CC RESOLUTION 4096RESOLUTION NO. 4096 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 456 (EA -456) AND ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 (PP98 -2) AS FIRST AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 (1`1`1 -81), AT 2101 — 2141 ROSECRANS AVENUE. PETITIONED BY CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Continental Development Corporation, (Applicant) requesting said approval; and WHEREAS, the Applicant requests approval of an amendment to Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) to provide for the following: A. Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e.g., Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street.) B. Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street. C. Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended; and, D. Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended. WHEREAS, the Applicant and the City desire guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -456), including a further analysis of the findings of the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -8 1 (PP 1 -81) has been available for review and consideration by all interested parties, staff, and affected public agencies in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed the application and supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No. 3805); and WHEREAS, on September 24, October 8, and 22, 1998, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2426, recommending approval of the Precise Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, on October 6, 1998, October 20, and November 3, 1998, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, duly advertised public hearings on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, and notice of the public hearings was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTING EA- 456/PP -98 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE 1 WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons present to speak for or against the findings of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and PP 98 -2; and WHEREAS, at said hearings the following facts were established: The project site is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I- 405)]. 2. The project area is approximately 6.33 acres (275,735 square feet). 3. The project is generally bounded on the north by a community driveway that serves Continental Park office buildings, 830 Nash Street, and 841 Apollo Street, on the south by Rosecrans Avenue, on the east by Apollo Street, and on the west by Nash Street. 4. The site is in the western portion of Continental Park. Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses. 5. The site is currently developed with a mixture of commercial, office, restaurant, and parking structure uses. 6. The topography of the site is level and soils conditions are suitable for the existing development. 7. Plant species present are those that are commonly used for landscaping purposes or which have adapted to urban environments. There is no known rare or endangered animal species associated with the Project site, or project locale. 8. The site and immediate project locale, contains no known significant cultural, historical, or scenic aspects. 9. The area surrounding the project site is highly urbanized. Land uses consist of medium scale office, commercial, theater, restaurant, and retail uses. The Manhattan Marketplace Retail Center and a five -story office building housing a credit union are located to the south across Rosecrans Avenue. Beyond the credit union building is the Marriott Hotel with golf and tennis facilities. To the southwest of the project across Rosecrans Avenue lies the Manhattan Village Shopping Center. 10. There are no residential uses located in the immediate project vicinity. The nearest residential uses are approximately 1,000 feet south of the project, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel golf course. 11. The project site is only visible from Rosecrans Avenue on the south, from South Nash Street on the west, and Apollo Street on the east. 12. The existing building, uses and development standards were approved under a Precise Plan 1 -81 (PP 1 -81) in 1981. This project is the first amendment to the original Precise Plan. RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTING EA -456/PP -98 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE 13. A Precise Plan is a term for a development application that is no longer used in the City for new projects. A Precise Plan would now be call a Specific Plan. A Precise Plan amends the zoning map by establishing permitted uses and development standards that apply only to the area covered by the plan. No variances are required for Precise Plans; the approval of a Precise Plan establishes the land uses and required development standards for a project. 14. PP 1 -81 approved the construction of a six -story building (approximately 460,000 square feet) and a nine -level parking structure on April 21, 1981. City Council Resolution No. 3062 for the project did not specifically state the type of uses which would be permitted uses or those types of uses not permitted in the building as part of PP 1 -81. Therefore, at the time of approval, permitted uses were governed by the Underlying Commercial - Manufacturing (C -M) Zone. Current permitted uses are governed by the current Underlying Zone, Urban Mixed Use South (MU -S) Zone, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits. Permitted uses in the future will be governed by any future Underlying Zone for the property, subject to the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and approval and building permits. 15. The City's General Plan designates the project site for Mixed -Use development. The project site is zoned in the Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone. The project conforms with the land uses and development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code. 16. The Applicant and the City have determined that there is a need to establish various guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after considering the above facts, the testimony presented at the public hearings, and study of proposed Environmental Assessment 456 (EA -456) on PP 98 -2 the City Council makes the following findings and affirms the findings of a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts of proposed Environmental Assessment 456 and adopt PP 98 -2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Initial Study performed by the City, based upon the "Initial Study Applicant Questionnaire" filed 8/20/98 concluded that the subject amendments will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and is within the scope of the development limits established by the approval of PP 1 -81, which was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration related to environmental effects, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) No significant environmental related changes have been made to the Development Plan or Development Standards. No further environmental analysis is required; and, 2. That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the proposed modifications to the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment; and, RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTING EA- 456/PP -98 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with any appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimum finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County. PRECISE PLAN That the proposed project is in accord with the purposes of the zone in which the site is located. The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Urban Mixed -Use South (M -U) Zone which allows a broad mix of uses. 2. Precise Plan 1 -81, established the design of the existing facilities and the placement of essential related facilities such as parking, traffic circulation, and loading. Studies prepared by the applicant and review by the City indicate that no significant increase in environmental effects will occur. 3. The amendments are consistent with the purposes of a Precise Plan which, like a Specific Plan or a Planned Residential Development, provides the flexibility to allow for deviation from specific site development standards to achieve the overall design for the site. 4. Land uses permitted by the current Underlying Zone, MU -S Zone, and any uses in any future Underlying Zone are permitted in PP 1 -81, subject to the appropriate CEQA review and approval and building permits. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY That the proposed use is consistent with the following General Plan goals, policies, and objectives. A. The General Plan Land Use Designation for the site, as well as the zoning, is Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S). In accordance with the General Plan, The Urban Mixed -Use South designation allows a mixture of uses including office, hotels and retail. Light industrial uses are allowed with discretionary approval. B. The Urban Mixed -Use South designation is designed to allow for a flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations. The MU -S designation allows an FAR of 1.3, the maximum density allowed in the area, since traffic and air quality impacts associated with higher densities can be more easily mitigated with mixed uses in close proximity to mass transit. Findings must be made that the project is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan in order to approve the project. Interpretation of conformity with the applicable provisions of the General Plan is a policy decision that is at the discretion of the Planning Commission and the City Council. RESOLUTION NO, 4096 ADOPTING EA- 456/PP -98 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE C. The proposed project is in conformance with many General Plan goals, policies and objectives related to Economic Development; Land Use, Circulation and Air Quality. The following Economic Development objectives and policies apply; ED 1 -1.1, ED 1 -1.2, ED 1 -2, ED 1 -2.1, ED 1 -2.2, and ED 1 -2.3, which relate to prioritizing economic development, diversification of an economic base, expanding the retail and commercial base, targeting industries that balance economic development and quality of life goals, and balancing development with resource and infrastructure capacity. D. Many Land Use goals, policies and objectives apply including; LU 4, LU 4 -1.1, LU 4 -1.4, LU 4 -3.1, LU 4 -3.6, LU 4 -4, LU 4 -4.3, LU 4 -4.6, LU 4 -4.7, LU 4.5, LU 7 -1.2 and LU 7- 2.3. These issues relate to providing a stable tax base, providing landscaping, encouraging ground floor retail use in a mixed -use environment, providing synergistic relationships with mixed uses and ensuring a mix of uses in the Urban Mixed -Use area, encouraging alternative transportation modes, providing good accessibility to transportation routes, and requiring adequate public facilities and underground utilities. E. Circulation Element policies and objectives also apply to the proposal including; C 1 -1.13, C 1 -2.1, C 1 -3.2, C 2 -1.6, C 2 -3.3, C 3 -1, C 3 -1.1, C 3 -1.2, C 3 -1.5, C 3 -1.7, and C 4 -1.2. These policies identify the need for full examination of project traffic impacts and complete mitigation, a hierarchy and street classification system correlated to capacity and function, incorporation of off - street loading facilities, facilities designed for easy pedestrian access, pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, evaluation of circulation system impacts, full mitigation of all project - related circulation impacts, integration of transportation with land uses and surrounding environments, requiring developers to pay for mitigation measures, adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes. F. The proposed project is located on a secondary arterial street (Nash Street) which is already substandard in lane configuration compared to the standards established in the General Plan (2 through lanes in each direction with a stripped median instead of three lanes in each direction with a raised median). The proposed project will not impact the existing situation. G. The final policies and objectives which apply to the proposed project are contained within the Air Quality Element including; AQ 7 -1.1 and AQ 12 -1.2, which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PMIO standards and encouraging energy conservation features in new building design. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves PP 98- 2, as follows: Amendment of the approved site plan to reflect previously approved as -built conditions on the site (e.g., Wolfgang Puck Restaurant outdoor dining, McCormick & Schmick's Restaurant outdoor dining area, and valet drop -off area on Nash Street.). 2. Amendment of PP 1 -81 to permit a canopy encroachment into the side yard setback for McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant parking canopy on Nash Street. 3. Amendment of the development standards of PP 1 -81 to include the development standards allowable under the Zoning Code in the absence of a Precise Plan (Underlying Zone) that are not specifically modified by PP 1 -81, as amended; and RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTING EA- 456/PP -93 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE 5 4. Amendment of PP 1 -81 to provide for approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety of minor modifications to PP 1 -81, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves Environmental Assessment EA -456 (EA -456) reaffirming the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for Precise Plan 1 -81, approves Amendment PP 98 -2 and approves the Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards (dated October 5, 1998 and attached hereto as Exhibit A) as guidelines to aid in the administration of PP 1 -81 as amended, subject to the following conditions: I The applicant shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings or suits which challenge or attack the validity of the City's approval of Environmental Assessment EA -456 and Amendment PP 98 -2. 2. In the event any inconsistencies, discrepancies, conflicts or ambiguities arise between Precise Plan 1 -81 as amended and "The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards ", (attached as Exhibit A), Precise Plan 1 -81 as amended shall govern. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4ffi day of November, 1998. Mike tordon, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 4096 was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 0 day of November, 1998, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Gordon, McDowell, Gaines, Wernick NOES: None ABSENT: Jacobs ABSTAIN: None b 4 � � Cindy Morten, City Clerk APPRROD A,�,�O� � : Mail D. Hensley, City Attorn ; P: \projects \451- 475 \ea45 6- cc.res RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTING EA- 456/PP -98 -2 2101 -2141 ROSECRANS THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK PAGE PRECISE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND STANDARDS [PRECISE PLAN 98 -2 (PP 98 -2) AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -456 (EA -456)] CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION' S THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 90245 PREPARED BY: VISTA 1278 GLENNEYRE STREET, SUITE 110 EXHIBIT "A" LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92561 RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ADOPTED: NOVEMBER 4, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. ............................... 1 -1 Background............................................................................. ............................... 1 -1 Project Location and Setting .................................................... ............................... 1 -1 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN ........................................................................... ............................... 2 -1 Introduction.............................................................................. ............................... 2 -1 DevelopmentPlan .................................................................... ............................... 2 -1 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ............................................................. ............................... 3 -1 Introduction.............................................................................. ............................... 3 -1 Site Development Standards .................................................... ............................... 3 -1 Landscaping............................................................................... ............................... 3 -2 Off - Street Parking and Loading Spaces .................................... ............................... 3 -2 Signs........................................................................................... ............................3 -2 4.0 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................. ............................... 