CC RESOLUTION 1818.t 14 i RESOLUTI TON NO. 181.8.E A RESOLU7TON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF EL SE ^UNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXIN; THE COMPSN- SATIO_V OF THE VARIOUS OFFICERS AAD HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY, AND OF TEE VARIOUS EMPLOYEES THEREOF; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION nO 1621 OF SAID COUNCIL AND ALL RESOLU7101S AYENDATORY OF SAID RESOLUTION: TAO. 1621. WHEREAS, the salaries or compe .ratio i of the members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, are fixed by the electors of said city at the s'um of Fifty Dollars (150.00) per month, each, and may not be changed except by the vote of the electors; and WHEREAS, the salary of the City Cleric, as such, is fixed at Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (1250.00) per month, and the salary of the City Treasurer, as such, is flexed at the oum of Two U uL- cared Fifty Dollars (1250.00) per month under and pursuant to ohe . provisions of Ordinance No. 404 of said City, and may no, be changed except by ordinance adopted by the City Council and as provided by lair; and HEREAS, the City Council of he City of El Segundo, California, now desires to fix and determine the salaries or com- pensations of the various other officers, heads of departments, and of the various employees of said City, all as hereinafter set fort!; 704 THEREFORE THE CITY OOUNCTL OF THE CITY OF EL SE- CUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREDY RESOLVE, DETERMINE A "VD ORDER AS FOLLOWS: P A R T I. RATES AND SCHEDULES SECTION 1. FIXED SERIES: That subject .c the e ct.er previsions of t .i. resolution, eac. of Ube ncu ben ts of F . ; 02- lows 6 offices or positions in the service of the City of E'1 Segundo shall be (. i.'- l..led t0 receive fix -T' his OT her SerV ".Ce3, _.. Lis or her office or posivion, the rate or rates of compensaLloY hcroi. nafoor Sat .. or.,... - I - =- 4. 1 (A) rT'rY ATTORNEY ------------------------- - and d a d d it i n t i tr.e1 c-,'u o, he shall i 5:,ch r asonable additional fecs or co-m- ponsatic,:, as City loa--il ma Y nllov., 1',nr sails, a -pearance.s or prolcccdi,--3 beforc� ^ ..Y Tloa--dl q "crir Cn,,m- 2 4 c. Leio ~c v,-,'-,,icl`- 1-e Las been dlrec'�ed tc, ac'- (,.r ci-neai,, and also when allowed by ext,ra cn�rrciioatio;t Ooi, 'o, ;d `3sut,;s o all l.inds and 'Gr an ze-vL-,e whic' lll,c C c),l c *1 1 ,,;a-,, -l'a- nr A L.a-y OT IT I , ITY T,-rA --------------------------- 1 2,, pc_ - P" UTOD - ------------------------ -- 2" per (D) DI-PECTOR On PUDLTO JjoRKS ................ $ I n? h c is in sucli caTac4.'y -i:e City ' --- * -tt, -iden, Sewc�r vVa 1, e - Sanerin , 1, I Supei-iteiden', and Street Superintendent) x SECTIO!�T 2, BASIC FTTI-STEP SALARY SCITEDITLES: 'i,A'L ex- cep, as 'icrclria!' - ct.- specifi.call., provided and sub; - 'ct t,-, wile ol,,'.er provisions cf this resclutica, eacli employee in the service Of said city -.,pan h�- uinab—ve nz-ovidcd or in Sectin,-1 1) sila7l be to -cccivp for iiis or 'ln------ sc-,--vices in Pis (TI, 10r arplicable ralle of i,,i `.he I., foll"ll- basic llvo-stc-) salary schedules presci-ibcll fol- 1 he clasS fl-� h--- posi'-ionl is allocated, -.c. SCHEDULE PTO. er S" er, IT,, Mo(,,r A T) E 26? 29O 312 3tF6 376 2 -)28 '12 -1 4 5 3 312 31 r 363 � 380 32� 345 �,n n dn 345 3 93 UC� O 399 410 1 a0 lu "199 419 %,39 In J, O 399 4Y) !4" 0 !r62 11 399 419 439 1+62 4015 12 419 ) nr) 14 � 462 485 -) 4 462 48r r r)g +62 4015 5O9 534 56O I �,r sr),- -5 5,J - 56O 50101 - 2 - SCITEDULE q. 2 2'an'zc S',Cp 4� Ste� mug S A :3 TD 320 337 354 373 392 Ty -on 11 27 609 SO 10 1 300 373 392 S17 coo oil 070 117 314 373 072 41, 713 22 617 912 ZS 373 392 07 n 713 74: 211 549 50 713 746 452 192 410 431 452 22 611 713 710 777 fl4 23 Q3 746 777 113 15r) A '74�� 777 113 150 092 172 4;2 474 49? 523 50 W 777 113 850 d92 937 SCITEDULE q. 2 2'an'zc S',Cp so S t ,2 S!- 3'2 A TD 320 337 354 373 392 10 037 300 373 392 070 117 314 373 072 41, 43-1- 373 392 07 n 43i 452 192 410 431 452 410 431 152 174 131 452 074 09 523 172 4;2 474 49? 523 50 113 474 492 523 549 5T 11 !" 499 523 .J: nq 115 523 549 576 005 6A 11 549 570 605 AS 2 117 V7A 605 135 60 700 W 605 135 007 700 33 22 05 56? 790 73C 77 12() 607 700 736 770 IN 1M 700 736 770 006 In 122 736 770 lot 039 17§ 12' .3 770 106 130 070 IT, ON 22 O'n 7 22 125 839 963 s - 3 - 9149 19t.50 Q) (1) Cf the five steps oil forth in Ae foragoin, ochc- 5"'o-V k contemplates six months' service in the claosifica.- tina nf the employue; Shops B, Q D a"J E each ..he yunrlo aervics in each of So& Misificnticas. Me ficni nd- wancoment of n now orplayee from SusT A Aill be madd at Lho Lu- J."I.6 of 00 Y.Y 7�rl-v un wasoin" nfour Lie conylution nf no bur Mao Zn no-LEO A 30fAcn. All other shill a' tho beginni-a of nu ray rcrind "On cnann, anur ohs an- nl,wr5nry into of shc umplcyculs nzil,amcm v i clazATIcnini. ashuy LK car A. ThAi d7V vLce 6w.&Kshud An!! rennin a.- chan6ud; pynvided, howuver, ia Avscinslanccs where Ou Ccuncil ,dan"coa a. amlloyee in Soar, the unployee ai.omatically zhereby sball be issigned Lhe ef7ectiva date of said ord3r as his or her new a"oivaranoy Into. if A, Mani! advances a. amployec sh-, has been o, Shop E for qno year or nnre from Step E of a fi",6 to q AfZerun4 stop in another range, shc employee LAMY AW-11 to 13siVed An effac-lvo da,w of said Dr der a3 his rr hur new qnsiveroary. 12) WILL 20sreca to SCIED7LE NnS, I and 29 6001 0- ":- ricyeo of ohs My •Aall have the range nunwer LurejnafLe- Naiganiod 07 his classificawfo. and ....all_ hq;u the same soar number is Chu! clanzificnAo" nhaL hc Iasi had in nay alns.=- cation prior c tKo adorLinn of thin vujoinLin". Q) A 13 Provided further: (1) Tha. the My Cna"cil zorves au rQn; change An zaa,e !n daturmia, 0.0 & Lhoruafuer as q1 any Live, and i Lumber assigned to particular SLOP in signad to nay such ibi wris dinewu2n. j 4o any cNicer or anplayea as'l ?a; ringe "UmLer Oick is QD officer or SnTloye.; (2) Temrorary umploynow for whon or cla52ificanion cr r?nau namber is frovided or Aose camranoaLion is no, rohDrwisc- " --A K- I I - "M Q bn,o resolution Mall recuire such cou1 ensn4nn as jh,�� My Cou.02 shnil designate to tho resolution or order V ap- Mi"twunl for ouch resyoclive sempurary employees; and. - 4 - om I u _Z S.111 v Ci l.iiv , a u '.1 ra I 7 v,3 r7i,-_ -z: alinc -,,cd C: :C. 3j- fuilr,,;-v L, L 0, 13 Y C I Y L;,u C: i 1 - e L; c v e 17 an e 1 0 f6 C, ,_1b1i1'is 1c, S a i-Ir T? a. i� c; IT c,mb e:' nl 'SS ca oii T .0. Ra�-i - A OF-II7_7 E 2 T:,, S I D I o r F i , a - i c i; '_!4 n—% 7, 7, c', j_ I TT r.. !IT T'_:31 i1c-05 Li _,en.-e uur 12 DC-11Uy Ci"Y olox-11- '3 24, n A dminis-,r-' ive Secre�=y I, - __1 - 3n1 1r) PD, T TT "0 nr T)cr"ar'.1r],cii'. Sec.­euary 3245-4 T T:, • _7 5. Lis scant Pun _,ar, All n,-In 117 1--700 iw.jo sfa� - 6 - Salary Rane As D-Treclo of Pu blic �r) -.21) A an u Street, Su—rinlenden� --1 A!;t Mec"Imi-ii, 110 4i0-,1-rIq I T O-r-enter-Pal- e- io 105 C_-I no S L'Ip e r v i s or jn- in. D ll'c c L or ' Daildin'-'- a.id Safe t�r (Said Diroc�oi- --l.-M ac',- as T ,3uildiii�, Electrical and Plo;_.-Jr- 1 17 Di.ecLOr of Recreation and Parks 21 1-2. '1-c r4cal 1r13-eccol, 523-") deric--' T 1 n5 37n 3n2 J un 499- Lab-rcr 105 20 -3 ^2 Land3cape Oarderer 110 1n I r)n 21. nr-1-or jr) 3 5 -4 IT, rs6ryrnan 107 23 . Parl,, 3�.iror-jjSor 2,v. Recrea 4 o:: Supervisor 11 523_ 2 5 oi' S C' I 'T C 0 S U,,) el--,r i 'S -D1' ii, ,Q 1 1 --' Load �anii () 0 2 Plan,, orerauor 1 4 -31 -)' � 2'. Labtire.- 10u 1 , I 1��-1 J - n .) 2�. 30. S�vcot Maintenance Leadman J 10 -.ee Climber - 6 - Subd`_visio "•:;;Ibex 17 1n3Ui.ficatlo ?� • S -rca' `n.:'i; (: Leadman Pan_ CleaI i.I:J I� ",a �.; Y'On, 1.5` pi3r Ti Oi:Y' Plan -, gp`'r-,��v j). TI ?:.e_ i''rijor Z/ T,�l1at GY' SC,_j4 C''P:^ii T_ Water Se-rvi Cei:ln i TT 3 Water Sc- vice.man TTI n SA TT SEPTJTCFS SERTES: 1. c Cr.i cf ollce 2. Assisiarit Ciiir'f of Polk; Police Captaiii Police Dectcct1 v 5. Police Ser <eant U. n u. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 1l� , �r 1�. 1 .. 9153 Salary To. Pan_ n 7 ,n7 10 S, 111 P011ceman nr``�t Or"yelc Duty, in, addi{tio- t0 -he m, copersation liereinbefor- filled for persOrli,el i.: t};e Ponce Depart.mci �, a. such personnel. Triien :assl;ne'd to motorcycle duty shall be cn;,i' '_led to :add it lo:,a i. comocns at ion at this .., tc Of '. ?4j -O ,'_"' month for t_r:2 covered by such assi nme::It to mo orc,rcle duty, and sac':: addi'ional amount shall b payable at the time re,,ular iirstall- i'('..t; of salary aro paid Police n ?atron, '';s; 7 per hour Fire Chief Dattalion Fire Chi f Fire Captain Dri llmas ter :Fire Marshal Fire En' -inecr i .F _ rer.Ialr 21 19 l ij 1G 12 21 1; 16 li 1� LY l? Firemen, Call Men, ' {,15.00 per month; nro'aided, ha %,fover, that in order to I e entitled to receive su-11 coPlpen- sat_�.on, such Call D?en shall have at- tended at least oiie scheduled or called drill or special service assignment in - 7 - 373 + >% 431 -5% 60 -non �CO_'17 439 -734 450 -5 b0 41q_r10n 60 -777 5:;n -ool- 509 -517 509_517 -517 450 -5' ='0 i *ln- no 91014 7110nt'i and shall- )lave reopoiide" to at least 5710 of all actual alarms o, 's11dcjj lolunIcer call has beer made is suci: oa.' iLir e r';i'_ef, .� )- - a::LS85 �'r1il JL i ;11s opiricr: are aeen;ed adequate and r ,- � a" su�_1C1BC.t, 51 "al �. :. a':'c vl -i2 aU•..:1!Jr11. jr to excuse at;eidance at any drill, special assi rl,:e . or actual alamn: and thG rarticalar Excused a,tendauce shall be c- cu'L'1-ed as haviii- be��-t7 a':.::ende'.i for 1,:e purposes o deter.rin "r: on ensatio;i iierei;ndc -r. 1?. Uniforn2 Allowances: Followin t''nc _'ectitc da of tills resola"icn, f ire - 1f�1t" a:l�i 1"`C11Cc: l;'p- I-oyeGs no are rtcq',.u: ei% ..O purchase and CG li. lluo u,^, ly ma .LaiiL 'bed es o lOrm lr,- h — -nd perSO:.a IprESCr 13 _ equip.mcnt shall be collir`C- :Sai cd for a pnr:.? o:1 C)-" i.1:G irliLial )-ad mai.11ena.lcc Cns'us 11-11Creo aCCordlnv { n „;•o ioIIm", L Lr,. ( • l - ' ff Al? poi- .",e ^ Cl:rv, el'C eL%t Oli...cerS aool.�ae(; to i'Uotor- .^.yclu du,�-y, a.?":'d 1':io3e pers,n n cl r( tg',iirf.d t0 1'L'V:.;.l.`'.. ` "1jr 1'reai .,tress ..rn yv it 1^ 011 u.. at.y - -- -- ) n� T`E;r ?i1 C:1 i:' L _ .. - (b) Police officers assined to .otorcycle du' ------- ----- --- - -- - -- °'2.00 per (�) All O`v'fier (3) Newly appointed police Officers and 'ire dEpar�- r.errc poi,soanE 1 shall be nr-wi ded : it :.ifcrni allow tire of appointrn nt aau icre- rl a a as (a) At t112 vimic Of c' prcint-7I: alt - I n of annual a.11o'raaz: o (b) At first anniversary of a *ointment ----- --- - - -57 of amm al allorm.'Ice ( c) After first anniversary - 107.°, of nont'hly allowance (D) PLA"1I.I "1G SERIES: Plannin- Commission R "embers 10.00 ea-.1-1 per H2Ceti"iC- attended, it o':. i:0 excecd ,.nree (3) t1ie8 min 5 DE;' calc;i- dar (r) ngr;PEA"'IMT SERIES: 1. lecreatio,l and Par's Comm.issiorl 14el:;bers 'j10.00 caci:, per rne`St. ,: atte:i'ded, not "::o c,I:ccod, wo (2) T.ioe .in s per L calendar tont'c2. Pla,r r, l (a) Play -round (b ) Play rouiad. (c) Play-round le) P'- Leader I - -- Leader II - -- Loado, III- - I ader TV— Sap_rvicor - Rate rc'r ho".i^ 0 . 'r - - - -'d, .l -0 - - - - -- l.trn - - -- -_ 1 5 - - - - -- 2.20 915.5- 3. Plume; Rate re_^ .'.our (a) Pool ACtendant I ---------------------- �0.� (b) Pool A'tt',endaot II------- -- ------- - - - - -- 1.10 (c) Lifeguard I----------- -- -------- - - - - - -- 1.70 (d) Lifeguard II- --- -------------- --- - - - - -- 1.1, r) (e) Lifeguard TIT ---------- ---- ----- - - - - -- 1.5 Saprvisor I ------------- - - - - -- 2.20 TT, a' _me e ploy - TMil:7;., e'J'r: an'' Rio over.,ine al.lovTablo, �,2`� ?�Gi ;iiOII i 1' ----- - G.0Q (a) Gy-mnasium b, '-v A,,-maS i u ni (C) ':ryri'.Yias iLIlIl ( <) Cymnasi'_ni Leader I - --------------- ---- :','?O-85 Leader IT ------------- - - - - -- 1.IC Leader III ----- ------- - - - - -- 1.40 Leader TAT -------------------- 1.15F SuPer'd' -30r ------------------ 2.0-0 P A R T I I GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 1. ^p"ERrrFt\rr,Y APPOINTPEENTS: That notwithstand- iiiz any ot'lier provision contained in this resolution, it is hereby provided that in case of an.. e" org—ency or unusual Ci.rc Unista .ces or conditio__r.5, which T1a.� o,,pis'. or ariS% i.';i:.�7 '",}le .,_.;y, or ,ten any n t eve ., J' -,, TAT s' ''ia �'e '�'ie office . ^,r depari:met7;; i_e., Hof, ,;ie C._.., .anat�e,^ Ana.. and he is _ercby authorizod, ei 1',er 1ir-otly or throb„ i „i.e head o° t1he effice or departiment a`'iected or involved, to employ suc -umber of addit i_ona1. employees as iti the opinioi_i of such City Ma Ya.­oi, may be : ecesl-ary i•. order `o ` cot or ­n erlgr dis ,ose of .Iy and all coiaditions and problems which may ariso out of or be d1) C n 3nv S'.,i.C1i em e r?'CtiC`j'j ;,C) et. "_er Wi.`.'!7 full po`.".'er I n any a-nd all- such cases to fix the respective reasonable compensa4 4 onS to be paid sl_ich addi- tional employees, respectively, for such emer�e:.cy 3erV ice. Sucl', emere, ---v service Shall :lot co2'tl; iYllle, i')OW GVer, per od 7 success_. e days u_n__ess by further aaLh -ri,y Cit y Council e.presszd by _so_.ut io.. 9 - (a) Craft; Leader I ------------------------- (b) Craft Leader II ------------- ---- - - - - -- 1.10 ( ) Cra_ V Leader - - - TIT ------------- - - - - -- 1.40 (d) Oraft Leader IV ----------------------- l l.c (e) Cr. - Sapervisor -------- -------- - - - - -- 2.20 P A R T I I GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 1. ^p"ERrrFt\rr,Y APPOINTPEENTS: That notwithstand- iiiz any ot'lier provision contained in this resolution, it is hereby provided that in case of an.. e" org—ency or unusual Ci.rc Unista .ces or conditio__r.5, which T1a.� o,,pis'. or ariS% i.';i:.�7 '",}le .,_.;y, or ,ten any n t eve ., J' -,, TAT s' ''ia �'e '�'ie office . ^,r depari:met7;; i_e., Hof, ,;ie C._.., .anat�e,^ Ana.. and he is _ercby authorizod, ei 1',er 1ir-otly or throb„ i „i.e head o° t1he effice or departiment a`'iected or involved, to employ suc -umber of addit i_ona1. employees as iti the opinioi_i of such City Ma Ya.­oi, may be : ecesl-ary i•. order `o ` cot or ­n erlgr dis ,ose of .Iy and all coiaditions and problems which may ariso out of or be d1) C n 3nv S'.,i.C1i em e r?'CtiC`j'j ;,C) et. "_er Wi.`.'!7 full po`.".'er I n any a-nd all- such cases to fix the respective reasonable compensa4 4 onS to be paid sl_ich addi- tional employees, respectively, for such emer�e:.cy 3erV ice. Sucl', emere, ---v service Shall :lot co2'tl; iYllle, i')OW GVer, per od 7 success_. e days u_n__ess by further aaLh -ri,y Cit y Council e.presszd by _so_.ut io.. 9 - 9196 SECTTON 2. PREPARATION ArD CONTENT OF CLASS SPECIFTCA- TT07S: Class sPecificatinno Mall be Prepared and naintaiaed uWar the direction Of 00 MY Manazur for all POZAtions. M,� shall d"ne " duties Of Ohn Mittens 1, wach class nod the desirable quqItfi,,t1,,, Fnr 01ccessful performenc- of 5uch duties. SECTION 3, RESIDENCE aEOMEMEITS. Al.? rolicc and fire Wartmen! Personnel herein classified as Wliccman" and Vircman" xus ! maintain a permaLzn" residence within a In ni]�, s of �hw " 901"0 Civic Center. All other personnel of said departments (OxcluJing clerical) must TalMain per mansm, rasidence within one incorporated limits of the city. SLOTTON 'j. PAYMENT OF COMPENSATTM: The monthly com- Vncaticn above Provided for shall be payable in two equal Monthly inotallmanto. W 