MAP NO. 17158 (SUBDIVISION 85 -5)
WHEREAS, an application has been received from
Continental Development Corporation for General Plan
Amendments, Precise Plan 85 -3 and Subdivision 85 -5
(Tentative Parcel Map 17158) in order to permit a
proposed 1,100,000 sq. ft. development for general
office and research and development uses with required
parking for 3,667 vehicles, on a 14.7 -acre M -2 (Heavy
Manufacturing) zoned site at 2301 -2381 Rosecrans and
810 -820 South Douglas Street, a legal description of
which is on file in the Planning Department; and
WHEREAS, Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) EA -084
for said application has been prepared in compliance
with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA");
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of
El Segundo, after a public hearing duly held on the
Draft EIR and the proposed project, has adopted its
Resolution No. 2150, recommending to the City Council
the certification of the Environmental Impact Report,
adoption of a statement of overriding considerations as
46 required under the California Environmental Quality Act,
approval and adoption of General Plan Amendments,
approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 17158 (Subdivision
85 -5), with conditions; and approval of Precise Plan
No. 85 -5 with conditions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public
hearing on July 15, 1986, in the time, form and manner
prescribed by law.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, does resolve as follows:
SECTION 1. The City Council hereby certifies that the
Final Environmental Impact Report ( "EIR") has been
completed in compliance with the California
Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), and that the Final
EIR was presented to the City Council, and the City
Council reviewed and considered the information
contained in the Final EIR prior to approving the
General Plan Amendments, Precise Plan and the Parcel
SECTION 2. The Final EIR identifies potential
significant adverse environmental impacts in the areas
of traffic, circulation and pedestrian safety, air
quality, public services, zoning and General Plan
consistency, light and glare and cumulative impacts on
traffic, air quality, noise, public services, utilities
and energy consumption. Changes, alterations or project
features are incorporated into the project which will
completely or partially mitigate potential impacts, as
outlined in the below conditions and mitigation
measures. There are no significant impacts on fish,
wildlife or their habitat.
SECTION 3. The project traffic and related air quality
impacts will not be mitigated to an insignificant level
even with inclusion of the identified feasible
mitigation measures. The City Council hereby finds that
the unavoidable adverse risks are outweighed by the
project benefits which include fulfillment of long -term
social and economic goals to replace and upgrade heavy
industry and obsolete buildings; providing high - quality
planned developments with upgraded landscaping,
underground utilities, open space, pedestrian plazas and
quality design at a major entrance to the City in
furtherance of land use and aesthetic goals; providing
construction and long -term employment opportunities;
contributing to improvement of the traffic circulation
system; and contributing to a logical extension of the
type of land use and development existing and planned in
the project vicinity.
SECTION 4. The Final EIR identifies project
alternatives which would reduce environmental effects;
however, the City Council hereby finds that these are
infeasible for economic, social and other
considerations. The "no project" alternative would not
implement the long -term land use and aesthetic
objectives of replacing heavy industry and obsolete
buildings with clean, light, well - planned development,
and would result in lost construction and permanent
employment opportunities. The "development under
existing zoning" alternative would result in increased
heavy industrial development with impacts on stationary
noise, air quality and aesthetics. The alternative
would not achieve long -term objectives for replacing
heavy industrial uses with clean, light, technically-
oriented land uses and would not be consistent with
surrounding development and planned land use. The
"lower intensity office development" alternative would
not provide the necessary economic basis to permit
funding and construction of significant traffic
mitigation improvements which are necessary for local
and regional benefit even in the absence of the project.
The necessary capital improvements in the project
vicinity exceed $5 million in cost and cannot be
supported in the absence of redevelopment. The project
will contribute a significant share to the funding of
the Douglas Street extension which is a recommended
regional improvement in the Circulation Element.
SECTION 5. Two major capital projects could improve
traffic circulation, but the City Council hereby finds
implementation is not within the jurisdiction of the
City of El Segundo. The light rail transit line planned
adjacent to the site is the responsibility of the County
Transportation Commission. Reconstruction of the
Rosecrans /Aviation bridge will involve multi -
jurisdictional agreements and cooperation of the
affected railroad.
0 SECTION 6. The Final EIR identifies the construction of
a Douglas Street extension as a mitigation measure for
traffic circulation and air quality impacts. The City
Council hereby finds that there are certain economic and
other considerations which make infeasible a requirement
that Douglas Street be constructed prior to issuance of
building permits for project Phases I, II and III -A;
however, construction will be required prior to
Phase III -B. Construction of the extension is
anticipated to cost $3 -5 million and requires
coordination of the City, the Public Utilities
Commission, and the affected railroad. For this reason,
construction will take several years to complete and
time frames cannot be reasonably assured. These factors
would make the project financing infeasible and would in
effect constitute a project denial, if required prior to
issuance of building permits. The project will,
however, be required to contribute substantial funding
toward construction of the Douglas Street extension and
other regional transportation improvements, and to
implement trip reduction measures as part of a project
transportation systems management plan.
SECTION 7. The proposed map, design and improvements of
the Subdivision are consistent with the General Plan as
amended and with Precise Plan 85 -3. The proposed land
uses, design standards and improvements are consistent
with long -term General Plan objectives for replacing
heavy industry with clean, quiet, well - planned high
The site is physically suitable for the
proposed type and density of development. The site is
level and is not located in an area of unstable
topography, flood hazards, or fault rupture study zone.
SECTION 9. The design of the Subdivision and
improvements are not likely to cause serious public
health problems. The project is required to be
connected to the County Sanitation District sanitary
sewer system and will be directed to the District's
Carson sewage treatment plant, which has sufficient
capacity to serve the project waste water flow.
SECTION 10. The Subdivision will not affect any public
easements for access through or use of property within
the Subdivision.
SECTION 11. The design of the subdivision provides, to
the extent feasible, for future passive natural heating
or cooling opportunities by including provision of
southern exposure along Rosecrans Avenue.
SECTION 12. In view of the above facts and findings,
the City Council hereby approves and adopts an amendment
to the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Heavy
Industry designation to Commercial Manufacturing
designation; and approves and adopts an amendment to the
Circulation Element to include the proposed development
10 in the land use projections and traffic analyses.
SECTION 13. The City Council hereby approves Tentative
Parcel Map No. 17158 (Subdivision 85 -5) subject to the
following conditions and mitigation measures:
1. Project construction shall proceed under the
following phasing plan. Any unused density
permitted in any phase may be used in any
subsequent phase.
A. Phase I
Phase I shall permit construction of not to
exceed 310,000 sq. ft. of floor area, plus
related parking, with a floor area ratio not
to exceed 1.75 for Parcel No. 1. The
aggregate FAR for the total site area of 14.0
+ net acres will equal approximately 0.5 after
B. Phase II
Phase II shall permit additional construction
not to exceed in the aggregate 600,000 sq. ft.
of floor area, plus related parking, with a
floor area ratio not to exceed 1.80 for Parcel
No. 2 and 1.0 in aggregate.
i) No building permits shall be issued for
Phase II until the following has
a) A TSM Plan shall be approved by the
Planning Director incorporating the
TSM program measures required by
Condition No. 33. If phasing
permits, after one year of issuance
of the Certificate of Occupancy for
Phase I, the applicant shall also
demonstrate performance of the TSM
goal for Phase I either through
counts that verify project- related
p.m. peak hour trips do not exceed
Draft EIR less 20% or that Average
Vehicle Ridership (AVR) meets or
exceeds 1.43. The applicant may
select either method of measurement
which shall be used consistently and
be changed only with consent of the
Planning Director.
ii) No Certificate of Occupancy shall be
issued for Phase II until the following
has occurred:
a) Completion of subdivision
improvements (Condition Nos. 3 -23) ,
except as otherwise permitted on a
phased bases for each subdivision
C. Phase III -A
Phase III shall permit additional construction
not to exceed 960,000 sq. ft. in the
aggregate, plus related parking, with a floor
area ratio not to exceed 1.57, provided the
following has occurred:
i) Performance of TSM goal for Phases I and
II demonstrated either through counts
that verify project- related p.m. peak
hour trips do not exceed Draft EIR less
20% or AVR meets or exceeds 1.43. The
applicant may select either method of
measurement which shall be used
consistently and be changed only with
consent of the Planning Director.
ii) In order to phase the project to the
scheduled construction of the Century
Freeway, the building permit for
Phase III shall not issue prior to
January 1, 1990 but may be issued at any
time thereafter. Applicant is entitled
to submit building plans at any time
prior to that date.
iii) Applicant shall pay traffic mitigation
fees as required by Condition No. 34.
