CC RESOLUTION 1557j 6-= I '�'SOLUTIOII IiC'. 155i• A :tLSOLUPIO_v OF T,iE CITY COUITC1L OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUIDG, CALIFORNIA, CA_ 'J SCEL- LA1IOJ OF TAXES AND ASSESS ?:EPJ'1S ON CERTAIN PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY SAID CITY FOR PUP'LIC STREET PURPOSES, PdAPLY TIE DEDICATIOI'd OF FRAiViiLI,d AVEPdUE, OREGOIJ STREET APED CALI- FOR 1IA STREET. ,JHEREAS, the City of El Sez- ;undo, Califor.i_ia, did hereto- fore acquire the following described unicip.roved properties wi'_hin said City for public street uses and purposes, nacuely :.e Jedica- tian o_ ^ra�in it Atio�ue, Ore „on California trea� and Califoria Str� t, �,Ji'nin said Ci �y, as iiereina -'ter set furl h 'o;; the "ollo air , Seeds, „o wit: 1. (a) A street deed f-o,l JA` s3 S. P :1ULOVE and RC1BE.21P W. TRULOVE, of Lennox, California, each owner of of undivided one -half interes'�, tc tl:e CITY OF EL SsGUidDO, a municipal co_- poratiori, to the following described parcel: The sou' -h 25.00 fe Se, :;undo, S,.eet No. and 107 of Bco c 22 CcucLy Recorder of California; �t of Lot 1085, .,lock 123; of E1 o, as recorded on Pages 105 of .'Taps in the Office of the the County of Los Angeles, (b) A street deed from IWILLIAPA` H. SWd and JOSEP =IIc1E ScJOW, kris vane, o!_' :Manhattan "cac'n, California, owners as Joint teiarits, to the CITY OF EL SEGU':dDC, a municipal corpora- tion, to the followin, described parcel: `"he south 25.00 feet o° Lot 202, Block 123; of E1 So,,-undo Sheet AJo. 8, as recorded on Pates 100' a;_d 10i7 of BoolC. 22 of I' -laps 1II the Office GS i'.e vOU':Tt.i Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, Californ_la; ; `.�ic"_ deed; ':Vere duly aitd re ;ularl,y accep Levi Ciy t'i?e i.ii,y CO'.1i',- cil , o-,l of said City, ll i',,s re =;ular :<< e i . c ?? 3epCcm- ber 24, a d N erea er recorded as o le Jocuq1e -1t in i;r.e of"icc' of tl­.e %ecorder of Los A -l.es CoU.ri.-y, California, in - 1 - Boer: 'x9137 at Pa;;e 2C1 of Official :Zero: ds, o- file i l said affic_, on the 4th day of October, 1955; and 2. (a) A street deed from ETAEL 'fi. 69ADE, of Loa An,:;e_les, California, as sole ow er, to the CITY OF Eh SEGUPIDO, a rnu- nicipal corporation, to '.`,e described parcels: T'ne :vest 25.00 feet of Lots 125 and 127, Blocr- 123; of El Se;- undo, Sheet do. r, as recc'_ --ded cn Pa, -es 10' a,d 107 of 'Euck 22 of Taps in th, Office of the Cca ty Recorder of Los A_ls;eles Cour:ty, California; and ( b ) A Street doed -ror.7 LEVY and FLCREtCU L dr`C, 11S FL 'a, Of 117�3J JJf ,OYl Di':.'Je, Los N ";TE +1Ca, va I "C'r'1a, as jc' Gvi :CrS of an a idiv ded 01?r- alf , ,3 L _L a "- 'T I � ....� CLAI _�, o X10 J lU _1 -^.:>.u.i Cr BO 1:- / -':., Los A-- cleS 3 � - -, Cal-ifut ^'_i , aS ow lc,, O ' ail n;l r),11i ;.G ,G UC. ° -:. dll inzeres G, `v0 ,_le CITY OF EL S"GU ;DO, a .ivaicipa! corp0 a� o ., .c t ,e fol- lo;:i:n- descrihect parcel: Tire East 25.00 :=eot and the South 25.00 feet of Lot 149, Kcck 123; of El Sex; undo, Slreat No. 3, as - °ecurdPd or, es 105 and 107 Of took 22 of :aps i file office of t'ne County Recorc',er of Los An_;eles County, California; whic'^_ deeds 4acre duly and re:;ularly accciated b L..e C1ty l.oUn- c11, eL behalf of said City, at its re£`;Ular mcetl'i C, Jllile 22, 1055, ai7.d t lr` '.a_r'Ler recoi "ded as one document 111. _'i-.e of- "ice cc." the Recorder Of Los An_ -,eles County, Call lo:- .ia, i I3cc's 017 3!, at Pa ,c -i of Off c .al Record , o_ "ile in said ! offlcf , O;l 't, }le 27i, l .clay oP Jurr,, 1955; 0'iJ, Z FO:aF, TPE CI- ,' COUNCIL Cr 1_IE Cl 'Y Of DO C "L C.'