20exceeds current Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards by a
minimum of 20 percent
MM4.2 -2 Before the City issues a building permit, the developer
must provide a landscape plan that includes shade trees around
main buildings, particularly along southern elevations where
practical, and will not interfere with constraints. Documentation of
compliance with this measure must be provided to the Planning
and Building Safety Department for review and approval.
MM4.2 -3 All showerheads, lavatory faucets, and sink faucets
within the residential units, and where feasible within non-
residential developments, must comply with the California Energy
Conservation flow rate standards.
MM4.2 -4 Low -flush toilets must be installed within all Congregate
Care units as specified in Health and Safety Code § 17921.3.
MM4.2 -5 The developer must ensure that landscaping of common
areas for the proposed project uses drought - tolerant and smog -
tolerant trees, shrubs, and groundcover to ensure long -term
viability and to conserve water and energy.
MM4.2 -6 The developer must ensure that the landscape plan for
the proposed project includes drought- resistant trees, shrubs, and
groundcover within the parking lot and perimeter.
MM4.2 -7 The developer must ensure that designs for the
proposed project include all illumination elements to have controls
to allow selective use as an energy conservation measure.
MM4.2 -8 Before the City issues any certificate of occupancy, the
developer must demonstrate that the proposed projects' interior
building lighting supports the use of compact fluorescent light
bulbs or equivalently efficient lighting to the satisfaction of the
Planning and Building Safety Department.
MM4.2 -9 The developer must consider providing preferential
parking spaces for ultra -low- emission vehicles and alternative
fueled vehicles to encourage the use of alternative fuels and ultra -
low- emission vehicles. Documentation of compliance with this
measure must be provided to the Planning and Building Safety
Department for review and approval.
MM4.2 -10 Before the City issues a building permit, the developer
must demonstrate that the proposed project is designed to
incorporate exterior storage areas for recyclables and green waste
and adequate recycling containers located in public /common
areas. Installation of the identified design features or equipment
will be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building
Safety Department before the City issues a certificate of