CC RESOLUTION 2031_.. RESOLUTION NO, 2031 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CER- TAIN IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH APPURTEN- ANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IN IMPERIAL AVENUE AND OTHER STREETS AND RIGHTS OF WAY IN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 69 IN SAID CITY: DECLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES; AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK. The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, pur- suant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", being Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, Cali- fornia, to order the following work to be done, to wit: DESCRIPTION OF WORK (1) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; and the construction of certain cement concrete curbs and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in IMPERIAL AVENUE between a line 525 feet west of the' center line of Hillcrest Street and a line 695. 10 feet west of the center line of Hillcrest Street as shown on Sheet 2 of the plans hereinafter referred to. (2) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, the removal of certain integral curb and gutter, curbs and drive- way aprons; and the construction of certain cement concrete curbs, side- walks and driveway apron, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith in the SOUTHERLY 30 FEET OF IMPERIAL AVENUE between a line 9 feet east of the -center line of the first alley west of Sepulveda Boulevard and a line 712 feet east of said alley as shown on Sheet 2 of said plans. 1-- k), I t;, ) (3) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete, the remcv al of certain fencing, shrubbery,the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron, fencing, vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, house laterals, and brick manholes, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in ACACIA AVENUE between a line 28 feet west of the center line of Hillcrest Street and a line 758. 86 feet west of the center line of Hillcrest Street as shown on Sheets 3 and 47 of said plans. (4) The construction of certain vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, and drop manhole connection, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in that certain public EASEMENT along the southerly side o of 6, Block 12, Tract 1685, as shown on Sheet 47 of said plans. (5) The removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, miscellaneous flat concrete, driveways, fencing; the con- struction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, miscel- laneous flat concrete, asphaltic concrete driveways, and cement concrete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in ACACIA AVENUE between the east line of Pepper Street and the west line of Eucalyptus Drive as shown on Sheet 4 of said plans. (6) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete, the removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, miscellaneous flat concrete, driveways, driveway apron, fencing; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, miscellaneous flat concrete, drive- ways, and driveway aprons, together with appurtenances and appurten- ant work in connection therewith, in HILLCREST STREET between a line 365 feet south of t e center line of Pine Avenue and a line 525 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans. (7) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the removal of certain driveways, driveway aprons, tree; the :pz construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and re- surfacing, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in ACACIA AVENUE between the east line of uc yptus Drive and the west line of Cypress Street as shown on Sheet 5 of said plans. (8) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the construction of curbs, sidewalks, and resurfacing, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in CYPRESS STREET between lines 30 feet north and south from the pro- duced center line of Acacia Avenue as shown on Sheet 5 of said plans. (9) The removal of certain driveway aprons, driveways, mis- cellaneous flat concrete, retaining walls, shrubbery,the construction of cement concrete sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, asphaltic concrete driveway, and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in WALNUT AVENUE between a line 30 feet east of the' center line of Hill - crest Street and the west line of Loma Vista Street as shown on Sheet 6 of said plans. (10) The construction d certain cement concrete driveway aprons, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in WALNUT AVENUE between the east line of oma Vista Street and the west line of Virginia Street as shown on Sheet 7 of said plans. (11) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, pavement, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, retaining wall, trees, shrubbery,the construction of cement concrete curbs, side- walks, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appur- tenant work in connection therewith, in -3- WALNUT AVENUE between the east ine oT Virginia Street and the west line of Main Street as shown on Sheet 8 of said plans. (12) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, driveway aprons, miscellane- ous flat concrete, driveways, retaining walls, shrubbery; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in WALNUT AVENUE between the east line of e on Street and a line 160. 44 feet east of the produced center line of Penn Street as shown on Sheet 9 of said plans. (13) The removal of certain curbs, pavement; and the con- struction of cement concrete curb returns, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith,in PENN STREET between the south line of nut Avenue and a line 32 feet south of the center line of Walnut Avenue as shown on Sheet 9 of said plans. (14) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, fencing, storm drain; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, local depression, storm drain outlet structure, cement block retaining wall, vitrified clay pipe storm drain, vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, house laterals, brick manhole, and drop manhole connection, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in SYCAMORE AVENUE between a line 33 feet west of the—center line of Hill - crest Street and a line 562. 50 feet west of the center line of Hillcrest Street as shown on Sheets 10, 48, and 49 of said plans. (15) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, driveways, trees; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways and cement block retaining wall, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in -4- O, SYCAMORE AVENUE between the east line of e on treet and the west line of Penn Street as shown on Sheet 11 of said plans. (16) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; removal of certain sidewalks; the construction of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appuretenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY 11 FEET OF SHELDON STREET between the produced center lin e o Sycamore Ave- nue and a line 30 feet south of the produced center line of Sycamore Avenue as shown on Sheet 11 of said plans. (17) The removal of certain curb return, sidewalks, the construction of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith , in the WESTERLY 8 FEET OF PENN STREET between the produced center line oT Sycamore Ave- nue and a line 30 feet south of the produced center line of Sycamore Avenue as shown on Sheet 11 of said plans. (18) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb returns, sidewalks, pavement; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron, vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, house laterals, brick manhole, and drop manhole connection, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in MAPLE AVENUE between the west line of Hi crest Street and a line 496. 70 feet west of the center line of Hillcrest Street as shown on Sheets 12 and 47 of said plans. (19) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb returns, sidewalks, pavement, berm; the construction of cement concrete curb returns, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appuretenant work in connection there- with, in the WESTERLY 8 FEET OF HILLCREST STREET between lines 32 feet north and south of the produced center line of Maple Avenue as shown on Sheet 12 of said plans. -5- !1 l l •_ (20) The removal of certain curbs, driveway aprons, drive- ways, miscellaneous flat concrete, fencing, shrubbery; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, steps, miscellaneous flat concrete, asphaltic concrete driveways, and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in MAPLE AVENUE between the east line of i crest Street and the west line of Loma Vista Street as shown on Sheet 13 of said plans. (21) The removal of certain sidewalks, driveway aprons, drive- ways, miscellaneous flat concrete, shrubbery; the construction of cement concrete sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, steps, and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in con- nection therewith, in MAPLE AVENUE between a line 28 feet east o t e center line of Loma Vista Street and the west line of Virginia Street as shown on Sheet 14 of said plans. (22) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, drive- ways, miscellaneous flat concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and asphaltic concrete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTH 20 FEET OF OAK AVENUE between the east line of Eucalyptus Drive and the west line of Sheldon Street as shown on Sheet 15 of said plans. (23) The removal of certain curb return, sidewalks; the con- struction of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WEST 11 FEET OF SHELDON STREET between the produced center ine of Oak Avenue and a line 30 feet north of the produced center line of Oak Avenue as shown on Sheet 15 of said plans. (24) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, and driveway apron, C •` together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY 11 FEET OF PALM AVENUE between a line 193. 06 feet west o e produced center line of Hillcrest Street and a line 300 feet west of the produced center line of Hillcrest Street as shown on Sheet 16 of said plans. (25) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the removal of certain driveway aprons, driveway, miscellaneous flat concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, driveway, and miscellaneous flat concrete, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTHERLY HALF OF MARIPOSA AVENUE between the east line of Loma ista Street and a line 248 feet east of the east line of Loma Vista Street as shown on Sheet 17 of said plans. (26) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY HALF OF LOMA VISTA STREET between the center line of Mariposa Avenue and a line 126 feet north of the center line of Mariposa Ave- nue as shown on Sheet 17 of said plans. (27) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphaltic concrete; the removal of certain driveway apron, miscellaneous flat con- crete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron, miscellaneous flat concrete, and cement block retaining walls, to- gether with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY HALF OF MARIPOSA AVENUE between the east line of iting treet and the west line of Virginia Street as shown on Sheet 18 of said plans. (28) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the -7- q .� EASTERLY 11 FEET OF WHITING STREET between the center line of Mariposa Avenue and a line 48 feet south of the center line of Mariposa Avenue as shown on Sheet 18 of said plans. (29) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain paving, curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, and miscellaneous flat concrete, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in PINE AVENUE between the east line of oma Vista Street and the west line of Main Street as shown on Sheet 19 of said plans. (30) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in VIRGINIA STREET between the south line o Pine venue and a line 10 feet south of the south line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 19 of said plans. (31) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, pavement; the con- struction of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WEST HALF OF CONCORD STREET between a line 70 feet port o e center line of Pine Avenue and a line 40 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 19 of said plans. (32) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EAST HALF OF RICHMOND STREET between the south line of Pine Avenue and a line 10 feet south of the south line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 19 of said plans. (33) The removal of certain curb return, sidewalks; the con- struction of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with -8- appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WEST HALF OF MAIN STREET between the center line of Pine Avenue and a line 30 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 19 of said plans. (34) The removal of certain curbs; the construction of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in PINE AVENUE between the east line of Penn Street and a line 166. 09 feet east of the east line of Penn Street as shown on Sheet 20 of said plans. (35) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, driveway aprons, driveways, fencing, trees; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, and asphaltic concrete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therwith, in SIERRA PLACE between a line 166. 09 feet east of the east line of Penn Street as measured along the center line of Pine Avenue and a line 225 feet northeasterly of the center line of Pine Avenue as measured along the center line of Sierra Place as shown on Sheet 20 of said plans. (36) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain driveways, trees, shrubbery; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, and asphaltic con- crete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in SIERRA STREET between the center line of ierra Place and a line 175.42 feet north of the center line of Sierra Place as shown on Sheet 20 of said plans. (37) The removal of certain driveway apron, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, fencing, retaining walls, tree, shrubbery, the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, fencing, steps and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in -9- PINE AVENUE between a lire 27 feet east of the center line of Sierra Street and a line 26 feet west of the center line of Maryland Street as shown on Sheet 21 of said plans. (38) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, pavement; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith in, PINE AVENUE between the center ine o ungalow Drive and the west line of Center Street as shown on Sheet 22 of said plans. (39) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb returns, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curb returns, and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WESTERLY 11 FEET OF CENTER STREET between a line 32 feet north of the produced center line of Pine Avenue and a line 32 feet south of the produced center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 22 of said plans. (40) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, driveways; the construction of cement concrete curbs, side- walks, driveway aprons, and asphaltic concrete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in PINE AVENUE between a line 16 feet east o t e center line of California Street and the west line of Kansas Street as shown on Sheet 23 of said plans. (41) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb return, sidewalks, pavement; the construction of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY 9 FEET OF CALIFORNIA STREET between a line 32 feet north of the center line of Pine Avenue and a line 32 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 23 of said plans. (42) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- _10- C;;�, i tic concrete; the removal of certain curb return, sidewalks, pavement, fencing; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, and drive- way apron, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in PINE AVENUE between aline 16 feet east o t e center line of Washington Street and a line 16 feet west of the center line of Illinois Street as shown on Sheet 23 of said plans. (43) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb return, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY 9 FEET OF WASHINGTON STREET between a line 32 feet north of Me center line of Pine Avenue and a line 32 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 23 of said plans. (44) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WESTERLY 9 FEET OF ILLINOIS STREET between a line 32 feet nor of the center line of Pine Avenue and a line 32 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 23 of said plans. (45) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain driveway apron, driveway, steps, miscellaneous flat concrete, pavement; the construction of cement con- crete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveway, miscellaneous flat concrete, steps, catch basin, local depression, and corrugated metal pipe storm drain, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between a line 25 feet west of the produced center line of Valley Street and the west line of Loma Vista Street as shown on Sheet 24 of said plans. _11- ,i:; r "J (46) The removal of miscellaneous flat concrete; the con- struction of cement concrete sidewalks, and miscellaneous flat con- crete, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between a line 15 feet ea—s—t--MtHe center line of Whiting Street and a line 19 feet west of the center line of the first alley lying easterly of Whiting Street as shown on Sheet 24 of said plans. (47) The removal of certain curbs, miscellaneous flat con- crete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, miscel- laneous flat concrete, and cement block retaining wall, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between a line 6 feet east of e center line of the first alley west of Concord Street and the west line of Concord Street as shown on Sheet 25 of said plans. (48) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between the east line of Richmond Streetand a line 9 feet west of the center line of the first alley east of Richmond Street as shown on Sheet 25 of said plans. (49) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curbs, and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EAST 11 FEET OF RICHMOND STREET between the center line of o y venue and aline 35 feet south of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheet 25 of said plans. (50) The removal of certain retaining wall, brick walk, trees; the construction of cement concrete sidewalks, driveway apron, and steel culvert, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in SHELDON STREET between the north line of ran venue and a line 265 feet north of the north line of Grand Avenue in the westerly half of Sheldon Street and a line 279 feet north of the north line of Grand Avenue in the easterly half of Sheldon Street as shown on Sheet 25 of said plans. -12- • 1 . II i (51) The removal of certain curbs, fencing, miscellaneous flat concrete, shrubbery; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, steps, and cement block retaining wall, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY HALF OF SHELDON STREET between the produced center line of Sycamore Avenue and the north line of Walnut Avenue as shown on Sheet 25 of said plans. (52) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, miscel- laneous flat concrete, steps; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, steps, and cement block retaining wall, to- gether with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between the center line of Maryland Street and the west line of Center