24project would result in increased noise levels at the project site compared to existing ambient noise levels at the project site due to the proposed increase in activities on the project site. However, noise generated by the proposed project would not be considered substantial as it would not exceed noise limits established by the El Segundo Municipal Code. Because the proposed project would result in the construction of new residences on a site located within the noise impact boundary for LAX, the proposed project is subject to El Segundo Municipal Code § 13 -1 -4 (Residential Noise Insulation Standards) which requires that interior noise levels not exceed 45 dBA CNEL within new residences. To ensure that the project complies with the El Segundo Municipal Code, mitigation measure MM4.3 -5 would be implemented, which requires the project applicant to submit architectural plans and a detailed acoustical analysis study (demonstrating that interior noise levels in all residential units are 45 dBA CNEL or less) for review and approval by the Planning and Building Safety Department. Therefore, the proposed project would not expose new residents to interior noise levels in excess of established standards and a less- than - significant impact would occur with incorporation of mitigation measure MM4.3 -5. (3) Groundborne Vibration and Noise (Construction and Operation). Temporary construction activities at the proposed project site could expose nearby off -site sensitive receptors (surrounding residential uses) to elevated levels of noise and groundborne vibration due to the use of heavy pieces of construction equipment. However, implementation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -1 through MM4.3 -4 described above would reduce the potential for significant levels of groundborne vibration and noise. Operation of Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed project would not generate significant levels of groundborne vibration or noise in consideration of the types of uses proposed and operational activities, in general. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant with incorporation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -1 through MM4.3 -4. b) Mitigations: MM4.3 -1 The developer's contractor must refrain from engaging in all construction - related activities, including the delivery of construction materials, the loading and unloading of construction equipment, starting the engine ignition, and the repair and servicing of construction equipment and vehicles between the hours of 6:00 PM and 7:00 AM Monday through Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a federal holiday. Construction noise levels must not exceed the noise and vibration standard set in El Segundo Municipal Code §§ 7- 2 -4(C) and 7- 2- 10(D). If construction activities result in the generation of noise that exceeds the noise and vibration standards set forth in the El Segundo Municipal Code, a noise permit must be obtained from 14