4F. The subject site is developed with eight single -story brick buildings (22,488 square -feet total) that once served as administrative offices and classrooms for the former Imperial Avenue Elementary School; G. Vehicular access to the proposed facility would be provided from two driveway entrances; primary access would be from East Imperial Avenue for the senior housing community (Option 1) and the multi - family portion of the mixed residential project (Option 2). Primary access for the multi- family portion of Option 1 and the single - family portion of Option 2 would be from Walnut Avenue; H. The proposed General Plan re- designation and rezoning of the Project Site would change the General Plan land use designation from Planned Residential Development to the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) designation and rezone the area from the Planned Residential Development (PRD) Zone to the 540 East Imperial Avenue Specific Plan (EIASP) Zone; and The re- zoning and General Plan re- designation would increase the residential density allowed on the site from 11.5 dwelling units per acre, to a maximum of 53.8 dwelling units per acre in Option 1 or a maximum of 10.27 dwelling units per acre in Option 2. The total maximum development that would be permitted with the proposed General Plan re- designation and re- zoning is 175,000 square feet (0.75 FAR). SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The City Council makes the following environmental findings: A. The City completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for this project. A noticed Public Scoping meeting was held on Thursday July 14, 2011 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15083. A Notice of Preparation of the DEIR was circulated for public review from July 7 to August 6, 2011 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15082. A Notice of Completion for the DEIR was filed with the State Office of Planning and Research on November 3, 2011 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15085. The public comment and review period for the DEIR was open between November 3, 2011 and December 19, 2011 in compliance with CEQA Guidelines §15087; B. The City received one (1) comment letter on the DEIR from a public agency, the State of California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The agency did not challenge the environmental findings or the recommended mitigation measures of the report; 2