CC RESOLUTION 1708RESOLUTION OF IGiTENTION NO. 170P RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGU IDO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS I ^ITEN- TIO' TO ORDER TH`E COI;STiiUCTIO;`? OF CERTAIF? ST EE`i II,:PROVF.i•J3"d'PS I'T TH- FIRST ALLEY LYIDIG EASTEZLY OF C iiT: t S2ELT B'3't'TEL:; EL SEGUIDO BCULEVARD AHD FRANTKLI ; STREET 1 "" SAID CITY; DECLARI`TG THE , ^103K TO BE OF 1•.ORE THAN LOCAL 0 ORDI-iARY PUBLIC BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES, AND FIXING THE TIP,E AND PLACE OF HEARING 02JECTION TO SAID WORK. The City Council of the City of El Segundo, pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvemen.t Act of 191111, being Divi- sion 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cali- fornia, DOES RESOLVE as follows: DESCRIPTION OF WORK SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, to order the follcwin,; work tc be done, to wit: The 7radin- and pavins, wi'h asphaltic concrete laid upon crusher rui roc!: base and appurtenant work in connection therewith, in the first ALLEY lying East of Center Street, between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue; and in the Northerly 12 feet of EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD at the prolon --ation of the above mentioned alley. PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS, AND SPECIFICATIOTS SECTIO`; 2. That all of the said work and improvement to be done shall be constructed upon the -trades, alone; the lines, between the points, of the dimensions, at the places and in the manner shown on the plans, profiles and diawin -s for the construc- tion of said improvement in the above described Alley, bein Plan - 1 - and Profile No. 560904, Sheet 2, on file in the office of the City Eri -ineer of said city and except as otherwise provided on said plans, in further accordance with Specifications do. 560904, being; on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city and to which plans, profiles, drawin s and specifications heretofore ap- proved by the City Council of said city= reference is hereby :-,ade for a further, full and more particular description of said work and by reference thereto, the same are incorporated herein and :Wade a part hereof. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMEJJT DISTRICT SECTICT 3. That the said conteciiplated work and improve- went, in the opinion of tine said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit ard the said City Council here- by makes the expenses of the said work and improvement chareable upon a district, which said district the said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which district is described as follows: All that certain territory in the City of E1 Segundo, California, exclusive of streets and alleys, included within the exterior boundary line shown upon that certain map or plat, beinZ Sheet 1 of Plan TTo. 560904, heretofore approved by the City Coun- cil of said city on the 11th day of February, 1957, indicating by said boundary* line the extent of the territory included within the proposed assessment district, and which map or plat is on file in the office of the City Fn -ineer of said city. Reference is hereby made to said map or plat for a further, full a_.d more particular description of said assessment district, and the said map or plat so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of the said assessment district. DESCRIPTION OF BONDS SECTIOPd 4. That serial bonds, bearin interest at the - 2 - rate of six per cent (5,) per annum, shall be issued to represent each assessment of Twenty -five Dollars (,25.00) or more remainint unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of recordin: the war- rant. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period. endi;l_ nine. (9) years from the second day of January next succeedin„ the next October 15th ollow'_:i -, t'.lei- date. PayiieYlts on the pr1l1cipal of unpaid assessments and interest thereon s'nall be made by property owners to the City Treasurer, all as provided in the "Improve - nent Act of 19111t, hereinafter referred to. TIA,E AND PLACE OF HEARING SECTION 5. NOTICE IS HEREB GIVE:1 that on the llt;i day of ','arch, 1957, at the hour of seven o'clock: (7 :00) P. II., in the chambers of the City Council in tine City I'_all of said city, any and all persons 'Zavin,_ any objections to the proposed work or im- provernent, or to the extent of the assessment district, or to the proposed grades, :nay appear and show cause ihy said work should not be done or carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and !dust be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the '11earin_r. I'_PROVE LEAT ACT a 'CTIO'_' S. 71-,at all o_� t.'7e work lnerei__i proposed shall be done and carried '.,rou-11 in pursuai:ce of an act or the le„is - lature of the State of California. designated the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", bein; Division 7 of t'r'c Streets and Hi-hways Code of the State of California. PUBLICATION OF RESOLUTION OF IPTEi;TIOA? SECTIOP? 7. T' ^-at the "El Segundo ?- Ierald ", a weekly ncw•spaper published and of general circulation in the City of E1 Segundo, California, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published by the City Clerk, in the manner and Porn, provided by law, and for making all other publications in the proceedings under this Resclution of Intention. - 3 - T':e City Cl.e­k is directed to Nail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owninS real property proposed to be assessed, w)',cse names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes, all in the manner and for- provided for under Sections 5070, 5101, and 5195 of th.e said "Improveirent Act of 1911" of said Streets and ii-hways Code. POSTIM OF ;'JOTICE OF Ir�:PROVE;',=T SECTIui 8. That the Superintendent of Streets of the City of El Se,-,-undo shall cause to be conspicuously postod alen-, the line of said contemplated wcrk cr improvement and alone' all open streets wit Lin the district liable to be assessed- for said wor''W, notices of t'lC passa^e of this Resolutior of Intention in the time, fora and manner provided by said Code. ESTIT ATED COSTS A_dD EXPE_YSES SECTION 9. That the estimated costs and expenses of said improvement, inclusive of incidental expenses of the proceed- tinder this Resolution of Intention, is the stem of .,41654.16. SECTION 10. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passa -e and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall male a minute cf the passa7e and adoption thereof in the records cf the proceedings of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the meetin at which the sa!:e is passed and adopted. PASSED, =, PPIMVED A'ID ADOFTED this 11th day of Zebr,:ary, 1957. I, ayor of the City o E1 Ses u: do, ATTEST: Californ' City " Ierk _ (SEAL) - 4 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) T'eva ". E1sey, City Clerk of the City of E'1 Segundo I, , California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members o- the City Council of the said city is five; that the fore 7 oin - re- solution, being Resolution No. 1708 , was passed and adopted by the said. City Council, approved and si ^-ned by the 'Mayer of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a reu- lar meeting of the said Council held on the 11th day of February, 1957, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the follow - ing vote: AYES: Councilmen BAKER, FREDERICK, GORDON, MSCHUK AND MAYOR BENFIELD NOES: Councilmen NONE ABSENT: Councilmen NONE 'FITNESS my hand and the official seal of said city this 11th day of February, 1957. (SEAL) - 5 - City Clerk o:° the C t y of El Segundo, Califo .ia