25the City of El Segundo before commencing any construction
Mitigation Measure MMNOI -1 in the Initial Study became MM4.3 -1
in the DEIR.
MM4.3 -2 The developer's construction contracts must require
implementation of the following construction best management
practices (BMPs) by all construction contractors and
subcontractors working in or around the project site to reduce
construction noise levels:
Not less than 10 days before the start of construction, the
developer must mail a written notification to owners and
occupants of all developed properties within 1,000 feet of
the project site. The notification must provide a schedule of
major construction activities that will occur throughout the
duration of the construction period. In addition, the
notification must include the identity and contact number of
a designated community liaison and designated
construction manager who will be available on site to
monitor construction activities during regular working
hours. The construction manager will be located at the on-
site construction office during construction hours for the
duration of all construction activities. Contact information
for the community liaison and construction manager will be
posted on the exterior of the construction office or trailer at
the construction site, at City Hall, and at the City's Police
Department. The notification must also include the
permitted hours of operation and all relevant information
regarding limitations on noise - generating activities.
The developer and its contractors and subcontractors must
ensure that construction equipment is properly muffled
according to industry standards or as required by the
Planning and Building Safety Department, whichever is the
more stringent.
• The developer and its contractors and subcontractors must
place noise - generating construction equipment and locate
construction staging areas away from sensitive uses,
where feasible, to the satisfaction of the Planning and
Building Safety Department.
• The developer and its contractors and subcontractors must
implement noise attenuation measures to the extent
feasible, which may include, but are not limited to, noise
barriers or noise blankets to the satisfaction of the
Planning and Building Safety Department.
MM4.3 -3 The developer's contracts with its construction
contractors and subcontractors must include the requirement that
construction staging areas, construction worker parking and the
operation of earthmoving equipment within the project site, are
located as far away from vibration- and noise - sensitive sites as