Street as shown on Sheets 26 and 27 of said plans. (53) The removal of certain curbs, driveway aprons, drive- ways, miscellaneous flat concrete, steps, trees, retaining wall; the cons- truction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, drive- ways, and steps, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in BUNGALOW DRIVE between a line 32 feet south of t e center line of Holly Avenue and a line 24 feet south of the center line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheet 27 of said plans. (54) The construction of certain cement concrete sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTHERLY 5 FEET OF BINDER PLACE between the east line of Loma Vista Street and the west line of Whiting Street as shown on Sheet 27 of said plans. (55) The construction of cement concrete sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the _13- .r: t ti EASTERLY 5 FEET OF LOMA VISTA STREET between the produced center line ol Binder Place and a line 28 feet north of the produced center line of Binder Place as shown on Sheet 27 of said plans. (56) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, fenc- ing, miscellaneous flat concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between the east line of Kansas Street and a line 35 feet east of the center line of Illinois Street as shown on Sheets 28 and 44 of said plans. (57) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb return, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curb return and sidewalks, together with appurten- ances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY 9 FEET OF KANSAS STREET between the center line of Holly venue and aline 35 feet south of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheet 28 of said plans. (58) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb return, sidewalks; the construe - tion of cement concrete curb return, and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in WASHINGTON STREET between lines 35 feet north and south of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheet 28 of said plans. (59) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, fencing; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks and driveway aprons, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in HOLLY AVENUE between a line 35 feet west of the center line of Indiana Street and the west line of Sepulveda Boulevard as shown on Sheets 29 and 45 of said plans. (60) The removal of certain miscellaneous flat concrete, fencing, retaining walls; the construction of cement concrete sidewalks, steps and -14- cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurten- ant work in connection therewith, in the NORTHERLY 6 FEET OF GRAND AVENUE between a line 175 feet west of t e center line of Sheldon Street and the west line of Center Street as shown on Sheets 30, 31 and 32 of said plans. (61) The construction of certain cement concrete sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection there- with, in the WESTERLY 10 FEET OF CENTER STREET between the center line of ran venue and a line 37 feet north of the center line of Grand Ave- nue as shown on Sheet 32 of said plans. (62) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement, berm, miscellaneous flat concrete; the construction of cement concrete curbs and sidewalks, to- gether with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY HALF OF FRANKLIN AVENUE between the east line of Loma ista Street and the west line of the first alley east of Loma Vista Street as shown on Sheet 33 of said plans. (63) The construction of certain cement concrete curb re- turn and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in LOMA VISTA STREET between a line 25 feet south of t e center line of Franklin Avenue and the South line of Grand Ave- nue as shown on Sheet 33 of said plans. (64) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, fencing, shrubbery; the construction of certain cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, driveways, miscellaneous flat concrete, asphaltic con- crete driveway and cement block retaining walls, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in LOMA VISTA STREET between a line 141 feet north of t e center line of Grand Avenue and the north line of Pine Avenue as shown on Sheets 19, 24 and 34 of said plans. -15- (65) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, miscellaneous flat concrete, driveways, fencing, retaining walls, trees; the construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveways, miscel- laneous flat concrete, fencing, step and cement block retaining walls, to- gether with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in CONCORD PLACE between the north line of ape Avenue and the south line of Sycamore Avenue as shown on Sheet 35 of said plans. (66) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curb returns, sidewalks; the construc- tion of cement concrete curb returns and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTHERLY 11 FEET OF MAPLE AVENUE between a line 18 feet west of t e produced center line of Concord Place and a line 23 feet east of the produced center line of Concord Place as shown on Sheet 35 of said plans. (67) The removal of certain curb returns, sidewalks; the con- struction of cement concrete curb returns and sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY 9 FEET OF SYCAMORE AVENUE between a line 24 feet west of t e produced center line of Concord Place and a line 22 feet east of the produced center line of Concord Place as shown on Sheet 35 of said plans. (68) The removal of certain sidewalks, fencing; the construc- tion of certain cement concrete sidewalks, cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the WESTERLY 5 FEET OF CEDAR STREET between the north line of Walnut venue and a line 23 feet south of the center line of Acacia Avenue as shown on Sheet 35 of said plans. (69) The removal of certain pavement; the construction of certain cement concrete sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appur- tenant work in connection therewith, in -16- STANDARD STREET between a line 26 feet north of the center line of El Segundo Boulevard and the south line of Grand Avenue as shown on Sheets 36 and 37 of said plans. (70) The construction of certain cement concrete sidewalks, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY 5 FEET OF FRANKLIN AVENUE between the east line of tan ar treet and the west line of Eucalyptus Drive as shown on Sheet 37 of said plans. (71) The removal of certain driveway; the construction of cer- tain cement concrete sidewalks, asphaltic concrete driveway, and cement block retaining wall, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in PEPPER STREET between the north line