19greenhouse gases (GHG). However, implementation of state -
mandated regulations and South Coast Air Quality Management
District (SCAQMD) regulations would reduce emissions to levels
below the SCAQMD Residential Screening Threshold. To ensure
that the proposed project's long term operational GHG emissions
is reduced to the lowest levels feasible and remains below the
SCAQMD Residential Screening Threshold, mitigation measures
MM4.2 -1 through MM4.2 -12 would be implemented, which require
GHG reduction strategies be incorporated into the proposed
project. As both Option 1 and Option 2 of the proposed project
would generate emissions that are below the SCAQMD threshold,
neither project Option would conflict with AB 32 and SB 375, the
statewide policies for reducing GHG emissions. Therefore,
impacts are less than significant with incorporation of MM4.2 -1
through MM4.2 -12.
b) Mitigations:
MM4.2 -1 Before the City issues a building permit, the developer
must demonstrate that the design of the proposed buildings or
structures meets or exceeds the most recent Title 24 Energy
Efficiency Standards, subject to review by the Planning and
Building Safety Department. Documentation of compliance with
this measure must be provided to the Planning and Building
Safety Department for review and approval before the City issues
the permit. Installation of the identified design features or
equipment will be confirmed by the Planning and Building Safety
Department before it issues a certificate of occupancy. The
following design features should be considered by the developer
as a way to achieve Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards
compliance in excess of the minimum requirement:
• Increase in insulation such that heat transfer and thermal
bridging is minimized
• Limit air leakage through the structure or within the heating
and cooling distribution system to minimize energy
• Incorporate dual -paned or other energy efficient windows
• Incorporate energy efficient space heating and cooling
• Incorporate energy efficient light fixtures
• Incorporate energy efficient appliances
• Incorporate energy efficient domestic hot water systems
• Incorporate solar panels into the electrical system as
• Incorporate cool roofs /light - colored roofing
• Or incorporate other measures that will increase the
energy efficiency of building envelope in a manner that
when combined with the other options listed above