CC RESOLUTION 3919RESOLUTION NO. 3919 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94 -5 AND VARIANCE 94-1 FOR THE SITING OF LOADING SPACES, AND CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA -352, TO ALLOW A NEW 93,800 SQUARE FOOT AIR FREIGHT FORWARDING FACILITY ON A VACANT LOT LOCATED AT 2310 E. IMPERIAL HIGHWAY. PETITIONED BY- THE MIDWAY COMPANIES FOR BURLINGTON AIR EXPRESS. WHEREAS, on September 30, 1994, an application was received from The Midway Companies requesting approval of an Environmental Assessment, Conditional Use Permit and Variance to allow a new 95,300 square foot Air Freight forwarding facility on a vacant 5.33 acre site at 2310 E. Imperial Highway in the Urban Mixed -Use (MU) Zone. The 3 variance requests are for 1) the southeast corner setback, 2) siting of loading spaces and 3) driveway width; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment (EA -352), including a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for the new use has been prepared and circulated to all interested parties, staff and affected agencies for 4 review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed Environmental Assessment EA -352 and the supporting evidence with the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of El Segundo Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No. 3805); and WHEREAS, a Traffic Impact Study was conducted to evaluate all transportation and circulation impacts associated with the project and submitted with the application; and WHEREAS, an Acoustical Analysis was conducted to evaluate any potential noise impacts associated with the operation of the facility and submitted with the application; and WHEREAS, a Fiscal Impact Analysis to evaluate the project costs versus project revenues and the project's impact on City services was conducted and submitted with the application; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 1995, the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on such matter and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for and against proposed Environmental Assessment EA -352, Conditional Use Permit 94 -5 and Variance 94 -1; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 1995 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2363 denying EA -352, CUP 94 -5 and Variance 94 -1; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 1995, within the ten day appeal period, an appeal to the City Council of the Planning Commission decision was filed by Mr. Bo Sanford, the applicant's representative with the Midway Companies; and WHEREAS, on May 2, 1995, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly advertised public hearing on the appeal, and notice of the public hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for and against proposed Environmental Assessment EA -352, Conditional Use Permit 944 and Variance 94 -1; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts and findings were established: 1. The site is a legal 5.33 acre vacant lot, which was previously occupied by a 143,500 sq. ft. 1940's manufacturing building which was demolished in 1993. The site is rectangular except for the southeast corner which curves northwards with the railroad tracks and MTA overhead line. 2. The applicant proposes to construct a new 93,800 sq. ft. freight forwarding facility, with 20,000 sq. ft. of 2 -story office and 73,800 sq. ft. of warehouse with an FAR of .43. Thirty -seven dock doors, including 21 on the north and 16 on the south side, are proposed. 3. The primary site access is from Imperial Highway with egress only onto Lapham Street, and access would be controlled through gated driveways. One hundred and twenty parking and 7 truck waiting spaces are proposed. 4. A total of 103 employees, 88 full -time and 15 part -time, would occupy the site. Site functions would include sales /marketing, freight handling, accounting, area personnel management, dispatch and communication. 5. Imperial Highway borders the property on the north side with the I -105 Freeway structure above. Beyond Imperial Highway is the Imperial Cargo Terminal at LAX, in the City of Los Angeles, with similar freight forward- ing facilities, zoned Light Industrial (M2 -1). To the west is a 7 -story office building and beyond Douglas Street is the Kilroy Airport Center with over 700,000 sq. ft. of modern highrise offices. Lapham Street borders the property on the east side, and a vacant strip with parking, an MTA construction staging site, and AT &SF railroad tracks are beyond. The Metro Green Line Light Rail overhead structure borders the property on the south side with AT &SF railroad tracks below and the Northrop Grumman Manufacturing facility beyond. The closest Green Line station, at Aviation, is 500 feet east of the site and the proposed Del Norte station would be 900 feet west of the site. All of the surrounding properties to the east, west and south are zoned Urban Mixed Use (MU), the same as the subject property. 6. The site is zoned Urban Mixed -Use (MU) which requires freight forwarding companies to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The purpose of the Urban Mixed -Use Zone is to provide area(s) where a mixture of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail and hotel uses can locate and develop in a mutually beneficial manner. It is the intent of the MU Zone to have several types of uses occupying a single building, or if a project includes multiple buildings, then each building should contain a different type of use. 7. The proposed project requires the following variance from the Zoning Code: Loading Spaces - siting to avoid views from public streets is required, 21 loading docks face Imperial Highway. 8. The proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with State guidelines and local requirements, a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated for interdepartmental and affected agency review. No significant adverse impacts were identified which could not be mitigated to an insignificant level, including impacts related to traffic /circulation, light and glare, water, recreational facilities, air quality, and public services. 9. The Fiscal Impact Analysis, utilizing the assumptions in the City's Fiscal Impact Model, and assuming the applicant would pay the standard business license tax, indicates that the project will generate a fiscal surplus for the City of $122,200 over its first five years, after consideration of City service costs. 10. During the application process the applicant offered to pay the City's business license tax and a traffic mitigation fee of $1.00 per square foot of building floor area. During the City Council public hearing the applicant confirmed the offer to pay the business license tax and traffic mitigation fee and voluntarily agreed to pay the fees. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: AFTER CONSIDERING THE ABOVE FACTS, TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE HEARING, AND STUDY OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA-352, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-5 AND VARIANCE NO. 94-1, THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FINDINGS The City Council hereby makes the following findings related to the environmental effects: 1. The Draft Initial Study was made available to all local and affected agencies and for public review and comment in the time and manner prescribed by law. The Initial Study concluded that although the proposed project could have a significant • effect on the environment, the adoption of mitigation measures would reduce these effects and impacts to a less than significant level. The potentially significant effects identified in the Initial Study related to increased demand for public services, transportation /circulation impacts on Imperial Highway and Lapham Street, light and glare from the exterior lighting, water due to the existing storm drain facility, employee recreational facilities and construction related fugitive dust emissions. The impacts on public services were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The impacts on transportation /circulation were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Conditions 15 and 16 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The impacts of light and glare were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Condition 7 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The impacts to the existing storm drain facility were reduced to a level of insignificance by mitigation measures set forth in Condition 16 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The impacts to City recreational facilities were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Condition 14 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The effect of construction related fugitive dust emissions were reduced to a level of insignificance by the mitigation measures set forth in Condition 25 of Section 2 of this Resolution. The Initial Study recommended that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and 2. That when considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is in a built -out urban environment; and 3. That the City Council thereby authorizes and directs the Director of Planning and Building Safety to file with the appropriate agencies a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimus finding pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. Within ten (10) days of the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00 required by the County of Los Angeles for the filing of this certificate along with the required Notice of Determination. As approved in AB 3158, the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is met and the required notices and fees are filed with the County. 3 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDINGS The City Council hereby finds that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan based on the following: 1. The location of the proposed conditional use is in conformance with the General Plan Urban Mixed Use designation which is designed to allow for flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations in the City. The project location in proximity to the airport is compatible with the surrounding uses since it provides a transitional use between the airport and mixed -use properties in El Segundo; the freight forwarding use is compatible with adjacent LAX cargo facility uses, and the project includes a large percentage of office use. Additionally, the elevated I -105 Freeway to the north and elevated MTA Green Line rail to the south are detrimental to the site and discourage development of other types of uses on the site. 2. The proposed project in this location is in conformance with Economic Development policy (ED 1 -1.2) which relates to diversification of an economic base and balancing economic development and quality of life goals. 3. The proposed project in this location is in conformance with the following General Plan Land use goals, policies and objectives (LU 1 -5.5, LU 4, LU 4 -3.1, LU 5 -1, LU 5 -2, LU 5 -2.1, LU 5 -4, and LU 5 -6) which relate to beautifying the City entrances, providing a stable tax base through development of new commercial uses within mixed -use areas, providing landscaping, attracting industries with economic benefit and environmental quality enhancement, encouraging high - quality, well designed • industrial development, providing landscaping in parking areas and around buildings, maintaining a balanced and diversified industrial base, and encouraging a mix of office and light industrial uses in industrial areas. 4. The proposed project in this location is in conformance with the following Circulation Element policies and objectives (C 1 -1.16, C 2 -2.2, C 2 -3.3, C 2 -5.1, C 3- 1, C 3 -1.7, and C 4 -1.2), related to upgrading of substandard streets, providing bicycle and shower facilities, providing pedestrian linkage to the Green Line, implementation of TDM standards, evaluation of circulation system impacts, providing adequate pedestrian and bicycle access and evaluation of project impacts on CMP routes. 5. The proposed project in this location is in conformance with the following Air Quality Element policies and objectives (AQ 10 -1.3 and AQ 12 -1.2), which relate to requiring conformance with the SCAQMD PM10 standards, and encouraging energy conservation features in the design of new projects. VARIANCE CONSISTENCY FINDINGS • The City Council hereby finds that the proposed project is consistent with the fmdings of a variance for the siting of the loading spaces based on the following: 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the vicinity and zone, since the freight forwarding use requires a large number of dock doors and with the east /west orientation of the rectangular shaped corner lot, dock doors could not be reoriented in a manner to not be sited adjacent to the street. Additionally, the property has exceptional obstructions including the Green Line and freeway overheads and adjacent rail lines which limit site development; and 2. That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question, since cross dock loading is an essential part of the quick and efficient operation of the freight forwarding use; and 3. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvement in such vicinity and zone in • which the property is located, since the loading spaces will be substantially screened from public view from Imperial Highway and Lapham Street with a solid wall and a landscape buffer of trees, shrubs and vines. Additionally, the office 4 component on the center north side of the building, which projects 70 feet beyond the warehouse, breaks up the building mass and provides an attractive focal point; and • 4. That the granting of the variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan, since the wall, landscaping and modern well- designed building will enhance the visual aspects of the site. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS The City Council hereby finds that the proposed project is consistent with the findings of the Conditional Use Permit based on the following: 1. That the proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of the El Segundo Municipal Code and the purposes of Section 20.36.010 of the City's Municipal Code since it is consistent with the intent of the General Plan land use designation for Urban Mixed -Use which permits a mixture of compatible commercial, offices, research and development, retail, and hotel uses where they can be located and developed in a mutually beneficial manner. Light industrial uses conducted within a fully enclosed building are permitted if approved with a discretionary application. The intent of the zone is also to create a favorable environment for abutting uses as well as ensuring the compatibility and harmonious existence of development within the MU Zone. The location of the • proposed conditional use is in conformance with the General Plan Urban Mixed Use designation which is designed to allow for flexibility of uses near the three proposed and one future Green Line transit stations in the City. 2. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public safety and welfare and materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; since the proposed use will not impact traffic flow, safety, and operations on Imperial Highway or Lapham Street and all potential impacts are mitigated. 3. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of Chapter 20.74 of the El Segundo Municipal Code; since proper notice and hearing were provided, proper hearing decision and records have been complied with and the required findings have been considered. SECTION 2. THE CITY COUNCIL HEREBY OVERTURNS THE PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL AND APPROVES ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA-352, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 94-5 AND VARIANCE NO. 94-1 AND ADOPTS AND CERTIFIES A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall develop plans which indicate that the project is in substantial conformance with plans approved and on file with the Department of Planning and Building Safety. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time library services mitigation fee of $0.03 per gross square foot of building floor area. 3. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Fire Services Mitigation Fee of $0.14 per gross square foot of building floor area. 4. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time Police Services Mitigation Fee of $0.11 per gross square foot of building floor area. 5. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall pay a one -time • traffic mitigation fee of $1.00 per gross square foot of building floor area. 6. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit an agreement to the City Attorney, for review and approval, which ensures that the applicant will pay an annual fee to the City equal to the annual business license fee. This fee is 5 required to mitigate the project impacts to City services and is not required to be paid if business license fees are also required. The applicant shall pay the City Attorney's costs for preparing and/or reviewing the agreement. The agreement . shall be finalized and signed by both parties and recorded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 7. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a Security Plan, including a complete revised exterior lighting plan, to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Police Department for review and approval. The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the memo dated February 21, 1995 from the Police Department. The lighting plan must include a photometric study, which indicates minimum off -site illumination and glare, but still complies with the Police Department recommendations. The security measures shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or implemented prior to operation, as appropriate. 8. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a Fire /Life Safety Plan to the Fire Inspection Division of the Department of Planning and Building Safety which includes, but is not limited to the following: A. Fire sprinklers with in -rack sprinkler heads; B. A smoke control system with roof vents; C. Fire Department access doors (single leaf swing type) in every 100' of wall; is D. A fire alarm system with water flow alarms included, and central station monitoring; and E. Fire lane marking. All Fire /Life Safety Plan requirements must be installed and operational prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 9. A Landscaping and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Director of Recreation and Parks prior to approval of the building plans. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner. The applicant shall incorporate a majority of mature landscaping into the plan. Mature trees, shrubs and vines and a berm shall be used to screen the solid wall along Imperial, and the north side dock doors, from view from Imperial Highway. The Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Director of Recreation and Parks and installed per the approved plans by the applicant prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. . 10. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit a fencing and wall plan which indicates a solid, colored, textured concrete block wall, 6 to 10 feet in height, adjacent to Imperial Highway. The plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Police Chief for review and approval and installed per the approved plans, by the applicant, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall show the location of all proposed trash enclosures to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Plans shall also indicate that the trash area will incorporate adequate space for the collection of recyclable materials. The trash enclosures shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 12. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a Master Sign Plan to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area and the aesthetic objectives of the General Plan, as well as to ensure that signs do not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. The Master Sign Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and all signs shall be installed per the approved plan prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. • 13. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit plans for a "City of El Segundo" monument sign, to be located near the northeast corner of the site, to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for review and approval. The sign N shall be installed per the approved plans prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. • 14. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit plans to the Director of Planning and Building Safety, for review and approval, which include the following recreational facilities: A. Men's and women's shower and locker rooms large enough to provide facilities for a minimum of 5% of employees. One shower stall shall be provided for each five lockers. B. Outdoor picnic or lunch area that provides picnic furnishings sufficient to accommodate 10% of employees. The recreational facilities shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 15. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall pursue the possibility of installing a traffic signal at the Imperial Highway driveway intersection. The applicant shall submit to the Director of Planning and Building Safety recent correspondence from the City of Los Angeles confirming that they are pursuing obtaining the approval of the signal from the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the Department of Airports. If approval is obtained from the . City of Los Angeles, the applicant shall fund the entire cost of the installation and maintenance of the signal. The signal must be synchronized with the existing signals on Douglas Street and Aviation Boulevard to minimize traffic flow interruptions on Imperial Highway. If the signal is not approved then left turns, westbound onto Imperial Highway, out of the Imperial driveway, will be prohibited and signage indicating such will be required to be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 16. Prior to approval of the building plans, the applicant shall submit to the Director of Public Works, for review and approval, Street Improvement and Circulation Plans, which contain, but are not limited to, the following provisions: A. A minimum 40 foot dimension from the end of the curb return on Lapham Street to the Lapham Street driveway shall be provided. B. On the west side of Lapham Street adjacent to the project site, replace damaged curb and gutter, and curb with curb drain outlets designated for abandonment. • C. On the west side of Lapham Street adjacent to the project site, install a new concrete sidewalk. D. On the east side of Lapham Street adjacent to the project site, construct new curb and gutter, with a curb to curb distance on Lapham Street of 40 feet. E. Overlay the entire width of Lapham Street adjacent to the project site with minimum 2 inch thick asphalt concrete after grinding the top one inch thickness of existing pavement. F. The driveways on Imperial Highway may require structural modifications to the existing concrete box (4 feet 6 inches wide and 6 feet 6 inches deep) storm drain culvert under the adjacent sidewalk. Any modifications must be designed by a registered Structural Engineer to ensure that the modified structure will withstand a condition in which all lanes of the driveways are occupied by filly loaded vehicles with the maximum anticipated weight. Even if structural modifications are not required, structural analysis of the existing box structure, by a registered Structural Engineer, shall be • submitted to demonstrate that the existing structure can withstand the above described loading condition. Approval of the above structural design and analysis shall be obtained from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and the City of El Segundo. 7 All required Street Improvement and Circulation Plan elements shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. • 17. The applicant shall obtain, and submit copies to the Director of Public Works, of all required permits or approvals from AT & SF Railroad and the Los Angeles MTA for any work on Lapham Street that impacts their facilities, prior to commencement of work on Lapham Street. 18. No material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way except by permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. If material storage is allowed in the public right -of -way it shall be confined to parkway areas and street parking areas, as long as safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular passage is maintained at all times. Storage beyond these areas in the public right -of -way requires prior approval of the Public Works Department and shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours. 19. During construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six-foot high chain link fence. Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk /public right -of- way. A fencing plan shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety prior to building plan approval and installation of the fencing. 20. All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications. No work shall be performed in the public right - of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit. 21. Prior to approval of the building plans, plans shall indicate that all existing and proposed utilities shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The applicant shall assume the costs for the relocation of all utilities, including but not limited to, storm drain facilities, light poles, electrical vaults, and fire hydrants which are affected by the proposed project. 22. Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division Public Works Department for demolition haul -off. Permit must be obtained at the same time the permit for demolition is issued. An encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty (50) cubic yards. Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit. 23. If new sewer laterals are required and constructed in the public right -of -way they shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside diameter. Material shall be "vitreous clay pipe ". Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean -out brought to grade at the • property line and securely capped. A B9 size box shall be placed around the C.O. for protection. The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer ". If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved. All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction. Existing sewer laterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line. Existing six (6) inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works. 24. The applicant shall submit the appropriate documentation to show conformance with or exemption from the state Water Quality Control Board's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for construction related stormwater run -off to the Director of Public Works prior to the approval of the building plans. 25. During construction dust control measures shall be required in accordance with the City's Dust Control Ordinance. Grading will be discontinued during first -stage smog alerts and suspended during periods of high wind (i.e. over 15 miles per hour). All hauling trucks shall have loads covered or wetted and loaded below the sideboards to minimize dust. SECTION 3: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the appeal of the Planning Commission decision, thereby approving Environmental Assessment EA -352, Conditional Use Permit 94 -5 and Variance No. 94 -1. 3 SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall entered the same in the book of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May , 1995. ATTESTED: Cindy Mort /sin v City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: •bN hYland C. Dolley City Attorney 0 E E Liam Weston, Mayor Pro Tem City of El Segundo, California EA352.res E STATE OF CALIFORNIA ] COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ] SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ] 1, Cindy Mortesen, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. 3919 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 16th day of May 1995, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: • NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTION: NOT PARTICIPATING: 0 Mayor ProTem Weston, Councilwoman Friedkin. None None None Councilman Switz, and Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 18th day of May, 1995. CINDYTVIORTESEN City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL)