CC RESOLUTION 3754RESOLUTION NO. 3754 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FOR CERTIFICATION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, ADOPTION OF A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM, AND APPROVAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -2279 SUBDIVISION 90 -3, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 49115, VARIANCE 90 -5, AND SMOKY HOLLOW SITE PLAN 90 -2 TO CONSTRUCT A 28 UNIT TOWNHOUSE -STYLE CONDOMINIUM AT 1400 E. HOLLY AVENUE, 337 AND 345 KANSAS STREET. PETITIONED BY HOLLY STREET PARTNERSHIP. WHEREAS, on March 9, 1990 an application was received from Holly Street Partnership for Environmental Assessment EA -227, Subdivision 90 -3, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 49115, Variance 90 -3, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2 to allow a 29 unit townhouse -style condominium at 1400 E. Holly Avenue, 337 and 345 Kansas Street; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation was filed on September 17, 1991 for preparation of the Environmental Impact Report, and the Environmental Impact Report was duly circulated and noticed as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report identified significant direct project impacts to the school district and adverse related projects cumulative impacts related to air quality, water noise, traffic /circulation, public services and utilities which cannot be mitigated to an insignificant level by conditions imposed on the project; and WHEREAS, on February 13, 1992 the Planning Commission did hold, pursuant to law, a duly- advertised public hearing on such matter, and notice of hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law and opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against Environmental Assessment EA -227, Subdivision 90 -3, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 49115, Variance 90 -3, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2; and WHEREAS, on February 13, 1992 the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 2318 recommending approval to the City Council of Environmental Assessment EA -227, Subdivision 90- 3, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 49115, Variance 90 -3, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 1992 the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly - advertised public hearing on such matter, and notice of hearing was given in the time, form and manner prescribed by law and opportunity was given to all persons to present testimony or documentary evidence for or against Environmental Assessment EA -227, Subdivision 90 -3, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 49115, Variance 90 -3, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2; and WHEREAS, at said City Council hearing, the applicant was directed to redesign the project to provide a maximum of 28 dwelling units and a minimum of 15 guest parking spaces, and the application was continued to March 17, 1992; and WHEREAS, at said City Council hearing the following facts were established: 1. The applicant is proposing to construct a 28 unit townhouse -style condominium project at a density of 19 units per acre with 56 garage parking spaces and 15 guest parking spaces on a 1.44 acre site at 1400 E. Holly Avenue, and 337 and 345 Kansas Street in the Medium Manufacturing (M -M) zone. 2. The applicant is requesting implementation of the Medium Density Residential (MDR) Floating Zone in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area, which implementation requires City Council approval. 3. The site contains six lots that would be combined to create one 62,731 square foot triangular shaped lot. There are presently three one story industrial buildings on the site that would be demolished. 4. The applicant is requesting a variance from the MDR development guidelines to allow development with less than the minimum 2.5 acres lot size or a complete block. 5. The site and surrounding area to the west, south and east are designated by the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan for manufacturing use with a medium density residential use overlay, and to the north is single family residential, all of which is consistent with the zoning of the site. The surrounding land uses are to the west Medium Density Residential, to the south and east Industrial, and to the north Single Family Residential. 6. The goals of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan are to provide buffering, open space, and a transition between existing residential neighborhoods and the industrial areas in Smoky Hollow, provide adequate parking, and improve the overall quality of the area both physically and visually. 7. The Fiscal Impact Analysis for the project indicates that the project will generate annual revenues of approximately $12,800 and will create annual costs for services of approximately $40,400. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that after consideration of the above facts and study of proposed Environmental Assessment EA -227, Subdivision 90 -3, Variance 90 -3, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2, the City Council finds as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL / STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATION 1. The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report is an adequate and complete document in accordance with the State CEQA requirements and the local CEQA guidelines. 2. The mitigation monitoring program has been prepared in accordance with the State government requirements contained in Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code. 3. The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report identified significant impacts related directly to the project which are potentially significantly adverse, but can be mitigated to an insignificant level by conditions imposed upon the project in the areas of earth, air quality, water, noise, light and glare, shade and shadow, land use, views /aesthetics, transportation /circulation, public services (excluding schools), energy conservation, utilities, human health /risk of upset, and population /housing. 4. The proposed project will have a significant adverse effect on the elementary and middle, school grades which are already at or over capacity. All feasible mitigation measures as identified in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report have been incorporated into the project. Project impacts to the school district will not be mitigated to an insignificant level even with inclusion of the identified feasible mitigation measures. 5. Two impact fees could reduce the project's impact on the school district. However, implementation is not within the jurisdiction of the City of El Segundo. The El Segundo Unified School District could adopt an ordinance to require school impact fees to mitigate the impact of the project on the school district. Additionally, the registered voters in the City of El Segundo could approve a parcel tax which would also help to mitigate the impact of the project. 6. Related projects will have significant adverse effects on air quality, water, noise, traffic /circulation, public services and utilities. All feasible mitigation measures, which are within the jurisdiction of the City of El Segundo, as identified in the FSEIR have been incorporated into the project, and all related projects will incorporate mitigation measures to minimize their impacts. Related project air quality, water, noise, traffic / circulation, public services and utilities impacts will not be mitigated to an insignificant level even with the inclusion of identified feasible mitigation measures. 7. Unavoidable adverse impacts are outweighed by the project benefits which include fulfillment of land use goals, objectives and policies as defined by the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan which include providing buffering, open space and a transition between the existing residential neighborhoods and industrial uses; development of residential at a density that is lower (19 units per acre) than allowed in the R -3 zone (29 units per acre); providing increased landscaping, setbacks, open space and parking; providing housing in response to market changes and demands in the area; improving circulation; providing improved and new public facilities including fire hydrants, driveway approaches, curbs, gutters, wheelchair ramps, sidewalks, street lighting, underground utilities and water mains; providing fees for public services and traffic /circulation improvements; providing housing to help meet the jobs /housing balance goal; providing construction employment opportunities and contributing to a logical extension of the type of land use and development existing and planned in the project vicinity. 8. The Draft SEIR did not identify project alternatives which would reduce environmental impacts (excluding school impacts), and the proposed project was determined to be the environmentally superior alternative, excluding the "no project" alternative, since it reduces grading, vehicular traffic, emissions, noise, light and glare, shade /shadow, land use, and visual /aesthetic impacts. The "no project" alternative would not implement the goals, policies and objectives of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The land use and aesthetic objectives to replace industrial uses with new compatible residential uses which will provide a buffer, transition and additional open space would not be met with the "no project" alternative. The two "development under the existing M -M zoning" alternatives would increase the adverse impacts related to grading, traffic, emissions, noise, light and glare, shade /shadow, land use, and visual /aesthetics. Resolution No. 2 9. The cumulative impacts due to related projects in the area, all located east of Sepulveda, will need to be evaluated through each project's specific EIR. Appropriate mitigation measures as feasible will be required for each of these related impacts to mitigate cumulative impacts. • 10. When considering the whole record, there is no evidence that the project will have the potential for adverse effects on wildlife resources or the habitat on which wildlife depends. 11. Ten days after the approval of this resolution, the applicant shall submit to the City of El Segundo a fee of $25.00, required by the County of Los Angeles, for the Director of Planning to file a Certificate of Fee Exemption and de minimus findings pursuant to AB 3158 and the California Code of Regulations. If this certificate, along with the required Notice of Determination, is not filed the statutory requirements of CEQA will not be met and no vesting shall occur until this condition is fulfilled. VARL4,NCE 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the vicinity and zone due to the unusual triangular shaped lot configuration, the topographical change in the southeast corner of the site and the topographic differences between the subject site and the adjacent property and the project location which immediately abuts the Grand Tropez, the only Medium Density Residential zone activated within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area at this time; 2. That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question since it allows development of a project which is consistent with the Medium Density Residential zone goals, policies and objectives; 3. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvement in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located because adequate public facilities will be required to support the new use and mitigation measures have been incorporated into the EIR. to minimize all direct impacts, except school impacts, to an insignificant level; 4. That the granting of the variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. Since the proposed Draft General Plan does not propose any changes in the land use designations for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area and the proposed project is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and this plan then states that this project is automatically deemed consistent with the general plan. SUBDIVISION 1. The proposed subdivision to create condominium ownership, and the design of the proposed townhouse -style multiple- family residences are consistent with the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan through the activation of the Medium Density Residential (MDR) Floating Zone. 2. The site is physically suitable for residential townhouse development at the proposed density of one unit per 2,240 square feet of site area (28 units or 19.44 units per acre). 3. The design of the subdivision improvements adequately provides for public services and is not likely to cause any public health problems due to the mitigation measures provided for in the Environmental Impact Report. SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1. The proposed project provides sufficient buffering and open space, and provides a transition between the existing residential neighborhoods to the north and more intensive industrial uses throughout the rest of Smoky Hollow; 2. The proposed project is developed at a density lower that R -3 standards; 3. The proposed project meets or exceeds all of the development standards required by the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan with the exception of the lot size. NOW THEREBY BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby certifies the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, adopts a Statement of Overriding Consideration, and adopts a mitigation monitoring program, and approves Environmental Assessment No. EA -227, Subdivision 90 -3, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 49115, Variance 90 -5, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 90 -2 to construct a 28 unit townhouse -style condominium at 1400 E. Holly Avenue, 337 and 345 Kansas Street, subject to the following conditions and mitigation measures: Resolution No. 3 SUBDIVISION 1. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall provide proof to the Director of Planning that Final Tract Map No. 49115 has been recorded with the County Recorder. The applicant shall provide the city, prior to issuance of building permits, three (3) copies • of the recorded map and one (1) reproducible copy such as a mylar or sepia. GENERAL 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, the plan shall indicate compliance with the site plan and architectural style as shown in the elevations reviewed by the City Council. The project shall not exceed the twenty -eight (28) foot allowable height limit as measured from existing grade to the top of the plate. The one vehicular access point on Holly Avenue shall be gated and only be available for emergency vehicular access. The driveway shall be a turf block material to be approved by the Director of Planning and the Fire Chief. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Director of Planning for a determination regarding the need for City Council review of the proposed modification. 3. Prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map, the Final Parcel Map shall show all easements on the property. Any grading or construction in any easement shall require written approval from the easement holder prior to permit issuance. 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, plans shall show a minimum of 65 cubic feet of personal storage space for each dwelling unit. AIR QUALITY i 5. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a dust control plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Planning for review and approval. Project grading shall minimize airborne dirt and dust palliative by using methods such as watering graded surfaces in accordance with City standards, and the approved dust control plan. 6. In order to reduce short -term dust impacts, grading activities shall cease during periods of adverse wind conditions. The Director of Planning shall determine when grading activities shall cease. 7. Landscaping on slope banks shall be planted as soon as possible after final grading has concluded in order to minimize debris production and soil erosion. All landscaping shall be irrigated and maintained in good condition. Landscaping and irrigation shall be approved by the Director of Planning and the Director of Recreation and Parks. 8. All construction equipment shall meet state and federal emissions control standards. The applicant shall provide proof of compliance to the Building Official prior to issuance of grading permits. NOISE 9 9. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the project, the applicant shall submit a noise study that analyzes the structural noise abatement efficiency of the condominium project to verify that both CNEL and Single Event Noise Standards of the General Plan Update Noise Element (November, 1991) will be met by the project. LIGHT AND GLARE 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit plans for street lights along the Holly Avenue and Kansas Street right -of -ways shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. High efficiency lamps shall be used for all street lighting to reduce electric consumption. Street light installation shall be coordinated with Southern California Edison and the approved lights shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Prior to building permit issuance, a complete exterior lighting plan, including photometric study, shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and the Chief of Police. Energy efficient lighting throughout the complex, parking areas, between buildings, by the trash area, and beside all entry doors is required. Aisles, passageways and recesses within the building complex shall be illuminated with a minimum intensity of twenty -five one hundredths (.25) footcandles during the hours of darkness. Areas around self - contained garages, guest parking, and driveway areas shall be illuminated with a minimum of one footcandle, on the parking and driving surface, during the hours of darkness. Lighting shall be directional and shielded to prevent off -site illumination, and shall be protected by Resolution No. 4 weather and vandalism resistant covers. Approved lighting shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. VIEWS AND AESTHETICS • 12. All utilities shall be placed underground and a note to this effect shall be shown on the site plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. A landscaping and irrigation plan shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Director of Planning prior to issuance of a building permit. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in a neat and clean manner. Landscaping shall consist of drought resistant plants and the plan shall be designed in accordance with the water conservation plan to be approved by the Director of Public Works. A majority of mature plant materials and box trees shall be used. Mature landscaping, including trees, shall be provided on the south side of the project to screen the auto storage activities and on the west side to buffer the adjacent Medium Density Residential use. Deciduous trees shall be provided on the south and west exposures to minimize summer heat gain and allow winter solar access. Landscaping shall be maintained low profile at all times around window, doors, and walkways to prevent hiding spaces for criminal activity and to restrict climbing access. Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 14. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, a permanent sign standard or monument that is for the sole purpose of unit owners advertising the units "For Sale ", "For Rent ", or "For Lease" shall . be installed by the applicant. The design for the sign standard and its location on the property shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to building permit issuance. The aggregate one -side surface area of the sign shall not exceed nine (9) square feet. 15. Prior to issuance of building permits, the plans shall indicate that the project's rooftop equipment will be screened or colored to match roof material so that the residential condominiums to the west that look down on this project will have minimum impact. Screening or coloring shall be installed per the approved plans prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION 16. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall submit a construction plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. Said plan shall incorporate as a minimum the following items: a. Off - street parking for construction workers and equipment in the vicinity of the project site; b. Elimination of curb -side parking in the construction area; . c. Provisions for a staging area for earth moving vehicles; d. Hours of construction with potential restrictions during peak hour traffic periods. Trucks arriving and departing the site shall be restricted to the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. 17. Prior to recordation of the final Tract Map, the property owner shall pay to the Director of Public Works a one -time traffic impact fee as a fair -share contribution to the cost of area - wide traffic mitigation. The fee shall be $0.20 per square foot of gross living area and car parking areas including guest parking stalls. PUBLIC SERVICES - FIRE PROTECTION 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay a one -time fire services mitigation fee of $0.16 per gross square foot of building floor area. 19. Prior to issuance of building permits, in accordance with the El Segundo Municipal Code Title 17, Uniform Fire Code, and the Uniform Building Code, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief plans which show the following fire life safety items: a. An automatic fire sprinkler system installed throughout the project. The sprinkler system shall meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 13R without the use of exceptions and the El Segundo Residential Fire Sprinkler Regulations dated May 8, 1991; Resolution No. 5 20. 21. 22. 23. b. An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed throughout the project meeting the requirements of Uniform Fire Code Standard 10 -2; c. A fire apparatus access road for every building constructed when any portion of an exterior wall of the first story is located more than 150 feet from fire department • vehicle access. An approved fire department vehicle access road shall be installed and maintained as per Fire Prevention Bureau Regulation A -1 -a; d. An approved private fire hydrant shall be centrally located on the site, close to the fire lane, and identified by a reflective marker in the fire lane. The hydrant shall be on a looped fire main connected to the City water supply system. The fire main shall be fed from Holly Avenue and Kansas Street. The main shall be provided with two approved fire department connections. The fire department connections shall be located not more that ten (10) feet from the curb, one on the west side of the fire lane at Holly Avenue and one on the south side of the fire lane at Kansas Street; e. A new City fire hydrant shall be provided on the west side of Kansas Street, located south of the fire lane entrance and within thirty (30) feet of the new fire department connection. The hydrant location shall be identified by a reflective marker in the pavement of Kansas Street; f. The building address numbers shall be clearly marked and located so that they can be easily read from the fire lane; g. Knox boxes or Knox locks and keys shall be provided for all security gates. All required fire life safety systems shall be installed per the approved plans prior to • issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. PUBLIC SERVICES - POLICE PROTECTION Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall consult with the Police Department for advice and implementation of crime prevention measures appropriate to the particular design of the proposed project. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall pay a one -time police services mitigation fee of $0.14 per gross square foot of building floor area. Prior to issuance of a building permit, plans shall indicate the following to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and the Chief of Police: a. All main entry doors (including entry door from the garage to the residence) shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three - quarters inch. b. Main entry doors with glass constructed in or within 40" (including windows along the side of the entry door) of the locking mechanism shall reverse the swing of the door if a window is positioned within 40" of the locking mechanism OR reverse the position of • the window to be opposite the locking mechanism OR all glass shall be replaced with polycarbonate materials, or fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistent glazing. c. Strike plates shall be made with a minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel, bronze or brass and secured to the jamb by a minimum of two screws, off -set which must penetrate at least two (2) inches into solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike is attached. d. All exterior doors shall have a deadbolt throw with a one inch projection. The cylinder guard shall be of case hardened steel, with the outer edge angled or tapered and free spinning. The exterior part of the lock shall be connected to the inside portion of the lock with bolts at least 1/4 inch in diameter and constructed of steel. The locking mechanism shall contain a minimum of a five pin tumbler. e. First floor windows and sliding glass doors shall have a secondary locking device (i.e. locked by a key or a twisting /turning device) to protect against burglary. f. If garage doors are electronically operated, there shall be no hardware on the outside. g. A panoramic door viewer (180 to 190 degrees) or window shall be installed in each main entry door of the individual units. • Resolution No. M h. Double or French balcony doors shall have a secondary locking device, such as a cane or flush bolt in addition to a deadbolt. The inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped with metal flush bolts having a minimum embedment of 5/8 inch into the head and threshold of the door frame. • i. If permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs are utilized, they shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of ten (10) feet. This covering shall be locked against the ladder with a case- hardened hasp, secured with non - removable screws or bolts. Hinges on the cover shall be provided with non - removable pins when using pin -type hinges. If a padlock is used, it shall have a hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum five -pin tumbler operation with non- removable key when in an unlocked position. j. Perimeter walls located in the side and rear yards shall be designed to be a minimum of 6 -feet in height measured from the outside finished grade, and solid construction design. Walls shall be designed to limit climbing access. Concrete walls may not have varied sections with decorative blocks which allow for stepping over the wall or part of the wall consisting of wrought iron. Wood, wrought iron, barred, or mesh perimeter walls shall be 6 -feet high and any horizontal cross members shall be on the inside of the property. k. Street addresses and apartment numbers shall be affixed to the building of each unit. These numbers and letters shall be a minimum of four inches in height and shall be of contrasting color to the building. The street address shall be located to be clear and visible from the street. Addresses shall be illuminated during hours of darkness. • 1. All entry gates shall be secured for maximum protection. m. The pool area shall be barred at a minimum of six (6) feet for safety and visibility. Hours of usage and pool rules shall be posted. n. A site directory shall be placed at entrances and guest parking areas not only for guests convenience, but for immediate locating for police, fire and medical emergencies. 24. If home security alarm systems are installed that are audible or monitored by a security company, the installation contractor shall inform the perspective resident that there is an Alarm Permit required by the City of El Segundo and a False Alarm Ordinance enforced by the El Segundo Police Department. PUBLIC SERVICES - PUBLIC LIBRARY RECREATION AND PARKS SCHOOLS 25. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay a one -time library services mitigation fee of $0.04 per gross square foot of building floor area. 26. If at the time of building permits for the project are issued, the City or the school district has adopted ordinances to revise the library and park impact fees or require school impact fees, then the project owner shall be required to pay those fees. 27. The project shall include a swunming pool to be maintained by the project's homeowners association. ENERGY CONSERVATION 28. Prior to issuance of building permits, plans shall indicate the following to the satisfaction of the Building Official: a. Thermal insulation in walls and ceilings which meet or exceed standards established by the State of California Energy Conservation Standards; b. Insulation of hot water pipes and duct systems; c. Installation of attic fans; d. Use of natural ventilation where possible; e. Use of natural gas for space heating and cooking; f. Florescent lighting shall be used where appropriate; • g. Installation of flat plate solar collectors to heat swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, with natural gas back -up systems; Resolution No. 7 h. Built -in appliances, refrigerators, and space conditioning equipment shall exceed the minimum efficiency levels mandated in the California Administrative Code; i. Building exteriors shall be finished with light- colored, non -glare materials to reduce cooling loads. Interior walls shall be finished with light - colored materials to reflect more • light and thus increase lighting efficiency; j. Window systems shall be designed (i.e., tinted glass or double - glassed windows) to reduce thermal gain and loss, and thus cooling loads during warm weather and heating load during cool weather; k. Installation of weather- stripping to prevent outside air from infiltrating and increasing interior space conditioning loads. 29. Prior to issuance of building permits, an energy conservation plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Director of Planning which shows compliance with Section 66473.1 of the State Subdivision Map Act, which requires that the design of new subdivisions "provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities ". 30. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall consult with the Southern California Edison Company and the Southern California Gas Company regarding feasible energy conservation measures. The recommendations of the two companies shall be incorporated in to the required energy conservation plan to the extent feasible. UTILITIES - WATER 31. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Director of Public • Works plans for a new eight (8) inch diameter water main in Kansas Street from Grand Avenue to Holly Avenue. The existing six (6) inch water main shall be taken out of service. The approve eight (8) inch main shall be installed per the approved plans prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 32. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a water conservation plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. Approved water conservation devices and other aspects of the water conservation plan shall be installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Low -flush toilets; b. Low -flow showers and faucets; c. Insulation of hot water lines to provide hot water faster with less water waste and to keep hot pipes for heating cold water pipes; d. All permanently fixed water -using devices (including plumbing fixtures, toilets, etc.) shall be low water usage type. e. Landscaping with low water consuming plants wherever feasible; 0 f. Lawn areas should be limited or not provided; g. Group plants of similar water use to reduce over - irrigation of low -water -using plants; h. Installation of efficient irrigation systems which minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water which will reach the plant roots. Drip irrigation, soil moisture sensors, and automatic irrigation systems shall be used for increasing irrigation efficiency; i. Use mulch extensively in all landscaped areas, applied on top of soil to improve the water - holding capacity of the soil by reducing evaporation and soil compaction; j. Landscaping shall consist of drought resistant plants and the plan shall be designed for minimum water usage. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent automatic watering or irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in good working condition. All landscaping and the irrigation system shall meet the requirements of the City Water Conservation Ordinance. k. The exterior landscaping irrigation system shall be installed as a system separated from the domestic supply system and shall be installed so that upon the availability of • reclaimed irrigation water from the City in 1994 -95, the landscape irrigation system can use reclaimed water. Resolution No. 8 UTILITIES - SANITARY SEWERS 33. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant will complete a study to be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval, of the existing City Sewer Pump • Station No. 4 located at the intersection of Kansas Street and Holly Avenue to determine if plant capacity will handle the additional load resulting from the project. If necessary, the applicant shall modify the pump station or provide alternate facilities to handle the additional load. SOLID WASTE AND DISPOSAL 34. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the project, the applicant shall incorporate the following items into the projects Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (C.C. & R's), to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and the City Attorney. A recorded copy of the final CC &R's shall be submitted to the Director of Planning prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance. a. Any leaks or spills on project driveways will be cleaned on a regular basis from all pavement and landscaped areas; b. The project's surface parking lots and driveways will be swept on a regular basis; c. Oils or other pollutants will be cleaned from surface parking areas on a regular basis either by utilizing biodegradable solvents or by spreading sand and vacuuming the residual matter; • d. Any hazardous waste generated by the project will be removed and disposed of in accord with Los Angeles County requirements; 35. Prior to issuance of building permits, revised plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning indicating that the trash area will incorporate adequate additional space for the collection of recyclable materials in multiple bins. The additional space required for recycling material bins may be incorporated into an enlarged trash enclosure or may be located directly adjacent to the approved trash enclosure within a separate enclosed unit. Trash bin areas shall be closed at all times to discourage rummaging or use as a sleeping facility. The enclosures may not be located in any required parking space or yard area. 36. If at the time that the building permits for the project are issued the City has adopted an ordinance to require a solid waste impact fee, then the applicant shall be required to pay those fees. HUMAN HEALTH /RISK OF UPSET 37. Prior to issuance of demolition permits, asbestos shall be investigated by the applicant in all on -site structures and if need, remedial action will be taken to remove this substance in • accordance with all applicable laws, to the satisfaction of the Building Official. 38. Additional soil sampling will be conducted after site demolition and site grubbing, but prior to site grading. A representative sampling will be conducted for overall site identification. Possible sampling locations will include areas beneath the undocumented clarifier, waste trenches and other chemical handling locations. If contaminated soil is encountered then it shall be cleaned and certified as such prior to disposal off -site, or it shall be disposed of at a landfill which accepts such waste in accordance will all applicable laws. In addition, future environmental assessment reports should indicate how chromium and copper were deposited beneath the concrete chemical storage area. All reports and certifications shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits. 39. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall provide to the Fire Chief a list of companies that disposed or stored chemicals historically on the site to identify possible responsible parties for further investigation. 