6J. The City reviewed the FEIR for the Project and considered the public
record on the project, including, without limitation, the following:
Staff reports prepared by the Planning and Building Safety
Department and the DEIR and the FEIR prepared by Atkins for the
2. Staff presentations at public hearings and meetings;
3. All applicable regulations and codes;
4. Public comments, both written and oral, received and /or submitted
at or before the public hearings and meetings, supporting or
opposing the proposed Project; and,
5. All related documents received and /or submitted at or before the
public hearings.
K. The FEIR was presented to the City Council, which reviewed and
considered information contained in the FEIR before approving the project
in accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15090;
L. The FEIR generally identifies, for each potentially significant impact of the
project, one or more corresponding mitigation measures to reduce impacts
to a level of insignificance, with the exception of air quality and noise
impacts. The City Council finds that each potentially significant impact
identified in the FEIR is mitigated by its corresponding mitigation
measures to the extent set forth in the FEIR;
M. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15091, the City Council considered
written findings regarding each of the significant environmental effects
identified in the DEIR before certification of the FEIR. The written findings
are attached as Exhibit "A" to this Resolution and incorporated by
reference. Each finding includes a brief explanation of the rationale for
each finding. The FEIR includes mitigations that lessen identified
significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those
effects that can be mitigated. For the two environmental effects that
cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level (Air Quality and Noise)
as identified in the FEIR, the findings attached in Exhibit "A" contain a brief
explanation as to how the mitigation measures substantially lessen the
two substantial environmental effects, and;
N. Because of the effects identified in this Resolution, specifically the creation
of significant environmental impacts as described above, the FEIR found