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a • • RESOLUTION NO. 3182 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 1A3, GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERIES, OF TITLE lA OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section IA3.010 of Chapter IA3 of Title lA of the El Segundo Administrative Code, adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, is amended to read as follows: SECTION 1A3.010 BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE -- DECEMBER 25, 1982. Except as hereinafter specifically provided and subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, each employee in the service of said City shall be entitled to receive for his or her position the ap- plicable rate of compensation shown in the following basic salary schedule prescribed for the class in which his or her position is allocated, commencing December 25, 1982, to wit: BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE OFFICE, LIBRARY AND OPERATION SERIES Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 28 Regular Pay $ 978 $ 1027 $ 1081 $ 1134 $ 1196 $ 1255 $ 1320 $ 1386 Deferred Pay 58 61 64 68 71 74 79 83 Total 1036 1088 1145 1202 1267 1329 1399 1469 29 Regular Pay 989 1040 1094 1147 1205 1266 1331 1400 Deferred Pay 59 62 65 68 72 76 79 83 Total 1048 1102 1159 1215 1277 1342 1410 1483 30 Regular Pay 998 I047 1104 1160 1216 1278 1344 1413 Deferred Pay 59 62 65 69 72 76 80 84 Total 1057 1109 1169 1229 1288 1354 1424 1497 31 Regular Pay 1007 1061 1113 1168 1231 1294 1357 1426 Deferred Pay 59 63 66- 70 73 77 81 85 Total 1066 1124 1179 1238 1304 1371 1438 1511 32 Regular Pay 1017 1068 1126 1181 1243 1303 1370 1444 Deferred Pay 61 63 67 70 74 78 82 86 Total 1078 1131 1193 1251 1317 1381 1452 1530 33 Regular Pay 1027 1081 1134 1196 1255 1320 1386 1456 Deferred Pay 61 64 68 71 74 79 83 87 Total 1088 1145 1202 1267 1329 1399 1469 1543 34 Regular Pay 1040 1094 1147 1205 1266 1331 1400 1469 Deferred Pay 62 65 68 72 76 79 83 88 Total 1102 1159 1215 1277 1342 1410 1483 1557 N A Longevity - Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 35 Regular Pay $ 1047 $ 1104 $ 1160 $ 1216 $ 1278 $ 1344 $ 1413 $ 1484 Deferred Pay 62 65 69 72 76 80 84 89 Total 1109 1169 1229 1288 1354 1424 1497 1573 36 Regular Pay 1061 1113 1168 1231 1294 1357 1426 1500 Deferred Pay 63 66 70 73 77 81 85 90 Total 1124 1179 1238 1304 1371 1438 1511 1590 37 Regular Pay 1068 1126 1181 1243 1303 1370 1444 1515 Deferred Pay 63 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 • Total 1131 1193 1251 1317 1381 1452 1530 1605 38 Regular Pay 1081 1134 1196 1255 1320 1386 1456 1531 Deferred Pay 64 68 71 74 79 83 87 91 Total 1145 1202 1267 1329 1399 1469 1543 1622 39 Regular Pay 1094 1147 1205 1266 1331 1400 1469 1549 Deferred Pay 65 68 72 76 79 83 88 92 Total 1159 1215 1277 1342 1410 1483 1557 1641 40 Regular Pay 1104 1160 1216 1278 1344 1413 1484 1562 Deferred Pay 65 69 72 76 80 84 89 93 Total 1169 1229 1288 1354 1424 1497 1573 1655 41 Regular Pay 1113 1168 1231 1294 1357 1426 1500 1576 Deferred Pay 66 70 73 77 81 85 90 94 Total 1179 I238 1304 1371 1438 1511 1590 1670 42 Regular Pay 1126 1181 1243 1303 1370 1444 1515 1593 Deferred Pay 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 Total 1193 1251 1317 1381 1452 1530 1605 1688 43 Regular Pay 1134 1196 1255 1320 1386 1456 1531 1611 Deferred Pay 68 71 74 79 83 87 91 96 Total 1202 1267 1329 1399 1469 1543 1622 1707 44 Regular Pay 1147 1205 1266 1331 1400 1469 1549 1626 Deferred Pay 68 72 76 79 83 88 92 97 Total 1215 1277 1342 1410 1483 1557 1641 1723 45 Regular Pay 1160 1216 1278 1344 1413 1484 1562 1638 Deferred Pay 69 72 76 80 84 89 93 98 Total 1229 1288 1354 1424 1497 1573 1655 1736 46 Regular Pay 1168 1231 1294 1357 1426 1500 1576 1658 Deferred Pay 70 73 77 81 85 90 94 99 Total 1238 1304 1371 1438 1511 1590 1670 1757 47 Regular Pay 1181 1243 1303 1370 1444 1515 1593 1676 Deferred Pay 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 100 Total 1251 1317 1381 1452 1530 1605 1688 1776 . 48 Regular Pay 1196 1255 1320 1386 1456 1531 1611 1689 Deferred Pay 71 74 79 83 87 91 96 101 Total 1267 1329 1399 1469 1543 1622 1707 1790 49 Regular Pay 1205 1266 1331 1400 1469 1549 1626 1708 1 Deferred Pay 72 76 79 83 88 92 97 102 Total 1277 1342 1410 1483 1557 1641 1723 1810 -2- Longevity .ange No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step A Step Y Step Z 78 82 86 90 95 100 105 110 Total 1381 50 Regular Pay $ 1216 $ 1278 $ 1344 $ 1413 $ 1484 $ 1562 $ 1638 $ 1723 1456 Deferred Pay 72 76 80 84 89 93 98 103 91 Total 1288 1354 1424 1497 1573 1655 1736 1826 51 Regular Pay 1231 1294 1357 1426 1500 1576 1658 1741 1708 Deferred Pay 73 77 81 85 90 94 99 104 107 Total 1304 1371 1438 1511 1590 1670 1757 1845 52 Regular Pay 1243 1303 1370 1444 1515 1593 1676 1757 Deferred Pay Deferred Pay 74 78 82 86 90 95 100 105 1424 Total 1317 1381 1452 1530 1605 1688 1776 1862 53 Regular Pay 1255 1320 1386 1456 1531 1611 1689 1777 90 Deferred Pay 74 79 83 87 91 96 101 106 1670 Total 1329 1399 1469 1543 1622 1707 1790 1883 54 Regular Pay 1266 1331 1400 1469 1549 1626 1708 1790 105 Deferred Pay 76 79 83 88 92 97 102 107 1960 Total 1342 1410 I483 1557 1641 1723 1810 1897 55 Regular Pay 1278 1344 1413 1484 1562 1638 1723 1813 Total Deferred Pay 76 80 84 89 93 98 103 108 1400 Total 1354 1424 1497 1573 1655 1736 1826 1921 56 Regular Pay 1294 1357 1426 1500 1576 1658 1741 1828 1641 Deferred Pay 77 81 85 90 94 99 104 109 Total 1371 1438 1511 1590 1670 1757 1845 1937 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Regular Pay 1303 1370 1444 1515 1593 1676 1757 1850 Deferred Pay 78 82 86 90 95 100 105 110 Total 1381 1452 1530 1605 1688 1776 1862 1960 Regular Pay 1320 1386 1456 1531 1611 1689 1777 1866 Deferred Pay 79 83 87 91 96 101 106 111 Total 1399 1469 1543 1622 1707 1790 1883 1977 Regular Pay 1331 1400 1469 1549 1626 1708 1790 1884 Deferred Pay 79 83 88 92 97 102 107 113 Total 1410 1483 1557 1641 1723 1810 1897 1997 Regular Pay 1344 1413 1484 1562 1638 1723 1813 1908 Deferred Pay 80 84 89 93 98 103 108 113 Total 1424 1497 1573 1655 1736 1826 1921 2021 Regular Pay 1357 1426 1500 1576 1658 1741 1828 1924 Deferred Pay 81 85 90 94 99 104 109 115 Total 1438 1511 1590 1670 1757 1845 1937 2039 Regular Pay 1370 1444 1515 1593 1676 1757 1850 1945 Deferred Pay 82 86 90 95 100 105 110 116 Total 1452 1530 1605 1688 1776 1862 1960 2061 Regular Pay 1386 1456 1531 1611 1689 1777 1866 1963 Deferred Pay 83 87 91 96 101 106 111 117 Total 1469 1543 1622 1707 1790 1883 1977 2080 Regular Pay 1400 1469 1549 1626 1708 1790 1884 1981 Deferred Pay 83 88 92 97 102 107 113 118 Total 1483 1557 1641 1723 1810 1897 1997 2099 -3 Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 65 Regular Pay $ 1413 $ I484 $ 1562 $ 1638 $ 1723 $ 1813 $ 1908 $ 2001 Deferred Pay 84 89 93 98 103 108 113 120 Total 1497 1573 1655 1736 1826 1921 2021 2121 66 Regular Pay 1426 1500 1576 1658 1741 1828 1924 2020 Deferred Pay 85 90 94 99 104 109 115 121 Total 1511 1590 1670 1757 1845 1937 2039 2141 67 Regular Pay 1444 1515 1593 1676 1757 1850 1945 2038 Deferred Pay 86 90 95 100 105 110 116 122 Total 1530 1605 1688 1776 1862 1960 2061 2160 68 Regular Pay 1456 1531 1611 1689 1777 1866 1963 2063 Deferred Pay 87 91 96 101 106 I11 117 123 Total 1543 1622 1707 1790 1883 1977 2080 2186 69 Regular Pay 1469 1549 1626 1708 1790 1884 1981 2083 Deferred Pay 88 92 97 102 107 113 1I8 125 Total 1557 1641 1723 1810 1897 1997 2099 2208 70 Regular Pay 1484 1562 1638 1723 1813 1908 2001 2103 Deferred Pay 89 93 98 103 108 113 120 126 Total 1573 1655 1736 1826 1921 2021 2121 2229 71 Regular Pay 1500 1576 1658 1741 1828 1924 2020 2121 Deferred Pay 90 94 99 104 109 115 121 127 Total 1590 1670 1757 1845 1937 2039 2141 2248 72 Regular Pay 1515 1593 1676 1757 1850 1945 2038 2140 Deferred Pay 90 95 100 105 110 116 122 128 Total 1605 1688 1776 1862 1960 2061 2160 2268 73 Regular Pay 1531 1611 1689 1777 1866 1963 2063 2166 Deferred Pay 91 96 101 106 111 117 123 129 Total 1622 1707 1790 1883 1977 2080 2186 2295 74 Regular Pay 1549 1626 1708 1790 1884 1981 2083 2187 Deferred Pay 92 97 102 107 113 118 125 131 Total 1641 1723 1810 1897 1997 2099 2208 2318 75 Regular Pay 1562 1638 1723 1813 1908 2001 2103 2210 Deferred Pay 93 98 103 108 113 120 126 132 Total 1655 1736 1826 192I 2021 2121 2229 2342 76 Regular Pay 1569 1651 1733 1820 1914 2014 2116 2223 Deferred Pay 94 99 103 109 114 120 127 133 Total 1663 1750 1836 1929 2028 2134 2243 2356 77 Regular Pay 1584 1667 1750 1841 1933 2032 2134 2241 Deferred Pay 95 99 105 110 116 121 128 134 Total 1679 1766 1855 1951 2049 2153 2262 2375 78 Regular Pay 1603 1682 1767 1857 1951 2052 2160 2266 Deferred Pay 96 100 106 111 117 123 129 135 Total 1699 1782 1873 1968 2068 2175 2289 2401 79 Regular Pay 1616 1700 1785 1877 1973 2072 2178 2289 Deferred Pay 96 102 107 112 118 124 130 137 Total 1712 1802 1892 1989 2091 2196 2308 2426 -4- i 1rii'�l Longevity • Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 80 Regular Pay $ 1632 $ 1717 $ 1802 $ 1899 $ 1995 $ 2096 $ 2200 $ 2315 Deferred Pay 97 103 108 113 119 125 132 138 Total 1729 1820 1910 2012 2114 2221 2332 2453 81 Regular Pay 1651 1733 1820 1914 2014 2116 2223 2334 Deferred Pay 99 103 109 114 120 127 133 140 Total 1750 1836 1929 2028 2134 2243 2356 2474 82 Regular Pay 1667 1750 1841 1933 2032 2134 2241 2360 Deferred Pay 99 I05 110 116 121 128 134 141 Total 1766 1855 1951 2049 2153 2262 2375 2501 83 Regular Pay 1682 1767 1857 1951 2052 2160 2266 2382 Deferred Pay 100 106 111 117 123 129 135 142 Total 1782 1873 1968 2068 2175 2289 2401 2524 84 Regular Pay 1700 1785 1877 1973 2072 2178 2289 2406 Deferred Pay 102 107 112 118 124 130 137 144 Total 1802 1892 1989 2091 2196 2308 2426 2550 85 Regular Pay 1717 1802 1899 1995 2096 2200 2315 2432 Deferred Pay 103 108 113 119 125 132 138 145 Total 1820 1910 2012 2114 2221 2332 2453 2577 86 Regular Pay 1733 1820 1914 2014 2116 2223 2334 2456 Deferred.Pay 103 109 114 120 127 133 140 147 Total 1836 1929 2028 2134 2243 2356 2474 2603 87 Regular Pay 1750 1841 1933 2032 2134 2241 2360 2480 Deferred Pay 105 110 116 I21 128 134 141 I48 Total 1855 1951 2049 2153 2262 2375 2501 2628 88 Regular Pay 1767 1857 1951 2052 2160 2266 2382 2503 Deferred Pay 106 ill 117 123 129 135 142 150 Total 1873 1968 2068 2175 2289 2401 2524 2653 89 Regular Pay 1785 1877 1973 2072 2178 2289 2406 2529 Deferred Pay 107 112 118 124 130 137 144 151 Total 1892 1989 2091 2196 2308 2426 2550 2680 90 Regular Pay 1802 1899 1995 2096 2200 2315 2432 2552 Deferred Pay 108 113 119 125 132 138 145 153 Total 1910 2012 2114 2221 2332 2453 2577 2705 91 Regular Pay 1820 1914 2014 2116 2223 2334 2456 2584 Deferred Pay 109 114 120 127 133 140 147 154 Total 1929 2028 2134 2243 2356 2474 2603 2738 92 Regular Pay 1841 1933 2032 2134 2241 2360 2480 2608 Deferred Pay 110 116 121 128 134 141 148 156 Total 1951 2049 2153 2262 2375 2501 2628 2764 93 Regular Pay 1857 1951 2052 2160 2266 2382 2503 2631 Deferred Pay ill 117 123 129 135 142 150 157 Total 1968 2068 2175 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 94 Regular Pay 1877 1973 2072 2178 2289 2406 2529 2657 Deferred Pay 112 118 124 130 137 144 151 159 Total 1989 2091 2196 2308 2426 2550 2680 2816 -5- Longevity • Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step A Step Y Step Z 95 Regular Pay $ 1899 $ 1995 $ 2096 $ 2200 $ 2315 $ 2432 $ 2552 $ 2684 Deferred Pay 113 119 125 I32 138 145 153 161 Total 2012 2114 2221 2332 2453 2577 2705 2845 96 Regular Pay 1914 2014 2116 2223 2334 2456 2584 2711 Deferred Pay 114 120 127 133 140 147 154 162 Total 2028 2134 2243 2356 2474 2603 2738 2873 97 Regular Pay 1933 2032 2134 2241 2360 2480 2608 2739 Deferred Pay 116 121 128 134 141 148 156 164 . Total 2049 2153 2262 2375 2501 2628 2764 2903 98 Regular Pay 1951 2052 2160 2266 2382 2503 2631 2767 Deferred Pay 117 123 129 135 142 150 157 166 Total 2068 2175 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 2933 99 Regular Pay 1973 2072 2178 2289 2406 2529 2657 2791 Deferred Pay 118 124 130 137 144 151 159 167 Total 2091 2196 2308 2426 2550 2680 2816 2958 100 Regular Pay 1995 2096 2200 2315 2432 2552 2684 2820 Deferred Pay 119 125 132 138 145 153 16I 169 Total 2114 2221 2332 2453 2577 2705 2845 2989 101 Regular Pay 2014 2116 2223 2334 2456 2584 2711 2850 Deferred Pay 120 127 133 140 147 154 162 171 Total 2134 2243 2356 2474 2603 2738 2873 3021 102 Regular Pay 2032 2134 2241 2360 2480 2608 2739 2880 Deferred Pay 121 128 134 141 148 156 164 172 Total 2153 2262 2375 2501 2628 2764 2903 3052 103 Regular Pay 2052 2160 2266 2382 2503 2631 2767 2907 Deferred Pay 123 129 135 142 150 157 166 174 Total 2175 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 2933 3081 104 Regular Pay 2072 2178 2289 2406 2529 2657 2791 2935 Deferred Pay 124 130 137 I44 151 159 167 176 Total 2196 2308 2426 2550 2680 2816 2958 3111 105 Regular Pay 2096 2200 2315 2432 2552 2684 2820 2966 Deferred Pay 125 132 138 145 153 161 169 178 Total 2221 2332 2453 2577 2705 2845 2989 3144 106 Regular Pay 2116 2223 2334 2456 2584 2711 2850 2998 Deferred Pay 127 133 140 147 154 162 171 179 Total 2243 2356 2474 2603 2738 2873 3021 3177 107 Regular Pay 2134 2241 2360 2480 2608 2739 2880 3026 Deferred Pay 128 134 141 148 156 164 172 181 Total 2262 2375 2501 2628 2764 2903 3052 3207 . 