40. The Los Angeles County Health Department or State Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances Control Program shall be contacted by the applicant to review any documentation from the investigation for final certification of site assessment through evaluation or preliminary endangerment assessment as provided for under California Health and Safety Code Section 25319.5. The results of this documentation shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review. Resolution No. 9 41. The California Resources Agency, Department of Conservation Division of Oil and Gas, Long Beach District Office, shall be contacted immediately by the applicant to obtain information on the requirements for and approval to perform remedial plugging operations if any unrecorded wells are uncovered or damaged during excavation or grading. The City of El Segundo Fire Chief and Director of Planning shall also be notified immediately in the event • that any unrecorded wells are uncovered or damaged. PUBLIC WORKS 42. All work within the City public right -of -way shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and City of El Segundo Standard Specifications. No work shall be performed in the public right -of -way without first obtaining a Public Works permit. 43. Encroachment permits must be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department for demolition haul -off. Permit must be obtained at the same time the building permit for demolition is issued. An encroachment permit for grading is also required when import or export of dirt exceeds fifty (50) cubic yards. Demolition and grading may be listed on one encroachment permit. 44. During demolition and construction, the entire project site shall be enclosed by a six -foot high chain link fence. Gates for site fencing shall not open over sidewalk /public right -of- way. Temporary material storage (24 -hour maximum) is allowed in the public right -of -way with a permit issued by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. Temporary storage shall be limited to the right -of -way directly adjacent to the subject property. 45. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, new curbs, sidewalk, driveway approaches, wheelchair • ramps and A.C. pavement, including alleys, shall be constructed /reconstructed as required by the Director of Public Works. Existing driveways and other concrete work not to be incorporated into the construction shall be removed and replaced with standard curb and sidewalk. 46. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide a cash deposit or surety acceptable to the City Attorney an amount to be determined by the Director of Public Works and to be retained by the City for one (1) year from date of completion and acceptance by the City Engineer. This money will be used for correcting latent street damage resulting from construction activities. All money not committed at the end of the one (1) year period shall be refunded. It is the responsibility of the permittee to request refund of deposit. 47. New sewer laterals shall be constructed in the public right -of -way and shall be a minimum of six (6) inches inside diameter. Any additional new sewer laterals needed to serve the project shall also be 6 inch size. Material shall be 'vitreous clay pipe ". Each lateral shall have a six (6) inch clean-out brought to grade at the property line and securely capped. A B9 size box shall be placed around the C.O. for protection. The box shall have a cover emblazoned with the word "sewer ". If in a traffic area, cover shall be traffic approved. All planned sewer connections shall be checked for elevation prior to starting construction. • Existing sewer laterals shall be plugged at the sewer mainline and capped at the property line. Existing six (6) inch wyes may be reused if approved by the Director of Public Works. 48. Structures, obstructions or other private improvements shall not be constructed within the public right -of -way as stipulated in Section 12.04.050 of the El Segundo Municipal Code. 49. The applicant shall provide sandbags along the property perimeter to prevent erosion and street deposition during grading and construction. 50. The hours of construction shall be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Construction is prohibited on Sundays and Federal holidays. 51. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all construction debris shall be removed from the project site. i Resolution No. 10 • C1 0 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ] SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ] I, Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being RESOLUTION NO. 3754 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor or said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 3rd day of March, 1992, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor ProTem Dannen, and Councilmembers Cruikshank, West and Wise. NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Jacobson WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 23rd day of March, 1992• Ronald L. Hart City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) GEOLOGY /GRADING 52. Plans shall incorporate to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Building Official all of the recommendations detailed in the Draft Supplemental Environmental • Impact Report dated December 1991, under "Local Geology /Grading", Mitigation Measures pages III -3 through III -9. These recommendations are also detailed in two reports prepared by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., entitled " Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for Subject Property, Dated May 20, 1991 (W.O. 11390) and Addendum Geotechnical Comments and Grading Plan Review, Tentative Tract No. 49115, Southwesterly Corner of Holly Avenue and Grand Street, Dated August 30, 1991 ". These recommendations are incorporated by reference as Exhibit "A". PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of March, 1992. Scot Dannen, Mayor Pro Tem. City of El Segundo ST: 7onald Hart, City Clerk • LJ City of El Segundo Resolution No. 11 EA- 227.RES