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Tenth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, con-
struction of cement pipe storm drain, catch basin and appurtenant
work in connection therewith; in the first
lying East of Sheldon Street, between E1 Segundo Boulevard and
Franklin Avenue, as shown on Sheets 12 and 23 of said plans.
Eleventh: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, re-
moval of certain sidewalk, curb and fence, construction of cement
concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveways and appurtenant work in con-
nection therewith; in
between El Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue, as shown on Sheet
13 of said plans.
Twelfth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, re-
move and replace certain sidewalk and appurtenant work in con-
nection therewith; in the Southerly 11 feet of
between lines 32 feet Westerly and 32 feet Easterly from the
produced center line of Penn Street, as shown on Sheet 13 of said
Thirteenth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete,
construction of cement concrete sidewalks, curbs, driveways and
appurtenant work in connection therewith; in
between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue, as shown on Sheet
15 of said plans.
Fourteenth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete,
construction of cement concrete sidewalks, curb, driveways, ce-
ment concrete pipe storm drain, manholes, catch basin and appur-
tenant work in connection therewith; in
between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue, as shown on Sheets
16 and 22 of said plans.
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