CC RESOLUTION 2492-1 . ; G A,
WHEREAS, the City Manager has entered into a Memorandum
of Understanding with the E1 Segundo Firemen's Association in words and
figures as follows:
July 16, 1973
"This memorandum constitutes a mutual agreement between
the E1 Segundo Firemen's Association, represented by the Public
Employees Union, Teamsters Local No. 986, and the undersigned
management representatives to recommend to the El Segundo City
Council the salaries, benefits and working conditions described
her ein.
"It is mutually agreed that this memorandum of understanding
shall be effective for the period beginning July 7, 1973 and
ending June 30, 1974. There will be no other meeting and
conferring for salaries, benefits and working conditions for
the term covered by this memorandum, except as set forth in
paragraph 5 below.
1. Salaries of all classifications represented by the
Public Employees Union will be increased six percent
effective July 7, 1973.
2. The City agrees that when it re -hires employees
of the Fire Department for vacation, sick leave
and disability leave replacements, in accordance
with the City's practice current at the time, it
will re -hire in rank if there is available for
rehire an employee holding the same rank as the
absent employee.
3. The City agrees to establish the following rule as
part of the E1 Segundo Fire Department Rules and
The Fire Department will establish and main-
tain separate lists for scheduled and non-
scheduled rehires. These lists will be
established and maintained by seniority
under the following procedures:
Scheduled Rehires - The Scheduled Rehires
shaTFbe constituted by seniority with the
most senior man being requested to work first,
and in the event that the employee refuses
the rehire, it is recorded in the same manner
as if he had worked.
Non - Scheduled Rehires - Shall be consituted
of volunteers irst, wit out consideration
for the geographic location of the residence.
I ; 6`
"(a) Members' names will be placed on the non-
scheduled roster by his voluntary signing of his
name on his Company's daily calendar pad five (5)
days in advance of the date he will be available.
(b) Members placing their names on the non-
scheduled rehire list will be available by telephone
for rehire between the hours of 7 :00 a. m. and 8:00
a. m. If such member is not available and is on
this list, he will receive a penalty of two (2) rehire
(c) If no members are on the non - scheduled list,
the man being released will have the first option to
work. If he declines the rehire, the Department
shall make an attempt to find a willing member in
rank. If none can be found, the member being re-
leased shall be required to work. NOTE. None
of the members declining the rehire s=alI be charged
any penalty.
The non - scheduled lists shall be established as of
May 1st and November 1st of each year, and seniority
shall prevail at this time.
The employee called first for non- scheduled rehire
shall be the employee with the rank necessary and the
least number of rehires for the current non - scheduled
If two or more men are otherwise equally qualified for
rehire under the rules stated herein, the man having
the most seniority with the El Segundo Fire Depart-
ment shall be called first.
In the event an employee changes rank, he shall be
assigned a number of rehires that is equal to the aver-
age number of rehires of the employees holding his new
New employees shall be placed on the list and shall be
assigned the number of rehires that constitutes the maxi-
mum number of any employee at the time the new em-
ployee is placed on the list.
Both the scheduled and the non - scheduled lists and records
shall be made available to representatives of the Union
upon request with reasonable notification. The records
pertaining to the lists and the lists themselves shall be
maintained for a period of not less than two (2) years.
Rehire Trades, Scheduled List
Members shall be allowed to trade rehires with other mem-
bers who are scheduled for rehire by submitting a request
in writing within twenty -four (24) hours of time of notifica-
tion of assignment.
4. The City agrees to amend its grievance procedure as estab-
lished in Personnel Rule 18 as follows:
18. 3(g) The Personnel Officer shall then at the earliest
possible time arrange a meeting of the employee, the
department head, the City Manager, and himself.
` 6 v
"The conclusions and findings of this meeting shall be
reduced to writing and shall be final except that in
cases, and only in such cases, which involve the
alleged violation of the Personnel Ordinance, the
classification and Salary Resolution, the Personnel
Rules or a Memorandum of Understanding, the em-
ployee may by written notification to the Personnel
Officer within two (2) working days request submission
of the issue to the Los Angeles County Civil Service
Commission, stating specifically the paragraphs and
subparagraphs of the Ordinance, Resolution, Rules or
Memorandum of Understanding which he alleges are
being violated.
(add) 18. 3 (j) Employees may be represented by per-
sons of their choice at meetings with the Personnel
Officer, City Manager or Los Angeles County Civil Ser-
vice Commission.
5. The City agrees to meet and confer with the Firemen's Associ-
ation concerning premium pay for paramedic duty within 30
days prior to the initiation of a paramedic program.
6. The City agrees to pay a uniform allowance of $120 per year
to all fire fighting personnel.
7. The City agrees to change the vacation accrual for Firemen
as follows:
a) The members of the Fire Department in the positions
enumerated in subsection "(C) Safety Series" of the salary
resolution who work 40 hours a week shall accumulate
vacation time in accordance with the following schedule:
1. Twelve working days per year with full salary
for the first seven years of continuous service with
the City;
2. Seventeen working days per year with full salary
after seven years and until the completion of four-
teen years of continuous service;
3. Twenty -two working days per year with full
salary after fourteen years of continuous service.
b) The members of the Fire Department in the positions
enumerated in subsection "(C) Safety Series" of the salary
resolution who work shifts shall accumulate vacation time
in accordance with the following schedule:
1. Six shifts per year with full salary for the first
seven years of continuous service with the City;
2. Eight and one -half shifts per year with full salary
after seven years and until the completion of fourteen
years of continuous service;
3. Eleven shifts per year with full salary after four-
teen years of continuous service.
"The E1 Segundo Firemen's Association and the Public Employees
Union agree that during the term of this agreement their members em-
ployed by the City of E1 Segundo will not strike, or engage in any work
it stoppage or slowdown, engage in any concerted failure to report
for duty or fail to perform their duties in whole or in part for the
purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the condi-
tions, or compensation, or the rights, privileges or obligations of
"The E1 Segundo Firemen's Association and the Public Employees
Union agree that Firemen employed by the City of E1 Segundo will not
refuse to cross a picket line in the performance of their duties.
For the E1 Segundo
Firemen's Association
/S/ A. Dotson Bennett
/S/ George M. Lewis
/S/ Daniel A. Seward
For the City of E1 Segundo
/S/ Arthur E. Jones
/S/ William Glickman
/S/ Harry R. Gates ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has approved said Memorandum of
Understanding; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt this resolution to
implement the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding which require
implementation by amendment to the Salary Resolution for the 1973 -74 fiscal
SECTION 1. Salaries of:
Fire Captain
Fire Engineer
Fireman - Special Assignment Inspector
set forth in Resolution No. 2458 shall be increased by six percent on and after
July 7, 1973.
SECTION 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4. 00 of
Resolution No. 2458 on and after July 7, 1973 the City shall pay a uniform
allowance of $120. 00 per year to all fire fighting personnel.
SECTION 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 26.20 of
Resolution No. 2458 on and after July 7, 1973 to and including June 30, 1974,
the members of the Fire Department enumerated in subsection "(C) Safety
Series" of Salary Resolution No. 2458 who work forty hours a week shall
accrue vacation time in accordance with the following schedule:
1. Twelve working days per year with full salary for
the first seven years of continuous service with the
2. Seventeen working days per year with full salary
after seven years and until the completion of fourteen
years of continuous service;
3. Twenty -two working days per year with full salary
after fourteen years of continuous service.
SECTION 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 26. 30 of
Resolution No. 2458 on and after July 7, 1973 to and including June 30, 1974,
the members of the Fire Department enumerated in subsection "(C) Safety
Series" of Salary Resolution No. 2458 who work shifts shall accrue vacation
time in accordance with the following schedule:
1. Six shifts per year with full salary for the first seven
years of continuous service with the City;
2. Eight and one -half shifts per year with full salary after
seven years and until the completion of fourteen years
of continuous service;
3. Eleven shifts per year with full salary after fourteen
years of continuous service.
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adop-
tion of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions
of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in
the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City in the minutes
of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of July
, 1973.
City GKerk
L. 6 aAKLI.
Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo, California.
I, JANE D. HOUGH, , City Clerk of the
City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the
whole number of members of the City Council of the said City
is five; that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2492
was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved
and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City
Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council
held on the 17th day of July , 1973
and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen McGill, Morgan, Nagel, Stephens
and Mayor Balmer;
NOES: Councilmen None
ABSENT: Councilmen None.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City
this 24th day of July , 197 3
c ,d c
Pty Clerk-o-rthe Cityor El begun o