21MM4.2 -11 All common -area irrigation areas for the proposed
project must consider systems that are capable of being operated
by a computerized irrigation system that includes an on -site
weather station /ET gage capable of reading current weather data
and making automatic adjustments to independent run times for
each irrigation valve based on changes in temperature, solar
radiation, relative humidity, rain, and wind. In addition, the
computerized irrigation system must also consider the ability to be
equipped with flow- sensing capabilities, thus automatically
shutting down the irrigation system in the event of a mainline
break or broken head. These features will assist in conserving
water, eliminating the potential of slope failure due to mainline
breaks, and eliminating over - watering and flooding due to pipe
and /or head breaks. Documentation of compliance with this
measure must be provided to the Planning and Building Safety
Department for review and approval.
MM4.2 -12 The developer must, where feasible, incorporate
passive solar design features into the buildings, which may
include roof overhangs or canopies that block summer shade, but
that allow winter sun, from penetrating south facing windows.
C) Finding:
The City Council finds that with implementation of identified
mitigation, potentially significant GHG impacts would be reduced
to a less- than - significant level as identified in the FEIR.
6. Hazards /Hazardous Materials (Initial Study)
a) Facts /Effects:
(1) Exposure to Hazardous Materials. Construction activities
associated with Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed project could
result in the exposure of construction personnel and the public to
airborne lead -based paint, dust, asbestos fibers, mold, and /or
other building contaminants, and unidentified hazardous
substances in the soil. However, mitigation measure MM HAZ -1
would ensure that proper asbestos and lead abatement is
conducted before demolition or construction activities occur at the
proposed project site and mitigation measure MM HAZ -2
establishes procedures that must be adhered to in the event that
unidentified contamination is encountered during construction at
the project site. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant
with incorporation of mitigation measures MM HAZ -1 and MM
HAZ -2.
(2) Airport Hazards. The proposed project site is located within the
LAX airport influence area (AIA)' and could result in a safety
hazard for people residing or working in the project area.
However, implementation of mitigation measure MM HAZ -3 which
' Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Commission, LAX Airport Influence Area Map (May 13, 2003).