7CMronsation1v services rendered Wrina thn rayrojj. puKod frfm too !at to the 15ty f h . ..... (both Mac inclu- Mve) ahaW bu poll 02 ny b,f... tho 25th day of sue, montL ,d "Pen"100 for services rendered durinC she pa y,,11 ,,i,d the 36LL the last day Of any moLth (both days inclusivo) 002 bw rail on Or befora the I" jay of the succcedinj nooth. (B) Call "21 Tz the Fire Department shall to paid cz a Warlarly basis, subject to the right Of the Council at -ay 1_e du r antonrizO TLYPOLL of any i2nvLud �eeJ Up n"h Lim' 02 010orizaZon. Mbars 3f the Recrea.lon onj Parka COMMOVan, and eMrinyae6 cf 'he WreaQca Dspammj"L 60y,- 'M an in hrurh basis shall be paid monthly an t�, Wh of eaci :10101.. SECTION 5, WORKT71 SqUEDuvES A RULES AND RECULATICMS RETATIM TO NOMS AND PERIODS OF 9ERVTCE: That 3plariez, fees q� PlYs as same are hereinabove stated, sad as same MaY hereafter & - io - Ove I cc,i ei rlate ce „c be rei--,dured 41 ^..0 rif 'y e a T, 1, 0,�d rcriods of jl3ill*-'Ce r,ru 11Eir8l d6 e—', 71•1 --lall be dec-ed ma- 71 u id c �3 D c u Hr :.l daj 3 3 1-L3 Cf r�a be --il I v --,,ov-* �d o rESC �i-u 4 -n Z, a I c - 1, —1 �u t il�C, fil, 71,,l -- beeii con' -In -ib `rcia y -or a- I - - scii-�e . -I-, nor n no oil an empll-yc38; b u,, a r, -bz3Gfice fc-l- a rerir-,d of nn ic.(-.,-e a2 days -1-11 b--ea�, rl- I calend, i � - -io I - r'-icn cf 30--vice Ll �7ie -a e of an- ci-11-yee, ullle- - -,U-"- ,,ce hall- ',ave becri a ppro-✓rudl by ',he C i uy C �,.�,ic J 1 lu.-7 7!'LJ. rj1i 5-i•ead -%nr).,, n"I'lut-'eS 0 f jL" cl i 1, -ui i c (71 11, 8.11 cnn p I e a s c, f JD. d y e 2L c I - ;" in s 6 r .:110, ".1 I- dn ?p -j p ,1)1 3el-vilcez on a scheu"ljo ,'Mall render ulael, , 1 11 n-uxo ncr (lay or hou,--, pol- lacek, a-,id 1183d of d-par�,zlc- andai- ,vl) o s e j ur -' 6 d i s 1,� a I de3i6na'-e the T, r,,-jcular d2v,- .,,',Iicl. such ruspec ver I ve Cmp'lrTu68 U V C e t" I e s I t,r a,c, to '.1-ads o' derartme �.- havii,'6- j �ul,-d----,- ,;P, eu- --'()yees sub.'ec', 'IC rule "(F)" abovc are here-by ,raiitc �d Jhe po%•ei M NIB and authority, subject so the approval of Lhe City T'''7a nasr, tr, . require any such employee or employees wo reader service f ware than I hours Per day or 40 "O._._., per week in any `"d all cosin: :ike e 3=1 depart,:r.o"o head feels v aO S'. ck additinaal service is essential for the heso .. noereo Ls of the city at tho tLila.;• the r !r?` OVERTIME P�'t`,: t.r�y employee, siiO�yeCL ... ;;;ie rule c�. ,: hours per day and 40 hours per itiee'_ who is required to put in wore time on Lib classification on an occasion no; an e ueraency resulting fro_r. 'war or civilian defense on protective effort shall receive for any sucl overtime compensation at one and One - 'Half (1 -1/2) tiles his re;ular rate of pay. (I) HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAY PAY: Any employee who works on any of the followina holidays, lo t•7'_:.t: Januar - 1st Fabruary 120 February 22:1 tea- ?0th alv Wh FirsL "_`.onday in September September 9th October 12th '.ember 1.10h December 25th Every day on which an eloct on is Geld sh 'oughouO the State shall be ccmpensnocd therefor at We rate of 2 Limes the rate of his regular pay; provided, however, in she event any of GLe hone- l; ".bCi Orti - .0 ?iv=- oP.Gd holidays fallo on t'.ie last; .:. ?y of his regular days off period, the following 'day shall be observed as a holiday for 1 the purpose n �il 01 this section; provided further, however, .flat in vhE, e4 "e111: .^,1i'y' of he .:er(- `1t;alJ O'vc ^lE.i1t1o1.P.0 liOli'.'d?j %:i _"ails O:. th fi.rsL day of all employeets regular days o7f period, compen- sation shall be det :retired pursuant to t• „ provisions of r'r ;rap}: tT, of e, hL3 3t;Ce,1e,.,,, and tliC pa `1Vi -IO:iS of t.::1b paragraph stall not apply. (J) TEMPORARY SERVICE IN IIIGHEn CLASSIFICATION: in an case, approved by the City ;:aaa;er, where an employee is qualifi.el for and is required for all appreciable period of time no ;ei i - ly serve in and have the responsibility for work in a 1 i he: class 01 p051t1C'4?, such CP7p]_oyTGe while so assigned, s'1a11 TC'i:8ive the en5rance :salary rate of that Class or one ;step above his present raLe whichever lever is higher. 9159 (K) PROMOTIONS: In all cases where an employee in any given classification is promoted to a classification for which a higher rate of compensation is provided, then such employee so promoted shall enter such higher classification at the lowest rate of com- pensation provided for such higher classification which exceeds the rate of compensation received by said employee in such given classification at the time of such promotion, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council. (L) TERMINATION: Upon termination of employment during a pay period, pay shall be prorated and paid for each day worked in said pay period. (M) EXCEPTIONS: So far as the foregoing rules and regula- tions relative to hours of service in any day.or hours of service in any week, the same shall not apply to: (1) (a) Elective officers of said city (b) City Manager (c) City Attorney (d) City Prosecutor (e) Chiefs of Police and Fire Departments (f) Assistant Chief of Police (g) Directors of Finance Department, Building and Safety Department, Public Works Department and Recreation and Parks Department (h) Assistant Street Superintendent (i) Assistant Director of Public Works (j) Supervisors of Sanitation Service, Water Ser- vice, Parks, Recreation and Garage (2) The members of the Police Department of said city, who shall respectively work regularly scheduled shifts to be pro- mulgated and established from time to time by the Chief of Police, as all of the members of said department shall be subject to call for service at any and all times. It is provided, however, that where a member of the Police Department is required to render more than 8 hours service in any one day or more than 40 hours per week, such member shall be entitled to receive, and there shall be paid to him additional compensation for such overtime at one and one - half (1 -1/2) times his or her regular rate of pay, unless: - 13 - M (a) Such member is the Chief of Police or the Assistant Chief of Police of said City; or (b) Such member is a Captain of Police, and such overtime served is not a regular over- time shift established for such captain by the Chief of Police. (3) The members of the Fire Department of said city shall work on a 67.38 hour per week schedule in shifts to be pro- mulgated and established from time to time by the Chief of the Fire Department, and all of the members of said department shall be subject to call for service at any and all times. It is pro- vided, however, that all members of the department off duty (with the exception of the Chief) in addition to the compensation here - inbefore fixed shall be entitled to additional compensation at the rate of 35.00 per call, regardless of time, for responding to fires and rescue calls, and pay at the rate of time and one half (1 -1/2), based on 40 hours per week for special details and assignments other than fire and rescue calls. SECTION 6. DISABILITY OR SICKNESS: (A) That in addition to the salaries and benefits otherwise provided for in this resolution, each regular officer or employee of the city, as a part of his services rendered shall be entitled to receive, and there shall be paid to him during periods of phy- sical disability by reason of illness or injury which necessitates absence from duty, amounts in accordance with the following sche- dule of disability payments, to wit: (1) In cases where such disability IS NOT compensable under the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Laws of the State of California, each such employee shall be entitled to one (1) day's absence and pay for each month of actual service (in- clusive of periods of bona fide disability absences) in the em- ployment of said city, not to exceed a maximum of 132 days. Each day of disability leave actually taken by any such employee shall be deducted from his accumulated credit. - 14 - $161 (2) 1, case, nh-ru swA WiMMy 19 compenoibic ande2 on po�vav�j of sho prham"Is OnnasiAo- Law, if 20 CMu -' 1011fn�niaj unch such Omployou (oQS2 Oh a"-' " "_-� p.— -jLic"I if Sjc1fon 4051 -f Oc Latnr Code of 05a Stake of 7nli- Tnrni- apply ^1 d wtv ruccian bans = vhuru ill ev) A&I be unbILUL. (a) The fall Pro raLa Oum of Ae OUPICYUS's isaylvZ' =Mry for !he so-callad �AVMI Porto! PYCVidad fir in satd WoAmunts Campansniinn Laws; in-I (b) AL amon.0 "qjQ 4v Ue difference bwowuon tic vv- 6ins mwh2y vaInry n- c-mrcnsaA-L of sank �7- piny�n paid by said city and the amount of lnL c7mnwLwation received by any 3W 7ploycc undso Said WcrI=,c"vs Laws (,nQuAvn of "Mcal, aurjical, cjPlia2zea, or simi2a- Mcmi of COWS) for porinds ALLMInad on Ae 3ervison of vuO w7piny�c �n sqod -0-y' Ainvis, -A HOMOVIZO is harOA- Ann, S&L .?rLh in yora�rsph "W" of Ois 1, 000r. (A Mo DOW- - A 7U9�ca !A r2e-nrL_� dens.dw for coa- PW23qlion wju� ne 7rallsic"i V thij AcHr- 6 may sclArs M; WIP107ee O-I-Ornnl ti SATTO 10 Wil W�WUOV '_ tn i�on MraVor shc�lq; A? an=K of M_Cl LI by such null5yon (cnAijivc W medical, surginal) hosplualKnOrn, applianows, no UM!a� inein :;z SOWLSI. The City Conncll apr�sclaLuw whau in �a.y laj.i.vus 1, may Q 1m7-ssMe a! Ae Zoe A, runipw rayrals are rruzuh,ud LO AL 77aWill Af 11PPIVA Ln dlAr�inW vanionj =ran43 �hl& may h.funfLer LecrM' payAl, �Asr hv proviAnLZ OZ OnIs Molic'I '' LC vqvila3 enji7yeaz due 1- v voriuLy cZ �sowcas in! can3as, W�cn Vp Gnompli, qj delays "hich may -1cro i. AW fi.i., of COO- rUhG?'--z MOONOW in ind�S.0'17 Avalls.4 cost.; !no fq!70�' -2 -vo -, '1', Iy 0 onpoly �Wsnlve his 7OAnwnto ?,open- OILIC. 111nonace02 u4 s. To al -l. Zia% Cason Ac Aly 0011 he ..W' n- 0119111ca w nl�e to sha employee SM in 110 O0CA0Z jn011 SW M VZ SUA nMllr6 Can jU yropei'l- MeYnWud. 'he Xyeo.av of K"anva Loy 7reju"" i Au My gtwev 1,Y n"d W, P�nhlans A:& all ?rise 1" Lin Add l"04pqllo. -f A-. -z-ViAv"S nuvU0fp MY 70U.Sil zo3uroua A� vl,h. .1 ;-i - 'no nA m•he 0�:� 10- 23 y Ls -niesiary 1-d P. .w- 117, TLC roa.wii rujurvea Ou ir Ite exurciond M !is as jAy time in! fray LIMS in Lino, 11 Lin dire-le of w7ld Voy, rcq.lru any sjoh azpInyee un appen,r baf-vo 1"y SulY ry j.2,CY, zwisc.od by on- MY A01,Gp ...I A-I Mal w.d pnyJcnI u.nAnnoW. VLh funpuzo L, hL,, 'I'aawsp Anjvry 'Y MabilKy. TK7 fniluyu -W refucal of 1.y wooi szri0yue U SAMIS 109SOM Lq any VnA W=T"IAT., :ay, :n 1_o d1j:sGuin" of onid Tn.h�!Ip fovfull nny Nr.hep &Lh�j t- P.nwVs uwiiV or .u. ASS- A. rrCASionj of WO, r06010ion. 2ej7v� of any a-ch 7hysIK9" oaid ',na2i? :�y be wAnninal by wall fazncil, �h:t VUy A-ojo-, -nd 114y ALVT"n; v7 sold ALy, b= 3hall Kher�lse he vn.fidun- OW; pr-Mod, ha: evwr, Wan Ac saoe nay be lnLrnd=ed in uv'- KaOo 1" q-Y M40" -P TP-luediIj Y=InLiVa uO OLU 60j,Z! -f :7neozi i•jar y ov disAiMy no LA ratlenL or yerza. reAf2ed tc QUYALS and 300 7hy0ciao or insvoo. E?j "i'a tuz.inv"Y ro- j7CAT., A. abject no inch enanlaaul-o an! 0. pLyzfcal ir"Mic- no Lin unvloyuE thcrula zufurvud Lo, nal ue2h rioyew W said ---Ly Iccups:ng ewinyou"t, by aslopol", ZIS 0ii p!-Yns_ate 1A _'un- &A., ourvicu horov"Iny, onus �hufeLy in,pnIZIATY 7.d Inocro- 0 ' , - -11 -1, a - - _6"U . SIOMPT A 7WATT07s: (A) EncopslnG V�Qers if Au polica n"d Are n:tp3rzSCn;tW Ono OW! recoil, a�.Ual vlcnin�c nw Provided by laa, caA Ifficev nod Mloyno rciularly amr1ayud ia I -Lc ju�;fcv of Void AW whM. slhjan� kn tL, inafau• OU0 Arths be waViled on n"! AM Pecuiva a vacation no - 10 - 9163 31'ar- fni- -Yea.