CC RESOLUTION 1587JZ_V P RESOLL'TI01; OF INT&JTIOi\I q0. 158 RESOLUTICtd OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'T IE CT`PV OF EL SECUNDO, CALIFOR'.�IA, DECLARIPIU'' ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CER- TAIN I IIPROVEij!&?J'TS IiJ LOMITA STREET AND OTHER STREETS AlJD ALLEYS IN SAID CIT`i; DECLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDI- NARY PUBLIC BENEFIT AND DESCRIBI G THE DIS- TRICT TO DE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES, AND FIXING THE TIP-E A?TD PLACE OF HEARING OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK. The City Council of the City of El Sep-,undo, pursuajit to i;he provisior_s of the "Improvement Act of 101111, bein Division 7 of the Stree "l-s and 'Ii rhways Code of the Sta-,e of California, DOES f%ESOLV'E as follows: D ESCRIPTIOTJ OF 'vVORK SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of El Se,undo, California, to order the followin:; work to be done, to wit: First: The -,rading• and paving, with asphaltic concrete, construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks and driveway approaches or aprons, removal and replacement of cement concrete curbs, and appurtenant work in connection ,herewith; in LOMITA STREET between the South line of Pine Avenue and the 17orth line of Graiid Avenue, as shorn,n on Sheet 2 Of the plans herei?Iafter r ei"erred to. Second: Tile construction of cement concrete curb and sidewalk at the northwest corner of the inllers�;ction of LOP• "ITA STREET ACID G7 A'JD AVE "UE as shown on Sheet 2 of said plans. Third: The Y,radin , construction of cement concrete sidewalks, curbs and driveway approaches or aprons, and appurten- ant work in connection therewith; in MARYLAND STREET - 1 - between the iJorth curb line of }lolly Avenue and the South line of the Pacific Electric Railway right of way, as shown on Sheet 3 of said plans. Fourth: The trading and construction of cement concrete sidewal'zsat the southwest and southeast corners of the ini-,ersec- Lion of L0;'1ITTA STREET ADD PINE AVEIIJUE as shown on Sheet 2 of said plans. Fifth: The ;radin -,, pavin_ with asphaltic concrete, construction of cement concrete curbs, sidewalks and driveway ap- preaches or aprons, and appurtenant work in connection therewith; in PIOTE AVENUE between a line 27 feet Westerly from the produced center line of Iiaryland Street and a line 30 feet Easterly from the produced center line of Bungalow Drive, as shown on Sheet 4 of said plans; and in BUT,IGALOW DRIVE between the North line of Pine Avenue and the Southerly line of the Pacific Electric Railway right of way, as shown on S'met 4 of said plans. Sixth: The removal and reconstruction of cement co_i- crete si dewall. on t,ie Soutiz side of PINE AVENUE between the produced West line of the Alley in Block 66, El Se- ;undo Sheet No. 7, and a line 25 feet Westerly therefrom, as shown on Sheet 5 of said plans. Seventh: The =adin ;,-,, pavin, with asphaltic concrete, and appurtenant work in connection therewith in the ALLEY IN BLOCK 66 E1 Se -undo Sheet No. 7, and the extensions of said Alley between the North curb line of Holly Avenue and the South curb line of - 2 - Jr Fine Avenue, as shorn on Sheet 5 of said plans; and in the ALLEY III DLOCP 119 El Se -lundo Sheet No. 7, and the Southerly extension thereof be- tween the North curb line of Pine Avenue and the Southerly line of the Pacific Electric Railway ri7ht of way, as shown on Sheet 6 of said plans. PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWIIQGS, AND SPECIFICATIOPdS SF=0% 2. Teat all o' th— said work and improvement to be done shall be constructed upon the Trades, alon,M the lines, between the points, of the dimensions, at the places and in the manner shown on the plans, profiles and drawin?s for the con- struction of said improvements in Lomita Street and other streets and alleys, being Plan and Profile No. 550402, Sheets 2 to 6, in- clusive, and Standard Street Drawing Di.o. 550000, all on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city and except as other- wise provided on said plans, in further accordance with Specifi- cations No. 550402, bein- on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city and to which plans, profiles, drawings and specifi- cations heretofore approved by the City Council of said city re'- e-rence is hereby made for a further, full and more particular description of said work and by reference theretc, the same are incorporated herein and :jade a part, here o. DESCRIPTIOd OF ASSESS T1T?T DISTRICT SECTIOP; 3. That the said co -rite- ;plated work and im- provement, in the opinion o£ the said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and the said City Council hereby makes the expenses of the said work and improvement charme- able upon a district, which said district the said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and im- provement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses there- of, and which district is described as follows: ' l _' All that certain territory in the City of El Segundo, California, exclusive of streets and alleys, included within ";he exterior boundary line shown upon that certain map or plat, bein,- Sheet "To. 1 of Plan ivo. 550402, heretofore approved by the City Council of said city on the 27th day of February, 1955, indicat- ing; by said boundary line the extent of the territory included within the proposed assessment district, and which map or plat is on file in the office of the City En,mineer of said city. Refer- ence is hereby made to said map or plat for a further, full and more particular description of said assessment district, and the said map or plat so on file shall ,"overn for all details as to the extent oi° the said assessment district. DESCRIPTION OF BONDS SECTIOVr 4. That serial bonds, beari= interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, shall be issued to represent each assessment of Twenty -five dollars ('25.00) or more remaining; unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of recordin_-; c,'ne ,,rar- rant. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period endin= ni,ae (9) years f:om tthe second day of Janaary next succeedin ;!;he next October 15th following their date. Paymmnts on the principal of unpaid assessment;-_ and interest thereon shall be made by property owners to the City Treasurer, all as provided in the "Improvement Act of 1911 ", hereinafter referred to. PORTIO?? OF COSTS AND EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY CITY SECTIOI'I 5. :NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Coun- cil of the City of El Segundo has determined and declared that the City will pay out of its General Fund the sum of ;p352.70 toward. the costs and expenses of the removal and replacement of certain curb and sidewalk. The liability and oblic;ation to pay such sum as provided herein shall accrue and become fixed upon the date of the confirmation of the assessment by the City Council of said City. - 4 - j4I 146 T71! AIM PLACE OF IIEARi,,1 ; 2 " SECTTOIf TOTICE IS HEI??3BY IdEIr t'iat on the th day of P1;arcl^ , 1955, at the hcur of seven o'clock (7 :00) P. ki., in the chambers of the City- Council in the Ci -v Hall of said city, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement, or to the extent of the assessment, district, or to the proposed mrades, may appear and show cause why said worl, should not be done or carried out in accordance with this Resolu- tion. of Intention. Protests must be in writin; and must be de- livered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. IPIPROVEivENT ACT SECTIOT 7. That all oP the work herein proposed shall be done and carried lature of the State Act o 1911 ", being; of the State of Cal through in pursuance of an act of the leEis- of California, desi .;hated the "Iir,provcr:cnt Division 7 of the Streets and Iishways Code ifornia. paper published and of general circulation in the City- of E1 Se- gundo, California, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published by the City Clerk, in the manner and form provided by law, and for makings all other publications in the proceedings under this Resolution of Inten- tion. The Cityr Clerk is directed to mail notices of the adop- tion of this Resolution of Intention to all persons ownin; real property proposed to be assessed, whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes, all ii 'rhe manner and form provided for under Sections 5070, 519 and 5195 of the said 91Improvement Act of 191111 of said Streets and [Iir,�n- ways Code. - 5 - PUBLICATIO?? OF RESOLUTION OF LuTENTIO ?1 SECTION 8. That the "El Segundo Herald ", a weekly news- paper published and of general circulation in the City- of E1 Se- gundo, California, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published by the City Clerk, in the manner and form provided by law, and for makings all other publications in the proceedings under this Resolution of Inten- tion. The Cityr Clerk is directed to mail notices of the adop- tion of this Resolution of Intention to all persons ownin; real property proposed to be assessed, whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes, all ii 'rhe manner and form provided for under Sections 5070, 519 and 5195 of the said 91Improvement Act of 191111 of said Streets and [Iir,�n- ways Code. - 5 - POSTING 02 NOTICE OF IMPROVEPC, NT SECTIOF? 9. That the Superintendent of Streets of the City of E1 So, -undo shall cause to be conspicuously posted orlon„ the line of said contemplated work or improvement and alenF; all open streets within the district liable to be assessed for said work, notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the time, form and manner provided by said Code. SECTION said improvement, ceedinc,,s under tL ,14,402.95. SECTIO_' ESTIAiATE'D COSTS AMID EXPENSES 10. That the estimated costs and expenses o inclusive of incidental expenses o_� t'-)e pro - Ls Resolution o. Intention, is the sum of 11. That the City Clcrk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this -resolution; shall enter the same in. the book of resclutions of said city, and shall rake a ninutc of the passa, -o and adoptior_r thereof in the records of the proceed - in;_;s of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the rneet- iin,- at w1iich the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED A'dD ADOPTED this 27th day of February, 1956. ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) - 6 - Payer of the City o£ Segundo, Califon-:'' STATE OF CALIFORPIIA, ) COUITY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I. :deva K. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of El Se, -undo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; 'that the fore -oin resolution, bein;^; Resolution i'Jo. 1587 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and si - -ied by the T ayo-r of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a refular meeting,- of tho said Council held on the 27th day of Febru- ary, 1956, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the fol- lowin vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: WITi'IESS 27th day of Febru (SEAL) Councilmen. Councilmen Mayor Sell my hand and ary, 1956. Frederick Gordon Swanson and liayor pro tem Baker; None; )V. the official seal of said City this - 7 - City Clerk of the City of El Se undo, California.