CC RESOLUTION 3012• RESOLUTION NO. 3012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 1A5.010, 1A5.020, 1A5.030, 1A5.212 and 1A5.240 OF CHAPTER 1A5 (POLICE SAFETY SERVICE SERIES) OF TITLE lA OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 0 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Sections 1A5.010, 1A5.020, 1A5.030, 1A5.212, and 1A5.2460 of Chapter 1A5 of Title lA of the E1 Segundo Admin- istrative Code adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, are amended to read as follows: SECTION 1A5.010 BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE. That except as hereinafter specifically provided and subject to other pro- visions of this resolution, each employee in the Police Service enumerated in this Chapter other than those participating in the Educational Incentive Pay Program shall be entitled to receive for his or her services in his or her position the applicable rate of compensation shown in the following basic salary schedule prescribed for the class in which his or her position is allo- cated, for the period commencing June 28, 1980, to wit: BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE POLICE SAFETY SERIES Longevity Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 659 Regular Pay $ 1227 $ 1291 $ 1356 $ 1427 $ 1495 $ 1577 $ 1662 $ 1742 Deferred Pay 73 77 81 85 90 94 100 104 Total 1300 1368 1437 1512 1585 1671 1762 1846 685 Regular Pay 1552 1631 1712 1801 1895 1988 2093 2197 Deferred Pay 125 132 138 146 153 161 169 178 Total 1677 1763 1850 1947 2048 2149 2262 2375 690 Regular Pay 1631 1712 1801 1895 1988 2093 2197 2309 Deferred Pay 132 138 146 153 161 169 178 187 Total 1763 1850 1947 2048 2149 2262 2375 2496 00 Regular Pay 1801 1895 1988 2093 2197 2309 2429 2551 Deferred Pay 146 153 161 169 178 187 196 206 Total 1947 2048 2149 2262 2375 2496 2625 2757 0 Police Officer Trainee Regular Pay 1242 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- Deferred Pay 100 - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- Total 1342 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- SECTION 1A5.020 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY SALARY SCHEDULES. (A) Commencing June 28, 1980, all sworn personnel of the police service enumerated in this Chapter to whom the Educational Incentive Pay Program is applicable and who have obtained a P.O.S.T. Interme- diate Certificate shall receive for his or her services compensation, at the grade and step to which they are entitled by classification and length of service, in accordance with the following salary schedule: P.O.S.T. INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE (5%) SALARY SCHEDULE Longevity Range Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step No. A -1 B -1 C -1 D -1 E -1 X -1 Y -1 Z -1 685 Regular Pay $ 1631 $ 1712 $ 1801 $ 1895 $ 1988 $ 2037 $ 2090 $ 2142 Deferred Pay 132 138 146 153 161 165 169 173 Total 1763 1850 1947 2048 2149 2202 2259 2315 690 Regular Pay 1712 1801 1895 1988 2093 2146 2196 2251 Deferred Pay 138 146 153 161 169 173 178 182 Total 1850 1947 2048 2149 2262 2319 2374 2433 700 Regular Pay 1988 2093 2197 2309 2429 2490 2551 2615 Deferred Pay 161 169 178 187 196 201 206 212 Total 2149 2262 2375 2496 2625 2691 2757 2827 !, 712 Regular Pay 2133 2243 2356 2476 2603 2667 2734 2801 Deferred Pay 172 181 191 200 210 216 221 227 Total 2305 2424 2547 2676 2813 2883 2955 3028 (B) Commencing June 28, 1980, all sworn personnel of the police service enumerated in this Chapter, to whom the '! Educational Incentive Pay Program is applicable and who have obtained a P.O.S.T. Advanced Certificate shall receive for his or her services, compensation at the grade and step to which they are entitled by classification and length of service, in accordance with the following salary schedule: • 2 Longevity Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X S tep Y Step Z 712 Regular Pay $ 2030 $ 2133 $ 2243 $ 2356 $ 2476 $ 2603 $ 2728 $ 2875 Deferred Pay 164 172 181 191 200 210 221 233 Ilk Total 2194 2305 2424 2547 2676 2813 2949 3108 Police Officer Trainee Regular Pay 1242 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- Deferred Pay 100 - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- Total 1342 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- SECTION 1A5.020 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY SALARY SCHEDULES. (A) Commencing June 28, 1980, all sworn personnel of the police service enumerated in this Chapter to whom the Educational Incentive Pay Program is applicable and who have obtained a P.O.S.T. Interme- diate Certificate shall receive for his or her services compensation, at the grade and step to which they are entitled by classification and length of service, in accordance with the following salary schedule: P.O.S.T. INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE (5%) SALARY SCHEDULE Longevity Range Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step No. A -1 B -1 C -1 D -1 E -1 X -1 Y -1 Z -1 685 Regular Pay $ 1631 $ 1712 $ 1801 $ 1895 $ 1988 $ 2037 $ 2090 $ 2142 Deferred Pay 132 138 146 153 161 165 169 173 Total 1763 1850 1947 2048 2149 2202 2259 2315 690 Regular Pay 1712 1801 1895 1988 2093 2146 2196 2251 Deferred Pay 138 146 153 161 169 173 178 182 Total 1850 1947 2048 2149 2262 2319 2374 2433 700 Regular Pay 1988 2093 2197 2309 2429 2490 2551 2615 Deferred Pay 161 169 178 187 196 201 206 212 Total 2149 2262 2375 2496 2625 2691 2757 2827 !, 712 Regular Pay 2133 2243 2356 2476 2603 2667 2734 2801 Deferred Pay 172 181 191 200 210 216 221 227 Total 2305 2424 2547 2676 2813 2883 2955 3028 (B) Commencing June 28, 1980, all sworn personnel of the police service enumerated in this Chapter, to whom the '! Educational Incentive Pay Program is applicable and who have obtained a P.O.S.T. Advanced Certificate shall receive for his or her services, compensation at the grade and step to which they are entitled by classification and length of service, in accordance with the following salary schedule: • 2 P.O.S.T. ADVANCED CERTIFICATE (100) SALARY SCHEDULE • 3 Longevity Range Step Step Step Step Step Step Step -2 X -2 Y -2 Step Z -2 No. A -2 B -2 C -2 D -2 E $ 1712 $ 1801 $ 1895 $ 1988 $ 2093 $ 2146 $ 2196 $ 2251 685 Regular Pay Deferred Pay 138 146 153 161 169 173 178 2319 2374 182 2433 Total 1850 1947 2048 2149 2262 690 Regular Pay 1801 1895 1988 2093 2197 2253 2310 178 182 187 2368 191 Deferred Pay 146 153 1947 2048 161 169 2149 2262 2375 2435 2497 2559 Total 700 Regular Pay 1988 2093 2197 2309 2429 2490 2551 201 206 2615 212 Deferred Pay 161 169 2149 2262 178 187 196 2375 2496 2625 2691 2757 2827 Total 712 Reguar Pay 2243 2356 2476 2602 2735 2802 2874 221 227 233 2943 238 Deferred Pay 181 191 2424 2547 200 210 2676 2812 2956 3029 3107 3181 Total SECTION 1A5.030 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES BY SERIES. Commencing June 28, 1980, the following respective range numbers or hourly rates are hereby allocated and assigned to the following respective officers, positions or employments in the service of said City, hereinafter set forth opposite each classification and ranger number: Classification Range No. Police Lieutenant 712 Police Ser<�eant 700 Police Officer 685 Police Service Officer 659 Police Cadet Start 6 months 18 months Regular Pay $4.81 $5.89 $6.88 Deferred Pay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total $4.81 $5.89 $6.88 SECTION 1A5.212 INSURANCE BENEFITS. (A). Medical. All sworn personnel of the police service, and Police Service • Officers enumerated in this Chapter shall receive a total of $110.00 per month for health and medical insurance under the existing group plan for the employee and one dependent effective with the payroll deduction made for coverage for the month of August, 1980. • 3 x!23 (B). Dental. All sworn personnel of the police ser- vice, and Police Service Officers enumerated in this Chapter shall receive a total of $14.36 per month for dental insurance for the employee only, effective with the payroll deduction made for coverage for the month of August, 1980. (C). Dental /Medical. Should the employee only dental plan cost be less than $14.36 per month the difference between the actual employee only cost and $14.36 may be applied toward the payment of the medical insurance premium. SECTION 1A5.240 UNIFORM AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT ALLOW- ANCES. Police Department employees who are required to purchase and continuously maintain prescribed items of uniform clothing, personal. equipment and safety equipment shall be compensated for a portion of the initial and maintenance costs thereof accord- ing to the following: 1. a. Police officers assigned to motorcycle duty - $30.00 per month of active duty. b. Police detectives and others who normally wear civilian clothes on duty, but are required to maintain uniforms - $20.00 per month of active duty. C. Police Service Officers and Police Cadets - $10.00 per month of active duty. d. All other police officers - $25.00 per month of active duty. 2. Newly appointed police officers entering the service of the Police Department under the Lateral Entry Program and newly appointed Police Officers who possess a P.O.S.T. Basic Certificate shall be provided with uniform allow- ances at the time of appointment and thereafter as follows: a. At the time of appointment - 150% of annual allowance. b. At first anniversary of appointment - 500 of annual allowance. c. After first anniversary - 100% of monthly allowance. 3. Newly appointed Police Service Officers shall be provided with a uniform allowance of $110.00 at the time of appointment. 4 0 SECTION 2. All resolutions and orders of the City Council heretofore passed and adopted with reference to the same, or any of the matters and subjects hereinabove set forth or referred to, are hereby rescinded insofar as the same conflict with the provisions hereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. ATTEST: (Seal) 0 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 25th day of JULY , 1980. City Clerk Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California 0 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) City Clerk of the I 'CT lo,�ia A BUY'rntxleS ' City of E1 Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 15th day of 19-&Q-__ and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Balmer, Bue, Johnson, Siadek and Ma or Van Vranken NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 22 day of Jul 19 _80• City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California { SEAL)