This constitutes applicant's commitment
for capital traffic improvements.
D. Phase III -B
Phase III shall permit additional construction
not to exceed 1,100,000 sq. ft. in the
aggregate, plus related parking, with a floor
area ratio not to exceed 1.80, provided the
following has occurred:
i) Performance of TSM goal for Phases I and
II demonstrated either through counts
that verify project - related p.m. peak
hour trips do not exceed Draft EIR less
20% or AVR meets or exceeds 1.43. The
applicant may select either method of
measurement which shall be used
consistently and be changed only with
consent of the Planning Director.
ii) In order to phase the project to the
scheduled construction of the Century
Freeway, the building permit for
Phase III shall not issue prior to
January 1, 1990 but may be issued at any
time thereafter. Applicant is entitled
to submit building plans at any time
prior to that date.
iii) Applicant shall pay traffic mitigation
fees as required by Condition No. 34.
This constitutes applicant's commitment
for capital traffic improvements.
iv) Commitment from LACTC for route adoption
of the El Segundo light rail extension.
v) No building permit shall be issued until
construction of the Douglas Street
extension has commenced and has a
completion date prior to projected
occupancy for Phase III -B, and no
Certificate of Occupancy for Phase III -B
shall be issued until construction of
Douglas Street extension is completed.
2. At completion, the project shall include a minimum
of 1.5% of total floor area in retail /restaurant
uses. Retail /restaurant floor area shall not be
required until construction of Phase III; however,
the applicant shall provide employee recreation and
picnic /dining areas in each phase. Furthermore,
the applicant shall guarantee to the City of
E1 Segundo sales tax revenues for each phase,
beginning one year from issuance of the Certificate
of Occupancy for each phase and payable at the end
of the calendar year as follows:
Floor area for $100 sales Estimated
each phase X 1.5% X SF X 1% = Sales Tax
Revenue To
Any actual sales tax revenues generated at point -of -sale
on the site shall offset this obligation. As phasing
permits, placement of the Phase III retail uses shall be
cognizant of the future light rail station location and
pedestrian access points. This obligation shall be
removed upon construction of all required retail floor
area and issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
Applicant shall perform or cause to be performed at
0 applicant's expense, the following:
3. Design, construct and dedicate to the City of
E1 Segundo a new 14 -foot wide continuous
deceleration /right -turn -only lane along the north
side of Rosecrans and the east side of Douglas
Street, beginning approximately at the easterly
property line and continuing to the proposed
driveway on Douglas. The design and specifications
shall be approved by the Director of Public Works
and any dedication shall be included in the final
0 parcel map prior to recordation.
4. Provide a bus stop and shelter immediately west of
Aviation in conjunction with the above
deceleration /right -turn lane (no separate turnout
is recommended), to the satisfaction of the City
Traffic Engineer.
5. Provide suitable easement or dedication and
construct concrete curb, gutter and five -foot wide
(minimum) concrete sidewalk along Rosecrans and
Douglas frontages. Meandering sidewalks may be
provided. Walks shall connect to handicap ramps at
all intersections to satisfaction of the Director
of Public Works.
6. If determined necessary by the City Traffic
Engineer, the project driveway on Douglas Street
shall be signalized to accommodate the expected
high volumes of exiting vehicles. If not requested
within one year from issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy for Phase III, this obligation shall be
• released.
7. Install a pedestrian crosswalk and pedestrian
signal heads immediately to the north of the
project's Douglas Street driveway, to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
8. Furnish and install required street signs, (i.e.
parking restriction, etc.), to the satisfaction of
the Director of Public Works, and remove and
replace all broken, cracked, off -grade or damaged
curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, and driveways.
Driveways not utilized for the project shall be
g. Bear the cost of installing emergency vehicle
preemptive signalization at the intersections of
Rosecrans /Aviation, Douglas /Rosecrans and a third
intersection to be selected jointly by the City
Traffic Engineer and Fire Chief. This shall be
considered the applicant's fair -share contribution
to the City's OPTICOM system, and shall not exceed
$18,000. Payment shall be made within 60 days of
the City's request. Payment constitutes
satisfaction of this condition.
10. Modify and relocate traffic signals and pavement
striping as required by the City Traffic Engineer
to accommodate the project access and subdivision
improvements (bond or improve).
11. For the purpose of ensuring vehicular and
pedestrian safety and emergency vehicle access, the
Sapplicant shall submit a site circulation plan
showing on and off -site vehicular access,
movements, signals and crosswalks for review and
approval by the Director of Public Works, the Fire
Department, and the Police Department prior to the
issuance of a building permit. If restructuring of
the median islands along Rosecrans Avenue is
necessary, this shall be provided by the applicant
in order to permit access by emergency vehicles.
Said circulation plan may be submitted for each
0 phase.
12. Participate on a fair -share basis in the cost of
the traffic signal interconnect and upgrade project
on Rosecrans Avenue between Sepulveda Boulevard and
Inglewood Avenue. Participation shall consist of
applicant depositing a fair -share amount (not to
exceed $10,000) with the City upon notification
that traffic timing plans for interconnection have
been completed and traffic signal equipment has
been identified, based on the project's percentage
contribution to existing traffic volumes on
Rosecrans Avenue between Aviation and Douglas.
Public Works shall coordinate the timing of traffic
signal modifications to extent feasible in order to
maximize cost savings. Payment shall be made
within 60 days of the City's request. Payment
shall constitute satisfaction of this condition.
13. Plant street trees as required and approved by
Recreation and Parks Department. At the discretion
of the Director of Recreation and Parks, on -site
specimen trees may be substituted for required
street trees to satisfy this condition.
14. Design and install a street lighting system along
street frontages to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works.
15. Construct a new minimum ten -inch water main line in
Douglas Street between Rosecrans Avenue and Park
Place. Replace 271 + feet of the existing eight -
inch water main line in Rosecrans with a ten -inch
water main line to the satisfaction of the Director
of Public Works.
0 16. Each lot shall have a separate house connection to
the County Sanitation District's sanitary sewer
main, to the satisfaction of Director of Public
17. Design and construct surface water drainage
facilities for collection and disposal to the
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
These improvements shall be "on- site" and shall be
constructed with each applicable phase of the
• development.
18. All utilities shall be placed underground.
19. Record any necessary reciprocal easement agreements
as required by the Director of Public Works to
share and maintain common utilities, drainage
systems, driveways and pedestrian facilities,
concurrent with the recording of the parcel map.
Provided, however, that such reciprocal easement
agreements may be amended to specify the precise
location of such facilities as constructed.
20. Record reciprocal easement agreements to share and
maintain common fire /life safety systems as
required by the Fire Chief, concurrent with the
recording of the parcel map. Provided, however,
that such reciprocal easement agreements may be
amended to specify the precise location of such
facilities as constructed.
21. Reciprocal easement agreements shall be submitted
to and approved by the City Attorney prior to
recording for their legality, wording,
recordability and enforceability.
22. Prior to recordation of the final map, submit
appropriate improvement bonds and subdivision
agreements for any subdivision improvements not
completed prior to recordation of the final map.
23. Survey boundary monuments shall be located to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to
recordation of the final map.
26. Enter into an agreement to accommodate the proposed
light rail station by providing a 20 -ft. wide point
of connection from the site's pedestrian path to
the station in the area between the parking
structure and the Phase II building envelope.
27. Provide for pedestrian passage (maximum ten feet
wide) from the site's pedestrian plaza level to the
property line if and when such is located within
100 feet of the site's northeast property line.
28. Contribute up to $50,000 and not to exceed the
actual construction costs of a connecting
pedestrian bridge from the proposed light rail
24. Enter into an agreement to design and construct
surface water drainage facilities in the vicinity
of the railroad right -of -way to eliminate drainage
problems in the area to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works.
25. Design and implement an on -site pedestrian
circulation system interconnecting all buildings,
parking structures, pedestrian plazas, and on -site
recreation facilities. On -site pedestrian
facilities shall be grade- separated from the
internal vehicle circulation system. The on -site
pedestrian system shall provide transition to
connect to bus /van stops and public sidewalks, at
grade, and include provision for on -site bicycle
circulation and storage.
26. Enter into an agreement to accommodate the proposed
light rail station by providing a 20 -ft. wide point
of connection from the site's pedestrian path to
the station in the area between the parking
structure and the Phase II building envelope.
27. Provide for pedestrian passage (maximum ten feet
wide) from the site's pedestrian plaza level to the
property line if and when such is located within
100 feet of the site's northeast property line.
28. Contribute up to $50,000 and not to exceed the
actual construction costs of a connecting
pedestrian bridge from the proposed light rail
station platform to the site property line. That
contribution shall be considered a regional-
serving improvement and be credited to applicant's
traffic mitigation fee.
29. Provide a shuttle bus turnout along Douglas Street
in proximity to the proposed light rail station
with pedestrian connection.
30. Construction of pedestrian /light rail facilities
per Condition Nos. 26, 27, 28 and 29 shall be
41 guaranteed through recordation of an Agreement
Affecting Real Property stating that applicant will
construct facilities or deposit cash sum within 60
days after being requested to do so by the Director
of Public Works. Facilities will not be required
prior to Phase II construction. If the light rail
route is not adopted for implementation by LACTC
prior to ten years from recording the final map,
developer shall be released from obligations
required under conditions 26 through 30.
31. When Douglas Street is extended and a future
transit station is constructed, provide a grade-
separate pedestrian way between the site and the
west side of Douglas (Phase III) upon notification
from the City that said pedestrian access is
required to maintain optimum operating capacity of
Douglas Street. This shall be considered a region -
serving improvement and be credited to applicant's
traffic mitigation fee.
32. The developer (applicant) shall comply with the
City of E1 Segundo TSM Developer Ordinance Chapter
20.55, and prior to issuance of a building permit
shall submit plans for the project which shall
incorporate physical TSM support facilities
consisting of preferential parking for rideshare
vehicles for 15% of required parking stalls; van
pool /shuttle loading areas; on -site pedestrian and
bicycle lockers and showers; on -site employee
services which may include recreation, child care,
a n d c o n v e n i e n c e s e r v i c e s; a b u s
pullout /deceleration lane on Rosecrans; on -site
grade separation pedestrian circulation plaza
system and provision for connection with future LRT
station. The TSM Plan shall be in compliance with
Condition Nos. 2, 4, and 25 -31. Construction of
physical facilities shall occur on a phased basis
as identified in said conditions.
33• Applicant shall agree in an Agreement Affecting
Real Property to implement a TSM Plan for project
employees. The TSM Plan shall include demand
management programs and policies including an on-
site employee transportation coordinator(s),
informational and promotional services, a
comprehensive commute services package including
rideshare and transit services and incentives,
preferential parking program for rideshare
vehicles, and periodic surveys and monitoring
reports. Incentives shall not include, except on a
0 voluntary basis, monetary subsidies.
The program shall incorporate measures designed to
achieve a minimum 20% reduction in the p.m. peak
commute trips to the site as shown in the EIR or a
1.43 average vehicle ridership goal, as specified
in the City of E1 Segundo TSM Ordinance. The TSM
Plan shall be approved by the Director of Planning
prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for
Phase I core and shell or issuance of the building
permit for Phase II, whichever occurs first. The
TSM Plan implementation may be shared or assumed by
tenants as required by the City's TSM Employer
• Ordinance (Chapter 20.56), upon execution of
written agreements in a form and substance
satisfactory to the Director of Planning and the
City Attorney.
In addition, the applicant shall use its best
efforts to incorporate in the TSM plan measures to
achieve a twenty -five (25%) percent reduction in
p.m. peak hour trips to the site. In the event,
that in any one (1) year following the first full
year of operation of a TSM program, the applicant
is unable to achieve at least a twenty -three (23 %)
percent reduction in p.m. peak hour trips to the
site, the applicant shall pay an additional traffic
mitigation fee of five ($.05) cents per occupied
square foot of the project for each percentage
point less than twenty -three (23 %) percent, up to a
maximum of three (3 %) percent, or fifteen ($.15)
cents per occupied square foot per year. This
obligation shall be limited to a period of five (5)
years from the effective date of the precise plan
ordinance or until construction of the Douglas
Street extension has been completed, whichever
first occurs.
34. Applicant shall pay to the City of E1 Segundo a
one -time traffic improvement fee in the amount of
$1.00 per square foot of building floor area for
the initial 310,000 sq. ft. of building area, $1.50
for the next 290,000 sq. ft. of building area,
$4.00 for the next 360,000 sq. ft. of building
area, and $6.00 for the remaining floor area
permitted under Phase III -B. The purpose of the
traffic improvement fee is to fund traffic system
improvements to mitigate the adverse impacts on
traffic circulation attributable to the project.
Payments shall be made prior to the issuance of
building permits for each phase in proportion to
the building floor area for each phase. Payments
for Phase III may be apportioned in equal quarterly
amounts over a five -year period, at applicant's
discretion. The one -time traffic improvement fee
shall be reduced by the following amounts:
A. Phase I:
i) The amount of applicant's actual fair-
share contribution to the Rosecrans
Avenue traffic signal interconnect and
upgrade project (Condition No. 12).
ii) The estimated cost of that portion of the
deceleration lane required for a bus stop
(approximately 14 feet x 60 feet) and the
cost of the bus shelter. Cost estimates
shall be verified by the Director of
Public Works.
iii) Applicant may deduct actual expenses up
to $45,000 of the fee for Phase I upon
executing an agreement to assume the
costs of preliminary investigations and
reports necessary for the formation of a
traffic improvement benefit assessment
district for properties within a benefit
area to be defined along the Rosecrans
corridor. The City shall approve the
scope of work and consultant for said
B. Phase II /Phase III:
i) An additional amount of actual expenses
up to $45,000 for actual costs incurred
in preliminary reports and investigations
for the traffic improvement benefit
it assessment district upon acceptance by
the City of said studies.
ii) Upon direction and agreement of affected
cities, an additional amount up to
$70,000 of the fee for Phase II may be
deducted for actual costs incurred by
applicant in establishing a Traffic
Improvement Benefit Assessment District
for properties along Rosecrans corridor.
iii) Up to $50,000 for the actual construction
cost of any pedestrian bridge structure
from property line to the proposed light
rail transit station per Condition No.
iv) A grade- separated pedestrian bridge over
Douglas Street per Condition No. 31.
C. If a Traffic Improvement Benefit Assessment
District is established, payments made by
applicant for any portion of the above one-
time traffic improvement fee (including the
amounts paid for items listed in A and B
above) and the value of dedication or
improvements designated by the City as
regional- serving shall be credited to payment
of any assessment on the project.
D. The applicant shall agree to participate with
other property owners on a fair -share basis in
potential future traffic control program
utilizing traffic control personnel on
Rosecrans and /or Aviation. The amount of
participation shall be credited to the traffic
mitigation fee collected only during those
periods in which required traffic mitigation
fees are being paid.
35. Submit a Landscape and Open Space Master Plan for
review and approval by the Director of Planning
prior to issuance of any building permit. The
Landscape and Open Space Master Plan shall serve as
a guide to future phased development. Although not
intended to be a detailed plan, it will contain the
following major design elements: major planting
areas, open space areas, pedestrian and bicycle
circulation element, recreation facilities,
schematic location of plazas, water features, and
schematic gateway treatment at the easterly end of
the Rosecrans frontage.
36. Submit landscape and irrigation detail plans for
each phase in conformance with the Landscape Master
Plan prior to issuance of building permits, for
each phase, subject to the approval of the Director
of Planning, Director of Recreation and Parks, and
the Chief of Police.
The project's irrigation system shall be automated
and shall be operated and maintained to dispense
water efficiently as dictated by a program designed
to satisfy the variety of needs of the project's
plant materials.
37. The project's architecture and site plan shall be
consistent in quality and character with
Continental Park Plaza (located at 2101-
2141 Rosecrans) and the building at 841 Apollo
Street. The project shall provide ground level
plazas with water features for each building, upper
floors with step backs, coordinating colors and use
of dark glazing (not mirrored surfaces); height
limit of gg feet (excluding penthouses for
equipment as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance).
38. Submit an exterior signage program by phase to the
Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of
any Certificate of Occupancy for each phase for the
purpose of ensuring that signs do not impede
traffic and pedestrian safety, and that major signs
are compatible with surrounding areas and the
aesthetic objectives of the General Plan.
39. For that portion visible from residential areas to
the east, parking structure illumination shall be
limited to the interior and entryways. Shielded
lighting shall be used where appropriate to direct
lighting on -site.
40. Exterior security and recreation lighting shall be
directed toward the site and will be directed away
from adjacent land uses and roadways.
41. On -site parking shall be provided in conformance
with the Zoning Ordinance requirements in effect on
the date the first building permit is issued for
the project, including at least 80% of Code-
required spaces shall be standard 8 -1/2 x 18 feet
dimensions. The total number of Code - required
parking spaces may be reduced in Phase II and /or
Phase III as permitted by the City's TSM Ordinance.
Provide no more than one space per 250 square feet
of floor area devoted to office and general retail
42. Building envelope for parcel 3 shall be revised to
provide a minimum 25 -foot setback from the future
right -of -way along Douglas Street (following
dedication of deceleration lane required by
Condition No. 3).
43. Design and implement a recreation plan in
compliance with the City's Industrial Development
Recreation Standards and Guidelines dated
September 14, 1984, and the Noble /White recreation
plan dated March 7, 1986, to include the following
facilities subject to the approval of the Director
of Recreation and Parks:
Men and women's shower and locker room
facilities in each phase
Four or more picnic or lunch areas
* Lighted volleyball court
Executive basketball courts (four half -court
surface areas, approximately 30' x 421)
Indoor workout room (approximately 400 square
* One- quarter mile exercise par course with
seven stations
* Two shuffle board courts
Bicycle and walking paths and secure bicycle
Facilities developed under this plan shall be
available free of charge to all employees on the
site, and their future availability shall be
ensured through the execution of an Agreement
Affecting Real Property between the applicant and
the City of El Segundo.
The location and phasing of on -site recreation
facilities shall be as specified in the proposed
recreation master plan to be approved by the
Director of Recreation and Parks.
44. Pay the City of E1 Segundo a one -time fire /life
safety mitigation fee for each phase in order to
maintain acceptable levels of service as follows:
i) Prior to issuance of Certificate of
Occupancy, 11 cents per square foot of
building floor area to cover increased
operating costs of the Fire Department
attributable to the project as identified
in the Draft EIR;
ii) Prior to issuance of building permit, 11
cents per square foot of building floor
area to be allocated for the purchase of
capital equipment and facilities for fire
suppression and paramedic services as
identified in the City's adopted Capital
Improvement Program.
45. Provide site plans showing access within 150 feet
of the main entrances of each /all buildings from a
public street or approved fire lane and placement
of on -site fire hydrants, subject to the approval
of the Fire Department prior to issuance of
building permits.
46. In order to ensure compliance with regulations of
State Fire Marshal and Fire Code, and to mitigate
impacts on Fire Department operations to the best
extent possible, implement the above - approved plans
and the requirements of a Fire /Life Safety Package
submitted to and approved by the E1 Segundo Fire
Chief prior to issuance of a building permit. The
purpose the Fire /Life Safety Package shall be based
upon guidelines listed in the E1 Segundo Fire
Department's Fire Prevention Bureau Standard P -1 -a,
Project Development Guidelines, revised October
1985 or similar guidelines in effect at the time of
the permit.
47. Pay the City of E1 Segundo a one -time police
services mitigation fee prior to the issuance of a
building permit in the amount of 7 cents per square
foot of building floor area for the entire project,
in order to cover increased demands on the Police
Department attributable to the project and the ten-
year incremental costs of additional personnel
required to maintain current service levels.
48. For each phase, submit detail plans and
specifications for the design treatment affecting
on -site security systems, lighting and landscaping
to the Police Department for review and approval
prior to issuance of any building permit or other
approval of any specific development design in
conformance with said plans and Condition No. 35.
49. The applicant shall agree to participate at such
time as a fair -share formula is developed to
mitigate commercial - industrial impacts on library
services and facilities. The formula shall be
based upon the percentage of citywide employees who
use the library and the frequency of use by such
0 50. The Tentative Parcel Map approval shall not become
final until the effective date of Ordinance(s)
adopting the Precise Plan and General Plan
Amendment approving the project. Applicant shall
be permitted to submit the Parcel Map for County
Engineer plan check prior to that date, but may not
51. Prior to issuance of any permits, including
grading, foundation or other building permits, and
prior to recording of final parcel map, the
applicant shall enter into and record an Agreement
with the City running with the land Affecting Real
Property binding on all owners and successors in
interest, which incorporates the conditions of
approval and mitigation measures in a form and
substance satisfactory to the City Attorney.
Applicant shall reimburse City for administrative
costs of City review of said agreement, in an
amount not to exceed $4,000.
52. "Floor area" shall be as defined in Section
20.08.193 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code.
53. Mitigation fees required pursuant to Condition Nos.
34 (traffic) and 44 (fire) shall be adjusted by the
CPI with a base year of January 1, 1988, and with a
maximum annual adjustment of five percent. Once
the mitigation fee pursuant to Condition No. 34
(traffic) has been paid for all phases, applicant
shall be relieved of the obligation to construct
any improvement required hereunder for which
applicant is entitled to a credit but has not as of
the date of full payment received a credit.
54. Implement dust control measures required by the
AQMD during construction, including maintaining
adequate soil moisture as well as removing any soil
spillage onto traveled roadways through site
0 housekeeping procedures.
55. Design construction access to the project site so
as to minimize interference with existing traffic
and prevent truck queuing adjacent to local
receptors. These design measures will be
incorporated into the project construction permit.
56. Parking facility ventilation rates shall comply
with Code requirements in order to prevent any
unacceptable occupational air pollution exposure
for employees within parking facilities.
57. Construction and demolition activities shall comply
with the City of E1 Segundo Noise and Vibration
Regulations Chapter 9.06, including limitations on
hours of activity unless a variance is granted
pursuant to procedures of that chapter.
58. The project shall be designed in as energy -
efficient manner as feasible including, but not
limited, to the following energy conservation
i) Thermal insulation in compliance with
standards established by the State of
California (Title 24).
ii) Tinted glass, solar reflective glass and
insulated glass shall be evaluated in the
project design and shall be used where
appropriate to reduce heating and cooling
iii) Fluorescent lighting shall be used where
appropriate rather than less efficient
iv) Public area lighting, both interior and
exterior, shall be time - controlled and
limited to that necessary for safety and
protection but shall not preclude
reasonable recreation and "ambient"
lighting for facade and landscape
v) Lighting switches and multi - switch
provisions for control by occupants and
building personnel shall be used to
permit optimum energy conservation.
59• In order to reduce the volume of solid waste
generated by the proposed project and to enhance
collection, recycling and storage capabilities, the
project shall provide trash compactors and
enclosures to the satisfaction of the Director of
Public Works.
60. In order to reduce volume of waste water flows, the
project shall utilize low -flush toilets, lower-
volume water faucets, drinking fountains equipped
with self - closing valves, plumbing fixtures which
will reduce water loss from leakage due to damaged
or faulty washers, and installation of restrictions
on all plumbing fixtures as shown on plans and
specifications to the satisfaction of the Director
of Public Works.
61. Project approval shall expire if the first building
permit (including foundation) is not issued within
24 months from approval by the City Council.
SECTION 14. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in
the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall
make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the
records of the proceedings of the City Council of said
City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is
passed and adopted.
5th day of August f
I, Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo,
California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of
the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing
resolution, being Resolution No. 3410 was duly passed and adopted
by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of
said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a
regular meeting of the said Council held on the 5th day of
August, 1986, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt,
West, and Mayor Siadek
NOES: None
this 15th day of August, 1986.
City Clerk of the
City of E1 Segundo, California