CC RESOLUTION 1586sar+ AL RE S GLUT I O1`1 I IO . 15F6 RESOLUTIO ; OF THE CITY COUi "CIL OF Ti E CITY OF EL SE CU7HD0, CALIFORNIA, IA? THE h:ATTER OF THE II PROVE_`--EE_ "1T OF PORTIOT'S OF LOMITA STREET, MARYLAND STREET, PINE AVENUE, BUNGALOW DRIVE, A'_VD ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 66 AND 119 OF EL SEGUADO SHEET NO. 7, AS PER PLANS AND PROFILES NO. 550402, SHEETS NOS. 2 TO 6, INCLUSIVE, ON FILE IV THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore received six (6) separate waiver pe- titions from property owners for the improvement of portions of Lomita Street, D`Iaryland Street, Pine Avenue, Bungalow Drive, and Alleys in Blocks 66 and 119 of El Segundo Sheet No. 72 and inter- sections of said streets, together with plats or maps s' -iowin,,- '-he exterior boundaries cf the proposed assessment district for 'C,ne improvement of said streets; and. WHEREAS, each of said petitios provided that it may be consolidated with any petition for the improvement of a street or streets intersecting, streets provided for in each petition; and WHEREAS, the City Enr;ineer has reported to this City Council that he has checked and examined the petitions with the report of owners furnished by the Title Insurance & Trust Company and finds that said petitions represent the following: (a) That the petition for the improvement for the per- tion of Lomita Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue repre- sents 78°x, and the petition for the improvement of said Lomita Street between Holly Avenue and Grand Avenuc represents each, of the qualified owners in area of the property subject to assessment for the improvement of said streets; (b) That the petition for the improvement of portions of Maryland Street and Pine Avenue represents 67.12;° of the quali- fied owners in area of the property subject to assessment for the improvement of said streets; and - 1 - (c) That the petition for the improvement of portions of BunUalow Drive represents 67.9D of the qualified owners in area of the property subject to assessment for the improvement of said Street; (d) That the petition for the improvement of the Alley in Block 66, El Segundo Sheet No. 7, represents 63.4o of the qualified owners in area of the property subject to assessment for the improvement of said Alley; and (e) That the petition for the improvement of the Alley in Block 119, in said E1 Se ;undo Sheet i�?o. 7, represents I+.6; of the qualified owners in area of the property subject to assess- went for the improver -.ent of said Alley; and vVEEREAS, the City Council has duly considered the said petitions and report of the Engineer with reference to the pro- posed impr oven) ent referred to iri said petitions; "JOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SE- CUIIDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, FIND AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the improvements referred to in said petition are to be done and carried through under the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 191111, Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 2. That this City Council does i.ereby find and determine that the qualified simriatures to said petitions, as shown by the report of such. owners furnished by the 'Title Insur- a,:ce and Trust Company, ropresent more than sixty per cent (60;x) of the total assessable area of t'ae proposed district, as shown and delineated upon the plats or maps attached to said petitions. SECTIONN 3. That this City Council does hereby further find and determine that said petitions for said improvements rep- resent all the requirements prescribed by Section 2304 of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest - 2 - Act of 1031 ", bei?,,J Division 1M o£ i,he Streets and rIi hwai %s Code of the State of California, and tine City Council intends to meet each and every condition and make each and every findin- necessary on its part in order to permit the proceedin,s for said i..nprovements to ,;o forward to completion, without further reference to or appli- cation of the previsions of said Division 4 of said Streets and i liways Code. SECTIOIa �. That the City Clerk shall certify to the pass- a and adoptior of this resolution; stall enter the same in the book of rosolutions of said city, and shall make a rninuta of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the mceti.n;r at "vzicn tY,e same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPRO F'D A`D ADOPTED this 27t,h day c° 1rebruars -, l• r�. A Tlr i City Cler,r_ SEAL STATE OF CALIFO214IA, ) COUNT Y OF LOS AiM.ELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SrCIJPIDo. ) layor o tho City U eT..do, Callfcrn I, ?de Iva I. Elsey, City Clem: of the City of El Se,rnxndo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of mernber.s of the City Council of said city is five; that the forea;ciu resolu- tion, bein7 Resolution Qo. 1586 , was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and siCned by 'the lUfayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a re;r,ular meeting; of the said City Council held on the 27th day of February, 19; ^, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the follewi_�i;_ vote: (SEAL) AYES: Councilmen Frederick, Cordon, Swanson and Payer pro tem Baker; ]JOES: Councilmen Pione: ARSE; T: Mayor Selby. - 3 - City Clerk of the City of El Se­-undo, California.