of Map e Avenue and the south line of Imperial Avenue as shown on Sheet 38 of said plans. (72) The removal of certain pavement, curbs, sidewalks, drive- way aprons, driveway, trees; the construction of certain cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveway and cement block retaining walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in EUCALYPTUS DRIVE between the north line of egun o Boulevard and the south line of Grand Avenue as shown on Sheets 37 and 39 of said plans. (73) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, driveways; the con- struction of certain cement concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, driveways and asphaltic concrete driveways, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in EUCALYPTUS DRIVE between the center line of venue and the south line of Maple Avenue as shown on Sheets 15 and 40 of said plans. (74) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of certain cement concrete curbs and sidewalks, together with appur - -17- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTHERLY 45 FEET OF OAK AVENUE between the west line of Euc yptus Drive and a line 20 feet west of the west line of Eucalyptus Drive as shown on Sheet 40 of said plans. (75) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks; the construc- tion of certain cement concrete curbs and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the SOUTHERLY 11 FEET OF MAPLE AVENUE between the center line of uc yp us Drive and a line 43 feet west of the center line of Eucalyptus Drive as shown on Sheet 40 of said plans. (76) The removal of certain curbs, sidewalks, miscellan- eous flat concrete, shrubbery; the construction of certain cement con- crete curbs, sidewalks, driveway apron, steps and cement block retain- ing walls, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in the EAST HALF OF MARYLAND STREET between the north line of ran Avenue and a line 32 feet north of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheets 26 and 41 of said plans. (77) The removal of certain pavement; the construction of certain cement concrete curbs, sidewalks and driveway apron, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in MAPLE AVENUE between lines 145 feet an eet east of the center line of Penn Street; and between lines 21 feet and 120 feet west of the center line of Maryland Street as shown on Sheet 42 of said plans. (78) The removal of miscellaneous flat concrete; the construc- tion of certain cement concrete sidewalks, driveway apron, miscellaneous flat concrete and cement block retaining wall, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in LOMITA STREET between the north line of Pine Avenue and a line 147 feet north of the center line of Pine Avenue in the west half of Lomita Street and a line 187 feet north of the center line of Pine Avenue in the east half of Lomita Street as shown on Sheet 42 of said plans. Q 1 .. (79) The construction of certain grading, paving with asphal- tic concrete; the construction of crusher run rock base and redwood header boards, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in con- nection therewith, in the FIRST ALLEY lying easterly of Center treet between a line 123 feet north of the center line of El Segundo Boule- vard and aline 102 feet south of the center line of Franklin Avenue as shown on Sheet 43 of said plans. (80) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement and driveways; the construc- tion of certain cement concrete curbs, and driveway aprons, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in ILLINOIS STREET between the north line of ran Avenue and aline 35 feet north of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheets 28 and 44 of said plans. (81) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement; and the construction of cer- tain cement concrete curb returns, together with appurtenances and appur- tenant work in connection therewith, in the NORTH 7 FEET OF GRAND AVENUE between lines 35 feet east an west of the produced center line of Illinois Street as shown on Sheet 44 of said plans. (82) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement and driveway apron; the con- struction of certain cement concrete curbs, driveway aprons, local depres- sion and asphaltic concrete resurfacing, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in INDIANA STREET between the north line of ran venue and a line 35 feet north of the center line of Holly Avenue as shown on Sheets 29 and 45 of said plans. (83) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs, and pavement; and the construc- tion of certain cement concrete curb returns, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the _19- NORTH 7 FEET OF GRAND AVENUE between lines 25 feet east and west of the produced center line of Indiana Street as shown on Sheet 45 of said plans. (84) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain house lateral; the construction of red- wood header boards, vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, house laterals and brick manhole, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the FIRST ALLEY south of Grand Avenue between the east line of Lomita Street and the west line of Maryland Street as shown on Sheets 45 and 48 of said plans. (85) The construction of certain grading and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain curbs and sidewalks; the construction of certain cement concrete curb returns and sidewalks, together with appur- tenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the EASTERLY 8 FEET OF LOMITA STREET between lines 13 feet north an south of the produced center line of above mentioned alley as shown on Sheet 45 of said plans; and in the WESTERLY 8 FEET OF MARYLAND STREET between lines 13 feet north and south of the produced center line of above mentioned alley as shown on Sheet 45 of said plans. (86) The construction of certain grading, and paving with asphal- tic concrete; the removal of certain pavement; the construction of redwood header boards, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in the FIRST ALLEY east of Lomita Street etween the south line of first alley south of Grand Avenue and a line 20 feet south of the center line of said alley as shown on Sheet 45 of said plans. (87) The removal of certain pavement, curbs and sidewalks; the construction of certain cement concrete curbs, sidewalks and drive- way aprons, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith, in the -20- Cl ' WESTERLY 12 FEET OF SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD between the north line 3f Grand venue and the center line of Palm Avenue as shown on Sheet 46 of said plans; and in SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD between the center line of Map e venue and the south line of Sycamore Avenue as shown on Sheet 46 of said plans. PLANS, PROFILES AND SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2. All of said work and improvement to be done shall be constructed upon the grades, along the lines, between the points of the dimensions, at the places and in the manner shown on the plans and profiles for said improvement, known as Assessment District No. 69, on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City, and except as other- wise provided on said plans, in further accordance with the specifications for the construction of said improvement, said specifications being on file in the office of the said Engineer and in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and to which plans and specifications heretofore approved by the City Council of said City, reference is hereby made for a further, full and more particular description of said work, and they shall govern as to all details. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SECTION 3. That said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary pub- lic benefit, and of such a nature that the costs and expenses may be assessed in proportion to the estimated benefits arising therefrom, and said City Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which said district the said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and im- provement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that certain territory of the City of El Segundo, California, exclusive of public streets and alleys, included within the exterior boundary line shown upon that certain map for Assessment District No. 69, -21- heretofore approved by the City Council of said City, indicating by said boundary line the extent of the territory included within the proposed Assess- ment District, and which map is on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City. Reference is hereby made to said map for a further, full and more particular description of said Assessment District, and the same map so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of said Assessment District. PROFILE GRADES SECTION 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the finished grade of the improvement will be different from the existing grade of the streets as they now exist, and such different or new grade is that shown on the plans and profiles herein referred to. DESCRIPTION OF BONDS SECTION 5. That Serial Bonds, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6 %) per annum, shall be issued to represent each assessment of Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) or more, remaining unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of recording the Warrant. Said Serial Bonds shall extend over a period ending nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next September first following their date. Payments on the principal of unpaid assessments and interest thereon shall be made by property owners to the City Treasurer, and the same shall be disbursed by said City Treasurer, all as provided in the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", hereinafter referred to. TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING SECTION 6. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 22d day of April , 1963, at the hour of 7:00 olclock P. M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of El Segundo, California, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement or to the extent of the assessment district, or to _22- the proposed grades, may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. IMPROVEMENT ACT SECTION 7. That all of the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance to an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act of 191111 , being Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of C alifornia. INVESTIGATION REPORT SECTION 8. That the written Report on the proposed im- provement herein described and prepared pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931'x, being Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City and open to public inspection. That the estimated cost of the improvement is $298, 878. 81. That the City will contribute toward the cost of certain con- struction work, as particularly set forth in the Schedule of such quanti- ties attached to the Report filed herein, under the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 "; that said contribution will be based on the estimated quantities at the price submitted by the successful bidder; the amount of such contribution not to exceed $40, 809. 19. PUBLICATION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION SECTION 9. "THE EL SEGUNDO HERALD``, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of El Segundo, California, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Inten- tion shall be published by the City Clerk in the manner and form provided by law. The City Clerk is directed to mail Notices of the adoption of -23- this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property pro- posed to be assessed, whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for City taxes, all in the manner and form provided for under Sections 5070, 5194 and 5195 of the "Improvement Act of 1911'x, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. POSTING OF NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT SECTION 10. The Superintendent of Streets of the City of El Segundo shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement and along all open streets within the district liable to be assessed for said work, Notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the time, form and manner provided by said Code. SECTION 11. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published twice by two (2) separate, consecutive insertions in the above designated newspaper. The first publication shall be made not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing stated herein. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk this 11th day of March, 1963. ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) 0; � ��, � �- /� 4 7- �, WZIz STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I. Eunice U. Creacnn , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution , being Rec_nlutinn Nn_ 2031 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 1 1 th day of MP - '7 196, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote.- AYESt Councilmen Frederick, Kimoort, Swanson, Tanr1 and Mayor Baker; NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen None. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this day of March , 1963 (SEAL) 12th City Clerk of the City of E Segundo, California