CC RESOLUTION 2721• • 121.55 I RESOLUTION NO. 2721 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORI- ZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. WHEREAS, there is presented to this Council the follow- ing letter: October 12, 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council' City of El Segundo California Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, I intend to destroy the following records: INSURANCE POLICIES - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO: City Hall Construction City Hall. Fire Insurance City Hall. Fire Insurance Check Forgery Bank Account Protection Check Signing Policy Checkwrit:er Paymaster CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE: Oswald Bros. E. C. Gaudio Clark & Violet Trobough E. S. Boy Scouts Assn. Sully Miller Contracting Co. Paxton Trucking Co. Contractors Cargo Co. Contractors Cargo Co. Foley Advertising & Display New England Lead Burning Co. New England Lead Burning Co. Camco Construction Co. California Building Maintenance Co. 11 11 it it 11 11 11 11 11 E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce to 11 11 11 McCulloch, Aircraft Corp. I1 11 11 19 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Los Angeles County 11 of 11 Victoreen Instrument Co.(E.S. Library) El Segundo Cab Co. TERM OF POLICY 2 -17 -55 to 2 -17 -56 10 -8 -59 to 10 < -8 -64 10 -8 -59 to 10 -8 -64 12 -15 -57 to 12 -15 -59 12 -15 -59 to 12 -15 -61 9 -25 -59 to 9 -25 -61 2 -28 -58 to 2 -28 -60 3 -6 -52 to 3 -6 -54 7 -1 -61 to 7 -1 -62 2 -5 -64 to 2 -5 -65 10 -20 -63 to 10 -20 -64 8 -1 -66 to 8 -1 -67 10 -1 -66 to 10 -1 -67 1 -1 -63 (cancelled 8 -8 -67) 9 -3 -64 (cancelled 8 -1 -66) 8 -1 -66 to - - -? 8 -4 -67 to 8 -4 -70 2 -9 -63 to 6 -30 -64 6 -30 -66 to 6 -30 -67 9 -28 -59 to 10 -1 -60 7 -12 -61 to 7 -7--62 11 -1 -62 to 11 -1 -63 6 -20 -63 to 7 -7 -64 11 -1 -63 to 11 -1 -64 7 -5 -63 to 7 -5 -66 7 -5 -66 to 7 -5 -69 1 -1 -69 to 1 -1 -70 ..1 -1 -70 to 1 -1 -71 ..1 -1 -71 to 1 -1 -72 (..2 originals of same policy) 9 -19 -69 to 9 -19 -70 9 -19 -70 to 9 -19 -71 7 -1 -66 to 7 -1 -69 7 -1 -69 to 7 -1 -72 1 -1 -64 to 1 -1 -65 (cancelled 5- 22 -66) 1965 thru 1966 CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE (Cont'd) School Carnival in City Hall Parking Lot if if if 11 11 11 11 Ir " if P1 H if 11 rl N it 11 11 11 11 1/ rl it 11 n If rl E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce Vernon Paving Company Calif. Building Maint. Co. Liability: Bond: BONDS: Principal Blue Haven Pools (permit) Term of Policy 6 -28 -67 to 6 -28 -68 6 -28 -68 to 6 -28 -69 6 -28 -69 to 6 -28 -70 6 -28 -70 to 6 -28 -71 6 -28 -71 to 6 -28 -72 9 -6 -61 to 9 -10 -61 1 -1 -65 to: 1 -1 -66 7 -3 -63 to 6 -1 -64 7 -3 -63 until cancelled Term of Bond 12 -9 -65 - Open Sherwin Electric Service(permit)7 -5 -66 - Open Exonerated Cancellation Not. 12 -9 -66 Cancellation Utah Construction Co. (permit) 10 -10 -66 for term permit Not• 7 -7 -67 4 -10 -67 Standard Oil Co.(oil well permit) 6 -22 -67 11 11 7 -10 -72 Standard Oil Co.(street work) 2 -13 -47 - open 4 -24 -72 Standard Oil Co. (Faithful Performance Franchise) Southern Calif. Edison Co. 3 -11 -71 for term cunt. 7 -1 -71 Kenneth C. McIlroy (permit) 5 -12 -48 1 -1 -53 term of franch. to 1 -1 -54 5 -14 -73 11 -25 -53 Oswald Bros. Co.(annual performance) 5 -27 -59 to 5 -27 -60 11 n n 11 if Calif Rent Car(Faith.Perform) 5 -27 -61 to 5 -27 -62 11 -1 -51 - open(at completion contract) Southern Calif. Humane Society 6 -9 -52 11 - open 4 -14 -54 11 1' if George Renfro (Permit) 4 -1 -56 3 -22 -56 to 3 -31 -57 per Ord. #10 3 -12 -62 Tract #26556 & 26557 Utah Constr. & Mining Co. Tract #25574 8' -21 -61 for term cont. expired Utah Constr. & Mining Co. 4 -12 -66 for term cunt. 8 -8 -66 Tract #15692 Westchester Realty Tract #15455 10 -15 -51 for term cunt. 12 -10 -52 Imperial Development Corp. 12 -6 -48 for term cont. 6 -1 -49 Tract #151.15 Imperial Building Corp. Tract #21603 4• -29 -48 for term Cont. 9 -29 -48 Thomas W. Miller Tract #231.95 6 -10 -55 for term cont. 11 -3 -56 Donald S. & Pandora E. Woodford & Leslie B. & Laverne Silver Tract #12391 Henry Claman 6-12 -63 for term cont. 6 -8 -64 Tract #29147 (2 bonds) 7 -3 -41 for term of cont. 12 -3 -41 Joseph F. Sanson Invest. Co. 10 -2 -68 for term coot. 4 -12 -71 OVERLOAD BONDS: Term of Bond Letters and Continuation Certi- Exonerated ficates of Highway Permit Bond 51092487 for: Emmett J. Malloy �� 10 -11 -57 to 10 -11 -58 �� '� 1.0 -11 -58 to 10 -11 -59 Reliance Equipment Co. 12 -6 -57 - Open Cancel.Notice Pacific Crane & Rigging g in 3 -6 -57 to 3 -6 -58 3 -13 -64 Cancel.Notice Macco Corp. p 2 -23 -54 to 2 -23 -55 3 -4 -58 Cancel.Notice Belyea Truck Co. 4 -2 -47 - 2 -24 -56 Smith Bros„ Truck Co. American 4 -15 -57 open to 4 -15 -58 Canc'ld 4 -2 -52 Cancld 6 -5 -59 Pipe & Constr. Co. Geo. Berglund Truck. Co.,Inc. 12 -20 -46 1 -29 -57 to 6 -20 -47 - open Canc°ld 2 -24 -58 . i 57 OVERLOAD BONDS - (Cont� Term of Bond Exonerated . J.A. Clark Draying Co., Ltd. 9 -9 -59 to 9 -9- 60 Cancel.Notice 7 -27 -60 (effect. 9 -9 -60) Consolidated Freightways of America 9 -9 -60 - Open Cancel.Notice Progressive Transportation Co. 3 -4 -54 to 3 -4 -55 8 -30 -63 11 " " 3 -4 -55 to 3 -4 -56 3 -4 -56 to 3 -4 -57 ' 3 -4 -57 to 3 -4 -58 " 3 -4 -58 to 3 -4 -59 ® 3 -4 -59 to 3 -4 -60 Clyde W. Wood & Sons, Inc. 4 -26 -55 - open Cancelled 5 -16 -56 It if If 10 -26 -53 - open Cancelled 11-3 -54 RELOCATION PERMIT BONDS: Principal Date Term of Bond Exonerated E. L. Krudop 2 -2 -51 Term permit +120 da 5 -2 -51 Emmanuel Jensen 7 -6 -51 7 -6 -52 12 -12 -51 Richard M. Schimming 4 -16 -51 Term permit +90 days 7 -23 -52 Robert G. Brandlin 8 -13 -51 If if +120 da 10 -31 -51 Roscoe F. Mast 8 -27 -51 If if +90 days 8 -27 -52 Harlan E. &Shirley Moore 4 -23 -52 if if +90 days 10 -29 -52 W. Rosenberger 7 -9 -52 if if 5 -13 -53 Charles Gregg Watkins 1 -11 -52 if if 7 -16 -52 Edward W. Brydon 2 -13 -52 11 +120 da 2 -4 -53 Edward W. Brydon 2 -13 -52 " if +120 da 2 -4 -53 Mobilehome Co. of L.A. 6- 25 --52 If 4 -15 -53 Charles R. Johnson 3 -25 -52 If 7 -30 -52 Mitchell Lopin 6 -4 -52 " If 8 -20 -52 Vernon W. Tucker 10 -16 -53 " if +90 days 4 -28 -54 Evelyn W. Donlon 11 -2 -53 if 6-23-54 Donald L. Wilkes 1 -16 -53 if 5 -20 -53 Egnew House Moving Co. 10 -30 -53 10 -30 -54 Egnew House Moving Co. 10 -30 -54 10 -30 -55 Earl A. Moles 2 -5 -54 Term permit +90 days 5 -19 -54 Mrs. Earl A. Moles 10 -13 -54 If +90 days 10 -26 -55 James F. Wilson 11 -2 -54 if +120 da 11 -9 -55 Frank A. Booth 5 -3 -54 if +120 da 10 -13 -55 Edwin A. DeVoss 8 -13 -54 +90 days 8 -24 -55 D. L. Stephens 9 -3 -54 " 10 -13 -55 Frank Booth 9 -2 -54 +120 da ext. to 12 -1 -54 Vera Randall 10 -12 -54 +120 da 4 -27 -55 M. R. Markert 12-6 -54 " +120 da 3 -23 -55 Alberta G. Vann 12 -30 -54 " +120 da 7 -22 -55 Egnew House Moving Co. 4 -8 -55 to 4 -8 -56 Cancel. 4 -8 -56 (Miller House Moving) Lawrence E. Miller 9 -29 -55 to 9 -29 -56 - N. J. Miller 4 -28 -55 Term permit +90 days 4 -23 -56 George W. Steltner 7 -14 -55 +90 days 1-25-56 Earl A. Moles 9 -6 -55 +90 days 8 -27 -56 Joseph Ethridge 7 -25 -55 +90 days 8 -13 -56 Mary Kish 7 -12 -55 " " +90 days 8 -13 -56 Wayne Myers 1 -18 -55 +90 days 7 -22 -55 John R. Cote 6 -15 -55 +90 days 5- 14-56 E. L. Lake 9 -19 -55 +90 days 5 -14 -56 Mada Lewis y 9 -29 -55 °' " +90 days 5 -14 -56 Victoria Gedeon 3- 21-55 +90 days 4 -2 -56 Tom Hood 12 -12 -55 '° +90 days 4 -23 -56 M. R. Markert 3 -25 -55 +90 days 7 -22 -55 Mary Squiers 6 -21 -55 " +90 days 4 -23 -56 Harold C. Greenwood 2 -9 -55 +90 days 7 -27 -55 Mable W. Byrd 3 -2 -55 °' +90 days 8 -17 -55 Clark Trobough 1 -3°55 2 -14 -56 mm • C7 RELOCATION PERMIT BONDS: (cont'd) Principal Date Cynthia E. Wilson 1 -8 -55 William H. Houser 2- 21• -55 Charles G. Watkins 6 -13 -55 James W. Hughes 11 -10 -55 W. H. Houser 11 -18 -55 M & M House Moving Co. 1 -11 -56 M & M House Moving Co. 12 -4 -56 Robert G. Brandlin 8 -13 -56 Raynor H. McKay 3 -6 -56 George E. Renfro 9 -4 -56 John J. Cunningham 3 -20 -56 Richard T. Storm 12 -31 -56 C. J. Cramer 3 -27 -56 Perry N. Williams 12 -3 -56 Elmer Potter 7 -16 -56 Jack W. Morgan 5 -6 -57 Jack W. Morgan 5 -6 -57 Jack W & Ava H Morgan 4 -4 -57 Jack W & Ava H Morgan 4 -4 -57 Raymond A & Elsie McMahon 4 -11 -51 James H. 'Wilson 4 -3 -57 Robert G. Brandlin 4 -18 -57 Arnold Schleuniger 8 -15 -57 P. W. Briley 5 -27 -57 Thomas N. Chadwick 2 -28 -57 Charles H. & Lorraine M. Hutcherson 10 -28 -57 John L. Hughes 5 -31 -57 Bertha I. Groger 4 -17 -57 Robert Edward- Bollinger 7 -17 -58 Robert Brandlin 10 -27 -58 George Gordon 1 -8 -58 Roman Catholic Arch- n bishop of L.A. 10 -2 -58 A" Marcus Jensen 4 -1 -59 James Gilbert 5 -1 -59 De Estaing R. Newton 7 -1 -59 Robert G. Brandlin 1 -11 -60 Robert G. Brandlin 9 -1 -60 Herbert A. Lake 12 -5 -60 De Estaing R. Newton 11 -14 -60 De Estaing R. Newton 11 -14 -60 De Estaing R. & Mildred rr V. Newton 10 -28 -60 Jack W. Morgan 10 -24 -60 De Estaing R. Newton 11 -14 -60 James L. Stinnett, Jr. 7 -31 -61 Mary A. Stevens 2 -20 -61 Robert G. Brandlin 6 -9 -61 Robert G. Brandlin 6 -9 -61 Robert G. Brandlin 9 -28 -61 Jack W & Ava H Morgan 5 -2 -61 Hemby Owen 5 -10 -61 James L. Stinnett, Jr. 8 -24 -61 Ruth Nivens 3 -28 -61 Bertha I. Groger 7 -28 -61 Clark Trobough 10 -11 -62 Robert G. Brandlin 6 -13 -62 Robert G. Brandlin 1 -15 -62 Hemby Owen 3 -28 -62 Charles C. DeWitt 1 -17 -62 James L. Stinnett, Jr. 6 -18 -62 Jack W & Ava H Morgan 5 -22 -63 Term of Bond Exonerated Term Permit +90 days 7 -22 -55 " if +90 days 2 -27 -56 +90 days 9 -7 -55 +90 days 10 -8 -56 +90 days 11 -13 -56 to 1 -11 -57 Cancel.Notice 1 -11 -57 term of permit Cancel.Notice 12 -18 -62 term of permit +90 da 12 -27 -56 " " +90 da 6 -26 -56 +90 da 10 -10 -60 +90 da 4 -22 -57 " +90 da 4 -8 -57 +90 da 3 -26 -57 1° 5 -13 -57 " 11 -12 -57 n rr it 4 -13 -59 " 11 4 -13 -59 " if 4 -13 -59 4 -13 -59 n rr n 10-13 -59 n rr rr 8 -12 -57 8 -12 -57 11-12 -57 11 -25 -57 rr n n 2 -10 -58 - 4 - it if If 9 -22 -58 it if if 3- 24--58 if it If 3 -24 -58 if " 10 -13 -59 If of n 2-9--59 12 -22 -58 rr rr rr 8 -18 -59 9 -31 -60 rr n rr 5- 23--60 " 8 -8 -60 n n rr 4. -25 -60 " 12 -12 -60 " Per Res6. 2 -27 -61 n rr If 6 -26 -61 rr if if 6- -26 -61 rr If it 6 -26-61 n If if 2 -13 -61 if " 8 -14 -61 r4 if rr 12- 11-61 if +90 da 8 -14 -61 " Per Reso. 1.0 -9 -61 rr rr rr 10 -19 -61 n rr It 12 -11 -61 From time to time Ext. 12 -12 -61 Term of Permit Per Reso. 2 -13 -62 n If it If 7 -23 -62 of t° +90 da 8 -13 -62 If If Per Reso.3 -26 -62 If if 7 -22 -63 If Per Reso 11 -26 -62 If if if rr 3 -26 -62 If it If to 7 -23-62 rr it If n 8 -13-62 it If n 1° 1 -28 -63 If from time to time 6 -22 -64 - 4 - RELOCATION PERMIT BONDS: (cont'd) Bond Exonerated 12 -14 -51 to Principal Date 12 -14 -54 Term of Bond Exonerated Almas Bros. -Star Mov r e s,Inc - 6 4 -63 Term Permit +90 days Branimir Milojevich 7 -22 -63 if of if 7 -13 -64 Santo J. Pete 2 -10 -64 °' °' end of term 4 -13 -64 Rudolph F'ijalkowski 9 -21 -66 "' from time to time 2 -27 -67 Robert W. & E. Jeanne 4 -21 -64 to 4 -16 -68 Wiederk:ehr 10 -25 -67 '" Permit +90 days 4 -21 -69 D. R. Kal.lenberger 11- 27°67 If 11 1 -20 -69 Gerhardt Van Drie 12 -7 -67 it if It 10 -22 -70 Rudolph Fuentes 9 -14 -67 If if 10 -14 -69 Feria Gerdoil 2 -14 -68 " if If 12/68 E & T Constructors 5 -14 -70 if if 4 -2 -71 Robert Brandlin 12 -8 -70 °° If 4 -2 -71 Robert G. Brandlin 10 -14 -70 °' if If 2 -23 -71 11 11 9- 1.0-70 11 if 11 12 -7-70 If 3 -17 -71 °' If °' 6 -25 -71 Ogden Watson 8 -23 -71 if `° 6 -10 -73 Robert R. Kechter 8 -16 -71 °' °' 11 -27 -72 Robert & Nancy Magraudy 8 -26 -71 " °' 10 -10 -72 AUCTIONEERS' BONDS: Principal David Weisz Company, Inc. David Weisz Company, Inc. 11 11 11 Jules Joseph Satin Sid Ostrow Milton J. Wershow Co. VI 11 Max Rouse & Sons, Inc. 11 11 n IV 11 11 Tennyson Bros. Co. Lester Rosen Lester Rosen Lester Rosen John W. Brown Co. Soloman Megibow If 11 Ashley & Stein Howard H. Howard Harry Engelson Edwin C. Jenkins, Jr. Julius Stern PUBLIC OFFICIAL BONDS: Public Employees' Blanket Honesty 11 1r 11 11 11 11 If 11 William A. Wanderer, Finance Dir. 11 It If 11 Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer If R If 11 If n n it 11 11 II 11 Minta Curtzweiler, City Treasurer Robert L. Webb, City Engineer Donald S. Woodford, Bldg. Insp. Donald S. Woodford, Bldg. Insp. Frank Smotony, Bldg. Insp. Donald R. Short, Water Supt. Donald R. Short, Street Supt. James E. Carroll, Accountant Term of Bond Exonerated 9 -2 -55 - Open Cancel Not.9 -19 -56 9 -16 -60 - Open Cancel Not.8 -17 -61 9 -9 -66 -_ Open Cancel Not.10 -22 -67 5 -1 -59 - Open Cancel Not.12 -4 -59 6 -8 -53 to 6 -8 -54 9 -30 -59 to 9 -30 -60 1-22 -62 to 1 -22 -63 2 -10 -58 - Open (for length of permit) 1 -4 -61 to 1 -21 -61 11 -10 -65 to 11 -10 -66 8 -16 -62 - Open Cancel Not.5 -28 -64 1 -22 -57 to 1 -22 -58 12 -9 -59 to 12 -12 -60 11 -30 -65 to 3 -7 -66 10 -5 -54 - Open Exon. 9 -28 -55 8 -6 -58 to 9- 11--58 7 -19 -66 - Open Cancel Not.7 -31 -67 7 -25 -66 - Open Cancel Not.6 -26 -67 5 -20 -64 - Open Cancel Not4- -21 -65 1 -7 -65 - Open Cancel by Council 12 -13 -65 6 -13 -61 to 6 -20 -61 9 -8 -66 to 12 -8 -66 Term of Bond Exonerated 12 -14 -51 to 12 -14 -54 12 -14 -54 to 12 -14 -57 12 -14 -57 to 12 -14 -60 7 -11 -56 to 7 -11 -58 7 -11 -58 to 7 -11 -60 4 -15 -52 to end of term 4 -17 -56 to 4 -17 -60 4 -19 -60 to 4 -21 -64 4 -21 -64 to 4 -16 -68 4 -20 -48 to end of term 3 -15 -54 to end of term Cancel Not. 3 -15 -59 3 -15 -54 to end of term Cancel Not. 3 -15 -59 3 -15 -56 to end of term 1 -1 -51 to 12 -31 -51 & 3 -15 -54 to term 1 -1 -51 to end of term end 1 -1 -51 to end of term 9 -19 -51 to end of term - 5 - .121-60 The foregoing records are no longer required for the operation of the City Clerk's officer are not records affecting the title of real property or liens thereon, are not court records, are not required to be kept by statute, are not less than two years old, nor is an, entry thereon less than two years old, are not minutes, ordinances or resolutions of the legislative body or of a city board or commission. Respectfully submitted, Valerie A. Burrowes City Clerk In accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City Attorney hereby gives his written consent to the destruction of the foregoing records. Mark C. Allen, Jr. City Attorney WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the records herein- above referred to are of no further value to the City of El Segundo, and that they occupy badly needed storage space; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, consented to the destruction of said records and documents; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDOr CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and granted authority to dispose of the herein above-described and set forth records by causing the same to be destroyed in a lawful manner. SECTION 2. Upon destruction of the foregoing records, the City Clerk shall make a certificate of complete destruction of said records and file the original of the same in the office of the City Clerk and file a copy of said certificate together with a certified copy of this resolution in her office. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and thenceforth and thereafter, the same shall be in full force and effect. • I* PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of November , 1976. ATTEST: cXL City Clerk (SEAL) Mayor of"Fhe City of El Segundo-,, California - 7 - V rid { ...' 1, 62 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS • COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } The undersigned Valerie A. Eurrowes of the City of El Segundo, California, pursuant to the terms and provisions of Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California, certifies to the destruction of the records set forth and described in her letter of October 12, 1976 which is incorporated in Resolution No. 2 721 of the City Council of the of El Segundo. a[ certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 7 ]dated this da y of w STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO It Valerie A. Burrowes City C lerk of the City of El Segundo,, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution, being Re solution No. 2721 was duly -passed and adopted by the said City Council., approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 2nd day of November 1976 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Nagel, Van Vranken, and, Mayor Balmer. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Bue and Rockhold WITNESS MY HAND ANI) THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this 2nd day of November 19716 City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California Rv (SEAL) Deputy •