7Nineteenth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete,
construction of cement concrete curb, vitrified clay pipe sani-
tary sewers, and appurtenant work in connection therewith; in
that certain
11J1D1 AM110.8Yt M
formerly known as Lots 6 and 19 of said Block 1 of E1 Segundo
Sheet No. 1, and lying between Bungalow Drive and Center Street,
as shown on Sheets 19 and 25 of said plans.
Twentieth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete,
removal of certain curb, construction of cement concrete curb,
vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewer, manhole and appurtenant work
in connection therewith; in the Westerly 30 feet of
between lines 30 feet Northerly and 30 feet Southerly from the
produced center line of the above mentioned un -named street, as
shown on Sheets 19 and 25 of said plans.
Twenty - first: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete,
removal of certain catch basin, construction of cement concrete
curb, cement concrete pipe storm drains, catch basin, outlet
structure and appurtenant work in connection therewith; in
between Grand Avenue and a line 35 feet Southerly from and paral-
lel with the center line of Franklin Avenue, as shown on Sheets
20 and 22 of said plans.
Twenty - second: The construction of cement concrete pipe
storm drain and appurtenant work in connection therewith; in that
certain public
along the Southerly side of Lot 6, Block 3 of said El Segundo
Sheet No. 1, as shown on Sheet 22 of said plans; and in that
certain public
- 7 -