CC RESOLUTION 3160RESOLUTION NO. 3160 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING CERTAIN FUNDS FOR 1982 -1983. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. On and after August 1, 1982, no expenditures may be pursuant to any budget or appropriation adopted prior to July 1, 1981, except as shown on the document attached hereto and marked Exhibit A, The sums shown on the document attached hereto and marked Exhibit A are appropriated for expenditure during the 1982 -1983 fiscal year and until August 1, 1982. SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1982. yor of the City of El Segundo, California ATTEST: VALERIE A. BURROWES City Clerk (SEAL) By -� Deputy 0 0 J ;'778 EXHIBIT A i The following sums are appropriated and re- apprcpriated for expenditure during the fiscal year 1982--1983. CITY COUNCIL Office Supplies (110026) $ 10 Special Department Supplies (110031) 35 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL $ 45 CITY MANAGER Communication Expense (120036) $ 75 TOTAL CITY MANAGER $ 75 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Special Department Supplies (140031) TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT LEGAL- DEI-PARTMENT Part -Tice Salaries ( 160012) TOTAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPART ENT Office Supplies (170026) Special Department Supplies (170031) Professional & Technical (170068) TOTAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Advertising & Publications (180033) Training & Education (180069) Office Supplies (181026) Professional & Technical (182068) Capital Furniture & Fixtures (182+091) TOTAL PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Special Department Supplies (190031) Building Repairs (190034) Contractual Services (190070) • Capital, r Other (190096) TOTAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS NON - DEPARTMENT Telephone &Telegraph (240027) a (1) ■ $ 1,278 $ 1,663 1,6G3 $ 2� 2 { 5 31F920 $ 32,01! $ ru 3.50 96 290 2,383 3,415 $ 93. 1,010 20,280 7x000 $ 28,353 $ 1,325 n LA E 0 '0 Capital - Communications (240090)„ Xerox Supplies & Mult, Supplies (241029) TOTAL NON - DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Office Equipment Maintenance (310029) Photo (310034) Printing (310035) Investigation Expense (310041) Capital -- Other (310096) Capital - Communications (310090) TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT Special Department Supplies (320031) Ca_ital - Furniture & Fixtures (320091) TOT' = = DEPARRTMENT r L � r. BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT Professional & Technical (330068) Capital -• Furniture & Fixtures (3300.01) TOTAL BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Capital - Communication. Equipment. (340090) TOTAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS .ENGINEERING DEPAR_MENT Office Equipment Maintenance (410029) Photo & Printing (410035) Professional & Technical (410068) Capital - Furniture & Fixtures (410091) TOTAL ENGIN'ERING DEPARTMENT STREET CLEANING Contractual Services (421070) D1wr.£'ip Fees ( 421071) TOTAL STREET CLEANING STREET' '41AINTENANCE Contrataal Services (422070) Capital - Other (422006) (2) 19,400 49 S 20,774 $ 90 11731 1,915 3,100 1,067 1,223 $ 9,176 384 132 5 l , �.1�.6 $ 2,220 4,14 $ 12,930 $ —' �. , ., �, 0 . 4 _19 2,:337 4,500 35 c 6,400 4s528 10,928 $ 141,408 3,434 1`�j 0,, 0 (3) N TOTAL STREET MAINTENENCE $ 144,842 STREET LIGHTING Contratual Services (^-23070) $ 251000 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING $ 25,000 . CURBS & SIDEWALKS Special Department Supplies (424031) $ 1,098 TOTAL CURBS & SIDEWALKS $ 10,098 TRAFFIC SAFETY Special Department Supplies (425031) S 1,535 Small Tools (425044). 214 a0T - P : = TC SA E TV $ 1, 749 SANITATION DE?`�RViE-`T ^Ct?er Capital - (440096) $ 859 TOTAL SANITATION u?PARTMENT $ 859 CITY GARAGE .. Small Tools (460044) .$ 341 TOTAL CITY GARAGE $ 341 CITY LIBRARY Adult Fiction & Non- Fiction (501033) $ 2,593 Photo & Printing (501035) 250 Bookbinding (501042) 50 Professional & Technical (501068) 148 Special CLSA Account (501075) 102 Capital - Other (501096) 450 Refer. & Business Subscriptions (5101133) 514 Young People's Reference (501233) 1,083 Audio Visual - Recordings (501333) 225 Periodical Subscr.