23MM HAZ -3 Before project implementation, the developer must
submit Form 7460 -1 (Notice of Proposed Construction or
Alternation) to the Federal Aviation Administration for project
review and approval.
MM HAZ-4 To ensure adequate access for emergency vehicles
when construction activities would result in temporary lane or
roadway closures, the project developer must consult with the City
of El Segundo Police and Fire Departments to disclose temporary
lane or roadway closures and alternative travel routes. The project
developer will be required to keep a minimum of one lane in each
direction free from encumbrances at all times on perimeter streets
accessing the project site. In the event any full road closure is
required, the project developer's contractor must coordinate with
the City of El Segundo Police and Fire Departments to designate
proper detour routes and signage to appropriate proper access
C) Finding:
The City Council finds that with implementation of identified
mitigation, potentially significant hazard /hazardous materials
impacts (as identified above) would be reduced to a less -than-
significant level as identified in the Initial Study.
Noise (DE IR)
a) Facts /Effects:
(1) Construction - Related Temporary Noise. Construction - related
noise associated with Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed project
could intermittently exceed the construction noise limits generally
permitted by the El Segundo Municipal Code. However,
implementation of MM4.3 -1 through MM4.34 would reduce
impacts associated with the exceedance of established noise
limits. Mitigation measure MM4.3 -1 requires the developer to
apply for and obtain a noise permit from the City if construction -
related noise levels exceed established standards. Mitigation
measure MM4.3 -2 requires implementation of noise attenuation
measures, mitigation measure MM4.3 -3 requires construction
staging areas and earthmoving equipment be located as far away
from noise and vibration - sensitive land uses as possible, and
mitigation measure MM4.34 requires haul trucks to be routed
away from residential streets. Even with implementation of
mitigation measures MM4.3 -1 through MM4.3 -4, noise levels may
occasionally exceed established noise limits; however, these
impacts are temporary. Therefore, construction - related noise
impacts are considered to be less than significant with
incorporation of mitigation measures MM4.3 -1 through MM4.3 -4.
This is MMNOI -1 as identified in the Initial Study.
(2) Generation and Interior Exposure of Excessive Noise
(Operation). Operation of Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed