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ihflt.f3 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2860 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 1A3.010 AND 1A3.030 OF CHAPTER lA3 (GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERIES) OF TITLE lA OF THE EL SEGUNDO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: • SECTION 1. Section 1A3.010 of Chapter 1A3 of Title lA • of the El Segundo Administrative Code adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, is amended to read as follows: SECTION 1A3.010 BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE. Except as here- inafter specifically provided and of this Chapter, each employee in be entitled to receive for his or rate of compensation shown in the prescribed for the class in which commencing May 20, 1978, to wit: subject to the other provisions the service of said City shall her position the applicable following basic salary schedules his or her position is allocated, BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE OFFICE, LIBRARY AND OPERATION SERIES Longevity Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 28 Regular Pay $ 694 $ 729 $ 767 $ 806 $ 848 $ 891 $ 937 $ 984 Deferred Pay 42 44 46 48 51 53 56 59 Total 736 773 813 854 899 944 993 1043 29 Regular Pay 702 739 776 813 857 899 944 993 Deferred Pay 42 44 47 49 51 54 57 60 Total 744 783 823 862 908 953 1001 1053 30 Regular Pay 709 743 783 823 862 907 954 1003 Deferred Pay 42 45 47 49 52 54 57 60 Total Pay 751 788 830 872 914 961 1011 1063 31 Regular Pay 715 753 790 829 873 919 964 1012 Deferred Pay 43 45 47 50 52 55 58 61 Total Pay 758 798 837 879 925 974 1022 1073 32 Regular Pay 722 759 798 838 882 925 973 1025 Deferred Pay 43 45 48 50 53 56 58 61 Total Pay 765 804 846 888 935 981 1031 1086 33 Regular Pay 729 767 806 848 891 937 984 1034 Deferred Pay 44 46 48 51 53 56 59 62 Total Pay 773 813 854 899 944 993 1043 1096 34 Regular Pay 739 776 813 857 899 944 993 1043 Deferred Pay 44 47 49 51 54 57 60 63 Total Pay 783 823 862 908 953 1001 1053 1106 Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E 35 Regular Pay $ 743 $ 783 $ 823 $ 862 $ 907 Deferred Pay 45 47 49 52 54 Total Pay 788 830 872 914 961 36 Regular Pay 753 790 829 873 919 Deferred Pay 45 47 50 52 55 Total Pay 798 837 879 925 974 37 Regular Pay 759 798 838 882 925 Deferred Pay 45 48 50 53 56 i Total Pay 804 846 888 935 981 38 Regular Pay 767 806 848 891 937 Deferred Pay 46 48 51 53 56 Total Pay 813 854 899 944 993 39 Regular Pay 776 813 857 899 944 Deferred Pay 47 49 51 54 57 Total Pay 823 862 908 953 1001 40 Regular Pay 783 823 862 907 954 Deferred Pay 47 49 52 54 57 Total Pay 830 872 914 961 1011 41 Regular Pay 790 829 873 919 964 Deferred Pay 47 50 52 55 58 Total Pay 837 879 925 974 1022 42 Regular Pay 798 838 882 925 973 Deferred Pay 48 50 53 56 58 Total Pay 846 888 935 981 1031 43 Regular Pay 806 848 891 937 984 Deferred Pay 48 51 53 56 59 Total Pay 854 899 944 993 1043 44 Regular Pay 813 857 899 944 993 Deferred Pay 49 51 54 57 60 Total Pay 862 908 953 1001 1053 45 Regular Pay 823 862 907 954 1003 Deferred Pay 49 52 54 57 60 Total Pay 872 914 961 1011 1063 46 Regular Pay 829 873 919 964 1012 Deferred Pay 50 52 55 58 61 Total Pay 879 925 974 1022 1073 47 Regular Pay Deferred Pay Total Pay 48 Regular Pay Deferred Pay Total Pay 49 Regular Pay Deferred Pay Total Pay 50 Regular Pay Deferred Pay Total Pay 51 Regular Pay Deferred Pay Total Pay II� Step X $ 954 57 1011 964 58 1022 973 58 1031 984 59 1043 993 60 1053 1003 60 1063 1012 61 1073 1025 61 1086 1034 62 1096 1043 63 1106 1055 63 1118 1065 64 1129 i IIt -A- kO 6 4 Longev Step Y $1003 60 1063 1012 61 1073 1025 61 1086 1034 62 1096 1043 63 1106 1055 63 1118 1065 64 1129 1075 65 1140 1087 65 1152 1099 66 1165 1109 66 1175 1119 67 1186 iiy Step Z $10.55 63 1118 1065 64 1129 1075 65 1140 1087 65 1152 1099 66 1165 1109 66 1175 1119 67 1186 1130 68 1198 1143 69 1212 1154 69 1223 1163 70 1233 1177 71 1248 838 882 925 973 1025 1075 1130 1190 50 53 56 58 61 65 68 71 888 935 981 1031 1086 1140 1198 1261 848 891 937 984 1034 1087 1143 1200 51 53 56 59 62 65 69 72 899 944 993 1043 1096 1152 1212 1272 857 899 944 993 1043 1099 1154 1213 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 73 908 953 1001 1053 1106 1165 1223 1286 862 907 954 1003 1055 1109 1163 1224 52 54 57 60 63 66 70 73 914 961 1011 1063 1118 1175 1233 1297 873 919 964 1012 1065 1119 1177 1236 52 55 58 61 64 67 71 74 925 974 1022 1073 1129 1186 1248 1310 2 - f ' �0 - 3 - Longevity !� Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 52 Regular Pay $ 882 $ 925 $ 973 $1025 $1075 $1130 $1190 $1249 Deferred Pay 53 56 58 61 65 68 71 75 Total Pay 935 981 1031 1086 1140 1198 1261 1324 53 Regular Pay 891 937 984 1034 1087 1143 1200 1261 Deferred Pay 53 56 59 62 65 69 72 76 Total Pay 944 993 1043 1096 1152 1212 1272 1337 54 Regular Pay 899 944 993 1043 1099 1154 1213 1272 Deferred Pay 54 57 60 63 66 69 73 76 Total Pay 953 1001 1053 1106 1165 1223 1286 1348 55 Regular Pay 907 954 1003 1055 1109 1163 1224 1287 Deferred Pay 54 57 60 63 66 70 73 77 Total Pay 961 1011 1063 1118 1175 1233 1297 1364 56 Regular Pay 919 964 1012 1065 1119 1177 1236 1298 Deferred Pay 55 58 61 64 67 71 74 78 Total Pay 974 1022 1073 1129 1186 1248 1310 1376 57 Regular Pay 925 973 1025 1075 1130 1190 1249 1313 Deferred Pay 56 58 61 65 68 71 75 79 Total Pay 981 1031 1086 1140 1198 1261 1324 1392 58 Regular Pay 937 984 1034 1087 1143 1200 1261 1325 Deferred Pay 56 59 62 65 69 72 76 79 Total Pay 993 1043 1096 1152 1212 1272 1337 1404 59 Regular Pay 944 993 1043 1099 1154 1213 1272 1339 Deferred Pay 57 60 63 66 69 73 76 80 Total Pay 1001 1053 1106 1165 1223 1286 1348 1419 60 Regular Pay 954 1003 1055 1109 1163 1224 1287 1355 Deferred Pay 57 60 63 66 70 73 77 81 Total Pay 1011 1063 1118 1175 1233 1297 1364 1436 61 Regular Pay 964 1012 1065 1119 1177 1236 1298 1366 Deferred Pay 58 61 64 67 71 74 78 82 Total Pay 1022 1073 1129 1186 1248 1310 1376 1448 62 Regular Pay 973 1025 1075 1130 1190 1249 1313 1380 Deferred Pay 58 61 65 68 71 75 79 83 Total Pay 1031 1086 1140 1198 1261 1324 1392 1463 63 Regular Pay 984 1034 1087 1143 1200 1261 1325 1393 Deferred Pay 59 62 65 69 72 76 79 84 Total Pay 1043 1096 1152 1212 1272 1337 1404 1477 64 Regular Pay 993 1043 1099 1154 1213 1272 1339 1407 Deferred Pay 60 63 66 69 73 76 80 84 Total Pay 1053 1106 1165 1223 1286 1348 1419 1491 65 Regular Pay 1003 1055 1109 1163 1224 1287 1355 1422 Deferred Pay 60 63 66 70 73 77 81 85 Total Pay 1063 1118 1175 1233 1297 1364 1436 1507 66 Regular Pay 1012 1065 1119 1177 1236 1298 1366 1436 Deferred Pay 61 64 67 71 74 78 82 86 Total Pay 1073 1129 1186 1248 1310 1376 1448 1522 • 67 Regular Pay 1025 1075 1130 1190 1249 1313 1380 1448 Deferred Pay 61 65 68 71 75 79 83 87 Total Pay 1086 1140 1198 1261 1324 1392 1463 1535 68 Regular Pay 1034 1087 1143 1200 1261 1325 1393 1464 Deferred Pay 62 65 69 72 76 79 84 88 Total Pay 1096 1152 1212 1272 1337 1404 1477 1552 �0 - 3 - I9 - 4 - Longevity Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 69 Regular Pay $1043 $1099 $1154 $1213 $1272 $1339 $1407 $1479 Deferred Pay 63 66 69 73 76 80 84 89 Total Pay 1106 1165 1223 1286 1348 1419 1491 1568 70 Regular Pay 1055 1109 1163 1224 1287 1355 1422 1493 Deferred Pay 63 66 70 73 77 81 85 90 Total Pay 1118 1175 1233 1297 1364 1436 1507 1583 71 Regular Pay 1065 1119 1177 1236 1298 1366 1436 1507 Deferred Pay 64 67 71 74 78 82 86 90 Total Pay 1129 1186 1248 1310 1376 1448 1522 1597 72 Regular Pay 1075 1130 1190 1249 1313 1380 1448 1520 Deferred Pay 65 68 71 75 79 83 87 91 Total Pay 1140 1198 1261 1324 1392 1463 1535 1611 73 Regular Pay 1087 1143 1200 1261 1325 1393 1464 1537 Deferred Pay 65 69 72 76 79 84 88 92 Total Pay 1152 1212 1272 1337 1404 1477 1552 1629 74 Regular Pay 1099 1154 1213 1272 1339 1407 1479 1553 Deferred Pay 66 69 73 76 80 84 89 93 Total Pay 1165 1223 1286 1348 1419 1491 1568 1646 75 Regular Pay 1109 1163 1224 1287 1355 1422 1493 1569 Deferred Pay 66 70 73 77 81 85 90 94 Total Pay 1175 1233 1297 1364 1436 1507 1583 1663 76 Regular Pay 1114 1173 1230 1292 1359 1429 1502 1579 Deferred Pay 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 Total Pay 1181 1243 1304 1370 1441 1515 1592 1674 77 Regular Pay 1125 1184 1242 1308 1374 1442 1516 1592 Deferred Pay 67 71 75 78 82 87 91 95 Total Pay 1192 1255 1317 1386 1456 1529 1607 1687 78 Regular Pay 1139 1193 1255 1319 1387 1458 1533 1609 Deferred Pay 68 72 75 79 83 87 92 97 Total Pay 1207 1265 1330 1398 1470 1545 1625 1706 79 Regular Pay 1147 1208 1267 1332 1401 1472 1547 1625 Deferred Pay 69 72 76 80 84 88 93 98 Total Pay 1216 1280 1343 1412 1485 1560 1640 1723 80 Regular Pay 1159 1219 1280 1348 1416 1487 1562 1643 Deferred Pay 69 73 77 81 85 89 94 99 Total Pay 1228 1292 1357 1429 1501 1576 1656 1742 81 Regular Pay 1173 1230 1292 1359 1429 1502 1579 1659 Deferred Pay 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 99 Total Pay 1243 1304 1370 1441 1515 1592 1674 1758 82 Regular Pay 1184 1242 1308 1374 1442 1516 1592 1675 Deferred Pay 71 75 78 82 87 91 95 100 Total Pay 1255 1317 1386 1456 1529 1607 1687 1775 83 Regular Pay 1193 1255 1319 1387 1458 1533 1609 1691 Deferred Pay 72 75 79 83 87 92 97 101 • Total-Pay 1265 1330 1398 1470 1545 1625 1706 1792 84 Regular Pay 1208 1267 1332 1401 1472 1547 1625 1709 Deferred Pay 72 76 80 84 88 93 98 102 Total Pay 1280 1343 1412 1485 1560 1640 1723 1811 85 Regular Pay 1219 1280 1348 1416 1487 1562 1643 1726 Deferred Pay 73 77 81 85 89 94 99 104 Total Pay 1292 1357 1429 1501 1576 1656 1742 1830 I9 - 4 - Longevity Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 86 Regular Pay $1230 $1292 $1359 $1429 $1502 $1579 $1659 $1744 Deferred Pay 74 78 82 86 90 95 99 105 Total Pay 1304 1370 1441 1515 1592 1674 1758 1849 87 Regular Pay 1242 1308 1374 1442 1516 1592 1675 1760 Deferred Pay 75 78 82 87 91 95 100 106 Total Pay 1317 1386 1456 1529 1607 1687 1775 1866 88 Regular Pay 1255 1319 1387 1458 1533 1609 1691 1777 Deferred Pay 75 79 83 87 92 97 101 107 • Total Pay 1330 1398 1470 1545 1625 1706 1792 1884 89 Regular Pay 1267 1332 1401 1472 1547 1625 1709 1795 Deferred Pay 76 80 84 88 93 98 102 108 Total Pay 1343 1412 1485 1560 1640 1723 1811 1903 90 Regular Pay 1280 1348 1416 1487 1562 1643 1726 1813 Deferred Pay 77 81 85 89 94 99 104 109 Total Pay 1357 1429 1501 1576 1656 1742 1830 1922 91 Regular Pay 1292 1359 1429 1502 1579 1659 1744 1834 Deferred Pay 78 82 86 90 95 99 105 110 Total Pay 1370 1441 1515 1592 1674 1758 1849 1944 92 Regular Pay 1308 1374 1442 1516 1592 1675 1760 1852 Deferred Pay 78 82 87 91 95 100 106 111 Total Pay 1386 1456 1529 1607 1687 1775 1866 1963 93 Regular Pay 1319 1387 1458 1533 1609 1691 1777 1868 Deferred Pay 79 83 87 92 97 101 107 112 Total Pay 1398 1470 1545 1625 1706 1792 1884 1980 94 Regular Pay 1332 1401 1472 1547 1625 1709 1795 1888 Deferred Pay 80 84 88 93 98 102 108 113 Total Pay 1412 1485 1560 1640 1723 1811 1903 2001 95 Regular Pay 1348 1416 1487 1562 1643 1726 1813 1906 Deferred Pay 81 85 89 94 99 104 109 114 Total Pay 1429 1501 1576 1656 1742 1830 1922 2020 96 Regular Pay 1359 1429 1502 1579 1659 1744 1834 1925 Deferred Pay 82 86 90 95 99 105 110 116 Total Pay 1441 1515 1592 .1674 1758 1849 1944 2041 97 Regular Pay 1374 1442 1516 1592 1675 1760 1852 1945 Deferred Pay 82 87 91 95 100 106 111 117 Total Pay 1456 1529 1607 1687 1775 1866 1963 2062 98 Regular Pay 1387 1458 1533 1609 1691 1777 1868 1965 Deferred Pay 83 87 92 97 101 107 112 118 Total Pay 1470 1545 1625 1706 1792 1884 1980 2083 99 Regular Pay 1401 1472 1547 1625 1709 1795 1888 1982 Deferred Pay 84 88 93 98 102 108 113 119 Total Pay 1485 1560 1640 1723 1811 1903 2001 2101 100 Regular Pay 1416 1487 1562 1643 1726 1813 1906 2003 Deferred Pay 85 89 94 99 104 109 114 120 0101 Total Pay 1501 1576 1656 1742 1830 1922 2020 2123 Regular Pay 1429 1502 1579 1659 1744 1834 1925 2025 Deferred Pay 86 90 95 99 105 110 116 121 Total Pay 1515 1592 1674 1758 1849 1944 2041 2146 102 Regular Pay 1442 1516 1592 1675 1760 1852 1945 2044 0 Deferred Pay 87 91 95 100 106 111 117 123 Total Pay 1529 1607 1687 1775 1866 1963 2062 2167 �0 5 - 1IN'[ten -) . -A- w ; T.A 0 Range Longevity Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step X Step Y Step Z 103 Regular Pay $1458 $1533 $1609 $1691 $1777 $1868 $1965 $2065 Deferred Pay 87 92 97 101 107 112 118 124 Total Pay 1545 1625 1706 1792 1884 1980 2083 2189 104 Regular Pay 1472 1547 1625 1709 1795 1888 1982 2084 Deferred Pay 88 93 98 102 108 113 119 125 Total Pay 1560 1640 1723 1811 1903 2001 2101 2209 105 Regular Pay 1487 1562 1643 1726 1813 1906 2003 2107 Deferred Pay 89 94 99 104 109 114 120 126 *106 Total Pay 1576 1656 1742 1830 1922 2020 2123 2233 Regular Pay 1502 1579 1659 1744 1834 1925 2025 2128 Deferred Pay 90 95 99 105 110 116 121 128 Total Pay 1592 1674 1758 1849 1944 2041 2146 2256 107 Regular Pay 1516 1592 1675 1760 1852 1945 2044 2148 Deferred Pay 91 95 100 106 ill 117 123 129 Total Pay 1607 1687 1775 1866 1963 2062 2167 2277 108 Regular Pay 1533 1609 1691 1777 1868 1965 2065 2171 Deferred Pay, 92 97 101 107 112 118 124 130 Total Pay 1625 1706 1792 1884 1980 2083 2189 2301 109 Regular Pay 1547 1625 1709 1795 1888 1982 2084 2191 Deferred Pay 93 98 102 108 113 119 125 131 Total Pay, 1640 1723 1811 1903 2001 2101 2209 2322 110 Regular Pay 1562 1643 1726 1813 1906 2003 2107 2212 Deferred Pay 94 99 104 109 114 120 126 133 Total Pay 1656 1742 1830 1922 2020 2123 2233 2345 111 Regular Pay 1579 1659 1744 1834 1925 2025 2128 2236 Deferred Pay, 95 99 105 110 116 121 128 134 Total Pay 1674 1758 1849 1944 2041 2146 2256 2370 112 Regular Pay 1592 1675 1760 1852 1945 2044 2148 2258 Deferred Pay 95 100 106 111 117 123 129 135 Total Pay 1687 1775 1866 1963 2062 2167 2277 2393 113 Regular Pay 1609 1691 1777 1868 1965 2065 2171 2280 Deferred Pay 97 101 107 112 118 124 130 137 Total Pay 1706 1792 1884 1980 2083 2189 2301 2417 114 Regular Pay 1625 1709 1795 1888 1982 2084 2191 2303 Deferred Pay 98 102 108 113 119 125 131 138 Total Pay 1723 1811 1903 2001 2101 2209 2322 2441 115 Regular Pay 1643 1726 1813 1906 2003 2107 2212 2325 Deferred Pay 99 104 109 114 120 126 133 139 Total Pay 1742 1830 1922 2020 2123 2233 2345 2464 116 Regular Pay 1659 1744 1834 1925 2025 2128 2236 2350 Deferred Pay 99 105 110 116 121 128 134 141 Total Pay 1758 1849 1944 2041 2146 2256 2370 2491 117 Regular Pay 1675 1760 1852 1945 2044 2148 2258 2371 Deferred Pay 100 106 111 117 123 129 135 142 0 Total Pay 1775 1866 1963 2062 2167 2277 2393 2513 SECTION 2. Subdivision (C) of Section 1A3.030 of Chapter lA3 of Title lA of the E1 Segundo Administrative Code adopted by Resolution No. 2620, as amended, is amended to read as follows: 6 - I* 0 • (C) OPERATION SERIES: Aquatics Supervisor Building Inspector Cement Finisher Civil Engineer Assistant Civil Engineering Draftsman Custodian Supervising Custodian Duplicating Equipment Operator Electrical Inspector Equipment Mechanic Housing and Environmental Control Inspector Housing and Environmental Aide (temporary) Maintenance Craftsworker Maintenance Worker (temporary) Motor Sweeper Operator Park Maintenance Leadworker Park Maintenance Worker Park Maintenance Worker (temporary) Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector Pool Maintenance Worker Public Works Inspector Public Works Maintenance Worker Public Works Maintenance Worker (temporary) Recreation Supervisor Senior Citizen Specialist (temporary) Street Maintenance Leadworker Traffic Painter Tree Trimmer Water Meter Reader /Repairworker Water and Sanitation System Leadworker I Water and Sanitation System Leadworker II - 7 - 80 100 72 99 87 41 51 $6.13 per hour 100 73 94 59 63 55 71 67 55 55 100 57 87 57 57 80 57 77 67 61 63 67 72 i SECTION 3. All resolutions and orders of the City Council heretofore passed and adopted with reference to the same, or any of the matters and subjects hereinabove set forth or referred to, are hereby rescinded insofar as the same conflict with the provisions hereof. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage . and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of June , 1978. r� ATTEST: (SEAL) City Clerk P 'z 5 4?A Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo, California 0 - 8 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, VALERIE A. BURROWES City Clerk of the City of El. Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the 0 whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2860 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 20th day of June 1978 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Bue, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer NOES: Councilmen Benson ABSENT; Councilmen NaRel WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 26th day of June 197 8 (SEAL) • City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California