- of c G lc L; 3 Y _.Cie: J r I T1. T17i oa:�I-; nj oa a L .7 7 a c' , n I -, 2 1 f.. I 8.Y s. I—C 6P1, ^, I-- '23r --b c n :a', aS aru -. o lu._ i 3 af�--! "i-pr—Ireu, 1v lu"-�' -icd ^nf a 1-c-'­1 ':,an y S n!7 bc� accumljla� AE)ITA"! 77"', "T ATT �T I \ 'TIT(' S S TTnT TTI= 8.kTISFAr-TORY P- A Ad ,-ancemuiil. frcr Iq --�ie sci;cdule ;vc bi< a -a " ^, r13 r. G3- --d.jl* - e 4 u 1T'- � sai j e r v -,1,2 ce rucord fnr ham c d' L m:- '�3ic -iod i-is- anni-, c'-,3a-- Tr Sa cl-i ro c. -_` I c i3;"4'-'-y Of ".' 113a i- i sfa- c ory c c-; d•-Ir i said n -,- - ') 4 d d r. e L� U 1 "l-, a i id - d v L 1 c i e ii. -u Z F — .al'_ be -:2 al allu� sucl-, --'mplo' "Cma' ,1 -11 jeru -c s-an occarlell by .4 M ,jilt- n�, �',e Period 1-o whic'�i su:�'. 2zt- 4 1 y 0 L-Le C,rui L a reporG of un3al'-f3fact-Iry 3e--,-,Ticc o- o' c Tac as ,e re in.ab o ve pl,.OV 4 ded ail eml-I c)-Y c e a ffe rI '� cA !viler eby apol� t"'o recc!nnerila-lion of hi3 derartrlrmt head ')nd '.'fe C4-,- M—la - I - -11- -1 ca-- -1, --am � - , be --ssl'—ed to a lower class4 9164 �r ncp fanac, or may be suspended from ocZvo dacy diLhoat pay Inr i spWfied period, during which time no frin, babefiLa n_- .emu rvice QMU shall acarne. 0) in the eve onry of uniatiofnelcry servics ar- pcarn, Lhc employuu aff Ems ed QcreLy upon wrinen application Qczd22 on Qi My Ma"aZer shall Lava he rilho V a rcviow a' 6YIJ c6ory and to a K.a-ih6 Lhureom by the My Minaaer. Upo-, sach review and heari"g, LAO MY F!Aa�Lf WiVM afWr SUCK We- view =d hearin, shall be final and conclusive. Any roqueou for rcHew of any such entry nw3u be filed with the My Matta, = KLA',-1 15 days after Kc employce affected haz received knnWodau nr �c- Me oP ihc fncL Lhao ouch MiT has boun moda, othcrJae M MY Wonager Yay rwZuze to consider M aaoe. SECTION P. REPEALS: Rusolution 7o. 1621 passed and -dorted no she lith day of Anne, 125C. and all rasolusioLi ane"d- ,a, said Resolution No. 1021, and all rusoinions and orders of =c My Crancil Laratcfnru passed an! adopLud 10 reference L!-. =0 cr a"; of the n1tbar3 n.d subjects howelhabove oe., forth n�- -.ferrod ins are Qreby repealed i4sofir as she oare conflico niui the prnQjinnz hereof. SECTION 10. In all casez whore any umployee ve"ML service M more than ono deparsouni, and Ge City Council has no. dusigLauud the aqoano or rarcenLaZa of 51c of wlayuw %N hc charAod againsv a.g japola"lar awpar5neat of doparb- MwAlsp th" Directcy nf 7"n.na may, for accc�"Qnj Furrosus, dwer- ml�u an! Kar�w sccordin,ly Ko avou�; f pjyc,�Ln, of Zz con- -005allwL or sUarl nf any 6ask enrloyne W& is 1c 1. cnsn,,nd n LWh V 0w ro2rucLivu doTarLnv.Lj 1. �Lizh j�ch 3ay;fns W Q__ nurdd. 3: fvr as renanLnbly prictioubla, sa7�h c1­.a-,,,es nzai= tn- :-Knuj 001 Lo in Yf:;r2_ "'Yn on the Sc vfco re.dorud sach 03PUZLi:u dwrarlauna. . is - 9 1 f)3 -C� arO I 11,77 f 0 T" , T 11 T P n STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SS. 9166 EUNICE U. --REASON--------- -------- --- City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ------- rvzol cation------------------------------------- being.-- - - - - -- Resolution- No, -- 1819 - - - -- ---- - - -- - -- was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the - -- -14th--- -- -day of ......... July-- - ------------------------ ...... 19 --- 58., and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen ---- ordon,-- Meschuk-__ 8Lad .... -...... - -- ------------- ------------- - Max-or-- -5ea£iel.d; ....... --.......... -- - - - - - -- ------ - --- --------------- -- --- NOES: Councilmen---N one -;- - ------ -- --------- --- ---- ---- --•---- ---- ---- --------- ------- -- ---- -- ABSENT:- Councilmon-- B- aker.. and--- Frssleric&. ................. •----- -- -...... WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this ..... -- 15th---- - ..... -day of - ---- July --- ------ -- ----- -- - - ----- ------- - -- 19-5L. City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL)