3 (2)94' ( i
alley lying east of Eucalyptus Drive; and the first alley lying
east of Arena Street; and the first alley lying east of Sheldon
Street; and the first alley lying east of Penn Street; and the
first alley lying east of Lomita Street, as shown on Sheets 6,
7, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17 of said plans.
Fifth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, remov-
al of certain fences and concrete slabs, construction of cement
concrete pipe storm drain, catch basin and appurtenant work in
connection therewith; in the first
lying east of Eucalyptus Drive, between E1 Segundo Boulevard and
the first alley lying North of Franklin Avenue, as shown on Sheets
8 and 27 of said plans.
Sixth: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, removal
of certain sidewalks and curb, construction of cement concrete
sidewalks, curbs, and driveways and appurtenant work in connec-
tion therewith; in
between El Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue, as shown on Sheet
9 of said plans.
Seventh: The grading, paving with asphaltic concrete, con-
struction of cement concrete curb and appurtenant work in con-
nection therewith; in the Northerly 5 feet of
between lines 30 feet Westerly and 30 feet Easterly from the pro-
duced center line of Arena Street; Sheldon Street; Penn Street;
Sierra Street and Lomita Street; as shown on Sheets 9, 11, 13,
15 and 16 of said plans; and in the Southerly 11 feet of
between lines 28 feet Westerly and 2$ feet Easterly from the
produced center line of Maryland Street, as shown on Sheet 1$
of said plans; and in the Northerly 5 feet of
- 3 -