CC RESOLUTION 15521�ESOLIJi'TOiv PjO. 1552 A RESULUJFIO` i OP' T iF CITY COUXC_T_L OF T'; P; CITY OF EL SEGU,'`M', CALIFCRXiA, AdARDING A CER AI;' COI'dT:RACT TC I GL' Vd00D ITURSERY FOR LANDSCAPING OF CITY HALL AND POLICE STAi'IO?',' GROUT_1 -DS WTTHI`1 SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Ccuncil oP the City of El Se'undo, Calm °ornia, has heretofore in t-1-.e manner provided by law, duly and re;-;ularly advertised for bids under a notice to bidders, entitled "NOTICE hIVITING BIDS CPT LANDSCAPING FOR TsJE iIE'vd CIT`I ALL AND PO- LICE STATle;, (IRMODS IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDC, CALIFORNIA ", dated October 19, 1955, which is now on file in the office of the City Cler ✓, operi to public inspection, and hereby re -erred to and by 'his reference incorporated herein_ and made a part hereof, for the land - soap -inT of the nerJ Ci', Hall and. Police Sta'.,i on roulids; and EREAS, a! thc ii ,ed -Cr ope in a ,d. ccnsidE iri;., said bids, to wit: the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. PY., on Wednesday, the ;tri day of 1,)vemner, 1955, said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids received; and WHEREAS, at said time the City Administrative Officer did recommend that the contract for said work be awarded to Ing1e- wood nursery, the low bidder; and WHEREAS, said City Council concurs in the recommendation of said CiLI' Ad:uil -istra -five Officer and has Peached its decision in the said matter; i(0'.i, THEREFORE. THE CITY CCUIrCIL OF THE CITY CF EL SEGU'`d- DO, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE 01D DETER- "' =T'IE AS FOLLO�uVS: SECTION 1. Tiiac the bid. of TEGLE'NOOD ,"URSERY, of ' „0 Ct iian O leVar , c o-l;:ber 4r d vV �, 1955, which said Council deter_��.ines to be substantially as fol- lotas, to v7it: ",'November a, 1955 "City of El Se-undo City Coullcil El Se ;undo, Calif; "Dear Sirs: "In-jewcod Nursery is pleased to submit the following; proposal for the landscapi.n,I of the �,Tei,r CiTy Hall and Po- lice Station. "We ; =rill start work within 10 days of - lotice tc be,;i:l or of award of contract. Work will be completed vit:hiu 30 days after starLinp -;. (Other crafts perri ti.nc) "ude will furnis'': soil test report o; i site soil if used. It is our opinion i;hat th( : soil i)1 El .Se?'.undc is of equal qualit,� 'e available soil-. 'rcl! other sources. An,,, additional soils necessary will be made available for examination before delivery. Our bid is based upon. ac- ceptance of ti' -c use cf clean site soil as is available. ":1e are licensed coar;rac'eors am -z carry adequate in- surance to cover our scope of uperations. it vie will accomplish the work. in accordance with plans anal specifications: City Hall and Police Station da "ed October 10, 1955, for the sum of .10 , %00.00. "Yours ve_.;r truly, /s/ L. N=. Hammond L.I'i. HAI,1PP OND , Landscape Contractor ;#119935 "; be, and the same is hereby accepted at the prise set forth in said bid, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerl of said City, and which said bid so on file is hereby expressly referred to and by this reference incorporated 'herein and rnado a parC zlereof for all further particulars. SECTION 2. All of the worm to be done under the con- tract hereby awarded, sad all oL the �.a`��rials, supplies and equip - rnen'c to be furlis'ned by the contractor t,lereunder rust- in all re- spects be done, performed ai,ld furnished in accordance with "SPECI- FICATIOPdS FOR LA- ;DSCAPIj7 FOR CITY HALL POLICE STATION, CITY OF EL SECUtiDC, CALIFORi1IA" and t1CITY 'IALL AND POLICE STATION, EL SE- GU`TDO, CALIFOR dIA, PLA'i'TIliC GUIDE' of t'rle City of El Set +;und.o, on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. SECTIO:it 3. Said Contractor agrees tl:,at all work will be done in accordance with the provisions of the "Labor Code" of the State of Callfor ia-, and to pay not less filar: the �eYlerai ail - is rat-s of wa ^;es in the City of El Se undo, California, ,. locality it wnicl: the said work or imprcve!,1ent is ,o be porformad) for each ­-alt or tyre of V�rkr,'a a or !r.e t a _ic needed to execute this contract for Said woril or improve'c:ient. Said ;_- e'neral prevail- j. -i rates o.° wa_es, so ascertairied, declared, determi_�od and speci- fied, are i:ore_r, specifically set forth as follows, to wit: Classification Ecurly ;tia. e Rate Landscape Gardener and nurseryman -------------- - - - - -- :2.1,5 Boring Lachine Operator (Excluding, Pnewiiatic or equipment of similar capaci�y) --------------- - - - - -- 2.7% Tractor Operator - 'Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper, Dra,; Type Shovel or similar type ------------- - - - - -- 2.6�� Concrete or Asp'_;alL Spread_ ri; , Mechanical Tampin or T• acLine Operator ----- ----------- - - - - -- 2.So Roller Operator -------- ------------------------ - - - --- 2.60 Drivers of Dump Trucks, less than 4 yds. Water Level - 2.255 Any classification omitted herein, not less 'tIan - - - -- 2.00 All °orenen, not herein separately classified, s ;hall be paid not less than 17 -1/2 cents per hour more than the highest classifica- tion over wh_ch 'le has jurisdiction. Provided that one and one -hal - times the said prevailini? rate of wa, -e Shall be paid, -or' any %ilil L.or- L i ,l eeil ;i! : (8) hours duril "IV 011e (1) calendar day' where such work is re- quired in cases of extraordigary emer ericy caused by fire, flood or daner to life or property and for time on S „ndays and. sever (7) lozal holidays, to wit: ivew Years's Day, !ierrorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanks ... ivin and Christmas. Phe minimum rates of wanes lnereinabove set forth corntem- plate in eac'o instance a workin`, be mandatory upon the contractor such contractor, to pay not less all laborers, workmen and mechan cution of the within contract. day of eic;ht hours, ad it shall and upon any subcontractcr under titan the said specified rates to Los employed by them in '!,he exe- _; one Contrac_cr agrees Ana:% its attenti.an has been di- rect-co'. to S''ctiolls 1810 to 1317, jo`Gh inclusive, of .he. 11 a'1 , or” . Labor Code relatinT to ,rcr ?cin;r hours, and to SectioaU 1,50 to 1,51,, both i',clusive, o' said Code re.latin'; to cmuloy',e.r!t c," a on, public cr:s, and said Con'ractor does hereby a`'ree to Ck t ie and be bound by each and all of the provisions of said Code Sections in the execution of this contract. Do Contractor, insofar as said Contractor is logally required so to do, must observe and abide by the provisions of all laws of the State of California and of the United States of America relat nn to contracts of the 7ature co cenpla:e.d r_erein, hctr.e_ !.,erein specifically mentioned cr not. SECTIOV 4. Said Contractor a; ees, responsive to the preference Of the City Council of said City as expressed in One notice zviti ids, pursuant 5o Mich ";;his co rsract is majo, 0— my America—wade materials and Califo - is -nad; materials will used in ihn Nor_;: or i pno'fowant cG t .Ap La boa uLder 01s co:: racn, all in cop.fcr_iry wi h the previsio:ns of Sect Ons 4300 Lo 4305, of r inclasi-C, and Sr ckions 4330 Cc 4334, '.o1 h inclusive, of the Go erni cru Code of An State of Califor -ia. SECTIOP 5• That all bids received for said wore or im- provement, A& the exception of the said bid of L CLEWO011 MRSERY, be and the same are hareby rejected; a_-d he City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed t0 ;. c "Lure the chec: s OF all unsuccessful bidders. SECTION 6. That the Ci:y Clerk shall prepare codes of this vesol Lion after the passage and adoption thereof, aid shall. ,f fl . to 3 ct1 copies at the end thereof, after" the Cleric's Cer- 7Vate, forms for the approval of the successful bidder and a _ :he pare _ tae said City; and ouch copies of this r scly iu,, 3c approved and aCC2'; ,., rr ^a by the successful bidder add j a' -nd O _ - _ P_ 'c� . Or .a _. C 1 ; ;, shall CO SlJt ,ie CQ,trd T C" nA In .,.i C:a T17_ii o" the nna City Ball Und Police Station rrourds, within said City, pursua7t to L o war' i^rei`ia uvc 'udej anO De Kayor C' the _p, authorized, .. " said City, to o� E� ac_;u��.do is �2reb�, � o i.zea, on 'rc�, a7_� v� a.fin the approval and acceptance of said City to sock contract, - 4 - and said C^ �T iiie -;rk is ":�C: Z': 1;� aut o— "D;lcd, L'o t'` 31]'.1 0,1 o`' said CI-t T aC.d GO 1, }"'.e O.'"i'i.Cial ^8dl 0a' Sla.id ,1i ;f t'!1OY'eto. SECT-10"' %. That the City Clerk shall cert_.' °y to t'ae passa "'O a .a adoption of l; ".l„ shall cause ;lie G_ ,�171a1 of ii R..- same, ''.;o Jc enuered i2 tD.e bock{ of resolul l.Ons D-° the Said '-ity o -° '--1 Se, u ldo, a .d s'lall rlake a -- `iima',e of the pussa _e ai!d adOyJi,iO> l:i-, "8of iii i,Yle records o� tTne oroceOdl_ o O _.,. C :- L'ounciI c s i CI t';? YlU -?S C__ .'i,e riF ,7 �., a sai c is pzasa.i a .", a llou',',: . a�:i1 ^Ove(I a a]Cp "i �, da? o- ayu c" "ho City Cali Cc, :-. °ia. City Cleric (SCAL) STATE Or CALIFORT,`lA, ) COU77T OF LCS APTCELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL S71 -MNDO. ) I, ',7 I iRva T,. Elsey, City Clerk of the Ct,T o El Se T'andc, Califor-id, do ']ereby lC_ ^t °y t']at Ch lc ole uT;iber OF meiflhcrs OI`. the City 0olanc4-1 of I Tlu said C;ty 's '"ice; �,ha e i u c� �c, Solutio_L, '':'_'1 - "�' eSOlu ".,10 1 ! \io. 177?, was passes aRri. dOp., ^.,1 APT :il: said City .r)ouilc7.1, approved aad sl ;'fled by ,''e `!ay O'.' C S id li,']', dlid attested 'JJ ^.e (, ii. )r Cleric Of Said �,l� ;y, all a -i: ie "ul r O- t'7e Said t". OiZ]lCl1 he l�l Olt �.(c Uti: .lay Cf ��.ti eil]� ir, l(,•j j, uY]Ci lanai. tT: Sa!Oe Was SO �)asseo' arid adopted r T he fo1.1 OW. ; Jc"e: AYES: Cuu_�ciln� , d1 1. 11 T�'- .T1�ici._, Corloh, s >:Ja,;so., `FOES: 'Ccurci.lrie:. ^.. _,one; A'sE r . cell- :cilf:en ?'done. 9I 'I S-S `r,v nand a d the o" cial seal o, said City this 10th aa;r of even -':'e 17551 (SEAL) City Clerk oi' the C:i -L, y of El Segundo, Californ'