CC RESOLUTION 1885HE60LUTION NO. 1885 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING, DIRECTING AND ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY TO 1KAKE AND FILE WITH THE CITY CLERK A CERTAIN PRELIPIINARY REPORT IN WRITING. AS CONTEI�', PLATED ULIDER THE PROVI3I0.d5 OF THE "STREET LIGHTING ACT OF 1919" (PART 1 OF DIVISION 14 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA). The City Council of the City of El be,,undo, California, does resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Engineer of said City shall be and he is hereby designated, authorized, instructed and ordered to prepare, ma'-,e and file with the City Clerk of said City a report in writin; for the consideration of said Council and of interested persons. ,laid report shall contain each and all of the plans and specifications, estimates, diamrams and ,proposed assessments, data, etc., as required and contemplated i,i and under the orovisior)s of the "Street Lif;htln- Act of 1919" of the Mate of CalJ_Cornla whicri is now included as Part 1 of Division 14 of the ".streets and Hizhways Code" of said State, and particularly as contemplated under the nrovislons of Jec- tior: 13041 of said law, and under the alternative procedure for installment assessments provided for in Chapter 8 of said "Street Lighting Act of 1919 ". The work and improvernent to be contemplated in and covered by said report shall be the follow - ink;, to -wit: the installation of the various fixtures and appliances upon Mariposa Avenue between Center Street aril Penn Street; Palm A�renue between Center Street and Penn Street; :iaple Avenue between Center Street and ,Sierra Street; Walnut Avenue between Plaryland Street and Center Street; Pun;,alow Street between I,ariposa Avenue and Walnut Avenue; ilaryland Street between Mariposa Avenue and Walnut Avenue; Lcraita Street bei;:aeen Mariposa Avenue and riaple Avenue; Sierra Street between i>laripoaa Avenue and Maple Avenue: and all the inter- sections co.znon to any two of the abovenentioned streets. - 1 - X11c Et:f }1 The work and improvement hereby contemplated under said Stree, Lin,htinm Act of 1919 is to be performed and made subs:.antially as follows: (1) The improvement herein contemplated shall be Cor a period of one : -ear commenci. ; on the 1st day of January 1060; (2) Said improvement herein contemplated shall incorporate such c:ian ;es and adjustments either in facilities and fixtures or the locations thereof as the regairer-entu of said period of one year, commencing January 1960, may reasonably indicate; and (3) All parcels of real property within said City Included within the assessment district to be shown on the din ;rarm to be furnished in accordance with the provisions of para- raph ( c ) of ;,aid Section 180L.1. SECTION 2. That said Council expects upon receipt of said report to consider the same as contemplated in said "Street Act of 1919 " and to adopt a resolution of intention and take proceedin^s with reference thereto in, Linder and pursuant to the provisions of said law. Passed, approved and adopted this 13th day of October 1959. Mayor of the City of' California ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) _ 2 _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, ------- B1JN1Q &._U.....OREASOX---- ...._.- City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five, that the foregoing ...... reg.alut ori ................ being_. ... RES0LU TIDX __ND..__1Aary ............... was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the --- 13th. ------- day of --------------- October. -------- - ------------ 19- 59_., and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES. Councilmen.. Baker.,.. Frederick,.-- GordQri,..Beschuk......... and.- MaY-Qr.... amfiqld s ---- ----------------- -- ----- ----- --- --- -- ---- -- - - - -- NOES Councilmen - ---- Nonei-----•----••----------- -- ------ -------- ----- ----- --- -- - - - - -- ABSENT•Oouncil en None: - ••--- -••- ---- •-- - --• --- - -- -- --- ------ ---- --- -- -- ---- -• ........ WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this - - -- 4t __ day of ---- Octoher.,........... -- - -- 19.5.9.... City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) q•t ��n,