4 -1 Introduction.............................................................................. ............................... 4 -1 Precise Plan Administration .................................................... ............................... 4 -1 California Environmental Quality Act Compliance .................. ............................... 4 -2 APPENDICES A. - Resolution No. 3062 Precise Plan 1 -81 — Original City Council Approval B. - Resolution No. 1067 Precise Plan 1 -81 — Original Planning Commission Recommendation EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 ii EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Location .................................................................... ............................... 1 -2 Exhibit2 Local Vicinity ........................................................................... ............................... 1 -3 Exhibit 3 The Plaza at Continental Park - Development Plan .............. ............................... 2 -3 Exhibit 4 The Plaza at Continental Park - Elevation ............................. ............................... 2 -4 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 iii TABLES Table A Key Contact Persons ................................................................. ............................... 1-4 Table B List of Property Owners ........................................................... ............................... 1 -5 TableC Objectives ................................................................................. ............................... 1 -6 TableD Project Statistics ...................................................................... ............................... 2 -5 Table E Off - Street Parking ..................................................... ............................... ...... 2 -6 Table F California Environmental Quality Act Compliance ................ ............................... 4 -2 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 1v 1.0 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Plan and Standards 98 -2 (PP 98- 2) are intended to provide for a more efficient use of land and a better community environment by utilizing more imaginative and innovative planning concepts than are possible under conventional zoning. The precise plan was established to provide specific land uses, and density and intensity limitations on this property. The precise plan takes advantage of the conventional zoning in the establishment of development standards that are based on the City of El Segundo Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) District. PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING The Plaza at Continental Park is located within the southeast portion of the City of El Segundo approximately one (1) mile to the west of the San Diego Freeway [Interstate -405 (I- 405)]. Plaza at Continental Park is approximately 6.33 acres (275,826 square feet). The regional location of The Plaza at Continental Park is provided on Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2 provides a local vicinity map. The Plaza at Continental Park is a portion of Continental Park. Continental Park is bounded by Rosecrans Avenue on the south, Apollo Street on the east, Nash Street on the west, and office buildings on the north. Local jurisdictions bordering or near the precise plan include the City of Manhattan Beach located immediately south of Rosecrans Avenue and the City of Hawthorne located to the east of Aviation Boulevard. The precise plan is in the southwestern portion of Continental Park. Continental Park is a large office and industrial park containing approximately 2 million square feet of office, research and development, hotel, health club, restaurant, retail, and movie theater uses. The Plaza at Continental Park has been historically used for general commercial uses since 1981. The City's General Plan designates the site for mixed use (Urban Mixed Use - South) development. Continental Plaza is located within a highly urbanized environment. The topography of the site is fairly level and contains no unique geologic features. Landscaping is limited to the areas adjacent to Apollo Street on the east, South Nash Street on the west, and along Rosecrans Avenue to the south. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 1 -1 REGIONAL LOCATION VISTA THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK NOSCALE CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 opanga 17 -' West Hoiivwood 405 Beverly Hills, 2 ° Bren tw ood i p1. o$�in:gie:�e$ 27 ° City Terrace ° 1 Pacific Palisades % �i ,/ - 10 710 2 10 ants Monica . a ut er city 110t L`s'Angeles 187 7 405 Commerce o en \ice Marina Del Huntingto n Park Maywood .diey ° lorence o o�g 1 Inglewood Cudahy ^ 1 A2 �' Playa Del Rey , °"" South G e Lax Lennox 4 � . ` - Lynwnotd 105 O EI Segun� p2'OJeCt Site orne W low Brook 710 110 405 Compton f wndate °Gardena ° pa t mount • - °Manhattan Beach � Hermosa Beach tl'r Redondo Beach 1 ° T orrance 1 ' 'ng Car oDo i uez *Clifton ° Lln&lln•,Village t 1t0 € S oPalos Verdes states Signal HID .r�r —[ ° ,. L`omrta ° Ha C f� 710 Rolling Hills Fstates:: t - °Wilmington INK L9n�gcBea�h 7 °11olfing Hills ur Rancho Palos Verdes 47 o an edro C 1995 DeLorame SOURCE' DELoRw REGIONAL LOCATION VISTA THE PLAZA AT CONTINENTAL PARK NOSCALE CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE A KEY CONTACT PERSONS The Lead Agency Contact: Mr. Bret B. Bernard, AICP Director of Planning and Building Safety Planning and Building Safety Department City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 322 -4670, ext 211 Facsimile (310) 322 -4167 Project Sponsor: Mr. Jerry Saunders Vice President - Planning Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 Phone (310) 640 -1520 Facsimile (310) 414 -9279 Consultant: Mr. Fred Talarico Principal Planner VISTA 1278 Glenneyre Street, Suite 110 Laguna Beach, California 92651 Phone (949) 494 -6562 Facsimile (949) 494 -3150 Source: VISTA EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 1 -4 Source: VISTA EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 TABLE B PROPERTY OWNER Continental Development Corporation 2041 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo, California 90245 1 -5 1.0 INTRODUCTION Objectives 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE C OBJECTIVES To clarify permitted land uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Development Plan area. 2. Clarification and predictability of development standards that were not modified by the Precise Plan. 3. Establishment of procedures that will allow future development under the Precise Plan to be competitive, in terms of cost and timing, with similar development elsewhere in the MU -S Zone. Source: Continental Development Corporation EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 1 -6 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Development Plan provides for the development of approximately 6.33 acres. The Development Plan is provided as Exhibit 3, Elevations as Exhibit 4, and the Circulation Plan as Exhibit 5. And as detailed in the full scale drawings on file in the Planning Division. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Permitted Uses Permitted Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20.38.020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Additionally, the following uses are permitted subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety: 1. Incidental uses such as permanent tables, chairs, signs, outdoor retail operations, push carts, kiosks, and other similar outdoor amenities, provided each use is located in the area designated for incidental uses on the Development Plan (Exhibit 3). 2. Additional uses such as outdoor dining in accordance with Section 20.12.190 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Permitted Accessory Uses Permitted Accessory Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20.38.025 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Uses Subiect to an Administrative Use Permit Uses Subject to an Administrative Use Permit in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20.38.030 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Uses Subiect to a Conditional Use Permit Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone, Section 20.38.040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. EXHIBIT "A" 2 -1 RESOLUTION NO. 4096 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Adult Business Permits Adult Business Permits in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone Section 20.38.045 and Chapter 20.80 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Prohibited Uses The Prohibited Uses in The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan are as established by the Urban Mixed -Use South (MU -S) Zone Section 20.38.050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 2 -2 0 � W @I,i" W U e 07rodr i i _._._.- - ---- - - - - -- - - -- --- --- --- --- - --- ----- ---- -- -..... - --- --- - -- --- -� r I o m fn a I I I o i ; � 5 I � a I t 1 I I I • 4ze I si o I I I EXHIBIT "A" i i RESOLUTION NO. 4096 0 � W r O P4 Sao E.1 Q O N W z O Uww h� U Woo W U z r O P4 Sao E.1 Q O N W z O Uww h� U Woo G r. r` i (jf 5 .w t: c._ 9 r i r. r` i (jf 5 .w t: 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE D PROJECT STATISTICS =PROJECT 6.33 ACRES (275,826 SQUARE FEET Source: Continental Development Corporation and City of El Segundo EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 2 -5 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PLAN TABLE E OFF - STREET PARKING SUMMARY Source: t- onunentat vevelopment Corporation EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan Development Standards apply to all uses in the Precise Plan. Except as noted below, all uses within the Precise Plan shall comply with the Site Development Standards in Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, or the current comparable Zoning Code section. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - 20.38.060 A. General Provisions All uses shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. B. Lot Area The minimum lot area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. C. Height Buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. D. Setbacks All setbacks shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3). E. Lot Frontage Each lot in the Precise Plan shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. F. Building Area The total floor area shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 3 -1 3.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS G. Walls/Fences All walls and fences shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. H. Access All access shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. LANDSCAPING - 20.38.070 All landscaping shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as modified by the Development Plan (Exhibit 3). OFF - STREET PARKING AND LOADING SPACES - 20.38.080 All off - street parking and loading spaces shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.080 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Additionally, the following provisions shall apply: 1. Valet parking for any use shall be permitted and encouraged. SIGNS - 20.38.090 All signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 20.38.090 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, except as shown in the approved Master Sign Plan. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 3 -2 4.0 ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTION The Plaza at Continental Park Precise Plan shall be administrated in accordance with the City Municipal Code except as noted herein. PRECISE PLAN ADMINISTRATION Administrative Determinations Administrative Determinations shall comply with Section 20.72.020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. A. Land Use Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to uses in accordance with Section 20.72.020 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. B. Development Standards Determinations The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative determinations related to development standards, provided any administrative relief shall not exceed 10% of any development standard. Administrative Use Permit Filing and Review Process Administrative Use Permit Filing and Review Process shall comply with Section 20.72.040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Decision Decision shall comply with Section 20.72.040 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Findings for Approval Findings for Approval shall comply with Section 20.72.045 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Expeditious Review Process Expeditious Review Process shall comply with Section 20.72.050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 4 -1 4.0 ADMINISTRATION Planning Commission Review Planning Commission Review shall comply with Section 20.72.060 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. Appeals Appeals shall comply with Section 20.72.070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE The Precise Plan was approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines), and City policies adopted to implement the CEQA and the Guidelines. CEQA clearance has been granted by the City as follows: TABLE F CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE Source: City of El Segundo and Continental Development Corporation The CEQA clearance indicated above is not reflective of the maximum square feet permitted by the Precise Plan, which is 358,573.8 square feet (275,826 square feet of lot area times 1.3 FAR = 358,573.8 square feet). Additional CEQA clearance may be granted in one (1) of the following two (2) methods. 1. Exceed Clearance: Approval in accordance with CEQA and City requirements to exceed the thresholds indicated in Table F. 2. Within Clearance: Approval of an administrative finding by the Director of Planning and Building Safety in accordance with Section 4.0 of this Precise Plan. The Director of Planning and Building Safety must find that the proposed use and density /intensity does not exceed the CEQA clearance established in Table F. EXHIBIT "A" 4 -2 RESOLUTION NO. 4096 APPENDIX A Ri:6i)I [J'PIC)'! NO. 3062 ?'e hfiS0i11j"110`7 OF IMIE CITY COU'K'll, OI' .1" lir., CI'P :' OF EL S::GUUDO, CAT,IIPOPINIA, ADOPTING P :ITfI CERTAIN CONDITIONS PRrCISB PLAN NO. 1 -81 FOR PROP ;P.'T Y. LOCATED NORTH OF ROSECPAHS AN'ENUS R"WREN NASH AMD APO_T.T,O STREETS ;'TI ^Tilt] :AID CITY. 1-714 ....P,EAS, unc'.er the provisions of 'Title 20 (The Compre- hrnsive 'Leung Ordinance) of the "E1 Segundo Municipal. Code" an2 the lr :• „s of tine State of California applicable to such matters, Continental Development Corporation has filed its petition for the a�oation of Precise Plan No. 1 -81; and iv!?EFEPS, said Plan is for property located in the City of IEl S:2-undo, COUnt.v of Los Angeles, State of California, more particulariy describet as follows: Parcel -, _r. the City of E1 Segundo, Countv of Los :oneeles, State of California, as shown on Parc_'_ Map No. 12659, filed in Book 124, =age 5': cr: 2 --reel Maps, in the office of :he Co'un corder of said County; and W-HEPEAS, =aid Plan was submitted to the Planning Com•- mission the Ci`.. c' E1 Segundo, and a fter a public hoaring 8uly ane.. regU arI =_id, was approved and recommended for adoption b_i the C i tv Council.; an--) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo has duly and reculariy held a public hearing on said Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo has now acquired jurisdiction to adopt this resolution; NOWT, TIfEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF F•.L SEGUNDO, CALIFORt.'.IA, OOHS RRSOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS F'OI:LO1,VS: crr'i'r(•) ;; i , 'ghat sair, Precise Plan No. 1-81 hereinabove rei :crr •n to as apo!'ovec, by the Planning Commission of the C:it-v Of Fl Segundo in its Resolution Mo. 10G7 he, and the same is, hereby approved ab:i adopted upon the following conditions: EXHIBIT "A” RESOLUTION NO. 4096 I (1) Developer shall provide a surety bond in the amount of $25,000 to insure: (a) The construction of wheelchair ramps at the northeast corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Nash Street and at the northwest corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street, (b) The removal of all existing driveway aprons that will not be utilized and the replacement with full height curb and gutter. (2) All on -site utilities shall be placed underground; (3) Developer shall provide specific building control station equipment and life safety systems as delineated in the Fire Marshal's letter to the Associate Planner dated April 21, 1981, f4) D- veloaer shall provide a 24 -hour security system for the office building which security system shall havebeen approved_ by the Police Chief. Developer shall provide appropriate security ranzements for the parking structures during the c=imary hours of operation which security system shall have been approved by the Police (5) t' :e?co =r shall enter into an agreement with the C:-- _seeing to contribute up to one -half of cc -sr of the traffic signal system at the `_nterZ =ction of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street to exceed $35,000 if it is determined by t ^e Director of Public Works, one year following =`e .•-•e ing of the parking structure, that the .�:_unte of traffic requires the installation of a t_-affic signal system. Developer shall deposit a zash deposit or surety bond in the amount of ;35,000 to guarantee performance of the contract, L.1 This Precise Plan 1 -81 shall be constructed in substantial compliance with preliminary plans er, itled, "Continental Park /Phase IV /Building ?; / °1 Segunda ", dated February 12, 1981, on file n the Planning Department. (7) That construction mus be commenced within one year from April 21, 1981, however, the City Council may extend such time to commence the project. SECTION 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to endorse said Plan as hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Said P1'an is on pile in the office of the City Clerk, op3n to public inspection, and is by this reference incorporated herein and me'e a part hereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 -2- anti r,coption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of or igir:al resolutions of said city; and shal.l. make a minute of the pn�'.Fiage and adoption thereof in the records of- the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. t PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this --21st-- day of April , 1_981. ATTEST: City Cie =,c (SEAL) EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 Mayor of the City of L1 Segundo, California -3- APPENDIX B RESOLUTION NO. 1067 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING FOR ADOPTION PRECISE PLAN 1 -81 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ROSECRANS AVENUE BETWEEN NASH AND APOLLO STREETS. WHEREAS, an application was received from Continental Development Corpo- ration, 2041 Rosecrans Avenue, E1 Segundo, California 90245, for a precise plan, known as Precise Plan 1 -81, to construct Continental Park, Phase IV, a six -story office building and a nine -level parking structure,on property generally located north of Rosecrans Avenue, between Nash and Apollo Streets, in the City of E1 Segundo, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 4, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on Parcel Map No. 12659 filed in Book 124, Page 52 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, pursuant to law, hold a duly advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, in the City of E1 Segundo on March 26, 1981; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against the proposed Precise Plan; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts were established: (1) The subject site is zoned C -M which has a 45 -f6ot height limit. (2) Surrounding properties are zoned C -M and developed with office buildings, a bank, and a restaurant. (3) Continental Park has expanded through the issuance of precise plans for each phase of its development. WHEREAS, as a result of said hearing, the Commission finds as follows: (1) The design of the proposed project will be compatible with the surrounding development. (2) Preliminary plans show 460,000 square feet of office space and approximately 40% open space. (3) Although the height limit for the property will be exceeded by the precise plan, the building will have less floor area, more parking, and more open space than would be developed in conformance with the C -M zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council, the adoption of Precise Plan 1 -81 to construct Continental Park,. Phase IV, a six -story office building and a nine -story parking structure, on property generally located north of Rosecrans Avenue, between Nash and Apollo Streets with the following conditions: EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 (1) A surety bond in the amount of $25,000 shall be required for the following work: (a) Construction of .a wheelchair ramp at the northeast corner of Rosecrans and Nash and at the northwest corner of Rose - crans and Apollo. (b) Removal of all existing driveway aprons not to be re -used and replacement with full height curb and gutter. (2) All utilities shall be placed underground. (3) Specific building control station equipment and life safety systems shall be provided, as delineated in the Fire Department memo to the Planning Department, dated February 23, 1981. (4) The office building shall be provided with a 24 -hour security system; the parking structures shall have security during primary hours of operation. (5) A surety bond in the amount of $35,000 shall be required as a guarantee that the developer shall pay one -half the cost of ins- tallation of a traffic signal system for the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Apollo Street if, one year following the opening of the parking structure, it is determined to be necessary by the Director of Public Works. (6) Precise Plan l -81 shall be constructed in substantial com- pliance with preliminary plans titled "Continental Park /Phase IV /Building 12 /El Segundo ", dated February 12, 1981, on file in the Planning Department. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council for its information as prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 1981. Loya hr nsen, Chairman of the Plan ng Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 4096 Wendy L. _C6,9in, Secretary— of thee Planning �mmission of the City of E1 Segundo, California