<'_a DC; S ,F ,r ,LSC V DEn a, r. n ...,_ , Z� I , �'1 7 tL•iD O''.D73 AS -:, OLT U'JS : 7_1 ; ('," GO e f`v" cr1 ! iaiJ i . aa _ j -1 above dC P SPCC J_4O °eal p UDCr',_e s }lave, siiwe tI 21r said a CC1U.1S1 -i0 ?i by Sal;' City, U.^.2:^ - ^F',,, ,,•oa. a:!'J. USc�: Or pilhliC street purposos icrcinabove 'ortil, and that sald respect;ve parcels oL prop .rty are l ?O';,1 l e v- hell: aril U.s ^d, and w i ill co'1lilue t0 be o sa plic held and lased, street purposes; SECV1•:0 : That t'_"ie Sail al:`ove aesCribed respective prop- erti es c-ere, a` rh(- ;;imc o_'' acquisi_tiou he_-=of, and still are within .,s e corporate li,ait.s of said Ciro cT El Se7uado; P17IaD: That tae said abovri dosa°i,ce:i real properl.ies are ';SSt _ _11al to 1'10 said C i.'. -jr -Or Sai ,OU.OII.0 S _"ee plz:-poseS; F0II1'S'i;: That the City Council of Sala City o 1 a;u do d0 -:S hereby pF v_G1011 a:._d reques -G , ];Ie, .i0 to C'aLlE )ca.,:a J;. oi° Los A i . ,l:4S CouU -',y i.0 0- le— t'?(. C,:,..!c(i a * o i O" all a r. :, ..l',i.,_ ul. L 11t -'Is le all pi vP- ph silar u.c a 11 "� a�i.or; Ccdc a the StaC : c Cal _['o . ia, o l 1,`r1 said a.,c: scl °iir;d. parcels J real nr JET ',. ,f, file ii;Ul^ J 'S''ti !''1, a:5 d•J G'ie 3CEit OI., ar,_ r�'S uCf. Ct1 @'. l'f i�.U_ vol,ed z'o public uses a�1d purposes :�:croinabcve sett fo^8h ill t;'-Le preamble tc t'lis resol `.C;ion; FIr'T l: 'That tale City Clem o the Ci':y of El Sep,- ur�do, C a1.i u'i,1 a, be a`.ld. sh o 1s .ev -ebv all i;i i Or i ZCd ahl jI-ec t-,c'?. 'JO 1;.1n'1ed1- P„i, e:'_y C31iSe d. CP.!`tli��PCL copy of C' :11S l'eaOlu`J .1071 P, c) Je f0r11rarded 110 said I o;- orable lloard of Supervisors of said Lo„ An;`',eles County as the cet;i_i:io71 and request, of the City of E1 Se-undo and. o° the C:i.t;r Coulcil o sa ;_d City for the cancellation of all o said taxes a.:r.d all of said ass,3ss.:ent liens so le-ally ca:­cellable; a;;d r S I_�_t.. Thaw said 1,1t,y C1erx_ he and s' ^e is 'ere n- aui,,: o:. ize'd. and i" strr.lcted t0 supply a':'_y furth(--r necessai, r 1 t 'Or!!la- t LC:'1 and docullie'ttS Vd 1 ^11 :`lay ''e T'equlred. 1n order t0 ano e "."ec`ive_L :, p] oCUrS: t ;ie c.7.,- fellation of Li,ttiEs ai J usSessr o:CC lie: :_s above rcerred to. 1)5r ATTEST: e Clerk approved ai,d t .. ._., Jl [; day of '.'JOV ?."!.Der, - l - [Mayer of the Cif -of Ser;uido, Califd_�na'. The Can cellatIcns re'er,ed to arj requested 1 1 the for p ;01n eso- lu`,iorl '10. j= are hereby ap- proved and consented to this 9th day of love .Tiber, 1955 City Attorney a k l�t-m STAFF OF CA IFCHNIA, ) 11 CU ^,r�7 OF LOS A',I.: =EELc.S, ) SS. CITY 0_a FL SFCU',DO. ) 1, cva ,lsey, Ci` ;r Clerl:- a_- _ t11e Cit;r of E1 S0 Ij1 o, Ca1110r?11d, d0 Lere oIT Ce'r�1 -'�r tCat i1e 'V'101C- �� 1 -i1E:r e_• 'Icr!bei, O?° the City Council of the said City is fi :e; that the £orc, -oi1,; re- solutiOrl, boin- esolucion �o. 150_, das passed. ai!.d adocfied ')Y the said Cgi,y. Council, approved an sinned by the 4ayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said Ci�y, all at a rc,ru- lar ;;'eeti n • of the Said Council held. On ' C) i I O cIOVe ibeY', 1955, and that ti'?e same was so passed and adopted by the ollowinr�; vote: AYES: Council ren Baker, Frederick, Gordon Swanson and Mayor Selby: i'10ES: Councilrrlen None; �?"': Councilmen None. =\�ESS my IIa.ild and. Oii7.C1a1 Seal Oi Sa.' -C Cl 9th Clay of ? G'':i 2' ?1ti19 r, ln,5. (SEAL) - 4 City Cle;,y, o° the Cit o_° El Se_- .Uido, Cali Porni