CC RESOLUTION 1702�:.•�9 5 rte.. RESOLUTION NO. _1702. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGU:NDO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTIiNG CAiNCEL -- LA'TIOPd OF TA:>ES AND ASSESSi ENTS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY SAID CITY FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES, 11101ZLY THE WIDENING OF AVI- ATION BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, did here- tofore acquire the following described unimproved property within said City for public street uses and purposes, namely the widen- in?; of Aviation Boulevard within said City, as hereinafter set forth by the following deeds, to wit: 1. A road deed from CONSOLIDATED ROCK PRODUCTS CO. to the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation, to the following described parcel: That portion of the westerly 14 feet of the easterly 34 feet of the northeast quarter of Section 15, Town- ship 3 South, Range 14 Best, in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, as shown on map recorded in Book 1, paa•es 507 and 505 of Patents, in the office of the Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, which extends from the southeasterly line of that certain parcel of land describ- ed in deed to North American Aviation, Inc., recorded as Document No. 2, on January 27, 1943 in Book 19511, page 139 of Official Records, in the office of said recorder, southerly to the northwesterly line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's right of way, 50 feet wide, as shown on map recorded in Look 5750, page 50 of Deeds, in the office of said recorder, which deed was duly and regularly accepted by the City Council, on behalf of said City, at its regular meeting of November 13, 1956, and thereafter recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, in Book 52559 at Page 412 of Official Records, on file in said office, on November 15, 1956; and 2. A road deed from NORTH AFRICAN AVIATION, INC. to the CITY OF EL SEGUiNDO, a municipal corporation, to the followinS described parcel: - 1 - That portion of the westerly 14 feet of the easterly 34 feet of the northeast quarter o Section 18, Township 3 South, Ran"e 14 West, in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, as shown on map recorded in Book 1, pages 507 and 508, of Patents, in the office of the Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, which lies within that certain parcel of land described in deed to North American Aviation, Inc., recorded as Document No. 21 on January 27, 1943, in Book 19811, page 139 of Offici- al Records, in the office of said recorder, which deed was duly and regularly accepted by the City Council, on behalf of said City, at its regular meeting of August 27, 1955, and thereafter recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, in Book 52159 at Page 433 of Official Records, on file in said office, on Aggust 29, 1955; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DET,R1tiiINE, FIND AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: FIRST: That said City does hereby certify that the said above described real property has, since its said acquisi- tion by said City, been reserved and used for public street pur- poses hereinabove set forth, and that said parcel of property is now being held and used, and will continue to be held and used, for said public street purposes; SECOND: That the said above described property was, at the time of acquisition thereof, and still is within the cor- porate limits of said City of E1 Segundo; THIRD: That the said above described real property is essential to the said City for said public street purposes; FOURTH: That the City Council of said City of E1 Se- gundo does hereby petition and request the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Los An .-eles County to order the cancellation of all taxes and all assessment liens le-ally cancellable by the proper County officials pursuant to Section 4985 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California, on the said above described parcel of real property, the whole of which, as above - 2 - stated, is devoted to public street uses and purposes hereinabove set forth in the preamble to this resolution; and FIFTH: That the City Cleric of the City of El Segundo, California, be and she is hereby authorized and directed to im- mediately cause a certified copy of this resolution to be for- warded to said Honorable Board of Supervisors of said Los Aneles County as the petition and request of the City of El Se,,-,undo and of the City Council of said City for the cancellation of all of said taxes and all cf said assessment liens so legally cancel- lable. Passed, approved and adopted this 28th day of January, 1957. ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. 7. Mayor of the City o . Segundo, California I, Neva ?•:. Elsey, City Cleric of the City of E1 Se -undc, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the fore,oinn resolution, being Resolution No. 1702 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and sinned by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meetin.; of the said Council held on the 28th day of Janu- ary, 1957, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Gordon. Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilman Frederick. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 28th day of January, 1957. (SEAL) - 3 - City k�of the Cit• of E1 Segundo, California