- Mirco Forms (501433) 1,73$ TOTAL CITY LIBRARY a 7,153 • PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS DEPARTMENT Park Equipment & Supplies (512043) $ 172 Professional & Technical (512068) 8,790 Capital - Other (512096) 2,255 0 (3) 0 L� TOTAL PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT Capital - Other (513096) Professional & Technical (513068) TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT AQUATICS Special. Department Supplies (513131) Professional & Technical (513168) TOTAL AQUATICS GULTti?L ARTS & CHILDREN -Building Maintance (513234) io4essl.onal & Technical (513268) TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS & CHILDREN TEEN DEPARTMENT Professional & Technical ( 513468 ) TOTAL TEEN DEPART "iMENT JOSLYN SENIOR CITIZENS Special Department Supplies (513531) Professional & Technical (513568) TOTAL JOSLYN SENIOR CITIZENS TOTAL PARKS & RECRETION $ 11,217 $ 12,668 31 $ 12,699 $ 500 31 $ 531 $ 66 3.1 $ 68i $^ 681. $ 47 641 Y �_T728 25,953 `JDTAL GENERAL FUND i 340;050 WATER FUND 02 • ADMINISTRATibN, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Professional & Technical (471068) Special Department. Supplies (472031) Small. Tools (472044) Capital - Other (472096) TOTAL ADMINISTATION, OPERATION & MAINENTANCE • (41 $ 1,320 3,260 273 13,350 18,203 A '�7�S1 -I ,� `�,s 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS Sidewalk Ramps CUOMO,) 2 0 (0 Basin Water Conn. (820002) RoS rC r -sP 'js - A V -]a t C, j -!)-c u 9 1 a s O04ve r !a y 5 0 0 0 7 44o348 Douglas St. Water Line (820003) El S fall undc -00 at j. Cori oil-loent 0600( 0) 8,840 Wat-er Main Indiana & 110 _1y (820004) 40r,591 Paint Elevated Water Tank (820005) 24,030 Pressure Reducing Station (320006) Sewer Plant # .t13 (SADOI) 1200000 TOTAL CAPITA!-, PROJECTS 88,569 fi 73>331 2-- p 5 d-9- TOTAL WATER FUND Cexiter Street Storm Drai- (810010) 184 '764 256,,112 REVENUE SHARING FUND #-SO Franklin-Sierra Storm Dra--n (810014 630S25 Oregon Street Storms, Drain (610015) JrYVENI--E DIVERSON PrOfeSSiOnW. & TeChni City M'aizitenance Yard TOTAL REVZ"NUE SH,:,�.RING vat ( 62 it 1. 6 8 ) 1:552r065 Tie- 5 5 3 t --:—'73 GAS TAX FUND - CAPITAT- PROJECTS Sidewalk Ramps CUOMO,) 2 0 (0 Ind iana-Mari omi --Holey werlay (860003) 22 ;56/2 5 6 2 RoS rC r -sP 'js - A V -]a t C, j -!)-c u 9 1 a s O04ve r !a y 5 0 0 0 7 a5 0 [) a Di ( 13. 4 4,53 5 El S fall undc -00 at j. Cori oil-loent 0600( 0) :329,719 Sj- Seglundo.-Aviatifwi Widen '86,010066) 8 6 2 8 j, TOTAL GAS TAX PROjECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND #11. Sewer Plant # .t13 (SADOI) t 702 Sewer Plant #4 Renov. (810004) 88,569 S-2wer Plant #5 (83-0005) 73>331 Sandhill Trunk Sewr-.r (810008) Cexiter Street Storm Drai- (810010) 184 '764 Fire Sta.tl Addition (810011) j: 343tGO0 Franklin-Sierra Storm Dra--n (810014 630S25 Oregon Street Storms, Drain (610015) 75 804 Saari Pool Filtration� ( 81001 9) j 60,101 blairk-El Segundo-Mariposa Overlay (81.0020) wpm l,faripk)sa-Se,D,ijiv-2da,-Cf--i,itf�-�r Over.lay (8 00211 f9 , 5,1 Holly-Washington-III-incis (910022) 3 3 , �'Zl FI-y-per ion, Treatment Plant lmpro%mt 810023 156.700 Vi i Seg--ando --- Standard Storm, Drain (810024) i10,000 Nasn Street IMedian Removal eta .#2 (81.0025) 774 C.tty Maintenance Yard (81.0026) 270tO0Q Small Hydroelectric Plant Design (810027) 63q �3 I• TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS H OUTSIDE SERVICE TRUST FUND 728 Universal Properties (880001) Hughes EDSG (880002) Storm Drainage Sec.;18 (880004) Washington Park Irrg. & Landsc. (880007) • Molly- Washington - Illinois (880008) Sepluveda Zone Dist. Lines (880010) Douglas Street Water Line (880011) TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICE TRUST FUND EQUILPtityNT RELACEMENT FUND #15 Automotive Equipment - General (551093) Otter Capital - General (551095) TOTS EQUTDMEN`;' REPLACEMENT TOTAL REAPPP.OPRT AT7ON GENERAL FUND O1 WATER FUND 702 REVENUE SHARING FUND #30 GAS TAX FUNDS "706, 412t r 4 13 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 715 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 711 OUTSIDE SERVICE TRUST FUND 728 TOTAL REAPPRJPRI_:TION chi $2,183,262 $ 94,51.4 8,989 8,500 31,302 20,450 40,000 51,000 $ 254,755 $ 47,279 2,242 $ 49F521 $ 340,050 456,112 1,553,373 503,144 :9,521 2,183,262 254,755 $5,140,217 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) SS 19 VALERIE A. BURROWES , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 31¢0 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of July , 19 82 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Armstrong, Johnson, Siadek Synadinos, and Mayor Sue NOES: Councilmembers None ABSENT: Councilmembers None WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 28th day of July 19 82 (SEAL) fterie A. Si-irrewes City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California By Aa Deputy f "�7,q,t.