18C) Finding: The City Council finds that with implementation of identified mitigation measures, potentially significant cultural resource impacts related to potential archaeological /paleontological resources and human remains would be reduced to a less -than- significant level as identified in the Initial Study. 4. Geology /Soils (Initial Study) a) Facts /Effects: (1) Unstable Soils. In consideration of the sloped topography of the project site, proposed development could be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable and as a result on- or off -site ground failure could occur. To eliminate the potential for on- or off - site ground failure to occur, mitigation measure MM GEO -1 would be implemented, which requires that a site - specific geotechnical investigation be prepared that identifies seismic, geologic, soil, and groundwater conditions at the site and provides recommendations to be incorporated into the plans and specifications of the proposed project. Therefore, a less -than- significant impact would occur with incorporation of mitigation measure MM GEO -1. b) Mitigation: MM GEO -1 A California - licensed Civil Engineer ( Geotechnical) must prepare and submit to the City, a detailed soils and geotechnical analysis of the proposed project before the commencement of any construction activities. The geotechnical report will include recommendations that must be implemented in the design of the proposed project, including without limitation measures associated with site preparation, fill placement, temporary shoring and permanent dewatering, groundwater seismic design features, excavation stability, foundations, soil stabilization, establishment of deep foundations, concrete slabs and pavements, surface drainage, cement type and corrosion measures, erosion control, shoring and internal bracing, and plan review. C) Finding: The City Council finds that with implementation of identified mitigation, potentially significant geology /soil impacts related to potentially unstable soils would be reduced to a less -than- significant level as identified in the Initial Study. 5. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (DEIR) a) Facts /Effects: (1) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (All). Construction and operation of Option 1 or Option 2 of the proposed project would emit