep a minimum
of one lane in each direction free from encumbrances at all times
on perimeter streets accessing the project site. In the event any
full road closure is required, the project developer's contractor
must coordinate with the City of El Segundo Police, Fire, and
Public Works Departments to designate proper detour routes and
signage to appropriate proper access routes.
C) Finding:
The City Council finds that with implementation of identified
mitigation, potentially significant transportation /traffic impacts
related to emergency access would be reduced to a less -than-
significant level as identified in the FEIR.
D. Significant and Unavoidable Impacts That Cannot Be Mitigated to a Less -
Than- Significant Level
The City Council finds that the following environmental impacts were identified as
Significant and Unavoidable in the FEIR. Implementation of the identified
mitigation measures would reduce significant environmental effects to the extent
feasible, but not to a less- than - significant level.
Air Quality (DEIR)
a) Facts /Effects:
(1) Violate Air Quality Standards (Construction). During certain
phases of construction for Option 1 and Option 2 of the proposed
project, maximum daily emissions of volatile organic compounds
(VOC) would exceed SCAQMD significance thresholds, resulting
in the violation of an air quality standard. SCAQMD significance
thresholds for other criteria pollutants would not be exceeded.
Mitigation measures MM4.1 -1 to MM4.1 -16 intended to improve
air quality emissions generated by construction activities
associated with the proposed project would reduce VOC
emissions but not to levels below the SCAQMD significance
threshold. Because VOC emissions, a precursor for ozone for
which the Basin is currently in nonattainment, would exceed