108 Regular Pay 2160 2266 2382 2503 2631 2767 2907 3057 Deferred Pay 129 135 142 150 157 166 174 182 Total 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 2933 3081 3239 109 Regular Pay 2178 2289 2406 2529 2657 2791 2935 3085 Deferred Pay 130 137 144 151 159 167 176 185 Total 2308 2426 2550 2680 2816 2958 3111 3270 -6- SECTION 2. Section 1A3.015 is added to Chapter IA3 of Title IA of the E1 Segundo Administrative Code, adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, which said section shall read as follows: SECTION 1A3.015 BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE--JUNE 11, 1983. Except as hereinafter specifically provided and subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, each employee in the service of said City shall be entitled to receive for his or her posi- tion the applicable rate of compensation shown in the following basic salary schedule prescribed for the class in which his or her position is allocated, commencing June 11, 1983, to wit: BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE Longevity OFFICE, LIBRARY AND OPERATION SERIES Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step B Step Y Step Z Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 110 Regular Pay $ 2200 $ 2315 $ 2432 $ 2552 $ 2684 $ 2820 $ 2966 $ 3115 $ 1088 $ 1146 $ Deferred Pay 132 138 145 153 161 169 178 186 72 76 Total 2332 2453 2577 2705 2845 2989 3144 3301 1409 III Regular Pay 2223 2334 2456 2584 2711 2850 2998 3148 1484 Deferred Pay Deferred Pay 133 140 147 154 162 171 179 188 1111 1168 Total 2356 2474 2603 2738 2873 3021 3177 3336 —7— 112 Regular Pay 2241 2360 2480 2608 2739 2880 3026 3180 • Deferred Pay Total 134 141 148 156 2764 164 2903 172 3052 181 3207 190 2375 2501 2628 3370 113 Regular Pay 2266 2382 2503 2631 2767 2907 3057 3212 Deferred Pay 135 142 150 157 166 174 182 192 Total 2401 2524 2653 2788 2933 3081 3239 3404 114 Regular Pay 2289 2406 2529 2657 2791 2935 3085 3244 Deferred Pay 137 144 151 159 167 176 185 194 Total 2426 2550 2680 2816 2958 3111 3270 3438 115 Regular Pay 2315 2432 2552 2684 2820 2966 3115 3272 Deferred Pay 138 145 153 161 169 178 186 196 Total 2453 2577 2705 2845 2989 3144 3301 3468 SECTION 2. Section 1A3.015 is added to Chapter IA3 of Title IA of the E1 Segundo Administrative Code, adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, which said section shall read as follows: SECTION 1A3.015 BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE--JUNE 11, 1983. Except as hereinafter specifically provided and subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, each employee in the service of said City shall be entitled to receive for his or her posi- tion the applicable rate of compensation shown in the following basic salary schedule prescribed for the class in which his or her position is allocated, commencing June 11, 1983, to wit: BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE OFFICE, LIBRARY AND OPERATION SERIES Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 28 Regular Pay $ 1036 $ 1088 $ 1146 $ 1202 $ 1267 $ 1330 $ 1400 $ 1469 Deferred Pay 62 65 68 72 76 79 83 88 Total 1098 1153 1214 1274 1343 1409 1483 1557 29 Regular Pay 1049 1102 1160 1216 1278 1343 1411 1484 Deferred Pay 62 66 69 72 76 80 84 88 Total 1111 1168 1229 1288 1354 1423 1495 1572 —7— Longevity • Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step 2 30 Regular Pay $ I057 $ 1110 $ 1170 $ 1230 $ 1288 $ 1354 $ 1424 $ 1498 Deferred Pay 63 66 69 73 77 81 85 89 Total 1120 1176 1239 1303 1365 1435 1509 1587 31 Regular Pay 1067 1124 1180 1238 1304 1371 1438 1512 Deferred Pay 63 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 Total 1130 1191 1250 1312 1382 1453 1524 1602 32 Regular Pay 1079 1132 1194 1251 1317 1382 1452 1531 Deferred Pay 64 67 71 75 79 82 87 91 Total 1143 I199 1265 1326 1396 1464 1539 1622 33 Regular Pay 1088 1146 1202 1267 1330 1400 1469 1544 Deferred Pay 65 68 72 76 79 83 88 92 Total 1153 1214 1274 1343 1409 1483 1557 1636 34 Regular Pay 1102 1160 1216 1278 1343 1411 1484 1557 Deferred Pay 66 69 72 76 80 84 88 93 Total 1168 1229 1288 1354 1423 1495 1572 1650 35 Regular Pay 1110 1170 1230 1288 1354 1424 1498 1573 Deferred Pay 66 69 73 77 81 85 89 94 Total 1176 1239 1303 1365 1435 1509 1587 1667 36 Regular Pay 1124 1180 1238 1304 1371 1438 1512 1590 Deferred Pay 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 Total 1191 1250 1312 1382 1453 1524 1602 1685 37 Regular Pay 1132 1194 1251 1317 1382 1452 1531 1605 Deferred Pay 67 71 75 79 82 87 91 96 Total 1199 1265 1326 1396 1464 1539 1622 1701 38 Regular Pay 1146 1202 1267 1330 1400 1469 1544 1622 Deferred Pay 68 72 76 79 83 88 92 97 Total 1214 1274 1343 1409 1483 1557 1636 1719 39 Regular Pay 1160 1216 1278 1343 1411 1484 1557 1641 Deferred Pay 69 72 76 80 84 88 93 98 Total 1229 1288 1354 1423 1495 1572 I650 1739 40 Regular Pay 1170 1230 1288 1354 1424 1498 I573 1655 Deferred Pay 69 73 77 8I 85 89 94 99 Total 1239 1303 1365 1435 1509 1587 1667 1754 41 Regular Pay 1180 1238 1304 1371 1438 1512 1590 1670 Deferred Pay 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 100 Total 1250 1312 1382 1453 1524 1602 1685 1770 42 Regular Pay 1194 1251 1317 1382 1452 1531 1605 I688 Deferred Pay 71 75 79 82 87 91 96 101 Total 1265 1326 1396 1464 1539 1622 1701 1789 43 Regular Pay 1202 1267 1330 1400 1469 1544 1622 1707 Deferred Pay 72 76 79 83 88 92 97 102 Total 1274 1343 1409 1483 1557 1636 1719 1809 44 Regular Pay 1216 1278 1343 1411 1484 1557 1641 1723 Deferred Pay 72 76 80 84 88 93 98 103 Total 1288 1354 1423 1495 1572 1650 I739 1826 Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 45 Regular Pay $ 1230 $ 1288 $ 1354 $ 1424 $ 1498 $ 1573 $ 1655 $ 1736 Deferred Pay 73 77 81 85 89 94 99 104 Total 1303 1365 1435 1509 1587 1667 1754 1840 46 Regular Pay 1238 1304 1371 1438 1512 1590 1670 1757 Deferred Pay 74 78 82 86 90 95 100 105 Total 1312 1382 1453 1524 1602 1685 1770 1862 47 Regular Pay 1251 1317 1382 1452 1531 1605 1688 1777 Deferred Pay 75 79 82 87 91 96 101 106 Total 1326 1396 1464 1539 1622 1701 1789 1883 48 Regular Pay 1267 1330 1400 1469 1544 1622 I707 1790 Deferred Pay 76 79 83 88 92 97 102 107 Total 1343 1409 1483 1557 1636 1719 1809 1897 49 Regular Pay 1278 1343 1411 1484 1557 1641 1723 1811 Deferred Pay 76 80 84 88 93 98 103 108 Total 1354 1423 1495 1572 1650 1739 1826 1919 50 Regular Pay 1288 1354 1424 1498 1573 1655 1736 1827 Deferred Pay 77 81 85 89 94 99 104 109 Total 1365 1435 1509 1587 1667 1754 1840 1936 51 Regular Pay 1304 1371 1438 1512 1590 1670 1757 1846 Deferred Pay 78 82 86 90 95 100 105 110 Total 1382 1453 1524 1602 1685 1770 1862 1956 52 Regular Pay 1317 1382 1452 1531 1605 1688 1777 1863 Deferred Pay 79 82 87 91 96 101 106 111 Total 1396 1464 1539 1622 1701 1789 1883 1974 53 Regular Pay 1330 I400 1469 1544 1622 1707 1790 1883 Deferred Pay 79 83 88 92 97 102 107 113 Total 1409 1483 1557 1636 1719 1809 1897 I996 54 Regular Pay 1343 1411 1484 1557 1641 1723 1811 1898 Deferred Pay 80 84 88 93 98 103 108 113 Total 1423 1495 1572 1650 1739 1826 1919 2011 55 Regular Pay 1354 1424 1498 1573 1655 1736 1827 1921 Deferred Pay 81 85 89 94 99 104 109 115 Total 1435 1509 1587 1667 1754 1840 1936 2036 56 Regular Pay 1371 I438 1512 1590 1670 1757 1846 1937 Deferred Pay 82 86 90 95 100 105 110 116 Total 1453 1524 1602 1685 1770 1862 1956 2053 57 Regular Pay 1382 1452 1531 1605 1688 1777 1863 1961 Deferred Pay 82 87 91 96 101 106 111 117 Total 1464 1539 1622 1701 1789 1883 1974 2078 58 Regular Pay 1400 1469 1544 1622 1707 1790 1883 1978 Deferred Pay 83 88 92 97 102 107 113 11.8 Total 1483 1557 1636 1719 1809 1897 1996 2096 59 Regular Pay 1411 1484 1557 1641 1723 1811 1898 1998 Deferred Pay 84 88 93 98 103 108 113 119 Total 1495 1572 1650 1739 1826 1919 2011 2117 -9- Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 75 Regular Pay $ 1655 $ 1736 $ 1827 $ 1921 $ 2022 $ 2121 $ 2230 $ 2343 Deferred Pay 99 104 109 115 120 127 133 140 Total 1754 1840 1936 2036 2142 2248 2363 2483 76 Regular Pay 1664 1750 1836 1930 2029 2134 2244 2356 Deferred Pay 99 105 110 115 121 128 134 141 Total 1763 I855 1946 2045 2150 2262 2378 2497 77 Regular Pay 1680 1767 1855 1951 2050 2153 2263 2376 Deferred Pay 100 105 I11 117 122 129 I35 142 Total 1780 1872 1966 2068 2172 2282 2398 2518 78 Regular Pay 1700 1783 1873 1968 2068 2176 2289 2401 Deferred Pay 101 106 112 118 124 130 137 144 Total 1801 1889 1985 2086 2192 2306 2426 2545 79 Regular Pay 1713 1802 1893 1989 2091 2197 2308 2427 Deferred Pay 102 108 113 119 125 131 138 145 Total 1815 1910 2006 2108 2216 2328 2446 2572 80 Regular Pay 1730 1820 1911 2013 2115 2221 2333 2453 Deferred Pay 103 109 114 120 126 133 139 147 Total 1833 1929 2025 2133 2241 2354 2472 2600 81 Regular Pay 1750 1836 1930 2029 2135 2244 2356 2474 Deferred Pay 105 110 115 121 127 134 141 148 Total 1855 1946 2045 2150 2262 2378 2497 2622 82 Regular Pay 1767 1855 1951 2050 2153 2263 2376 2501 Deferred Pay 105 111 117 122 129 135 142 150 Total 1872 1966 2068 2172 2282 2398 2518 2651 83 Regular Pay 1783 1873 1968 2068 2176 2289 2401 2524 Deferred Pay 106 112 118 124 130 137 144 151 Total 1889 1985 2086 2192 2306 2426 2545 2675 84 Regular Pay 1802 1893 1989 2091 2197 2308 2427 2550 Deferred Pay 108 113 119 125 131 138 145 153 Total 1910 2006 2108 2216 2328 2446 2572 2703 85 Regular Pay 1820 1911 2013 2115 2221 2333 2453 2578 Deferred Pay 109 114 120 126 133 139 147 154 Total 1929 2025 2133 2241 2354 2472 2600 2732 86 Regular Pay 1836 1930 2029 2135 2244 2356 2474 2603 Deferred Pay 110 115 121 127 134 141 148 156 Total 1946 2045 2150 2262 2378 2497 2622 2759 87 Regular Pay 1855 1951 2050 2153 2263 2376 2501 2629 Deferred Pay 111 117 122 129 135 142 150 157 Total 1966 2068 2172 2282 2398 2518 2651 2786 88 Regular Pay 1873 1968 2068 2176 2289 2401 2524 2653 Deferred Pay 112 118 124 130 137 144 151 159 Total 1985 2086 2192 2306 2426 2545 2675 2812 89 Regular Pay 1893 1989 2091 2197 2308 2427 2550 2681 Deferred Pay 113 119 125 131 138 145 153 160 Total 2006 2108 2216 2328 2446 2572 2703 2841 0 -12- Longevity Range No. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step % Step Y Step Z 90 Regular Pay $ 1911 $ 2013 $ 2115 $ 2221 $ 2333 $ 2453 $ 2578 $ 2705 Deferred Pay 114 120 126 I33 139 I47 154 162 Total 2025 2133 2241 2354 2472 2600 2732 2867 91 Regular Pay 1930 2029 2135 2244 2356 2474 2603 2739 Deferred Pay 115 121 127 134 I4I 148 I56 163 Total 2045 2150 2262 2378 2497 2622 2759 2902 92 Regular Pay I951 2050 2153 2263 2376 2501 2629 2765 Deferred Pay 117 122 129 135 142 150 157 165 Total 2068 2172 2282 2398 2518 2651 2786 2930 93 Regular Pay 1968 2068 2176 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 Deferred Pay 118 124 130 137 144 151 159 167 Total 2086 2192 2306 2426 2545 2675 2812 2955 94 Regular Pay 1989 2091 2197 2308 2427 2550 2681 2817 Deferred Pay 119 125 131 138 145 153 160 168 Total 2108 2216 2328 2446 2572 2703 2841 2985 95 Regular Pay 2013 2115 2221 2333 2453 2578 2705 2846 Deferred Pay 120 126 133 139 147 154 162 170 Total 2133 2241 2354 2472 2600 2732 2867 3016 96 Regular Pay 2029 2135 2244 2356 2474 2603 2739 2873 Deferred Pay 121 127 134 141 148 156 163 172 Total 2150 2262 2378 2497 2622 2759 2902 3045 97 Regular Pay 2050 2154 2263 2376 2501 2629 2765 2903 Deferred Pay 122 128 135 142 150 157 165 174 Total 2172 2282 2398 2518 2651 2786 2930 3077 98 Regular Pay 2068 2176 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 2934 Deferred Pay 124 130 137 144 151 159 167 175 Total 2192 2306 2426 2545 2675 2812 2955 3109 99 Regular Pay 2091 2197 2308 2427 2550 2681 2817 2958 Deferred Pay 125 131 138 145 153 160 168 177 Total 2216 2328 2446 2572 2703 284I 2985 3135 100 Regular Pay 2I15 2221 2333 2453 2578 2705 2846 2989 Deferred Pay 126 133 139 147 154 162 170 179 Total 2241 2354 2472 2600 2732 2867 3016 3168 101 Regular Pay 2135 2244 2356 2474 2603 2739 2873 3021 Deferred Pay 127 134 141 148 156 163 172 181 Total 2262 2378 2497 2622 2759 2902 3045 3202 102 Regular Pay 2154 2263 2376 2501 2629 2765 2903 3052 Deferred Pay 128 135 142 150 157 165 174 183 Total 2282 2398 2518 2651 2786 2930 3077 3235 103 Regular Pay 2176 2289 2401 2524 2653 2788 2934 3082 Deferred Pay 130 137 144 151 159 167 175 184 Total 2306 2426 2545 2675 2812 2955 3109 3266 104 Regular Pay 2197 2308 2427 2550 2681 2817 2958 3112 Deferred Pay I31 138 145 153 160 168 177 186 Total 2328 2446 2572 2703 2841 2985 3135 3298 0 -12- 0 i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, VALERIE A. BURROWES SS City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 3182 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 21st day of December , 19 82 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Armstrong, Johnson, Synadinos and Mayor Bue NOES: Councilmembers None ABSENT: Councilmember Siadek WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 4th day of January 1983 ( SEA L) City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California Im Deputy f: