CC RESOLUTION 2478RESOLUTION NO. 2478 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DEFINING AND ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AS NO PARKING AREAS, DIAGONAL PARKING ZONES, NO STOPPING ZONES, TRUCK ROUTES, THROUGH STREETS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS, AND RAIL- ROAD GRADE CROSSINGS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. No Parking Areas. The streets or portions of streets numbered 1 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "No Parking Areas" and shall be governed by the provisions of subsections (b) and (d) of Section 10. 28. 040 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code ". SECTION 1. 1. No Parking At Anytime. 1. 1.05 ALASKA AVENUE: Douglas Street to Aviation Boulevard. 1. 1. 10 APOLLO STREET: Rosecrans Avenue to Park Place. 1.1. 15 BUNGALOW DRIVE: East Side: El Segun o Boulevard to Elsey Place. 1. 1.20 CALIFORNIA STREET: Imperial Avenue to Imperial Highway. 1. 1.24 CONCORD PLACE: East Side: Maple Avenue to Sycamore Avenue. 1. 1.25 CONCORD STREET: East Side: El Segundo Boulevard to Grand Avenue. 1. 1.30 CORAL CIRCLE: Douglas Street to Douglas Street. 1. 1.35 DOUGLAS STREET: Rosecrans Avenue to Utah Street. 1. 1.40 DULEY ROAD: E1 Segundo Boulevard to Mariposa Avenue. 1. 1.45 ELM AVENUE: Hillcrest Street to 337 feet east of Hillcrest Street. 1.1.50 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD: North Side: Richmond Street to Concord Street. Virgnia Street to Whiting Street. 1. 1.55 ELSEY PLACE: South Side: Bungalow Drive to Center Street. 1.1.60 FRANKLIN AVENUE: North Side: Center Street to Eucalyptus Drive. Standard Street to Richmond Street. South Side: Standard treet to Eucalyptus Drive. 1. 1. 65 HAWAII STREET: Alaska Avenue to Aviation Boulevard. 1. 1. 70 HOLLY AVENUE: South Side: Richmond Street to Main Street. 1.1.75 IMPERIAL AVENUE: North Side: Hilicreesreet to west terminus. 1. 1.80 IRENE COURT: South Side: Penn street to west terminus. 1.1.85 LAPHAM STREET: East Side: mpera ighway to 280 feet south of Imperial Highway. West Side: Impeer aTRighway to 350 feet south of Imperial Highway. 1.1.90 LOMA VISTA STREET: East Side: ran t in venue to Mariposa Avenue. Maple Avenue to Sycamore Avenue. 1. 1. 95 MAPLE AVENUE: _ - Sepulveda -Houlevard- to- Na-sh- &t-rzet. South Side: TM-eet west of Yucca Street to Hillcrest Street. 1. 1. 100 MARIPOSA AVENUE: North Side: is mon treet to Virginia Street. South Side: main reet to first alley west of Main Street. I. 1. 105 NASH STREET: East Side: Mariposa Avenue to Imperial Highway. West Side: Imperia ighway to 248 feet south of Imperial Highway. 842 feet south of Imperial Highway to Mariposa Avenue. Rosecrans Avenue to Park Place. 1. 1. 110 PARK PLACE: Nash Street to Douglas Street. 1. 1. 115 PALM AVENUE: North Side: Washing-ton Street to Sepulveda Boulevard. South Side: Virginia treet to Main Street. 1. 1. 120 PINE AVENUE: North Side: Main Street to first alley west of Main Street. South Side: Main treet to Standard Street. 1. 1. 125 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD: East Side: El Segi n o Boulevard to 130 feet north of the center line of Mariposa Avenue. 165 feet south of the center line of Palm Avenue to 103 feet north of the center line of Palm Avenue. 245 feet north of, to 278 feet north of, the center line of Palm Avenue. 492 feet north of the center line of Palm Avenue to 126 feet north of the center line of Maple Avenue. 11 feet south of the center line of Sycamore Avenue to 20 feet north of the center line of Sycamore Avenue. 130 feet south of the center line of Walnut Avenue to 93 feet north of the center line of Walnut Avenue. 309 feet north of the center line of Walnut Avenue to Imperial Highway. West Side: El SeWFn-cTo Boulevard to 130 feet north of the center line of Grand Avenue. 46 feet south of the center line of Holly Avenue to 270 feet north of the center line of Holly Avenue 60 feet south of the center line of Mariposa Avenue to 125 feet north of the center line of Mariposa Avenue. 58 feet south of the center line of Palm Avenue to 111 feet north of the center line of Palm Avenue. -2- 170 feet south of the center line of Maple Avenue to 117 feet north of the center line of Maple Avenue. 82 feet south of the center line of Sycamore Avenue to Imperial Highway. 1.1. 130 YUCCA STREET: Maple Avenue to south terminus. SECTION 1.2. No Parking 8:00 AM to 6 :00 PM Except Saturday and Sunday. 1.2.05 CALIFORNIA STREET: West Side: Oak Avenue to Palm Avenue. 1. 2.15 IMPERIAL AVENUE: South Side: feet east of Sheldon Street to 320 feet west of McCarthy Court. 1.2.20 KANSAS STREET: West Side: Franklin Avenue to Grand Avenue. 1.2.2 5 OAK A VENUE : South Side: Center treet to California Street. SECTION 1. 3. No Parking 10:00 PM to 6 :00 AM No Exceptions. 1. 3. 03 KANSAS STREET East Side: Franklin— Avenue to Grand Avenue. 1. 3.05 SELBY STREET: Walnut Avenue to Imperial Highway. 1. 3. 10 WALNUT AVENUE Sepulveda Boulevard to Selby Street. SECTION 1.4. No Parking -- Street Sweeping Schedule. 1.4.05 ACACIA AVENUE: -3- West terminus to Cedar St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Pepper St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Center St. to east terminus 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1.4.10 ARENA STREET: Pine Ave. to E / W alley north of Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday 1.4.15 BAYONNE STREET: Palm Ave. to Maple Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Wednesday 1.4.20 BINDER PLACE: Loma Vista St. to Whiting St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday 1.4.25 BUNGALOW DRIVE: Grand Ave. to Southern Pacific Rwy. R/W 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Mariposa Ave. to Walnut Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday 1.4. 30 CALIFORNIA STREET: Holly Ave. to Imperial Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1.4. 35 CEDAR STREET: Walnut Ave. to Imperial Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Wednesday 1.4.40 CENTER STREET: Grand Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday West Side: Mariposa Ave. to Imperial Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday East Side: Oak Ave. to Imperial Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1.4.45 CONCORD PLACE: West Side: Maple Ave. to Sycamore Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Wednesday -3- 1.4. 50 CONCORD STREET: -4- El Segundo Blvd. to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Wednesday 1. 4. 55 CYPRESS STREET: Walnut Ave. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1. 4. 60 ELM AVENUE: California St. to Washington St. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1.4.70 EUCALYPTUS DRIVE: Grand Ave. to E / W alley north of Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday Oak Ave. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1.4.75 FRANKLIN AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday 1. 4. 80 HILLCREST STREET: South terminus to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Wednesday 1. 4. 85 HOLLY AVENUE: Valley St. to Richmond St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday Standard St. to Eucalyptus Dr. 10 AM to 12 Noon Thursday Penn St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday California St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 10 AM to 12 Noon Monday 1.4. 90 ILLINOIS COURT: Mariposa AVe. to north terminus 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday 1.4.95 ILLINOIS STREET: Grand Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday 1. 4. 100 IMPERIAL AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Center St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday North Side: Main St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday South Side: Eucalyptus Dr. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday 1.4. 105 INDIANA COURT: Maple Ave. to south terminus 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1. 4. 110 INDIANA STREET: Grand Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday 1.4. 115 IRENE COURT: Penn St. to west terminus 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday 1.4. 120 KANSAS STREET: Grand Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1. 4. 12 5 LOMA VISTA STREET: Binder Pl. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Wednesday 1. 4. 130 LOMITA STREET: Grand Ave. to Southern Pacific Rwy. R / W 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Mariposa Ave. to Maple Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday Maple Ave. to Acacia Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1.4.135 MAPLE AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Main St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Center St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1. 4.140 MARIPOSA AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday Main St. to Center St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Thursday Center St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 10 AM to 12 Noon Monday 1. 4.145 MARYLAND STREET: Grand Ave. to Southern Pacific Hwy. R /W 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Mariposa Ave. to Walnut Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday 1. •1. 150 McCARTHY COURT: Lomita St. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1.4.155 NEVADA STREET: Southern Pacific Rwy. R/W to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1. 4.160 OAK AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Eucalyptus Dr. to Penn St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Center St. to Washington St. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday -4- 1. 4. 165 OREGON STREET: SECTION 1. 5. No Parking 7 :00 AM to 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Except Sunday. 1. 5.05 NASH STREET: West Side: fee t south of Imperial Hwy. to 842 feet south of Imperial Hwy. SECTION 2. Diagonal Parking Zones. The streets or portions of streets in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 2 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "Diagonal Parking Zones" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10. 32. 060 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code ". I&M Southern Pacific Rwy. R/W to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1. 4.170 PALM AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday Sheldon St. to Center St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Thursday California St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1. 4.175 PENN STREET: Grand Ave. to Holly Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Pine Ave. to Maple Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday Maple Ave. to Walnut Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1.4.180 PEPPER STREET: Maple Ave. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1.4.185 PINE AVENUE: West terminus to Richmond St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Tuesday Standard St. to Sierra Pl. 10 AM to 12 Noon Thursday Sierra St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday _ Southern Pacific Rwy. R/W to Indiana St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Monday 1. 4.190 RICHMOND STREET: Holly Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Wednesday 1.4.19 5 SHELDON STREET: Grand Ave. to Maple Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday Maple Ave. to Imperial Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Friday 1. 4.200 SIERRA PLACE: Pine Ave. to Sierra St. 10 AM to 12 Noon Thursday 1.4.205 SIERRA STREET: Grand Ave. to Pine Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Mariposa Ave. to Maple Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday 1. 4.208 STANDARD STREET: Grand Ave. to Mariposa Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Friday 1. 4.210 SYCAMORE AVENUE: West terminus to Main St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Pepper St. to Penn St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Center St. to Sepulveda Blvd. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1. 4.215 VALLEY STREET: Pine Ave. to south terminus 10 AM to 12 Noon Wednesday 1.4.220 VIRGINIA STREET: E1 Segundo Blvd. to Imperial Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Wednesday 1. 4.225 WALNUT AVENUE: Hillcrest St. to Main St. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Main St. to McCarthy Ct. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Maryland St. to Center St. 8 AM to 10 AM Thursday Center St. to Washington St. 8 AM to 10 AM Monday 1.4.230 WASHINGTON STREET: Grand Ave. to Walnut Ave. 8 AM to 10 AM Tuesday 1. 4. 235 WHITING STREET: E1 Segundo Blvd. to Palm Ave. 10 AM to 12 Noon Wednesday SECTION 1. 5. No Parking 7 :00 AM to 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Except Sunday. 1. 5.05 NASH STREET: West Side: fee t south of Imperial Hwy. to 842 feet south of Imperial Hwy. SECTION 2. Diagonal Parking Zones. The streets or portions of streets in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 2 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "Diagonal Parking Zones" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10. 32. 060 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code ". I&M f 3 SECTION 2. 00. Diagonal Parking Zones. 2.05 DOUGLAS STREET: East Side: 200 feet north of Mariposa Avenue to 570 feet south of Imperial Highway. West Side: feet south of Imperial Highway to 280 feet north of Mariposa Avenue. 2.10 EUCALYPTUS DRIVE: East Side: feet north of Grand Avenue to Pine Avenue. 2.15_ HOLLY AVENUE: South Side: Main Street to Standard Street. 2.20 LAPHAM STREET: East Side: feet north of 118th Street to 370 feet south of Imperial Highway. West Side: feet south of Imperial Highway to 118th Street. 2.25 MARIPOSA AVENUE: North Side: Richmond treet to Main Street. 2.30 OAK AVENUE: North Side: Main Street to Eucalyptus Drive. 2. 35 PINE AVENUE: South Side: Eucalyptus Drive to 200 feet east of Eucalyptus Drive , Arena Street to Sheldon Street. 2.40 RICHMOND STREET: East Side: feet north of Mariposa Avenue to Palm Avenue. 2.45 SHELDON STREET: West Side: feet north of Grand Avenue to 85 feet south of Pine Avenue. 80 feet north of Palm Avenue to 55 feet south of Palm Avenue. SECTION 3. No Stopping Zones. The streets or portions of streets in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 3 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "No Stopping Zones" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10.28. 170 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code ". SECTION 3.1 No Stopping at Anytime. 3.1.05 AVIATION BOULEVARD: East Side: feet south of El Segundo Boulevard to 124 feet south of 124th Street. West Side: 116th treet to Rosecrans Avenue. 3.1.07 CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD El Segundo Boulevard to Grand Avenue. ffm d_ 3.1.10 DOUGLAS STREET: East Side: Utah venue to 200 feet north of Mariposa Avenue. 1480 feet south of Imperial Highway to Imperial Highway. West Side: Utah venue to 280 feet north of Mariposa Avenue. 1085 feet south of Imperial Highway to Imperial Highway. 3.1.15 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD: Richmond Street to Isis Avenue. 3. 1.20 GRAND AVENUE: Illinois Street to Nash Street. Loma Vista Street to west city boundary. North Side: met east of Standard Street to Eucalyptus Drive. North Side Center Divider: Main Street to first a ey east of Main Street. Standard Street to 142 feet west of Eucalyptus Drive. South Side: aarrF;Treet to Eucalyptus Drive. South Side Center Divider: Main Street to first alley east of Main Street. 185 feet east of Standard Street to 142 feet west of Eucalyptus Drive. 3.1.25 HILLCREST STREET: Imperial Avenue to Imperial Highway. 3.1.30 IMPERIAL AVENUE: South Side: eet west of Sepulveda Boulevard to Sepulveda Boule- vard. 3.1.35 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY: South Side: Sepulvea—aT3oulevard to east city boundary. 3.1.40 MAIN STREET: Imperial Avenue to Imperial Highway. 3. 1.45 MAPLE AVENUE: North Side: eet east of Penn Street to Main Street. 3.1. 50 MARIPOSA AVER:[-I:: North Side: I i-TI no Court to Lairport Street. Main Street to 200 feet east of Penn Street. South Side: In is ana Street to Sepulveda Boulevard. 3.1. 55 NASH STREET: El Segundo I otilevard to Mariposa Avenue. 3.1.60 PINE AVENUE: South Side: She on treet to Sierra Place. 3.1.65 ROSECRANS AVENIJE: North Side: Avian no Boulevard to west city boundary. 3.1.70 SEPULVEDA BOIII,EVARD: Rosecrans Avenue to E1 Segundo Boulevard. 3.1.75 UTAH AVENUE; Douglas Street to Aviation Boulevard. 3.1. 80 VISTA DEL MAR: South city boundary to north city boundary. 3.1. 85 WALNUT AVENUE: Washington Street to Sepulveda Boulevard. 3.1. 90 118TH STREET; Lapham Street to Aviation Boulevard. 3.1. 95 120TH STREET: 220 feet west of Aviation Boulevard to Aviation Boulevard. -7- 3. 1. 105 UNNAMED right turn connecting roadway from northbound Sepulveda Boulevard to eastbound E1 Segundo Boulevard. 3. 1. 110 UNNAMED right turn connecting roadway from westbound El Segundo Boulevard to northbound Douglas Street. 3. 1. 115 UNNAMED right turn connecting roadway from northbound Main Street to eastbound Imperial Highway. 3. 1. 120 UNNAMED right turn connecting roadway from eastbound Imperial Highway to southbound Main Street. SECTION 3.2. No Stopping 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3 :00 PM to 6:00 PM Ex- cept Saturday and Sunday. 3.2.05 GRAND AVENUE: Eucalyptus Di ive to Indiana Street. Loma Vista Street to Concord Street. 3.2.J0 MARIPOSA AVENUE: North Side: Lairport treet to Douglas Street. South Side: z epu ve a Boulevard to Douglas Street. , ;*,tlr . J - n. h - �, ) J SECTION 3. 3 No Stopping 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3 :00 PM to 6:00 PM Any Day. 3. 3.05 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARDS /� "r -L. „�.! <_•t 'z f, East Side: feet north of the center line of Mariposa Avenue to 309 feet north of the center line of Walnut Avenue. West Side: feet south of the center line of Sycamore Avenue to 130 feet north of the center line of Grand Avenue. SECTION 4. Truck Routes. The streets or portions of streets in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 4 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "Truck Routes" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10. 40. 010 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code ". SECTION 4. 00 Truck Routes. 4.05 AVIATION BOULEVARD: 116th Street to Rosecrans Avenue. 4.10 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD: Isis Avenue to Main Street. 4.15 GRAND AVENUE: Sepulveda Boulevard to west city boundary. 4.20 IMPERIAL AVENUE: First N/S alley east of California Street to Sepulveda Boulevard. 4.25 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY: Sepulveda Boulevard to east city boundary. 4.30 MAIN STREET: E1 Segundo Boulevard to Imperial Highway. 4.35 ROSECRANS AVENUE: Aviation Boulevard to west city boundary. 4.40 VISTA DEL MAR: South city boundary to north city boundary. 3 i ; SECTION 5. Through Streets and Stop Intersections. The streets or portions of streets, intersections or entrances thereto in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 5 in the first digit, are hereby established as "Through Streets and Stop Intersections" and shall be governed by the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of Section 10. 44. 020 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code ". SECTION 5. 00 Stop Intersections. 5.05 ACACIA AVENUE: California Street, N/S entrances. Center Street, E/W entrances. _ Hillcrest Street, E/W entrances. Loma Vista Street, E/W entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. 5.10 ALASKA AVENUE: Aviation Boulevard, W entrance. Douglas Street, E entrance. Hawaii Street, S entrance. 5.15 CORAL CIRCLE (N): Douglas Street, W entrance. 5.20 CORAL CIRCLE (S): Douglas Street, W entrance. 5.25 ELM AVENUE: California Street, E entrance. 5.30 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD: Arena Sreet, N entrance. Bungalow Drive, N entrance. Center Street, N entrance. Concord Street, N entrance. Continental Boulevard, N entrance. Duley Road, 11 entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, N entrance. Illinois Street, N entrance. Kansas Street, N entrance. Lomita Street, N entrance. Main Street, N /E /W entrances. Maryland Street, N entrance. Nash Street, N entrance. Nevada Street, N entrance. Oregon Street, N entrance. Penn Street, N entrance. Richmond Street, N entrance. Sheldon Street, N entrance. Sierra Street, N entrance. Standard Sti Fret, N entrance. Virginia Street, N entrance. 5.35 ELSEY PLACE: Center Street, W entrance. 5.40 FRANKLIN A VEN l iE: Arena Street, N/S entrances. California Sti eet, N entrance. Center Street, E/W entrances. Concord Strek. -L, E/W entrances. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. Kansas Street, E/W entrances. Lomita Street, all entrances. Main Street, E/W entrances. Maryland Street, N/S entrances. Nevada Street, N/S entrances. -9- -10-- Oregon Street, all entrances. Penn Street, N/S entrances. Richmond Street, E/W entrances. Sheldon Street, E/W entrances. Sierra Street, N/S entrances. Standard Street, E/W entrances. Virginia Street, N/S entrances. Whiting Street, N/S entrances. 5.45 GRAND AVENUE: Arena Street, S entrance. Bungalow Drive, N entrance. California Street, S entrance. Center Street, N/S entrances. Concord Street, all entrances. Continental Boulevard, S entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. _ Indiana Street, N entrance. Loma Vista Street, N/S entrances. Maryland Street, N/S entrances. Nash Street, all entrances. Nevada Street, N/S entrances. Oregon Street, S entrance. Penn Street, N/S entrances. Richmond Street, N/S entrances. Sheldon Street, N/S entrances. Sierra Street, N/S entrances. Standard Street, N/S entrances. Virginia Street, N/S entrances. Whiting Street, N/S entrances. 5.50 HAWAII STREET: Aviation Boulevard, W entrance. 5.55 HOLLY AVENUE: Center Street, W entrance. Concord Street, E/W entrances. Eucalyptus Drive, W entrance. Indiana Street, N/S entrances. Kansas Street, N/S entrances. Loma Vista Street, N/S entrances. Richmond Street, N/S entrances. Sepulveda Boulevard, W entrance. Standard Street, N/S entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. Washington Street, WIN entrances. Whiting Street, E/W entrances. 5.60 IMPERIAL AVENUE: California Street, E /W /S entrances. Cedar Street, S entrance. Center Street, E /W /S entrances. Cypress Street, S entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, S entrance. Hillcrest Street, E/W entrances. Loma Vista Street, E /W /S entrances. Main Street, E/W entrances. McCarthy Court, S entrance. Pepper Street, S entrance. Sheldon Street, E /W /S entrances. Virginia Street, E /W /S entrances. 5.65 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY: Hillcrest Street, S entrance. Lapham Street, S entrance. Main Street, E to S turn. Selby Street, S entrance. -10-- 5. 70 MAPLE AVENUE: Bungalow Drive, N/S entrances. California Street, all entrances. Center Street, all entrances. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. Indiana Court, S entrance. Lairport Street, S entrance. Loma Vista Street, E/W entrances. Lomita Street, all entrances. Main Street, E/W entrances. Maryland Street, N/S entrances. Nash Street, W entrance. Penn Street, all entrances. Pepper Street, N entrance. Sheldon Street, all entrances. Sierra Street, S entrance. - Virginia Street, E/W entrances. Washington Street, all entrances. 5.75 MARIPOSA AVENUE: Arena Street, N/S entrances. Bungalow Drive, N entrance. California Street, all entrances. Center Street, all entrances. Concord Street, S entrance. Duley Road, S entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. Hillcrest Street, N/S entrances. Illinois Street, S entrance. Illinois Court, N entrance. Indiana Street, S entrance. Kansas Street, S entrance. Lairport Street, N entrance. Loma Vista Street, N/S entrances. Lomita Street, N entrance. Maryland Street, N entrance. Nash Street, N/S entrances. Nevada Street, S entrance. Oregon Street, S entrance. Penn Street, N/S entrances. Richmond Street, all entrances. Sheldon Street, all entrances. Sierra Street, N entrance. Standard Street, S entrance. Virginia Street, all entrances. Washington Street, N/S entrances. Whiting Street, N/S entrances. 5.80 OAK AVENUE: California Street, all entrances. Center Street, E entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, N entrance. Main Street, E/W entrances. Penn Street, W entrance. Sheldon Street, all entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. 5.85 PALM AVENUE: Bayonne Street, N entrance. California Street, E entrance. Center Street, N /S /W entrances. Hillcrest Street, N/ S entrances. Loma Vista Street, N/S entrances. Maryland Street, E/W entrances. Penn Street, N/S entrances. ago SECTION 6. Railroad Grade Crossings. The railroad grade crossings in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 6 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "Railroad Grade Crossings" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10. 44. 020 (c) of the "El Segundo Municipal Code ". -12- Richmond Street, W/S entrances. Sepulveda Boulevard, W entrance. Sheldon Street, E entrance. Virginia Street, all entrances. Washington Street, N/S entrances. Whiting Street, S entrance. 5.90 PARK PLACE: Apollo Street, E / W / S entrances. 5.95 PINE AVENUE: Arena Street, N entrance. California Street, N/S entrances. Center Street, W entrance. Concord Street, N/S entrances. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. Hillcrest Street, E/W entrances. Kansas Street, N/S entrances. Loma Vista Street, E/W entrances. - Main Street, E/W entrances. Richmond Street. E/W entrances. Sheldon Street, all entrances. Standard Street, E/W entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. Washington Street, N/S entrances. Whiting Street, N/S entrances. 5.100 ROSECRANS AVENUE: Apollo Street, N entrance. Nash Street, N entrance. 5.105 SYCAMORE AVENUE: California Street E/W entrances. Center Street, E entrance. Loma Vista Street, E/W entrances. Main Street, W entrance. Sepulveda Boulevard, W entrance. Sheldon Street, E/W entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. Washington Street, E/W entrances. 5.110 UTAH AVENUE: Douglas Street, E entrance. 5.115 WALNUT AVENUE: California Street, all entrances. Center Street, E/W entrances. Cypress Street, N entrance. Eucalyptus Drive, N/S entrances. Loma Vista Street, E/W entrances. Main Street, E/W entrances. McCarthy Court, W /N /S entrances. Penn Street, E / W / S entrances. Pepper Street, N/S entrances. Sepulveda Boulevard, E/W entrances. Sheldon Street, N/S entrances. Virginia Street, E/W entrances. Washington Street, S entrance. SECTION 6. Railroad Grade Crossings. The railroad grade crossings in this city hereinafter described in sections numbered 6 in the first digit are hereby defined and established as "Railroad Grade Crossings" and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 10. 44. 020 (c) of the "El Segundo Municipal Code ". -12- SECTION 6. 0 Railroad Grade Crossings. 6.05 AVIATION BOULEVARD: 1566 feet south of E1 Segundo Boulevard -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 499.14. 6.10 CENTER STREET: Pine Avenue -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 501.14. 6.15 DOUGLAS STREET: 460 feet south of Imperial Highway- A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.4C. 700 feet south of Imperial Highway - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H- 13.4C. 170 feet north of Utah Avenue - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-14.7. 240 feet north of Utah Avenue -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 499.43. 6.20 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD: Aviation Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H -14. 1. 6.25 GRAND AVENUE: 130 feet east of Kansas Street -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 500.80. 6. 30 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY: Aviation Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H -13. 1. 6.35 KANSAS STREET: 100 feet north of Grand Avenue -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 500.83. 6.40 LAPHAM STREET: 350 feet south of Imperial Highway- -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.2C. 6.45 MAPLE AVENUE: 480 feet east of Sepulveda Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-14.16C. 850 feet east of Sepulveda Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-14.08C. 280 feet east of Lairport Street - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.98C. 1140 feet east of Lairport Street - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.82C. 6.50 NASH STREET: 1050 feet south of Imperial Highway - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.70C. 6.55 ROSECRANS AVENUE: 900 feet east of Sepulveda Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2W-15.5. 6.60 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD: 900 feet north of Rosecrans Avenue -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 500.34/C. El Segundo Boulevard -- Southern Pacific No. RBF 500. 48. 6.65 SHELDON STREET: 300 feet north of Grand Avenue -- Southern Pacific No. BBF 501.60. 6. 70 WALNUT AVENUE: 380 feet east of Sepulveda Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H- 14.21C. 6. 75 118TH STREET: Aviation Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H -13. 4. 6.80 120TH STREET: A. Aviation Boulevard - -A. T. & S. F. No. 2H-13.6. SECTION 7. Resolutions Nos. 2388 and 2423 are rescinded. SECTION S. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered -13- i 14 249 in the book of resolutions of the said City of El Segundo; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceed- ings of the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 23rd day of April , 197 3. ATTEST: City Clerk' (SEAL) 2 IgaA� Mayor of the City of egun o, California. -14- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, JANE D. HOUGH, , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 2478 was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 23rd day of April , 1973 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen McGill, Morgan, Nagel, Stephens and Mayor Balmer NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 30th day of April (SEAL) 197 3 y Clerk—ofTFe City of Segundo California